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Old 04-06-2006, 11:45 AM   #316  
burned out bus driver
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Another repeat of yesterday..........HS/MS........want to strangle the assistant super. who dished this out to me. Bring on the advil!
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Old 04-09-2006, 02:15 PM   #317  
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Default just another day in paradise

All by myself here?! The weather stunk here yesterday....and besides Dd and I were/are fighting some sort of cold/bug. We were both pooped- she has some sniffles and a wee bit of a sore throat. We went to see Ice Age 2 yesterday- pretty good for a sequel although not nearly as good as the original. Got to church this morning (despite that I felt pretty miserable). Attempted 15 minutes on the treadmill. Still feel pooped. Oh well.....guess I should attempt to rake outside being that the weather is nice. I am not an inspired person here!
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Old 04-09-2006, 07:59 PM   #318  
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Ok day- did get out and rake/clean up the yard a bit. BTW, have I mentioned anytime recently that baseball s***s? Gee the season just started and I am SO sick of this already..........just a massive money pit in my book.
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Old 04-09-2006, 10:00 PM   #319  
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Hey! This week found me down .8 at the WI.... spent hours at baseball in the cold and drizzly rain! My nose won't stop running now! Came home with steamed shrimp for dinner....yummmm! Left an hour after dinner to join a dear friend for some socializing.... two mom's wanting to escape! Sat in a mexican restraunt's bar laughing our butts off at the Kareoke! Didn't get up to sing, but, of course, we sang at the tops of our lungs at times right at the table! My nsv was sitting drinking water with lemon and NOT eating or drinking ANYthing else! Got up, showered and then decided to go back to bed this morning! I cooked a huge brunch (which I didn't eat!) and read the paper, made the menu and plan for the week, made a shopping list and went off to face the crowd at walmart...... What a day! I guess going to school tomorrow will be a relief!

Gotta run now.... laundry in dryer and I am NOT ironing!
take care,
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Old 04-10-2006, 12:58 PM   #320  
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Hi Robyn,
I was just starting to think that I was going to be chatting by myself for a long time, or looking for some new friends here. Great to hear from you, and I know what a busy time of year this is. Sorry you had/have the sniffles. Dd and I have been fighting something similar. Are you feeling better, I hope? And get all that laundry done too? Glad you got out for some socializing. Bet it felt great. Congrats on the .8#loss. Down is better than up and all those .8's add up.........

Busy here- got some gardening done yesterday- Dh went to another double header of Dd's. LOTS of baseball/softball this week......and spring soccer started too. I have no life.
Better go.
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Old 04-10-2006, 07:19 PM   #321  
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I got the bug the kids had, so I haven't been around. I took Thursday off, but went to school Friday because we had parent-teacher days. None of my parents showed up... I'd seen two of them that week anyway, but I was kind of hoping that at least the one I don't get to talk to very often would show up. That's the parent of my Spanish speaker, and we need a translator. My school gets extra translators on these days, so we would have been able to talk.
I gave in and went to the doctor after work, and while I was sitting there, my pager went off. My Red Cross team is on call this month, and I just sat there shaking my head. I had to go down to my car and get my stuff. When I got in my doctor's office, she said that I have exactly what everybody else has had all week long. She gave me a script for cough syrup, and an inhaler. I'm avoiding the inhaler for now, though, and she was okay with that. Today is the first day I've felt human. Sunday was really icky.
I'm hoping to feel better enough that I don't have to cancel my dentist appointment on Wednesday. Its just a routine, but I like my dentist and she's in Baltimore. I never bothered to change since she's right near my old gym and I only go twice a year anyway.
I'm off to try out a recipe for ground-turkey stroganoff. I forgot to buy the onion though. Its ground turkey, low-fat cream of mushroom soup, mushrooms, and fat-free sour cream... with low-carb pasta.
It'll be nice to actually COOK!
Tomorrow I have to go over to the Red Cross to get orientation materials for my students; we're going to volunteer at the national convention! We're working at a local airport as greeters. That is going to be a lot of prep work for the kids, but I think we can handle it. I'm not sure if I can arrange it, but if I can, I'd like to take them over to the airport at least once before we go work there. I have to check with airport operations on having a school bus on the property. We almost lost the opportunity, because our Transition teacher was going to help us and was really enthusiastic and then backed off for some reason. I was going to dump the whole project, but when I was talking to our department chair, she said she would support it and go with us. So, I'm going to give it a shot. I figured that when the transition teacher said no, she was speaking for admin, but the department chair said she was not... and that if the Dean or the Prinicipal thought we shouldn't go, they'd tell us. I'm so used to people having hidden messages and not saying what they mean that I really second guess myself. I was trying to explain that to the department chair on Friday. I felt really silly, but I like this school and I really do think the administrators are sane... but I'm still worried because of what happened with those two kids who told all those lies.
And then I also have to go to my endocrinologist's office. I'm not sure I understand the message from her secretary. They have the prescriptions for my quarterly testing, and my primary care doctor added some stuff. My endo and primary care doctor work together and share test results... so I need the endo to combine 'scripts so the lab doesn't get confused. I think. I tried to tell the receptionist, but I don't think she understood me.
I also have that bamboo plant for her. A year ago, it was a great idea... but now I'm kind of scared to give it to her.
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Old 04-10-2006, 07:21 PM   #322  
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What was that I said about getting to cook???? I just got paged! Now, I have to wait and see if they do a second call for Red Cross support. Its a brush fire, so I may not know for a few hours. Of course, I'll find out quicker if I start cooking!!!!!
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Old 04-12-2006, 05:21 PM   #323  
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SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 04-12-2006, 09:18 PM   #324  
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Lucky you! I posted a longgg (wait...I tried to post!) a longggg note...that has gotten lost...twice... I don't have it in me right now to type it all again. So, this is going to be short....but my heart WAS there!

Mouse, hope you're on the mend.
Gin, lucky you! Spring Break! I am 2 days away...and I can TASTE it!

gotta run for now....take care!
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Old 04-14-2006, 08:16 AM   #325  
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Take me out to the ball game .................

BTW, guess I am officially plateauing here- someone PLEASE tell me how I managed to stay EXACTLY the same weight 3 WI's in a row?! Huh?????
Couldn't stay for the meeting yesterday...they handed me a bunch of literature on plateauing.......I'm bummed. And Atilla is in mode- ok I realize that he is still mourning his Df and in the anger phase of that (ticked at his Df for dying) but he seems to be taking it out on guess who...... Robyn you are in for one dilly of a PM when I get around to it.

Gotta go make breakfast. Happy day.......(double softball header)
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Old 04-15-2006, 06:00 AM   #326  
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Greeetings from NC! Sorry I have been such a stinker. Been so busy. Have been painting my livingroom all week. Got new loveseat and couch Monday.....Got it home, it was ripped....Took it back Tuesday....Got different one. Seems good. People were very nice about it. It's beautiful weather here. Going to Va Beach sometime today. The rest of my house is in disarray. Big time. But, atleast it's spring break.YIPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE.. AMEN.........
We have a case of whooping cough at our school! Yikes, what's up with that? It was actually a teacher who teaches one of the afterschool programs....I thought whooping cough was a thing of the past.....
Ginny: How have you been girl? Still being the baseball mom? Will you survive another season of neglect from hubby? I finally found my watp dvd...Yesterday. All of these videos fell out of the cabinet when I was rearranging. There it was...I definitely need to get started on that...ASAP.
Well the way I look at it at this point, not losing sucks, but gaining is worse....So, hang in there.
RObyn: School crazy as usual? How is weight watchers? Big plans for spring break? I have to get my teacher of the year portfolio done....Yuck...I have been putting it off for to long...It's quite tough...Maybe I will get inspired. ONe day is taken up with a doctor's appointment for my son...Finally......We have to go an hour away....I have no clue how to find this place...
Mouse: SOrry you are sick. The thing at the airport sounds nice for your kids...Everyone here has had some sort of crud too.....

Well, six am...Got to go to Walmart and pick up a few things...Fill up my car...Get ready to go to my mom's....Happy Easter and have a good weekend..


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Old 04-17-2006, 07:52 PM   #327  
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Evening, everybody.
Spring Break went WAAAAAAY to quickly! I enjoyed being home for 2.5 days (had to leave a bit earlier than planned because of some bad weather we were supposed to get down here that didn't show up till last night, but I did get to go to the farmer's market with my mother!). I did NOT enjoy getting yet another car repair bill. I called the lady that I typically deal with at the dealership and asked her to start looking for a car for me. I owe less than $1500 on my car now, and its not worth it to keep repairing the thing.
The kids were well behaved, although my ED kiddo was a bit more squirrely than usual, and my Spanish-speaker took first opportunity to go to sleep! Then, got mad when the TA woke him up to participate in the lesson.
My student who has gone over to the Dark Side of the Force (a friend's phrasing... he refers to her as 'Darth Student') cut school again, and was also absent 2 days before the break. I'm having trouble being disappointed... Especially since I had a mega-lesson to do with them on volunteering today. I think I mentioned we're going to do some stuff for the Red Cross, like other classes have done. Well, I can't ask them to work for a group they know nothing about or ask them to volunteer if they don't understand what volunteering is. I expected the lesson to really drag, but it didn't! They almost finished the graphic organizer, and watched a short video about what Red Cross volunteers do. It just goes to show what an effect Darth Student has on the other kids (that's how she earned the nickname; I was talking to my friend one night and noted how she seems to exercise powers of mind-control over them to get them to say or not say what she wants!). The kids were even able to explain, briefly, what we'd talked about when another teacher came in the room to ask me a question. I was very impressed!
I captured the attention of my ED kiddo by letting him use my Palm pilot to fill in the graphic organizer. Inspiration makes a version of their software for the Palm, and this kid loves technology! I made another student feel important by letting him do the activity on the desktop that is hooked to the TV so he could do the typing. We also have an awesome timeline of the history of the Red Cross that I'll show them on Wednesday.
I almost didn't make it to the pool after school, but the traffic was so good, I did get there. And was rewarded with a 'near the door' parking space!
I can only hope the rest of the week goes as well, though I'm still really nervous whenever I hear the principal and our dean together. I hate thinking I'm paranoid, but I guess I'm a little shell-shocked by my last experience.
Oh well: I'm off to look and see if I can't find some new pants. I hate the knit pants that I wear, but no other pants fit well because of the lump.
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Old 04-18-2006, 11:04 AM   #328  
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I have been officially on Spring Break since Friday at 4:00! Since then, I've gone to a baseball game and HatterasIsland! We went down on Saturday after the game and came home yesterday late! DH had work today and our baseball player has a game tonight! I do LOVE our friends who own the beach house who offer it freely to us whenever we can get down there! Sighhhh! We spent time on the beach on Sunday (it was a bit cool!) and most of the day on Monday! (The boys spent time in the water! IT wasn't THAT warm..... They are insane....and I didn't stop them from having fun! They are no worse for the wear..... altho the oldest did learn a lesson about not forgetting to put sunscreen on the tops of your feet! We pulled in puffer fish and sand sharks all day on Monday. I'll have to direct you to the photo of me kissing the shark when I find a home for it! We had a wonderful time!

I've got a lot of damage to "fix" with my is amazing what 1 trip to my favorite bakery down there will "fix" in my head and waist! I have NO control around what the bakery calls "apple uglies"........sigh! (The good news is that they are ALLLLL gone!)

Gonna run!
Take care!
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Old 04-19-2006, 10:28 AM   #329  
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Long and short of my sucks.........see ya later!
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Old 04-20-2006, 06:45 AM   #330  
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Painting finished.....Mother coming today...Yikes....I am up so early because I have to do a super quick run around the house and clean like a maniac.....I have a headache....Miss ya'll....
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