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Old 11-03-2005, 02:15 PM   #166  
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Hello! I made it through day one of calorie counting! Yea! And the scale is always friendly after a successful day of controlled eating.
So I'll be back to where I claim to be in no time. I did log my food on fitday and I ate way too much fat yesterday. I try to hit 30-30-40.
Red-atleast you had good chocolate and not a Kit Kat out of a childs Halloween bag.....
Carla, well first of all....
You MUST respond to our pep talks!!
I think I am blase about the caffine/sit ups challenge because it's pretty easy. Not much challenge in my challenge.Day 12 done, by the way...
Hey fish and curly, hope you're feeling better!
I gotta go, the baby is demanding attention.....
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Old 11-03-2005, 04:45 PM   #167  
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Unhappy starting over....

Okay, starting over again today. No, nothing was good enough really to start over. I'm not even a huge chocolate fan. I was just lonely and feeled discouraged and after finding out that my coworker is still in lockup with no charges and will be for at least 10 days, I was just pissed. Japanese cops can be horrible, mixed up with the mafia, abusive and intimidating. I found out that they have the right to hold someone for 70 days with no charges being made. Ridiculous. This happened to another coworker and after sitting in jail without even being charged, they deported him. On top of that, having this guy out of work is really tough because we are already shorthanded. This is really not what I need.

On another note, actually, yes the Swiss chocolate was, in retrospect, (after I got over my disgust at ruining my challenge) pretty good, although it had some filling that I didn't really like (didn't stop me from eating it though!). Come to think of it, it is so much better than other chocolate. Maybe I should try to remember that the next time I want to reach for just any old thing.

Okay, so just to remind myself of what it is I am setting out to do today, here are the points.

1. Eat no sugar, no white flour, no deep-fried foods.
2. Write everything down, with amounts and calories.

3. Keep the calories in a 1500-1800 range with additions for exercise other than the usual walking to get to and from places.


carla -- Thanks for saying you'd send me the core stuff when you get it. I think you only being 202 is quite a good thing. I was thinking, from the sounds of your bingeing, that you'd be way over that. I guess you exaggerate! I very much understand your not wanting to keep restarting when you're know you're not ready for a challenge. That's kind of why I started over instead of taking another pause day. Clean slate...clean plate.....uh-oh!! And thank you, I am feeling a little better today, though the lungs are not the best. I tried to move more things around in my room and that always kicks up the dust and is very bad for me. But I have to do it. It's largely because of this that I don't do it, which only, of course, makes things worse. This was not your usual dust-induced asthma though. I have been run down and this time of year people are sick all over. In a massively crowded place such as Tokyo, where you are in close contact with thousands every day, the spread of germs is rapid. Also, people at work are sick and one guy's kid had the mumps (which I've never had). The temperature has been changing and I am up before dawn when it is cold and then it heats up, so it's hard to dress and I end up getting chilled. My chest gets chilled very easily, too. Hope you get back on challenge soon and that the spinning classes will be a good motivation to keep going.

Fish -- Good going on getting through Day 15! That is fantastic that you have been able to hold down the calories. I fear I am not going to be able to. Just something about eating that seems coupled with everything I do.... But maybe....I have to be optimistic.

Apple -- You too. Great going on calorie counting. I will try to take inspiration from you and Fish.

Last edited by redballoon; 11-03-2005 at 05:00 PM.
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Old 11-03-2005, 11:53 PM   #168  
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Default Heya guys.

Since I last posted I came down with the flu. Was outta work for a couple days (since I work with children) and now this morning I woke up dizzy. Like cant stand up straight dizzy. I need to sit and look at my diet, something is triggering migraines. Thats why I woke dizzy this morning. Cuz I went to bed with a migraine. Anyhoo. Our class/programs at work started today. I was so nervice. But the kids seemed to enjoy it. The topic was water displacement. It was interesting. The parents seemed to enjoy it too. Next thursday is my turn to be lead instructor. We're doin the class on leaves and why they change color. We'll see how that goes.

As far as my whole diet/healthy living program. Since I got sick I started eating more. Only gained like 2 lbs back but i think thats from TOM. Need to weigh again. Boyfriend and i are SUPPOSED to start walkin in the morning. We'll see if I wake up dizzy again. if it keeps up i'm gonna have to go to see a doctor.

Anyhoo. I'm a tired tired girl, so I'm outta here. Hope everyone is doin good and I'll be sure to keep in touch, I promise.
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Old 11-04-2005, 06:40 AM   #169  
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no exercise to report.. still sneezing and coughing here.. I have asthma also so when i get an upper resiratory yuck .. it really knocks me for a loop.. tho i am feeling much better this morning.. and my lungs are not whistlly today..

trying to decide. if i want to stay home or go to work today.. i have a desk job so i wont be physically taxed but .. its just the idea that if i wanna lay down and have a nap i can if i stay home.. dont know why i feel guilty about taking off ..

Geez have u ever noticed the amount of sugar in cough syrup?? I guess they make it without.. but since i had my mom run out for it i couldnt ask her to run all over hunting sugar free.. lol

heres a cheer for all the challengers from the sidelines...
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Old 11-04-2005, 07:29 AM   #170  
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Friday, day one AGAIN.... blew it yesterday and it was supposed to be day 1. I ended up being out of the house all day and my vow to journal was just not really possible. Today, I have already journalled breakfast, so that's a good sign.
At least I am posting here and that, in itself, is an accomplishment considering how "off program" I've been the last couple of months.
I'm glad to be here and I appreciate this web site. Thanks!
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Old 11-04-2005, 09:09 AM   #171  
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Red – I’m sorry for not being there for you! TOM came and hit me hard. I had the worst craps ever. I was taking Bextra for them until they said that it could cause heart problems and such. It gave me such a scare that I will only take over the counter meds for them. Which don’t do the trick. I have endometriosis they had talked to me about having a partial hysterectomy which I don’t want! I only got out of bed to shower the past few days. It sucks I feel horrible and not just craps just myself as a person. I get terribly down. I now feel worst reading your post and knowing I should have been there for you. I’m sorry.

I want to also say I’m sorry to everyone else! I’m so very sorry!!
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Old 11-04-2005, 10:27 AM   #172  
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Oh my gosh, everyone has been so sick I certainly hope we all feel better soon.

Made it through day 16 - actually at 1509, but you know what, that is so close I am calling it good

Grr - I need to work on my writing skills. I do mostly compliance work, which follows set guidelines and is a lot of just copying what has been done before. I was asked to draft a client alert regarding final rules just passed by the Dept. of Treasury regarding anti-money laundering programs and insurance companies. So I did, and gave my draft to one of our senior AML attorneys. Well, he just e-mailed me the final version. 1000% better. Concise, to the point, etc. I know it is because he has been doing this for 6 or 7 years and I have been an attorney for less than 1 year, but still. I need more practice! [/rant]
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Old 11-04-2005, 04:57 PM   #173  
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Hey Fish- you are probably already really busy, but maybe there's a writing course you can take? An Adult ed kind of thing? Definately study the changes he made to your original....I'm sure after some practice you will get much better!
Mez, sorry to hear about your illness. Please don't let it get you down! We all do better with positive attitudes!!Don't feel like you have to be there for everyone all the time. Take some time for yourself! Hope you are feeling better soon.
Derry! Get back on! We're behind you all the way. Once you get a few successful days under your belt you will be rolling along, it actually gets easier...
Curly, hope you're feeling better soon too! Don't worry about the cough syrup. Just take care of yourself!
And Silly! you too!
Where is Red today???

As for myself, I had to take a pause day, I had a little too much caffine yesterday because I spontaneously went out with a friend and had a latte, in addition to my normal morning coffee, which was only 1/3 decaf instead of my usual 2/3. So I'm still on day 13...
And day 2 of calories down too. Still too much fat. And I have to be careful the rest of the day, I'm a little crazy with eating so far...

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Old 11-04-2005, 06:55 PM   #174  
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Red face moving along...with a hobble...

Good morning, all. Kind of a ill-feeling one, from the beers last night, but we had big things to discuss with our wayward coworker, so it was necessary. I surely went over my calorie limit and there wasn't much exercise happening yesterday, but I DID stay on the CRAC challenge of no sugar, no white flour, no deep-fried stuff...and I really wanted these deep fried slices of pumpkin dipped in almond slivers that the bar makes, but I didn't order them...nor the garlic toast! Hurrah! Ok, so Day 2 on CRAC, back to Day 1 on SMAC! Forward march!!!

Apple -- Moving right along there! Good for you! I know those spontaneous kind of slipups! So much of what we do is automatic, isn't it? I'll have just crunched down on a yummy slice of bread and realize, Oops! I can't have this on my challenge! Too late.

Fish -- You are simply shining!! That's right, of course!! you're ok. 9 calories?!?! You can never be that accurate anyhow. I would always give a leeway, and a much bigger one than that! Don't worry about your writing. Of course, it takes practice. I know! You gotta do it all the time and sometimes, even then, the words don't come out right. But you can always learn from the examples of others. Just study them and you'll be fine!

mez -- Will you stop with your apologizing all the time! You certainly don't have to apologize to any of us!! So sorry to hear you've been having such a hard time of things. I certainly do hope you feel better real soon! Why are you feeling horrible about yourself as a person!!?!?! Stop it, girl!! And remember, when you're sick, you can't have nice thoughts or it's really hard. Just kick back, turn off your inner dialogue and get some R&R, you hear me!!!??!? I want you back on your feet soon!!!

derry -- That's the attitude!!! That's what I like to see!! You stay positive there and proactive and take each day one at a time or a part of a day at a time and just keep on keeping on!! We're here for you!

curly -- Woah. Chicken soup to you! I have the same thing. The asthma is horrible and downright scary at times, isn't it? And it just knocks you out, you get so tired. I really, really know how you're feeling. Hope you pull out soon! Hang in there! And blow off the work! Your health and your getting better is the most important thing!

Silly -- Yes, there sure is a lot of illness going around here. Let's all get better soon! Gosh, Silly, sure hope you feel better. Dizziness and migraines! Oh my! How did you ever find the strength to go into work? Well, when you get better, I hope to see you back on a challenge, OK?!
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Old 11-04-2005, 09:05 PM   #175  
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woke up dizzy this morning. Headache is starting now. But ears my ears are hurting something fierce. And they are popping when I swallow. Honestly, the only way I made it to work is cuz I really do love my job. I mean come on, I get paid pretty good money to play all day long. Thats all I do. LOL I do that, the chicken dance (though I did hurt my knee pretty bad doing this), the ChaCha Slide and the ToodyTaa (dont ask). Its just a fun job I guess. I'm tryin to get better. Boyfriend is taking such good care of me. Gotta love him. Well I'm gonna take some excedrin and get some sleep. I do have to work all day tomorrow. See yall laters...
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Old 11-04-2005, 11:38 PM   #176  
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This is just a very quick check-in. I wrote a lengthy post about 4 hours ago, and promptly fell into a lovely post-cranberry-cosmo slumber, only to realize my post had disappeared. And it was long and lovely and, for once, not entirely Carla-centric... But now it's time to take that mild après-cosmo headache off to bed, so I'll try to repost more completely tomorrow.

And it's one day closer to the next challenge...
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Old 11-04-2005, 11:45 PM   #177  
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Oh, carla.... I was waiting for your long post.... You must learn to type in a different file and cut and paste. I hate the thought of your posts being lost....hope you're well.
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Old 11-05-2005, 12:39 AM   #178  
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The moral of the story: never drink and drive... er, post. I must have hit "go advanced" and then logged out instead of "post quick reply". I'm just not good at anything beyond computer basics, and of course I sure was feeling "mellow" at the time... Cutting and pasting is all a mystery to me - I'm still amazed i can attach pics to my emails.

In any case, there was nothing profound in my post, just the usual drivel. I'll be back in better form tomorrow to catch up.

Sleep well!
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Old 11-05-2005, 05:56 AM   #179  
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Thumbs up so far, so good...

Well, it's getting late. Only an hour to go before my bedtime. I have cleared another day on both challenges. Unless I pig out after writing this, I should be okay.

carla -- If you can attack photos you can cut and paste! I will teach you if you like...and your posts are not "drivel." Anything that can make me laugh has got to be GOOD stuff! Look forward to hearing from you. Hope you had a nice sleep.

Silly -- Ooh. Sounds like things are still bad. Glad someone is taking care of you! Get well soon!

Okay, where is everyone?!?!?! mez, friends, derry, Apple, Fish (have posted today ), curly, anyone who hasn't appeared from even longer back?!?! Where do you all go to?!!? don't tell me you have lives behind the computer monitor?!

Last edited by redballoon; 11-05-2005 at 06:00 AM.
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Old 11-05-2005, 08:13 AM   #180  
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cough.. sneeze... my exercise yesterday was walking from the shower to the sofa...

But i am feeling much better today... even got dressed and went out in the real world for a bit!

Last edited by curlylocks; 11-05-2005 at 02:10 PM.
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