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Old 11-16-2005, 04:42 AM   #286  
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Smile Day 6 is nearly through....

Heh there, I slogged to the gym. Felt sick walking there and was really going to turn around and head back (it takes 50 mins to walk there) but I said to myself, ok, only 3K jogging instead of 5. I did that and then the crunches and said, enough! And I felt good and walked home again. Maybe I had poisoned myself with the kerosene heater.

Ah, did you see the full moon out tonight? Check it out when it's Wednesday night by you all. It's beautiful. Really lights the sky.

Oh, after the gym, there is this cake shop run by an American dude. I walked by and he was still open, so, as part of my "eat like a thin chick" challenge, I went in for a piece. Then he goes, "well, I'm closing up soon, so I'm putting in some freebies" and gives me like FOUR more pieces of various kinds of cake. BUT, I'm not pigging out! Oh, no! I have put the rest in a freezer Ziploc and in the freezer and just have one little piece of carrot cake out now with a cup of tea. Yum! Well, it was a good thing. Those cakes were not cheap, like $3 a piece! I now have cake for the next four days. Yowzah!!

Shad -- Ok, you're on. I knew I'd get your hackles up with a dare! That was the intention! And I've already done mine for today. So, I'm 1 for 1. Don't know if you meant to start today or not. If you want we can make the official start Thursday so we have an equal chance at getting the same number of days done. But I went to the gym and did 10 sets of 20, mostly crunches, up, to left, up, to right, up, right side, left side, then right leg side, left leg side, then 10 each leg to back (for butt). It wasn't hard. It's what I usually do when I do it... You think this is too easy for you? We could up it to 20 sets of 20, because if you add in leg lifts it can be pretty easy....maybe it's not the difficulty so much as the doing it every day, which is a rule, ok? No, doing nothing for three days, then on the fourth doing 40 sets! What do ya say? More sets? Fine the way it is? This means I'm gonna be down in my hotel in Hong Kong doing these things...oh well, no roommate anyhow to laugh....

Ok, so how are the rest of you all doing?! Tell me what's up. stacy, gigiapril, get back in here!! We want to see you!

Last edited by redballoon; 11-16-2005 at 04:47 AM.
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Old 11-16-2005, 06:13 AM   #287  
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Hum, leave it at ten. If we do more, we do more. I did some at the gym tonight. Crunches and lifts. But let's call that practice and have a Thursday start because as you say we will be in the same place at more or less the same time. I will put it on the list of things to do at the gym and for when I am not at the gym, I'll stick a post it on the door to remind me. Good luck.

Almost forgot.

Day 6 is a wrap. Just. Had a few bad moments with some spanokopita at lunch time, but I've done the sums and have decided I am okay. Going well.

Last edited by Shad; 11-16-2005 at 06:17 AM.
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Old 11-16-2005, 06:58 AM   #288  
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Hi everyone!
Today is day 3 for me.... working hard.
No time to write more but wanted you all to know I am trying.
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Old 11-16-2005, 09:49 AM   #289  
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Red – I’m sorry to hear you are lonely. Do you think that a scented candle would help the kerosene smell or fumes? Maybe a scent that brings back a favorite memory. I know one of mine is lavender. It reminds me of my grandmas and I feel comfort. Popcorn at 10 am sounds good to me. In scouts one of the leaders said that Native Americans ate it for Breakfast so eat away. Besides if it makes you feel better and is prepared healthy you should eat it! I think it’s great you and Shad hooking up on a challenge It is going to be inspiring to see your victories and lol at your baiting one another! LOL reading each of your post!! Red I’m plenty strong to drag you along!! Hang on!!

Sushi – WELCOME BACK!!!!

As for me my abs are sore but it’s feels great! I can’t wait to until I can actually do every workout right. My form isn’t the best on some but I’m hoping by next week I’ll see a good improvement. The elliptical went well. I felt soreness in my upper thighs this time which inspired me to work harder. I guess I’m in the no pain no gain mode. I just enough pain to know I’m working it.
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Old 11-16-2005, 11:38 AM   #290  
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Hi everyone - I am feeling a little better today. I went home last night and did 30 minutes of yoga (coincidentally completing day 2 of ACE) and it was very tension-releasing.

Shad - conga-rats on your seatbelt NSV I agree that the stewardesses must go around tightening each belt prior to boarding! I just went back and read some earlier posts - you are too funny! I also, have been sworn at, in a bar, as well as doing some swearing of my own in a bar! This was definitely different

Mez - I love acorn squash (well, all squash actually) but DH hates it, so I rarely make it. I have one at home I might make tonight, and he can just be on his own for dinner. A little brown sugar and butter - yummy stuff!

Red - how virtuous of you to freeze the extra slices of cake Carrot cake is dee-lish! what other flavors did you get?

Carla - how is your robot vacuum doing? My dogs would attack it! The regular vacuum is their sworn enemy - and I am holding that one back. If I sent the vacuum off on its own to get them? They would freak!
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Old 11-16-2005, 02:39 PM   #291  
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Fish - LOL at the vacuum story! My daughters dog was the same way he would go crazy. It was so funny he only weights maybe 4 lbs. Now it wouldn't have been funny if my son's dog had acted the same way he's a bit over 100 lbs! Now that my daughter has her own place I kind of miss the vacuum attacks. Brown Sugar added to the Acorn Squash would be great! I better just stick to the butter. LOL One taste of it with brown sugar and I'd be hooked! Trying to cut down on sugar... the wheels are turning I think I seen they make a brown sugar splenda...not sure if that was a dream. LOL
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Old 11-16-2005, 02:50 PM   #292  
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yes they do have brown sugar splenda! i used it in something... oh muffins!
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Old 11-16-2005, 03:46 PM   #293  
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Hi all.

My motivating force.. well, I kinda looked at my... a** a couple of months ago, and had a long winded conversion to the likes of " you are packing your bags, and never coming back!!!!" I just have had enough of being the bigger person that sits back and never does anything fun, because she thinks she is too fat! I always can lose the weight, but it just comes back, this time.... i have given it notice, never to return!
I am starting to do some more of the fun things, i think are reserved for people of normal weight (swimming, going out to dinner, movies.. and I must say it feels good! so now instead of reaching for the take out, i grab my shoes and go to the movies, or out to the beach)
I have learnt the more I feed my depression with food, I will just feel worse, then I will be back where i started, or worse. So by ceremoniously saying goodbye to my fat a**, I think in my head it has stuck that I don't want to be fat anymore.
Although there are days I do struggle, but so far the need to be normal is worth more to me than food.

And it is amazing, 12 months ago, I would never admit anything to myself! Especially admit to others how I feel! so this site is an amazing help to me!

Good luck on those challanges! Hopefully I will complete my first soon!
(Day 14 today)

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Old 11-16-2005, 05:02 PM   #294  
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Thanks curly I'm going to check walley world next time I'm out.

Ice - Thanks for you sharing! It really does make one think!
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Old 11-16-2005, 06:30 PM   #295  
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Quick drop in. I have done some of my extra curricular challenge today but most will have to wait until I get home.

I'm feeling pretty chipper today. Don't know why. Might be Reds got my dander up with her double dare.
Had a fight with the cat last night and she got put outside for the whole night. Wish I could somehow get through to her that I won't desert her, won't go away, she has a spot for the rest of her days. She just would not stop talking last night and wanted out, then in, then out, then in. Finally I said no you are not going out again and she just got louder and louder, whereby she got put out unceremoniously and told to stay away for a number of hours.

Just thought I would drop in the URL to my pics taken in Japan. If you want to take a peek here you go. If you don't ignore me. I won't get upset.

Two albums - take your pick.

Flowers, Gardens and Autumn colour and

Japan visit

Hope those links work. There were some problems on that website a while back. Grab yourself a coffee, sit back and relax and click the View Slideshow button and wander down the narrow roads with me.

Anyway duty calls.
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Old 11-16-2005, 07:00 PM   #296  
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Thumbs up

day 6

1 hr of circuit training...

geez can u believe this it was 75 degrees here today and they are calling for it to be 29 tomorrow night!!

went to the store and stocked up on my sugar free jello & sugar free vanilla pudding

this is a really good treat:

make the jello according to directions
let it sit for @ 10 min
then sprinkle in 1 box of sugar free vanilla pudding and 1 cup of sugar free cool whip.... mix all together well so u get a bit of air whipped into it and then put it in the fridge to set..

u can also add fruit... its yummy!

Last edited by curlylocks; 11-16-2005 at 07:04 PM.
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Old 11-17-2005, 12:35 AM   #297  
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Hello everyone! Day one complete, day 2 is almost done with too, although I have yet to drop to the floor for those sit ups. Kind of an emotional day. Actually, it was OK, I just got a double whammy right at the end of the evening. My sister-in-law decided she and her daughter would stay with us over Thanksgiving , rather than at the other sister-in-laws, who has a full house. I can only handle her in small doses and now I'll be spending the whole holiday with her. Ughh. Plus I'll have to do a lot of cleaning, and my DH won't be home before they get here either. And then my mother had to go to the emergency room again. She's OK, but still. Never fun. And I am feeling awful/guilty because I can't go pick her up, since DH isn't here. Sigh. Someone from her facility will go and get her. I'll have to stop by there tomorrow.
Sorry about the but I feel better just writing it down. Thanks.
As for this whole weight loss thing, I know where you are coming from, Ice.
I hope I will finally get stuck on the idea too. I love you guys, but I wish I didn't have to be here too.
Oh, one more thing. My 8 year old son told some of his friends at school that I was fat. Little Stinker. He has recently been interested in this whole weight loss thing. Don't know why.
Well, I'm really tired. see you all tomorrow.
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Old 11-17-2005, 04:33 AM   #298  
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Day 7 is complete. Exercises all done. Can't stop. Going to sleep on the computer.
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Old 11-17-2005, 06:36 AM   #299  
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Thumbs up day 7 is done!

Heh there everyone, I wanted to post but got chatting with a friend and now it's too late. Hope I can get a long post in tomorrow. But here's to say, I made it through the day AND did my Shad challenge too! The food was a bit not so hot but I did a lot of exercise so I'm calling it OKAY! Actually, get this, my walk home from the gym was cut short when this white Porsche starts blowing his horn at me. I figured he wanted me to move out of the way and I was giving him a real ticked off look. Then he stops and I see it's a friend. So I got a ride home in a real cool car! Wow! The rumors are gonna be flying through the little neighborhood...getting dropped off in a hot, hot sportscar...oh my!

Ok, best to you all, mez, Apple, Fish, Shad, curl, ice, derry, hang in there! I'll talk to you soon! Others, come in and talk to us!

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Old 11-17-2005, 07:50 AM   #300  
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Hi guys! Today will be Day 4.... I'm getting it!
Hope all is well and the Jello recipe with the pudding and cool whip sounds worth a try!
Also, instead of using milk use plain non fat yogurt to mix in with sugar free pudding. Makes like a cheese cake consistency and is quite satisfying!
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