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Old 04-20-2006, 04:50 PM   #331  
burned out bus driver
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Hi Pam! Gee you should have painted my house......Dd's room needs it badly.
Hope your visit with Dm goes well.
Robyn- glad all those apple thingamagicies are gone.......hope they do not stay around for WI time. You have lots of time until Saturday. How has spring break been treating you?
Mouse-shoot, you are back to school already? How did the meeting go with the principal and dean go?

Me, just busy. Tuesday, Dd and I took my Dm's cat to the vet (fat kitty!) then went off to Dd (19 yr) softball double header. A pleasant day, but WAY too much softball for me, and then we went out for dinner with Dd, her roomate and her parents. I was SUCH a good girl. Had 13 points going into dinner, and had one slice of pizza and a diet coke......Dd's roomates dad ate one whole pizza......boy would my WW leaders ever have been proud of me for nursing that one slice during his pizza orgy. Had WI yesterday- down 1.8# FINALLY- after 3 weeks of the same exact weight. Today, just some gardening, yard work. Tomorrow Dd and I are going into the city to the museum of natural history. Should be fun. Dh and Ds are around Annapolis- some dumb baseball tournament. And they went to the slugfest at Camden Yards last nite. Dh called me today........actually said he missed me and that he was "sick of baseball and softball!".
Methinks he is finally coming around......about a week ago, I sort of laid it on the line- regarding how we really need to keep our romance going (largely due to me swallowing all kinds of crow I have been turning up the heat recently on him). Maybe, just maybe he is getting the message. I've told him we need to get away on an overnite for our anniversary (late May)...think it is starting to register with him. Maybe I can stop looking for that negligee with baseball stitches on it afterall....... (believe me I am not getting too optimistic here).
Babbled enough here........this stinks that the week is almost over.
Take care everyone.
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Old 04-21-2006, 06:32 AM   #332  
burned out bus driver
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I must be insane.......pray for me my friends.....going into the city.........and I can't decide between driving there and I HATE driving there and with the gas and parking it will be so expensive or taking the bus......which will take forever, but at least be relaxing.
Have a fun!
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Old 04-22-2006, 07:56 AM   #333  
Swimming Mouse
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Good morning.
I came home last night to a nice clean apartment. I found a college student to clean it, and she did a pretty decent job. I apparently need a new vaccuum cleaner, though, because the one I've got is dead. It couldn't have died a few months earlier when it was still under its contract, could it???? I'm not buying a cheap one this time. I need a good one that will pick up the dang cat litter!
The school week was okay, although Thursday my ED kiddo was very much his oldself... likely due to schedule changes. He had an early dismissal for a doctor's appointment one day, and forgot his meds another, plus forgot his glasses 4 out of 5 days (on purpose). We call Mom for meds and glasses, so she had to come over here twice this week.
He had earned lunch from me, but wanted to go to the library instead, so I let him come with us for community instruction on Friday, and he did pretty well.
I haven't had the meeting with the Dean and principal yet; they just tried to set it up on Thursday. I have to admit to being more nervous than I should be, and so I didn't deal with it Thursday. I waited till Friday to answer it.
We had a career fair this week, and two of my kids went... both picked up job applications.
I'm seriously considering going out for breakfast this morning; I have been pretty good all week... and breakfast foods are things I can eat since I avoid the potatoes and biscuits. I have a paper to write for my graduate class, and we have group presentations next week. The professor is rather disorganized, though, so the group presentations aren't much. I only have one IEP left to write... We did my Spanish speaker's IEP on Thursday evening. I don't know what I did, but when I copied it, half of it didn't wind up where it was supposed to wind up. It was very strange.
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Old 04-22-2006, 07:23 PM   #334  
burned out bus driver
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Mouse, I have news for you- the expensive vacuums are no great improvement. Parts break just as much.......I think we are dealing with "planned obsolesence" here on the part of the manufacturers. Stinks for us consumers.......

Made it back from NYC and I even drove. Dd and I had a blast.....see ya later.
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Old 04-22-2006, 10:52 PM   #335  
Swimming Mouse
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But... do the expensive vacuums survive longer? The cat litter keeps killing mine! I just want one that is going to suck up cat litter, and clean the carpet!

Only thing new here is that we could have had swimming lessons outside tonight!
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Old 04-23-2006, 06:40 PM   #336  
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Hey yall! I'm heading back to the salt mines after a GLORIOUS week of being on Spring Break! Didn't mean to ignore you folks.... I just have been busy doing ...I'm not too sure what!

So. Here I am. This week is going to be crazy..... after school hours! DH has to work nights all week..... and I've got something to do EVERY day this week after school. Tuesday, is DH's day off and I have a hair appointment so..... He is going to make pizza for the boys that night.....The rest of the week is all planned out. I just have to finish living through TODAY! I'm REALLY over points..... but hey... it is my birthday afterall! Tomorrow I face the real world a year older ....and measuring EVERYTHING.... while eliminating some of the tastier treats that have been served to me today by my meaning well family! (I COULDNT let them down by not eating their hard COULD I???) hehehehe...

Gotta run.... will check in tomorrow!
take care
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Old 04-24-2006, 12:29 PM   #337  
burned out bus driver
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Happy birthday Robyn!!!!!!!!! (sorry I forgot to check my calendar.........)
You aren't older, just like fine wine my dear, much better!!!!

Mouse- I have an expensive vacuum that had parts fail on it within the first year. My cheapo bissell picks up cat litter just fine- got it for $40 at Walmart.

I am going to start a new thread.....see ya'll there.
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