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Old 01-17-2006, 04:11 PM   #121  
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Spent all this time typing and then it disappeared on me. Ughhh.
No work for me today. With kids anyway...We had a workday. I really got a lot accomplished.

Ginny: How's the kitty? I really miss my cat so much. I just don't see how you get up at 4:30 and are awake to cook dinner. I seriously could not function.

Robyn: No problem. Fun chatting with you. By the way, the kid we kept is still here...........He hasn't been home yet Don't even say it......He's got to go home eventually. Maybe I'll suggest it forcefully.....

Mouse: I love Big lots too! Photo paper is so much cheaper there. I agree about the specialist. Yes it does suck having to go to another doctor, but maybe this one will be the one to help you with your problem. Good luck with that.

Leia: I am on flex too. I love it........It really doesn't feel like a diet. SOmetimes it is really hard for me to control portions. Especially if we go out to eat.

Michele......Testing....Ewwwww. We don't have ours until the end of May. Thank goodness. Congrats on the weight loss. As of today, I am at my pre Christmas weight....The trick now is to go down instead of back up. I'm working on that.

Kerry: Loved my nap, didn't excercise...........Going to try and have a walk before dinner. The weather is beautiful almost 65. Feels like a spring day. Guess we won't have snow days this winter. We keep getting thunderstorms. However, I have car duty in the afternoons this month, so I am loving the weather right now! Good luck with your weigh in.

Anyone I forgot??????Sorry.....if I missed you. I'm not taking a chance scrolling back to the previous screen, that's how I lost the last post.

Have a great day!

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Old 01-17-2006, 07:11 PM   #122  
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Good evening, everybody!

Pam: It is supposed to be really warm here too, tomorrow, but this afternoon it was just damp and bitter. Even I noticed how cold my classroom was (beyond what I normally feel!) when one of my kids could see his breath! My classroom controls the temperature in 2 other classrooms, all of which are different sizes (both bigger than mine!) with more sun-facing windows, and more bodies. They did manage to do something so we were a bit warmer and they weren't roasting which was good.
Kerry: Good luck with the weigh-in!
Michelle: We, too, have a screwy schedule. The kids are with us till 1:30 each day with a 20-25 minute lunch break. 1 mid-term in the mornig, 1 in the afternoon. They planned it very well, so there are 3 stations where the kids can get quick food (although the fruit salad looked AWESOME!). I snagged one of my kids when he bought 3 chocolate cookies and tried to call that lunch! I'm officially the mean teacher again! I made him give me 2 of them (which are sitting in the room on the refrigerator) and gave him a mini can of spaghetti and meatballs.
Ginny: 4:30?? ICK! ICK! ICK! I'd be dead now. I found these new cakes at Safeway: Weight Watchers ones, they are 1 point each, and only 15 carbs, so I can have 1. They were really teeny-tiny though, but they tasted good (I put them in the freezer). Its good news to be discharged from PT.
Robyn: Oh, I feel for your son and the beef-greenbean-corn footprints. I've done stuff like that so often...

Thanks for the suggestion about seeing the specialist. I just really don't feel like going to another specialist and having to jump through hoops then fight to make the person listen to me. I wish it were as simple as just changing how I think so I could lose weight. I have really, really, really changed how I eat, even from a year ago which was when I really started noticing. Although, I do worry over what goes in my mouth. Its hard to track my food because with a lot of the low-carb products, there are "digestable" carbs and ones that don't have any effect... but if I put in the ones that I count, the tracker kicks it out and tells me its not enough calories for the food item. I'm always worried that the tracker is off, too. And then I feel guilty if I eat something I'm not supposed to or more calories than I think I should. I'm way more comfortable eating less than 1200 calories, but my doctors don't like that. They're a lot happier when I eat 1400 or more.
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Old 01-17-2006, 07:20 PM   #123  
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Was hoping for a snow day today but alas.... no luck! No belly dancing today but we did do some pilates! One of our staff members is a pilates instructor and is giving short classes twice a week at noon. Also had a dinner club meeting at noon today! every 6 weeks we take a group of kids out to dinner at a different ethnic restaurant! This time it will be caribean! yummy!

Just got back from my ww weigh-in and was down 3lbs! It must be the belly dancing! lol
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Old 01-17-2006, 08:03 PM   #124  
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Evening Ladies,
Just got back from my TOPS meeting. I am down another 1 1/2 pounds. So that makes it three pounds so far this year. I only have 8 more pounds to lose to be at my lowest weight with TOPS. So I really think the journaling my food intake is helping me tremendously. So just maybe I can kick butt on the contest at school. LOL
Well don't have time to get personal with everyone right now. I want to go ride my excersie bike for 30 minutes. We were suppose to workout after our meeting tonight and the lady didn't show up. So I feel motivated to do something. Talk to you all later.
Have a wonderful evening!
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Old 01-17-2006, 08:19 PM   #125  
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Hello, how is everyone??? I saw your forum and was very thrilled. I am a teacher that is desperately trying to lose weight. I will give you a little bio on myself so we can be semi-formally introduced. Personally... I am 29 years old and I teach in Philadelphia, PA. I teach 8th grade math and American History. I am currently enrolled into one of our local universities studying to become a principal (or so I am thinking)... Weight loss (and gain) About 3 years ago, I weighed 140 pounds. Then I went through some stuff personally which caused me to find extreme comfort in all the things that just went straight to all areas of my body. In July, I joined a commercial weight loss program at 215 lbs. Before the holidays began, I had gotten down to 170. I was so happy, but the holidays did not help and thus here I am at 185lbs. Boo!!!! I need some motivation and I need constant reminders as to what I am working toward. I especially think it will be amazing to get down to business of weight loss with those in my business. Hoping to offer support to everyone here.

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Old 01-17-2006, 10:40 PM   #126  
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Welcome mydogjakerocks! You will definitely find the needed motivation and support here with us. We are a fun loving group of teachers and we have our only bus driver who is willing to take us on field trips! LOL
Let me introduce myself. My name is Kerry. I am 32 years-old and just realizing that after one turns 30 it is all down hill from there. I have had atleast one major health problem each year so far. LOL I am married and have a 9 year-old stepdaughter and twin 7 year-old stepsons'. I am a Special Education teacher for 7th and 8th grade Multi-handicapped students. I have been dieting and working out for the last 4 years to take off my extra fat. I am currently a member of TOPS and Curves.
Congrats on your weight loss so far! I know that you will reach your goal weight soon! Glad that you found us!
Well I rode my bike for a half hour. Then came downstairs to the living room only to pack up 5 boxes of my books off my bookshelves. I still have some more books to pack. But maybe that will be my project for tomorrow evening. My dh and I figure if we pack a little each day, then it wouldn't seem so overwhelming when it comes the actually time to move. But so far, it has only been me that has packed any boxes. He keeps saying that tomorrow he will pack some stuff. Then tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes. I guess I should thank him for getting a few more boxes today from the grocery store where his sister and her boyfriend work.
Michele congrats on the weight loss. You are off to a great start for the year with your weight and excersise goals. Keep up the great work!
Mouse, I hope I didn't overstep my boundies when I gave you my advice in my early post for today. If I did, I am very sorry. Just have your best interest at heart.
Susie, sorry that you had school again today in bad weather. Sounds like you enjoyed doing your pilates during your noon hour. Congrats on your 3 pounds loss. Keep up the great work!
Pam, so how was your evening tonight? I hope you were able to squeeze in some Pam excerise time.
Ginny glad your new cat is working out well. Has the other two cats adjusted to him okay? 4:30 is about the time I am slowly waking up and burrowing futher into the covers going "Oh God I only have one more hour of rest before the rat race starts for the day!". What made you wake up so early today? Hope you made it through the day without being too sleepy!
Hi to everyone else! Hope you had a wonderful day back at school!
Today we started the 3rd nine weeks. So I am half done with my school year! Yeah.
Have a great evening!
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Old 01-18-2006, 06:38 AM   #127  
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GOOOOOODDDDDD Wednesday morning folks!

Wednesday ALREADY!?! Yahooo! Woke up this morning to the wind and rain! It is going to be a lovely drive in! Guess I should be thankful for it not being snow and/or ice! ....Which I am! I'm very thankful for THAT! I tip my hat to you gals in the ice and snow! Especially Gin who goes out with a bus of critters with her in the mess! To everyone: May your journey be safe and UNeventuful!

Mouse, I know that you are glad to be released from your PT! Your frustration with the medical field is understandable! You are doing everything you can, dear! Perhaps your ankle will give you a moment of peace! My fingers are crossed! Aren't the 1 point WW cakes yummy! I've tried the chocolate and the lemon. They also have a carrot, I believe! In my small town, if you're not standing there when they put them up.... you won't get any!

Kerry, Yahooo! Gooooo! Gooooo! Goooo! With your determination and motivation you are going to WIN! Keep up the great work!

Gin, hope that you were able to sleep past 4:30 today! I went to bed last night before 11.... which is VERY early for me! I had a horrible headache that I couldn't shake... decided SLEEP would help! Sure didn't hurt! I woke some time around 4 and thought of you as I turned back over for another hour! Another new cat?! You are so much kinder than I am! Clementyne is nearly 20.... I don't think that a new cat would survive her!

........oh dear........... just looked at the clock... I've got to go.
Sorry not to get personal with everyone! Sorry I didn't properly introduce myself to MyDogJakeRocks.... I'll do that this evening! I've got to get that oatmeal and then mess with my boys!

You all have a great day!
Take care,
Meeeee (Robyn )
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Old 01-18-2006, 04:29 PM   #128  
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I hope everyone has had a great day. Mine has been pretty good other than the thirty mile an hour sustained winds and car duty. Oh well, can't have everything.
I was so excited today. I weighed and was down to 164! That's not to say that I will be that on Saturday my official weigh in day, but I finally was able to break through that 164.5 point which has been haunting me since before Christmas. It even motivated me not to have those thin crisps during plannning period today. I'm starving now actually. THink I'm gonna start dinner soon.

Welcome to our newest member. Sorry can't remember how to spell it something about dogs and I'm sure you will love our little group. I am a 6th grade Math teacher in North Carolina. I have two boys ages 9 and 20......Almost like two separate families.....One is playing with power rangers, the other with power tools.....Oh dear... I gained during the holidays too. It will fall right back off. DOn't give up.

Kerry: Congrats on your weigh in...GOnna watch the biggest loser tonight????Nine o clock.... I did manage to get a ton of excercise in. I walked for a mile, then I also managed to do my work out on the total gym. I think I am going to have to just do my WATP tape today, as it is a little to blustery to hit the open road.

Mouse: I have been thinking about the foods that you can and can not eat. I seriously think I would go insane. I know that has to be maddening to do everything exactly right and then it doesn't work out for you. I honestly think I could not do it. I know I couldn't do it. Hang in there.
I know what you mean about room temp. Before I got moved to the sixth grade, our building in the 7th grade was controlled by some computer in Raleigh. It was miserable. Either tooooo hot, or toooo cold. Atleast now, I can control my own temp and I have ceiling fans as well. I love it so much better.

Robyn: WHat's up girl? Hope you had a great day. Get those green beans off the carpet yet? See, if you had a dog....The dog would have gotten all that up for you, and the carpet would have looked cleaner than before it happened. Alot to be said for dogs ya know?

GInny: Hey! Hope everything is going ok for you today. Core question....Is it a lot harder than flex? I was kind of reading the intro online and it sounds a lot like a low carb plan, or no sugar...etc....I thought if I got stuck again I might look into that.

Ok, gotta go throw some chicken in the oven soon. Maybe I'll come back later.

Susie: Keep dancin girl! Congrats on the loss. I have way to much belly for belly dancing......Ughhh

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Old 01-18-2006, 06:23 PM   #129  
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....ok...well... I passed my CPI training! I *pity the fool* who tries to mess with me now! Just kidding! ....after nearly 2 decades, I guess now I can WORRY about all the harm I did when I worked in the other "city school"! It was rather interesting! When the instructors would ask a "Who has ever....gotten hit by a student?" My hand flew up. "Who has ever....been kicked? um hand up! "Who has ever had hair pulled??" yeah and the memory still makes my eyes water! "Who has ever had to physically restrain a student?" sigh..yes, which time?! "Who has yadda yadda yadda".... Yes to everything with the exception of choking! Didn't realize that I had SO many more life experiences than the average bear! SEEEEEE... all that time with the other school DID give me something other than the stress wrinkle between my eyes AND gray hair! I've got a BUNCH of great(?) horror stories to tell all these country teachers who've never even been cussed at or called a name! (Whimps!) Please know that while I don't think that this is truly funny or cause to "brag"... I did realize today JUST how many more experiences with life and kids I've had than (any one else at the training!) most of the people that I work with! Gray hair, wrinkles, and a whole different outlook on "things" and kiddos! ...... and I'm glad that I've seen, done, and experienced more than what the typical teachers here have seen, done and experienced! I am truly glad that my outlook is "different".... I believe that it makes me a better (no, I don't mean I'm superior to them!) person / teacher! Does any of that make sense?! Hope you get what I mean!

That smell? Turkey/Beef Pizza Meatloaf cooking in the oven! IT is a great WW recipie that even my youngest Prince loves and requests! ....and it is relatively easy.... given the time to have it cook an hour... it is 4 points for a serving.....and it is soooo yummy! ....makes the house smell quite yummy too! Let me know if you'd like me to PM you the how-tos!

Speaking of that meatloaf.... gotta go check on the progress....and finish the rest of the meal! ......

I didn't introduce myself... maybe I will when I return later tonight!

take care,
meeee (Robyn)
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Old 01-18-2006, 07:03 PM   #130  
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Hi all!!! So glad that hump day is over.... Only one more day and then on Friday we only have a half day with the kiddies.... Yippeee... I think I just made a deal with the devil-- I actually said that I would come to work at 715 and tutor below basic kids for an hour. What I say yes to for the money??? Am I crazy or what? I have trouble some days getting there at the regular 820 am. Oh well, I am hoping that eventually one day I make enough money so that I do not have to work so many jobs.... ahhhh the dreams

I dont know if I mentioned in the previous post... To jump start myself I have actually been doing the cabbage soup diet. I am hoping for a nice start before I go back to my commercial diet (LA weight loss). Have any of you tried it? If so, how were the results? I am only on day two, so fingers are crossed. I am trying not to weigh myself until at least sunday... but the scale just keeps taunting me

Getting ready to walk the dog-- Jake- hence my name..... it is frigid so it may only last 10 minutes. Have a great night. Looking forward to Biggest Loser.-- I wish I had known last week that it was engaged couples as I am planning on getting married. I would love to win a dream wedding for getting thin.... boy would that give me motivation.
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Old 01-18-2006, 07:21 PM   #131  
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Help me i'm addicted to DDR! lol I bought it for my son for xmas but I can't get enough of it! What a great workout!
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Old 01-18-2006, 07:32 PM   #132  
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Evening all.
Welcome, Jake... I won't have any trouble remembering your name (at least this year!) since I have a student who goes by that as well! I'm notably bad with names.
I'm a high school special education teacher for students with varying disabilities. This year, most of my students are categorized as mentally ******ed, but I have 2 that are in a different category. Officially, my title is "High School Cross-Categorical" which means I teach any and all disabilities. This is my 10th year teaching; I have always worked with kids with cognitive impairments, mostly with kids who are also dual-diagnosed with emotional problems too. I've worked in a lot of inner city schools, so have hopped around quite a bit. I also worked (the last 3 years) in a school program run by a hospital where I taught career readiness skills and technology education.
I also have an endocrine disorder that caused a lot of abnormal weight gain, and was undiagnosed for 2.5 years. I finally found a doctor who did the appropriate lab work, and diagnosed me 5 years ago. I've lost weight since I started seeing her, but not anywhere near what I gained in the 2.5 years before being diagnosed! I'm also a swimmer and a lifeguard, as well as an active volunteer with the American Red Cross disaster services.
Kerry: Its okay. You didn't overstep youself; I just wish it really was that easy!!! Its easy to give up foods I'm not supposed to eat; those 2 cookies are STILL in our classroom (now in the refrigerator), although the kid accused me of eating them this afternoon.
Robyn: That recipe sounds AWESOME... I love meatloaf. And I'm with you on the "have you ever .... by your kids" questions! I can raise my hands to all of them. I've been trained in CPI, SPM (Safe Physical Management), PCMA, and this year, Mandt. They all say the same thing, and I hate having to restrain kids anyway. The best one out of all of them in terms of restraint was PCMA. It encourages treating the kids as humanly as possible. For example, you don't ever do a prone restraint without a mat, because you don't want to hurt the child. I haven't had to/been allowed to restrain kids since my 2nd year teaching. That year I had 8 MR/ED boys, 2 of whom have active psychosis. Those 2 were both hospitalized, and I lost one of them mid-year when the family moved out of the district. One time after I restrained one of them (he was getting ready to throw a very heavy chair at the head principal), I was written up by the prinicpal for having wrinkled stockings!
Ankle? I only wish it would give me a break. I was awakened at least 2 times last night when the whole leg cramped up. Normally, leg cramps stop... but these never do because there is nerve damage so the leg doesn't know what to do. Its only ever my left leg, and left calf... never anything anywhere else. And they last seemingly forever (the longest was at least 45 minutes while I was on that camping trip last spring!), and it hurts for days afterward. I wasn't in a very good mood today at work because of it. But, I gave in and refilled the prescription they gave me for muscle relaxants... and as soon as I know that my blood test results are in, I'll tell my PCP that I'm willing to go wherever she wants to send me. I suppose I could call her office now anyway, but I was just there last Friday. Needless to say, I couldn't go swimming today. It hurt too much.

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Old 01-18-2006, 10:35 PM   #133  
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Hi all,
Snow day today. Or should I say ice day? It was a horribly icy day today. Most melted by 10 AM on the main streets, but the side streets were scary. I walked in the living room for about 1/2 hour, and wandered around Walmart tonight for about 20 minutes. Eating was OK today. I did have some chocolate ice cream, but not enough to do any damage. I'm off to bed. Glad to read that so many of you are having successes!
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Old 01-19-2006, 06:43 AM   #134  
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Good morning!
I'm the apparently the latest in the group that has decided to get up WAAAAAAY earlier than she needed to! Okay, I got to take a shower in the morning which is not something I usually do, but I had all this time on my hands! I shower at night when I get home or after I'm done swimming. I'd even packed my lunch last night!!!
I was not supposed to have kids this morning because today was the exam for 3rd period, and that is my planning; but the English class one of my kiddos is in wants to send her down so I can read her exam to her, because there are other kids in the class with that, and with small group accommodations so they needed an extra person. And then, when they go to the Family Life class, I get the kids whose parents say they can't take the class. Which, for some reason, was MOST of my students! The kids in the severe disabilities class are all taking it, but only 2 of my kids are! And my kids REALLY need that class! So, I will have students. I was going to try to go shopping for the vocational curriculum that we bought; you get the binder, but not any of the materials.
Tomorrow the kids leave anywhere between 11:15 and noon, but we're not allowed to leave the building, so my department is having a pot-luck lunch. My TA and I decided to make meat for tacos and buy some shells, with the other toppings. We're going to make it with the extra-lean ground beef and ground turkey. I don't mind cooking for these things because at least then I'm sure there is something I can eat! I can have the meat, cheese and some sour cream, but no shell. Actually, though, my TA is going to cook the meat because I have a Red Cross meeting tonight and won't be home before 9. I am going to try to go to the very nice looking rec center near the Red Cross and get in a swim. My own gym is near my house, not near the Red Cross.
We'll see if they let me in because I don't live in the county; I just work there.
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Old 01-19-2006, 11:52 AM   #135  
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Morning All,
The weatherman lied. He said that it was going to be in the upper 50's today. It is only 46 degrees right now. Recess duty is going to be rather chilly today. Atleast the sun is out for a change.
Mouse, sounds like you are going to have your hands full today with students. I liked your idea for your carry-in lunch for tomorrow. I think I am going to have to start doing things like that when we have carry-ins here at school and for my family gatherings. Hope you are able to get your swim in tonight at the rec center.
Pam, I was able to stay awake and watch the Biggest Loser last night. I was so amazed at the change in Sarah and Steve. I couldn't believe it. They looked great! That was just the spark I needed to set me on the path of making my dream a reality. Glad that you were able to get in some excerise the other day. I am trying to decide what kind of excerise I want to do tonight for a half hour after I get home from work. My arm is feeling a lot better, but I don't think I will chance it and do my Biggest Loser DVD. Not just yet aways. Congrats on breaking that barrier and the numbers going down on the scale. I have 8 more pounds to lose and then I will be back at my lowest weight with TOPS. I was there this fall and then follow-up classes happended.
Robyn, so are you telling us that you don't like to be referred to as the chickie that has been around the block a time or two! I know what you mean about working in an inner city school. I was a poor little county bumpkin and got my first teaching job in an inner city school. Boy did I learn a thing or two. LOL Then my second and current job is for a county school district. So I can relate to you very well! Your supper sounds yummy. Could you post the recipe for us? So are you looking forward to your wi on Saturday. I feel good results are going to happen for you.
Mydogjakerocks, how was your walk yesterday? Wasn't it a little chilly out for you? I know what you mean about the tutoring job. I work the afterschool program 4 days a week to make a little extra money. But it would be nice to one day not have to work so many hours to make ends meet. But I have gotten use to working the 10 extra hours a week. So when I have to miss a night for an appointment or something is going on with my stepkids, I sure do miss the kids and the staff. So I guess I will just have to keep working for now.
Susie, that sounds like fun the DDR. You are going to just drop the pounds off if you keep up the dancing. Plus just think how you are going to be just so toned! How was the drive in and from school today? I hope better.
Hi to everyone else. I can't personal now. I have to go use the bathroom before going to recess duty. Have a great afternoon! I will check in with you all this evening.
I got 5 boxes packed last night. My dh was able to pack one box so far. So I guess maybe tonight I will have to have him help me pack a couple.
Take care,
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