Teachers Successfully Losing Weight/happy New Year Edition!!!

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  • Let this be the year we all see our dreams and goals come true!!!
  • Afternoon Everyone:
    I am hoping that everyone is having a great day so far! My kids are slowly driving me insane. I will work really hard not to indulge like I did last night and eat 3 cookies from Subway. Than I felt guilty afterwards. But I know I did it from the stress of my kids yesterday. So far so good.
    Summer thanks for starting a new thread. That was very sweet of you!
    I am very saddened by the news about the miners from WV. I just can't believe what those families must be feeling and going through right now. Please keep the miners' families in your thoughts and prayers.
    Robyn, I hope you are able to make it through the day without making your mathkiddo cry. I loved your teacher post-it story. Hope you catch back up on your sleep soon.
    Hello to everyone else! It is time for my recess duty and I still need to run to the bathroom. So I will chat with you all later.
    Have a wonderful afternoon!
  • Well today was my first day back to school, and tomorrow is the last day of my week. Friday is Three King's Day, and we have it off. My daughter has school, and this is the one day of the year I have off by myself. It will give me a chance to do some errands without carting her along complaining. Last year it ended up being a snow day for her, and I was pretty pissed. It is supposed to snow on Friday! Wouldn't you know it?! "The best made plans of mice and men..."

    I had a healthy eating day (my first one in months) until dinner when I broke down and ordered pizza. Well, I did have an excellent day, just one destructive meal. IT WON'T SET ME OFF ONTO A BINGE. I did it, and it is over.

    Kerry, I was really upset by the news of the miners. On the front page of today's newspaper, it reads, "12 Miners Found Alive." I can't imagine how horrific it must be for their families.

    When life gets tough, just remember how much worse it could be. Stay warm.
  • Hello!

    I've got a ton of work to do before I am able to get into bed.... so I'm off to do it! Wanted to say hello and report that the duct tape really helped! Had a very good / healthy eating day.....But don't worry, it wasn't cause mathbaby suddenly became a mathmagician! I was literally banging my head on the wall during math. (all this joy and a paycheck too?!)

    I found the news from the WVa coal mine to be simply tragic... for so many reasons! I couldn't stop the tears..... finally just turned the television off! Aren't we lucky ....to be able to push the button and turn tragedy off?!

    take care,
  • 'Morning!
    I too was horribly upset with the situation in WVa and the miners........had trouble sleeping that nite (normal for me when school is in session) and woke up to watch some TV at 1......then they were still saying there were 12 survivors. Then got up at 4:45 to do the treadmill and heard the truth.......oh how awful....disgusting.... Those poor families, can't imagine their pain and anger.

    SUmmer- thanks for starting a new thread. Keep up the good work with healthy eating.....you sound determined, and that is good.

    Robyn- hurray for duct tape! ( I swear by the stuff.....) Don't bang your head too hard.....don't want to see you hurt. And hey, where else can you be paid and have live entertainment too???? Hope today is a good one for you!

    Kerry- hope you can find a way to deal with the awful stress monster.......kids are tough this time of year, the weather is crummy (cooped up energy) they have just come off of a week of no structure.....and now they have to cooperate! Gee, the nerve of us!!!!!! Better days are coming...even if those days are in the middle of June.

    My monsters were ok. Sort of. Roads were poor in the am, ok in the pm. Did sneak to WW.......long story there (took one fellow driver with me who joined). Today I have tons of errands to do while off.......gee, isn't this fun, ladies????? I forgot how much I enjoy living my life in high gear all the time .
    Shut up Ginny.....gotta get ready to face the critters. Have a good day all!
  • Just a quick check-in...

    You know how I was concerned about not having Friday off to myself to do much needed errands in peace? Well, I was watching the weather reports all day, and it turns out that the storm has moved out to the ocean, and there will be no snow day for DD. I was in a great mood today knowing that I could do my thing without a crabby 8 year-old in tow and on a day that most schools are in session leaving me with less crowds.

    I arrived home from the gym tonite at 5:09pm to find my DH bringing in DD's things from his car with no sign of DD. Well, the little stinker had puked all over herself at school and again in the car. She has since continued to puke and will surely be moving on to dry heaves any time now.

    What is it with me having just one weekday to myself while everyone else is at work? It happens just once a year, and I've missed it for the past few. I can just picture my mother and God having a great giggle over this.

    Gotta go and rub DD's back while she chokes up her internal organs.

    I'll get personal tomorrow when she is better.
  • Evening, all.
    In case anybody was curious, this mouse thinks all of the following (according to her students): they are brats, they are stupid, they are liars, and I don't trust any of them. Uh-huh. At least one of my kids wasn't yanked out of class by the Sheriff's Office after they found drugs in his locker! That was the teacher for the kids in the ED program. My ED kiddo is doing surprisingly well, although he's lost his point sheet 2 days running. And here I was worried that I might actually have to buy him that $5 gift card to Blockbuster!
    He can lose 5 points per week and still earn that. The first day and the second day he had 49 points each, and tomorrow is the last day... but then he lost his point sheet before Wednesday & Thursday were recorded!
    He also applied to be on the principal's advisory committee. I asked our principal to please put him on the committee if she can, because I've been trying to get him involved in something positive all year; he just LOVES our head principal. After seeing her with my kids, I'm growing rather fond of her myself (we'll see if that lasts once I tell her that Hopkins has changed the day and time of my class yet again!).
    Today was one of those days where I couldn't eat, so I'm afraid that I gave in to the McDonald's nextdoor. I was too beat to even think about cooking... Of course, I've been sick ever since, but at least that keeps me from eating badly too often. I was really good last night: baked beans, 3 ounces of roast beef, half of a 3 ounce 95% lean burger, some cheese and a no-carb flatbread. The assistant principal in charge of special education is buying the department pizza tomorrow. :sigh: I wish he'd buy us salad or sandwiches (I could at least take the bread off!).
    I'm also on the count down for the last PT appointments: Tomorrow, and 2 next week, that's it! But the weren't willing to let me go back to the gym when I asked on Tuesday because they are afraid I'll fall again. I'm going to ask again, because I did see a different therapist for some reason.
    Of course, being discharged from PT comes with the caveat that "if it gets worse" I'm supposed to go back to the orthopedist to explore other options. I'm not sure what exactly that is supposed to mean, seeing as how I can't really feel anything in the ankle... and the only time it "gets worse" is when I fall on my nose. Which I am doing with astonishing regularity.
    I am glad tomorrow is Friday....

  • Hey!!!!
    Summmerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!Welcome Back!!
    I was much like you watching the biggest loser marathon until midnight the other night, and then had a hard time getting up the next morning. Didn't Suzy look hot????I couldn't believe the change in that Matt. My son's girlfriend and I both thought he looked like Norm from CHeers when we first starting watching. WOw, what a difference.....

    It's been a tough week. Not the kids, just getting back into the swing of things........The alarm went off this morning, and I honestly wasn't sure what day it was. It took me quite a while to realize that darn........it was only Thursday.....

    Been doing pretty good this week........Not great, but ok. My body hasn't adjusted to school bathroom time and is quite rebellious....Ughhh.
    I feel like I have to go the bathroom all the time. I'm getting it together. I think the not eating out, not that we could afford to................will really help. Getting the total gym tomorrow. I have been trying to get this piece of equipment for a week, so she is just going to bring it to school tomorrow. YIPPPPEEEEE

    Had to order my birth certificate so we could get a passport, and it ended up costing me $48! Yikes, that's expensive.....It's my own fault for procrastinating.

    Does anyone know how to upload pictures on here????I have a couple I was gonna post to show a before and "now" picture....But, don't know how to do it...

    Gotta get going...SOrry not to get personal.
  • Hey ya'll!

    Eating has been in control (within points, let leave it at that! Can NOT get the water in to save my life...will try again tomorrow! It is cold and yicky and I can NOT get to the restroom from 8 until sometime around 1 - 1:15....so many excuses! I am going to try to put it in smaller bottles...I realize that THAT is just playing with my mind....but, desperate times call for stupid measures!

    I'm sorry to hear that everyone is stressed... but I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only psycho having difficulties after only 4 days! MathBaby'sDaddy dropped in to see me! ....AND actually verbalized his support for me, my efforts, class discipline plan AND his concern! Holey Moley...someone go put a log on the fire down in hades ....it is about to freeze over down there! New reading series that I'm piloting is um, interesting.... we are making progress at the speed of light...this is due to the reading teacher placing most of my children wayyyyy to low...when I argued this point, she demanded that I use her placements...I shrugged and said in my best 14 year old's tone "Whatever!" We are making great progress.....but I'm sorta worried that I'm doing "IT" right... I hate to have to teach using manuals....you know, after 100 years, you sorta "got it!"....but with this, I'm actually turning the pages in my teachers manual.......sigh! Next year, I'll know what I'm doing! Kids are loving our science unit right now....... as am I! (Animals!) They beg for more! Today was actually sunny! Temperatures in low 50s! We actually went outside for recess today! They ran around like lunatics after being cooped up for the whole week! Oh enough about school!

    Today I signed up for a new step aerobics class that is being offered at my school on Mondays and Wednesdays right after school for 45 minutes! There is no cost AND the teacher has steps for us to use! Whhoooohooooo! Now, I am a bit concerned about my bursitis.... BUT, the gal running the class and I are going to try to figure out how I can do this and not cry myself to sleep each night! I am so thrilled that this opportunity has opened up! THIS might be a way that I can actually get in some exercise into my life! ...and for FREE! THAT is in my exercise budget! Whooohooo!

    I've babbled enough.... Summer, I'm so very sorry that your 3KingsDay (LUCKEEEEE - in my best Napoleaon voice with eyeroll added as a special touch!) has been YET ruined! Hope your daughter is feeling better soon...
    AND that you don't get whatever IT is! Or your Saturday could be horrid too!
    Good luck.... and well, perhaps you should get the school system to cancel this holiday off ..... seeing how you haven't been able to enjoy it for years now!

    Gin, stay safe on those roads! I head to WW before dawn on Saturday morning... I have GOT to get my head back in this game! I can NOT pay to gain weight OR even stay the same! I also need to invent some sort of sweet snack that has zero points no matter how much you eat.... I'm SO addicted to sugar it is scary....AND stress makes me even crazier for it!

    Mouse, yahooo regarding nearly being done with PT! Sorry you got sick from your visit to the golden arches! How is your little car heater? LOL Ours won't leave our bed in hopes that the electric blanket will be accidently left on! hehehe

    Hello to everyone else... I've gotta go do my favorite thing on the planet...LAUNDRY (YUCK!) Talk to you later....
    take care,
    Hey Pam! Where are you going that you need the passport...I know a cruise...but details, details! I feel your pain about the restroom honey! I'm with you!!
  • Pam.....way up at the top of the page...on the far right ...gallery... but then you are on your own! I remember posting a photo a longgg time ago.... and it was nearly as confusing as getting the darn ticker updated! Good luck! Make a gallery for us! maybe we can post our photos!
  • Evening All:
    Thank God tomorrow is Friday! I have had one of those weeks. I felt bad for my poor sdd tonight. I told her last night that I would take her to Curves again tonight with me after I came home from work. Well had a long day with my MH kids, then our one custodarin had a heart attack this afternoon, the afterschool kids were loud and wild, and then got behind a slow driver on the one main state route that is hilly and curvy. So I was pooped by the time I got home. She meets me at the front door and says are you ready now?. I almost lost it on her, but thank God my dh said something to her before I let her have it. She did back off and let me put my stuff down, go use the bathroom and change my clothes. After our workout, she said that I was in a much better mood and that she now knows why I look forward to my workouts at Curves on my bad days at school. Then came home, changed clothes and headed to Wal-mart with my dh after the kids were picked up. I guess my sdd got mad at her mom tonight when her mom told her that she was going to get a baked sub from the local pizza shop for dinner. She told her mom that she wanted a sub from Subway and that she was tired of being fat. So I can't wait for the ex to come and complain to my dh and I that we have put these thoughts in her daughter's head. But my sdd was the one that came to us and said she was tired of being overweight at 9 years-old (144 lbs.) and wanted to be healthier. Plus fitter for softball this summer. Her mom has not had her or her brother's to their regular family doctor for over two years. The doctor was shocked when she saw my sdd on Monday for her physical to be able to do Curves. She spoke straight at her and explained everything to her. Told her to tell her mommy to feed her healthier foods and drop 30-35 pounds. Enough babbling by me.
    Summer, glad to have you back with us again! Sorry your little dd is sick. Like Robyn said maybe you should just see if the school will cancel that holiday since you never get to enjoy the day off! Hope you don't catch whatever your little one has. Try to enjoy your day off tomorrow!
    Mouse, don't feel bad about the McDonald's dinner. My dh and I went through the drive-thru at Wendy's for dinner tonight. I got the Grilled Chicken sandwich combo meal and just ate the sandwich and drank the iced tea. But now I am hungry again and trying really hard not to get into the cravings. Hope you are feeling better! Glad to hear that you are almost done with your PT. Hope that they release you back to swimming soon! I also feel your pain about your students. I feel the same way for two or three of mine right now! I think we can make it through one more day this week, can't we?
    Pam, glad that you will get your total gym tomorrow. After you get use to it, you will have to tell us all about it. Whether you like it or not. I know what you mean about trying to get into the swing of things with school and sleeping. I woke up this morning and thought it was the weekend at first. I was wondering why in the world I set my alarm for 5:30 on a weekend. Then a minute it later it dawned on me that it was only Thursday. So I dragged my sorry butt at of bed to workout. My wish is that we can get back into a normal routine by next week and it won't be so rough on us all. Have fun working out this weekend on your new piece of fitness equipment!
    Robyn, glad to hear MathBaby's dad is on the same page as you on a lot of things. So many times parents tend to be on a different page than us and it explains a lot of things that we see as problems with their child. Hope you can balance out the water issue and get in your daily water! Maybe the smaller bottles might help you. If you only drank one or two in the mornings and than drank the rest of your water in the afternoons after getting home from school. Good luck at WW's this weekend!
    Hi to Ginny, Sue, Michelle and Fran!
    I opened my big mouth at school about a Wellness Challenge that our local hospital and YMCA is sponsoring. So today was the day to sign up for it. They were only taking the first 30 callers with a team of 3 to 5 people on it. We tried for over an hour to get through to them. Finally got through and was told that they already had their 30 teams and a couple alternate teams. So it looks like I am spear heading a Biggest Loser Contest for my whole school. We are going to do it by teams. But that is about as far as I have gotten so far. We are thinking about having everyone give $10-20 to pot and than the team that loses the most splits the money. Wish me luck putting this contest together.
    Well I need to go get my water jug and lunch ready for tomorrow. Check in with you all tomorrow. Have a great night's sleep!
  • Hi everyone! I'm new to this site!
    Hello fellow teachers,

    I am quite happy to see that there is a support group for teachers. I'm a 38 year old Grade 3 French Immersion teacher from Whitby, Canada. I've been teaching for the past 11 years. I've been married for the past three years to my wonderful husband Brian who has been supportive with the ups and downs of my days in the classroom. Although teaching can be a stressful profession, it is quite rewarding and I wouldn't be happy doing anything else!

    I would love to correspond with you in sharing the joys and frustrations of teaching. As well, share ideas on how to deal with the stress head-on without resorting to comfort foods like chocolate!

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I'm heading back to my class this Monday and look forward to starting the new year with a positive attitude toward healthy eating.

    Thanks for listening!

  • to our thread, Tonita! I'm literally running out the door this morning...but will be back to type more to you! You've come to the right
    place for folks who understand what IT is like....and why our desk drawer
    contains chocolate at alllllllllll times!

    take care,
    Robyn who tends to sign her notes meeee
  • Welcome to our group Tonita! You came to the right place to get support about life's challenges with teaching, stress and getting healthier. We have a wonderful group of ladies that post here all the time. So I hope you find the support and advice you need from us.
    To the rest of you TGIF! I can't wait until 2:45 today. I am going to run my kids to their bus and than make a mad dash for my minivan for sanity and freedom! LOL
    Talk to you all later. Have a great Friday!
  • Hey TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Welcome Tonita!
    I am so glad this week is over, even if it was a short week. I just can't get it together. I have been STARVING like all the time this week. I just feel hungry all the time. If I could only not eat so much......For example, last night, I made tacos, now I use extra extra lean ground beef and either low fat or fat free everything else.....However, I ended up eating four which put me over my points AGAIN.......Help!

    The total gym is in the car! I am going to bring it in in a minute, but at the moment, am cooking brocolli.......See, I am all ready to eat dinner. I will be cooking shortly. Boneless skinless chicken breast but.....making broccoli casserole.....Ok, so the points on that aren't great I'm sure, but my son's girlfriend loves it and she is begging for it.....We love it too......

    Robyn: Leaving around March 1st....Going to Miami.....to the Keys....To Cazamel....(spelling).....be back on the sixth.....We are trying to get plane tickets that will work for our schedules....The cruise leaves the 2nd, but looks like we will have to leave the first in order to make sure we make it on time....I have NEVER flown EVER.....Little nervous about that...So, the cruise line says we need passports. That's why I seriously need to get in gear and lose a little more weight...I have to have a formal evening gown for one night. That should be fun. SInce my hubby is the best man at his brothers wedding, he is paying for the cruise. However, it is ending up costing us a fortune cause we both had to have birth certificates, he has to get a nice suit, don't think our "piggly wiggly" luggage will make it, so we need new suitcases, and formal attire, as well as plane tickets. That looks like it is going to cost us around 500 . Dang, we could have bought them one **** of a wedding present if they would have just gotten married in Virginia Beach . I'm excited about going, just a lot of expense right here after Christmas.... Oh, not to mention extra money.....But, they paid for everyone to go on this cruise.....Wish I had that kind of dough...

    Hey to everyone else........
    HUNGER IS GETTING THE BETTER OF ME...I"LL report back after I try the total gym.
