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Old 03-14-2006, 09:38 PM   #286  
Swimming Mouse
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The whole highly qualified teacher thing is totally bogus. I have met the licensing requirements of 3 states, for advanced certification in ALL states. The same agencies that tell me I'm not highly qualified, appointed me to a committee that determined the cut score for the test for NEW teachers in my field. I was also just invited to join (I'd expressed interest a year ago) the professional standards committee for teachers of kids with developmental disabilities with the Council for Exceptional Children. But, I'm not highly qualified. 1.5 master's degrees from Johns Hopkins also doesn't have me highly qualified (the 2nd one will be a certificate of advanced graduate study, and the state regs for REGULAR teachers say that a CAGS in their field makes them HQT automatically. Doesn't float for special ed teachers!).
And, as I said, only teachers of kids with mental ******ation are required to be HQT in all 4 core areas in all grade levels K-12. NOBODY ELSE! Other teachers might be required to be HQT in 4 core areas, but only at the grade levels they teach! But, because of what we do, and that we might reasonably have some kids doing life skills, and others doing some credit courses, we have to have both! Otherwise, my kids get sent to a teacher with a degree in the subject area. It does a couple of really bad things: One, it forces schools to place my kids into mainstream classes if they don't have enough self-contained LD classes or teachers, and Two, if the kid can't handle the standards in those 4 core classes at that level (state testing), they can't get anyhting but a IEP diploma. They have no chance at anything else... whereas, if they were with me, I could modify it but remain within state standards. Most regular ed teachers and teachers of kids with learning disabilities don't have those skills!
I got to swim today, but I'm plaing "track your package" with FedEx again. They still refuse to leave packages at my rental office if they require a signature. I've told them that if they can get the cat to open the door, he might sign it for them, but it was probably unlkely. He can open the door, but he's not good at signing his name. I called them, and was even told my package was at one place, but when I got there, I found out the package was more than 35 miles away from me in a whole different city!
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Old 03-15-2006, 04:57 PM   #287  
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Well, Mouse, the whole HQ thing sounds confusing to me, and well, a bit misguided. But then that would not be the first time that something like that seemed out of whack. Guess what does not make sense is why the spec ed teachers need more.....but then I am not an educator, so what do I know. Anyway......sorry 'bout your Fed EX woes. At least you got a swim in (was the lane hog there?)

Survived another day...up 2.4# at WW, some of that was winter clothes (it was much warmer last week). Aw, I am SO sick of this.....wish I could just get rid of these #'s and be done with it!!!!!!!
Monsters were ok, I guess. Very loud.
Off to make dinner. Nite!
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Old 03-16-2006, 08:19 PM   #288  
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Well... it has certainly been an interesting couple of days...
I finally managed to liberate my package from FedEx, but not before they called me foul names on the phone. They insisted that they could NOT leave the package at the rental office, so I finally convinced them to re-route it to my school... but even then, they insisted I be called out of my classroom to sign for it!
While I was doing that, I heard that the paid staff person with my Red Cross chapter (Disaster Services) left... That was a shocker, because I saw her on Sunday. I haven't been out to the chapter in at least 2 months (during the workday... I was there one weekend for a class, but didn't see anybody), so I had no idea. I do remember thinking that the behavior at the holiday party I walked in on (by accident) was strange, but other than that, nothing. The person that our paid staff person replaced had left for Arizona, and is now back in the area, so she has re-taken the position. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this yet.
You might remember that one of the reasons that I was more willing to move here and work where I am was because of that particular chapter. Now, though, I'm worried: if there are unethical or things I can't support going on there, I can't stay. I have been worried that this is the only chapter I've ever been with that hasn't welcomed my students with open arms... but I tossed that one off to the lack of a youth services coordinator and my being new. I also don't have much time to make a decision: I'm one of the team managers, and my team is on in April. I also do not have a local chapter to go to, because I really don't like the person that runs the chapter for the county I live in.
I'm also swamped at school: lots of IEPs due, summer school stuff, testing, etc. I have managed to get swimming twice this week: although, everytime I go that lady that screamed at me on Monday is there... and glares. Its always REALLY crowded, with 2 and 3 people to a lap lane. I am having the MRI on my ankle done tomorrow. I called today to make the appointment, and she had an evening appointment for tomorrow open. I took it: she had 4:00 and 5:30. I was really surprised, because I figured it would take a couple of weeks to get in. It is an enclosed MRI, but my head will stick out, so I'll be okay, I think. Of course, it means I can't swim... unless I go after the appointment, which is unlikely. It'll take an hour they said. I won't have to leave school too early, either: its in the same building as my endocrinologist's office, so I know I can get there from school in minutes. I'm going to try and bring my iPod with me. I know you can't have metal in the machine, but if my head is sticking out, maybe I can have the iPod.
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Old 03-20-2006, 07:28 AM   #289  
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Off for another exciting day in pupil transportation..........wonder how many a**holes I will meet on the road today. Hope everyone has a great week, though......
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Old 03-20-2006, 07:40 PM   #290  
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Mouse- good luck with the MRI........hope you can use the IPOD, but I doubt that it will be metal at all I think is the rule and although I am no computer whiz the magnetic end of this could just end up screwing up an IPOD. It is a very strong magnet.

Survived today........miracle of miracles, made it thru a day w/o some screw up passing my reds! And if I am a good girl and stay out of the kitchen I will be well within plan for the day.
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Old 03-20-2006, 07:55 PM   #291  
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I'm just going to say that since I last posted the only good things that have happened are that I got to swim Saturday and Sunday, my new swim student is pretty decent, and I survived the MRI.
The rest of it, just sucks. I'm having issues with a student & his parents over an IEP. Its too long to go into. I had to abandon an entire research project on the disabilities that the kids have becuase it "upset them".
At least my administration is being fair about it. I was meeting with admin during my entire lunch period, so that meant no swimming because I hadn't eaten since 7:30 this morning.
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Old 03-21-2006, 08:16 PM   #292  
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Sorry things are going so badly.....sounds like the week that Robyn and I were having (miles away from each other of course!) last week or so. On the bright side, the MRI was ok and you did get some swimming time in....did you get the test results yet?

Me, I ended up writing a letter to my parents about the stupid moron who passed me at 60 mph. I did get my supervisors blessing on this one.....both she and the dept head read the thing and gave me an ok to hand it out.
(I am terrified that a kid will get hurt). So now, somehow I annoyed the principal (I have not even spoken to her) because the parents are calling her asking what she can do about some crummy drivers.......and of course she called my dept head......shoot me now.
WW tomorrow and tons of errands....I hate to shop. Hopefully the darned scale will be down.
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Old 03-21-2006, 08:36 PM   #293  
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Well... I'm not sure if it is good or bad, but the kid is off my caseload now. He's not my responsibility or problem anymore. He went home yesterday and told his mother that I "scared him again". Mind, now, this apparently happened after I gave him the lollipop I got in my mailbox. The staff was asked to help the Junior class by filling in and participating in one of those DataMatch (you get matched up with other staff; kinda like a dating game). I have 2 juniors, so I said I'd do it. They gave us the candy as a thank-you. WEll, I'm not a huge lollipop fan anyway, shouldn't eat it because its sugar, and it was a green-apple one. It it had been grape or something, I' might have saved it. Instead, I offered it for grabs to the kids. One kid was in chil time, so he couldn't have it. The other two included this kid and another. The other didn't want it, this kid did. So I gave it to him. He took my lollipop, ate it, but I scare him??? I sat there and thought, "Gonif!". A gonif is a thief. Depending on how you say it, it could be a joke or it could be a really bad kind of thief; the kind that talks about you behind your back and still eats at your table.
I made my TA stay in the room with us the whole time yesterday so he wouldn't be able to say I did anything. He still did. I had to dump an entire research project because of him and my chronic absentee. And that one is going to go home tonight and tell her father another lie about me. She's mad because I made her do work today... they were stuffing envelopes for a local golf company. The company pays the kids with free miniture golf games, which is really cool. By state law, they're not allowed to pay tem for the work because its a training set up. She feels, apparently, that stuffing envelopes is beneath her... Never mind that both myself and my TA as well as all the adults in the severe disabilities class stuffed envelopes. Oh, and I made her use a pencil for her crossword puzzle in the Transition class today. I asked them to use a pencil because they often get the words wrong and she scribbles it out. She didn't have one, so she just sat there. Then she got out her pen when she thought I wasn't looking and I said, "I asked you to use a pencil." "I don't have one." "Well, what can you do about that?" (I had a pencil sitting right in front me, and two more on my desk!) "I don't know." "You don't know how to get a pencil if you need one?" "No". So the other kid in the class told her to ask me for it. But, she's mad about it.
And then, to top it off, she was supposed to go to vo-tech for assessment today and purposefully didn't get on the bus when she was supposed to.
I swear. This child's birthday is Thursday, we're going to lunch on Friday... and I so want to cancel the whole trip!!! She doesn't DESERVE anything special! I already told the Dean that she told another kid in the class that she was going to tell her Dad on me. I feel like I'm dealing with 2nd grade tattletales!
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Old 03-22-2006, 05:36 PM   #294  
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Aw please is it Friday yet???????????? Today was horrible...........
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Old 03-22-2006, 07:41 PM   #295  
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I wish it were Friday. Actually, I wish it were June. So, now, all of my kids swear they are scared of me, and they are repeating that their parents are saying that they don't want me to come back.
I'm too "expressive". Apparently, the kids think I hate them because I have high expectations and they think I yell at them when they can't meet them. Nobody has asked my TA if this happens...
Okay, so I'm completely paranoid now. I'm afraid that they're going to do the same thing the last place did; just make up stuff. I don't know what to do. I've tried talking to the kids, but they can't/don't/won't answer me.
And if that weren't bad enough, I totally missed my class because they insisted on having this discussion right before I left. I couldn't leave the building till 3:50, and there is no way I can get there by 4:30 with the traffic around here. I barely make it somedays hwen I leave at 3:30. I didn't even bother to try, because we have to "plead our case" to be allowed to take the quizzes if we're late and be part of the class.
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Old 03-23-2006, 10:55 AM   #296  
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Hang in there Mouse........the weekend is coming. Perhaps with a few days off tempers will cool. Must be something in the air, my kiddies gave me a real run for the money too yesterday.
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Old 03-23-2006, 05:28 PM   #297  
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Tomorrow I am actually going out for breakfast with a coworker!! Doing something for myself!!!!! Gee, this is rare! After that the whole darned weekend is , alas baseball.
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Old 03-23-2006, 06:05 PM   #298  
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I'm hanging... hanging... trying. Its hard, let me tell you. I'm hard enough on myself when I make a mistake; to think that the administrators are watching, again... and over stuff that isn't even happening. I was told that my student that speaks Spanish has improved SO MUCH this year; my ED kid has improved his behvior SO MUCH this year. Can't I... shouldn't I... get credit for developing a program that has reached those kids?
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Old 03-27-2006, 08:25 PM   #299  
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Well, it is Monday....but at least Monday is over. Drove a trip mid day (I really wanted to clean up my messy house, but the trip came up, and we needed the $$$$. The one good thing about the trip is that I had about an hour and a half to kill while gone......went for a nice walk...up a massive hill and my legs will kill me tomorrow!

Mouse- hang in there ok?! Yup, I would give you credit.......sounds as though you work in a system that does not allow individual credit (or the moron at the top takes all the credit).

Sorry to be short......gotta go. Tomorrow is another busy day. Have to take Ds to the Dr.
See ya!
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Old 03-28-2006, 06:36 PM   #300  
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running in for a fly by posting.....
I'm trying to reel myself in........ I'm struggling with my own 2 children currently. The end of the term is this Friday. So I have junk going on within my own class as well.... gotta finish all the end of the marking period testing and get grades and report cards done... and try not to go NUTSo on my two ds who are not doing what I want them to do which makes me nuts! (WHOOOO gave them the right to have their own opinion??? That and grow chin whiskers???)

Hope you're hanging in there Mouse..... How frustrating.
Gin, You're a saint to drive that bus! Our bus driver for the field trip was a riot!

gotta run, the kids are fighting... yet again!
take care, ya'll!
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