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Old 11-15-2005, 04:03 PM   #271  
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gigiapril -- Hi there! Just go to the beginning of the thread and read the explanation and you can see how it works. Hope to see you here!
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Old 11-15-2005, 04:16 PM   #272  
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Hi all

Day 13 today! and going strong, though TOM kinda bloata my flat belly! LOL but I am sure by the end of the week it will be back! (why do women have to deal with this!)

I am annoyed, all my wardrobe is starting to be a little too big (I like loose clothes, but I like them to stay on) but I pulled out a box of my smaller clothes, and although I can do them up easily, they feel a little too snug still, hopefully in the next few weeks though! So I am in the middle! AHHHHH!

I weighed in today (must remember to fix the sig) and even though TOM is visiting, i still have a 2 pound loss, though I did put in some hard work this week!
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Old 11-15-2005, 04:47 PM   #273  
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day 5 all done>> 1 hour of circuit training.. now im off to find food!
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Old 11-15-2005, 05:11 PM   #274  
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Hi everyone! You all have been busy yesterday and today! My swearing-in ceremony went well. Then my sister and I went out to lunch to celebrate. I was very good - ordered some raw hamachi as an appetizer, and a smoked duck and tallegio panini.

Mez - so sorry to hear about your friend. I am sending you warm and fuzzy thoughts.

So yesterday was day 1 of ACE.

I weighed in this morning and was back up to 144. I know I said I had slacked a little this weekend, but looking at my charts I averaged only 1420 calories per day last week, and did 30 minutes (if not more) of cardio 5 of the 7 days. So how on earth did I gain weight? I am so frustrated. I feel like if I don't literally starve myself I will never lose weight.
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Old 11-15-2005, 05:40 PM   #275  
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Cool beginning of Day 6...

Good morning. It's the beginning of Day 6. Whereas I should be feeling up and determined, I am feeling beaten down and ever more frustrated in my efforts (not weight-loss related as I have not yet dared to assess that...). Oh well, I won't go into it...just try to keep on. I, as you can see, called yesterday okay and am moving on. Wish me luck.

Fish -- I totally feel your frustrations. This is the story of my life, it seems. You know you can't rely on scales and weight gain and loss is quite an unreliable thing. And you know that the scales often go up before going down so just hang in there. Maybe you are being too watchful of the numbers and stressing yourself out. All you can do is keep on, either with what you're doing or try something different. I think just keep on. You have lost weight over the past few weeks, right? You are way down there so it's going to be tough. Just hang in there. I'm glad your swearing-in went well. What are your plans from now?

curly -- .....write us some time AFTER you've found your food!

ice -- Good for you on battling Day 13. I am having a hard time feeling bad about your clothes dilemma! It is tough, isn't it?! I would go with the too-snug clothes, which should motivate you to make them loose as well and get to your goal. So, where is your weight now? Fix your tracker! We want to know!

Apple -- Yes! Pacino in "The Scent of a Woman." I was thinking of the same but didn't know where it was coming from. Hooooo-haaaahhhh!!!

mez -- How are you doing? You're sounding so down these days. Of course, you have a reason.... I hope you can be back with us soon, on a challenge and looking forward. I am sending you healing waves of energy and rays of sunshine. Hang in there.
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Old 11-15-2005, 05:42 PM   #276  
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Ice, I see you fixed your tracker! Now, it's totally covering the face. You are going strong! What would you say has been your motivating force lately?! I need all the tips I can get!
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Old 11-15-2005, 06:40 PM   #277  
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Morning, Morning all

Todays news is that they have found the bomb hoaxer and have charged the hua with threats to terrorise, sedition and public nuisance. Probably only get public nuisance but it carries a hefty penalty and a jail sentence of 10 years. Hoorah for that anyway. The bloke was 47 years old would you believe? Don't you think he would know better? What a no hoper.

Some one else got in on the act down on the Gold Coast and he has now been picked up as well. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Okay rant over.

Red, you and I are much the same height, much the same weight and I've got nearly 10 years on you. I think we should be able to challenge each other to get some sort of motivation going. I don't think this should be a food challenge. I eat small anyway. How about a movement challenge? Maybe a set number of crunches per day, or k's on the treadmill or something similar. I too would like to shed 2 kgs before the New Year. I'd like to go home in January for a week or two and I sure as heck would like not to have this spare tyre around my middle.

Speaking of middles - for those of you who fly frequently here's a question. Do the stewies on all flights spend time making those seat belts as small as they possibly can so that folks have to expand them to fit when they sit in the seat? Well ha ha to them - I had an NSV on the flights to and from Japan recently. I could get the belt done up with out adjusting the length - . Gotchya. I've never been able to do that before.

I was looking at photos from Japan last night and I don't look so bad standing up anymore. But don't show me any of me sitting down hey! It's a bit like the Michelin man on steroids. But any improvement is a giant leap forward. I'll take standing up - uses more calories.

Right, breakfast (more yoghurt, sultanas and nuts) is done. I'm meeting a friend for lunch so will have a salad sandwich on multigrain or rye. Coffee is finished. Work calls. Mind you I had done the crossword and a sudoku before they gave me any work to do this morning. Such is life.
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Old 11-15-2005, 07:16 PM   #278  
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Ice – I hear you on bloating!! I’m sure once it’s down your snug clothes will fit nicely. Big Congrats on the 2lbs loss. I NEVER see a loss when TOM.

Curlylocks – Great job on that circuit training!

Fish – Glad to hear the swearing in went well. The smoked duck sounds yummy. Thanks for the warm/fuzzy thoughts. You maybe just holding water your doing great your very inspiring!!

Red – I actually feel great right now! I almost forgot how that felt!! I’m going to be positive! I have a wonderful family and the best internet site for supportive cyber friends!! So here I go grab on to me Red and I’ll drag you along. I’m feeling very strong!
My challenge is going to be fitness and not weighing myself. I feel I need to work on fitness and the scale goes without question. I was 1 lbs from my goal and I freaked out and gained 3 lbs. So NO SCALE!!
Is it ok if I count today as day 2. Since I workout last night and plan to once again before bed.

Day 2 plan is to jump on the elliptical and do my 6 minute abs workout dvd before bed.

I bought some Acorn Squash and cooked it up today. It was SOOOOOOO GOOD! I read on a URL that you should bake it not microwave. Baking takes out some of the moisture which makes for a sweeter flavor. Now I’m all ready to try other squash.

Shad – Congrats on the seat belt victory!!!
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Old 11-15-2005, 07:51 PM   #279  
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Red face a.m. popcorn...

Hi there. Glad to see some posts. I am feeling very lonely this morning and have so far done nothing but cry and generally mope around. I am thinking that my onslaught of exercise yesterday threw me for an emotional loop, that and some disappointments and slight shocks yesterday (I don't take well to being emotionally confused by people's actions...) and, and this is probably the biggest factor, the kerosene heater in my room. The fumes always make me depressed.....

Now, I just popped a bag of popcorn. I don't care if it is before 10 a.m. I need something warm and comfy. I am feeling quite low...

Shad -- That's good that they found that bomb kook. Some pretty weird middle-agers out there. As for a challenge, I'm game. Movement, ok, as long as I can do it more or less during my usual work day or at home in my tiny room. In other words, ks on a treadmill is often not possible for me if I can't get to the gym. It's gotta be something that doesn't take much time but does take effort. Let's think! I was hoping for 2 kgs down by the time I went to Hong Kong but I think that may be unrealistic. 8 lbs down by the New Year is my goal. As for the seat belts on the planes, I know what you mean! Actually though, I think they just buckle 'em and pull 'em tight when they're cleaning the plane in between flights. It probably is quite intimidating for most people. Then again, I don't know how most people can even sit in those seats. They are definitely making them narrower and narrower. I mean, I fit into a size 10 and I am hitting butt on both sides!! "Michelin man on steroids"?!?! No way! You must be exaggerating! What's a sudoku, btw?

mez -- Hurrah! Mez is back!! I missed you!! And sweetheart, you are going to have to be STRONG to pull me along! But I'm coming along for the ride, er, the drag.... Ok, fitness challenge here she comes! Of course, you can move on to Day 2 if you've been working out. We have experienced stealth challengers in our midst, didn't you know!? Heh, icedragon! Good luck, mez!
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Old 11-15-2005, 08:23 PM   #280  
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Okay, why not some flex exercises at the desk. Could create some giggles for the fellow workers. Things like desk pushups and leg stretches. Should tone up something in the arms. I just tried it and it can be done. Put your hands on the arms of your chair and raise up your body from the arms. Then when you get steady up there, try to raise the legs up. Try 5 at first.
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Old 11-15-2005, 09:15 PM   #281  
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No, Shad, NO desk exercises. You are funny! I surely would break something, either the chair itself, my head, or the head of the person next to me! Besides, I'm not even at a desk that often, and not one with arms on the chair. I think I can only do something like leg lifts or crunches or something like that. Since at some point in the day, I will be lying on the floor to sleep, I think I can manage to do some floor exercises. Either that or stretching. Butt kicks, side leg raises, all sorts of crunches, up, diagonal, sideways, say 10 sets of 20 or so a day? Something really crackin!
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Old 11-15-2005, 10:26 PM   #282  
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You are on
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Old 11-15-2005, 11:04 PM   #283  
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I'm back!!!
That is, I can get online. More detail will follow soon.

I'm starting a new challenge tomorrow, it will be running/jogging in one spot. I'm going to start with 3 minutes (might have to be with breaks every minute or so... ) and try to add 30 seconds every day.

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Old 11-16-2005, 12:22 AM   #284  
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Unhappy yikes!

Heh there! What have I got myself into?!?!?

Shad -- well, I was just suggesting....?!?!?...oh, no, I guess you've roped me in!!

Ok, ok, ok, when do we start? Let's just see how many days of 10 of 20 we can each do till when? New Year's?

I bet you wimp out...(taunting chant)....

Sushi -- Where have you been?!?! Welcome back!! Just in time for the big holiday onslaught.
Come on, shake a leg! Get those knees up! Double time!!
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Old 11-16-2005, 03:28 AM   #285  
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Me?! Moi??! wimp out !!! I can do some of them at the gym (5 days a week) and the rest while I am veging out watching the telly. So you are on. Besides which I could probably do them in the office, there are days when I don't see anyone except the others from the cubicle. They wouldn't care and may even join me.

So......... as I said, you are on. 10 sets of 20 of any or all of the above per day.
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