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Old 11-01-2005, 10:20 PM   #151  
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Red, I'm impressed! Day 5 on smac and crac - what an achievement!

Some of us have been less well-behaved. Don't know why, but have felt an enormous need to EAT, EAT, EAT... not to say DRINK. So I'm taking a week or so to re-assess and refocus and remember that the whole point of this is to lose weight and get back in shape. Of course it would be better if I were to eat reasonably while reassessing, but being me, that ain't quite the case. Fortunately it's hard to really gain a lot in one week of the see-food diet (I see food, I eat it).

Despite my misbehaviour, I will be lurking and posting and planning.

Red, The Days of Wine and Roses is a very old film with Jack Lemmon and a beautiful blonde whose name escapes me. (maybe Lee Remick?) A classic. Timbits are doughnut holes. (Tim Hortons donut/coffee shops are sort of the anti-Starbuck's. Reasonably priced, fast service, no artistic "baristas", no fancy coffee concoctions. Extremely successful, mainly because the coffee is always fresh and the flavour and quality is consistent.) My 42" tv is in fact a little on the large side; had I realized I might have gone for a slightly smaller one. But the picture is wonderful, and I have the room, and now I won't need new glasses after all .

My little Lily has survived her spaying magnificently, not a moment's whining or complaint. Clearly not the biological child of her whiny mother. As I speak she and Zen are sitting cuddled together while he gives her a good wash.

It's good to know you're doing better, Red, and that you're out there spending with the rest of us. Vacuums are a constant battle. They stop sucking, we decide they suck, we succumb to the siren song of a NEW, BETTER brand. Which works fine for a while, until the day it stops sucking....
I wish you many, many years of excellent suction.

Ciao for now, babies.
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Old 11-02-2005, 02:21 AM   #152  
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hey carla! I just noticed that you are only 6 pounds from your mini goal! If you take a whole week off it will be that much harder. I'd LOVE to lose 6 pounds by T-day. Get back on it girl!!
Glad to hear your kitty is OK.
I'm having Vac problems myself these days. Mine is about to die, I am sure of it. And I can't survive more than a few days with out one, thanks to my dogs. So I'm supposed to be looking for one on sale but I'm LAZY....I was going to vac the car today since DH was home and I could just zip over to the car wash without any kids. But he suggested using the shop-vac, so I did and it totally sucked I mean it was bad. It took me almost an hour when a "zip" to the car wash would have taken 15 min tops. And a dollar...

Curly, I can't believe you have the time for TWO HOURS of exercise. I am quite jealous. I waste my time vacuuming cars.....I am sure if I had more time this weight loss thing would be a little easier...

Red-I can-t believe you are on day 5 already. Seems like time passes quicker over on the other side of the world...I really enjoy hearing about your horsey life, it's something I dreamed about when I was a kid.

As for me, I'm on day 11 I think. I should really figure it out for sure but i am LAZY... Had a bad headache again today. (seems to be going around) It might be because of the caffine cutback but there are other variables to take into consideration.I had a feeling today would not work for day one of calorie counting, so tomorrow is day one for that. I didn't go off the deep end or anything, but no angels here either. You are right Red, about allowing some leeway on the total. I think I will make sure every 2 days average out to 1500. So I can have high days if I balance them out with a low day. That's supposed to be better for the metabolism anyway, or so I hear.
I'll see everyone tomorrow!
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Old 11-02-2005, 03:57 AM   #153  
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Evening all,
Not much time tonight but it is the only time I have and will have for a while.
We have been tripping around to Museums, gardens, castles, flower shows , ninja museums and the biggest garden show I have seen in a long time.

Nabana no Sato is a sort of theme park of flowers. At the moment the flowers are Dahlia, Cosmos and Begonia anb it is absolutely beautiful. My mouth dropped open when the doors slid open and the Begonia house was displayed. I could only say - oh, oooh, oooooohhhhhhh, aaahhh for quite some time. Just wait until you see the pictures. There was an entire field of purple, lavender and white cosmos. About an acre of it. Just delightful. The dahlia ranged from the dinner plate size to the tiny miniature pompoms and they were superb. We found one from NZ and one from the States and one from Australia. Try as I might I could not see Canada or UK.

At Nagoya Castle there was a Chrysanthemum display. I have never seen some many huge Chryssies in all my life. And they had some Bonsai ones as well - again you will have to wait for the photos. There was also some dolls done up in flower costumes - not quite as good as the ones I have seen at the Ellerslie flower show but good - and being Japanese at least one of them had to be animated and make a noise. I went up into the castle - 5 floors of stairs, anly to find that there are elevators in the place (only found that one out when I got to the top) Silly me.

The ninja museum was very interesting and the ninja show good. I don't think I would have liked to get on the wrong side of that lot.

Today we have been in and around Mizunami, Chris had to go to the Doctor because she was getting itchy everywhere. It isn't anything serious but best to get it checked. I walked around town and did a bit of shopping. I'm getting better at it, but not good. If I have an idea about what the conversation is about I can pick up some words but only if they speak slowly. Mostly I can't answer them but I've drawn a lot of pictures since I have been here!

Okay, best get off and let Chris have a go. Then we are going to a Tempura Restaurant for dinner. Yum Yum.

Red, thank you so much for the information on the Melbourne Cup. What a horse - and it is a female. Girls can do anything.

Love to all. Sorry I can't reply individually. I just don't have the time.
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Old 11-02-2005, 05:23 AM   #154  
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Cool gonna groundhog the fiver.....

Heh, all. Glad to come in here and post. Today was a rotten day. Well, let's say it had its rotten moments. It had good ones too. First, the lousy ones. Coworker apparently got in trouble with the police early this morning...drunk, was told he couldn't come in the bar, got in a scuffle, punched the bar owner, got arrested, and is sitting in custody. Getting involved with the cops as a foreigner in Japan is NOT where you want to be...poor kid, one of the sweeter guys. But that's not what was bothering me, though I am worried for the kid. It was the way our paper handled the fact that two rival English-language papers decided to run the incident in their obvious dig at ours...and our management morons were going to run some story on the incident...when!! 1) they haven't even spoken to their employee and 2) the last thing you want to do is throw mud for mud and bring even more attention to what obviously was just a drunken nothing kind of incident. The other thing that really got me was that the Japanese got together to discuss it for a long time with none of the foreigners' input and then made a decision based on their cluster muck. Oh well, there was more, but I won't go into really ticked me, really bad and I had to leave the office two hours early. I was feeling quite sick anyhow, chest and lungs are hurting bad, but dragged myself in this morning 'cause I said I'd be there to help out. Then, with this thing, all the nosy types who don't care at all about the young Brit, come out to gab. And that ticks me too. Oh, so exasperating....

Ok, on the good side, I was able to get the word out to another friend, who, being a rock 'n' roller type is very aware of the police treatment here and of course his first reaction was simply, "we gotta get him out of jail." It's nice to know someone's got their priorities straight.

Other than that, a friend was back from Switzerland, brought me...uh, oh!! .... a big bar of Swiss chocolate. I went to lunch with him and because I had Indian nan was going to have to call a pause day for the CRAC challenge. But later, the other trouble got the best of me and I went over with the calories too, so I'm gonna groundhog Day 5 on both.

Ok.....over to you all.......

carla -- Sorry to hear you're in a heavy eating phase. Oh well, these happen. Could be the time of year, the body wanting to pack on fat. It's natural. You sound like you may be sugar-sensitive. I know I sure am, and a little sugar makes me want to go WAY overboard. And this is usually linked with drinking. I mean, if you cut the alcohol, it's easier to cut the sugar. You may be feeling deprived because you were off both there for your last challenge, right? I like that you're not giving up and throwing up your hands in defeat but are at least going to re-assess the whole situation and form a game plan. I am also very glad to see that you be here for us...but be careful not to throw too much food porn our way, okay?!?!

I looked up the Wine and Roses movie. You were right on the actors, Lemmon and Remick. Says it's an "intense dramatic portrayal of an alcoholic, co-dependent couple." Hmmm... Here's some dialogue...

"I walked by the Union Square Bar. I was going to go in. Then I saw myself -- my reflection in the window -- and I thought, 'I wonder who that bum is.' And then I saw it was me.

"Now look at me. I'm a bum. Look at me. Look at you. You're a bum. Look at you. And look at us. Look at us. C'mon, look at us. See? A couple of bums."

Hmmm. I think I'm going to have to go rent this one and enjoy it with a few pints....!

Glad to hear the little Lily is none the worse for her operation. Nothing traumatic it looks like, right?

curly -- Congrats on Day 2 done and gone! Look at you go! and you're making people jealous here!

Shad -- Hello! Glad you got to computer. I called your mobile yesterday with the news but couldn't get you. Left a message but got caught off. Anyhow, it looks like you know now about Makybe Diva!!! Wow, unbelievable, huh? I checked out the Nabana no Sato on the Web and it looks pretty. I never get out to things like this and should, just so I get a look past the office and the stables these days. It sounds like you're having a great time. I hope Chris is okay. Take care and enjoy the rest of your stay!

Apple -- Good for you for being so far along on your challenge! Eleven days! Super! Well, if my challenge is passing quickly, it's the first one that will. I always think they drag on and on. It's too early to say though. As you can see, I had to pause today. Just too much going on and my resolve was slipping. The great thing about these challenges is that the resolve can slip but it doesn't STAY slipped. That is the worst thing, to goof up and then keep goofing up. That's why I always want people to go right back to Day 1 and try again, always, even if it means saying over and over, I'm back on Day 1. It means you've made the statement, hopefully put it down in writing here and at least give it a try. Carla?! are you listening?!?! No, really, you're doing great. Hope you feel better though and that the headaches go away. For me, the departure of my biggest headache would, unfortunately, mean the simultaneous departure of my paycheck....

As for your calorie count, I think that averaging out to 1500 would be good, but I would make it something you can say okay to, at least tentatively, every day, by giving yourself a range and then confirming it the next day if you really want the average to be 1500. Otherwise, this could mean you eat 1000 one day and 2000 the next, which I don't know if that's so good...better to eat 1300 one day and 1700 the next, you know what I mean? So, if you set your goal at 1200-1800 a day with a two-day average of 1400-1600 or even the exact 1500, I think it would be good, no?

Well, I'm glad you like hearing about my horse life. I try not to get into it in any detail. Just wanted to show the general up and down, triumphs and low points. Are you feeling stronger these days? I hope so... Maybe you could put a little bit of horse into your life, no? If it was something you always wanted to do, you really should, even in a little way, maybe there is something you can do, even if it's just once a month.

Hope you get your vac soon. It would be disastrous if you had none and it would force you to get the first thing you see practically. Actually, my vac didn't die. The suction was excellent, so much so that I realize my new one is weak. The bad thing was it was spitting out dust in the back and that was making it hard to breathe for me. I don't know, maybe I just needed to fix a filter or something inside. I was thinking, maybe I should look into fixing it, then thought, nah!! I'm putting it in the garbage tonight. So long, It was from an old boyfriend of the less romantic ones.

Heh, I'm worried about Chaps. Whatever happened to her? I don't see her posting here or anywhere and she was out there in the early morn exercising. I hope nothing happened to her! Chaps!! you out there? Silly, sweet, vanessa, where you hiding? Others? gray? melody, crd??? mez, derry, you gonna check in soon?

Last edited by redballoon; 11-02-2005 at 05:37 AM.
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Old 11-02-2005, 07:14 AM   #155  
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Apple: I go to the Ladies workout express, its kinda like curves, but more machines and more cardio, it takes 30 min, to complete all the machines but i usually do double.. i enjoy it so the hour flies by..

and i have a dog who stays inside.. and is ready to get outside as soon as the sun comes up lol .. I usually walk in the morning go to work,, go to workout, then come home grab some dinner and take chai out again... then i will get on the gazelle later when im watchin tv..

so not 2 hrs all at one time... its in bits and pieces during the day..
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Old 11-02-2005, 12:49 PM   #156  
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Hi everyone! Well, unbelievably, I have finished day 14! Saturday was a pause day, but i managed to be just under 1500 on Sunday, and then Monday and Tuesday I was sick and didn't eat very much. Unfortunately, I haven't worked out in three days either, so I haven't lost any more weight. I sure would like to get below 145.

I am back at work today, but still don't think I am up to working out. I caught up on all the posts - it sounds like everyone has been busy! I will talk more later. Everyone have a great day.
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Old 11-02-2005, 01:13 PM   #157  
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Hi there!
Well, I made it through day three yesterday but today it's not a good day. I need more of a definition (with examples) of a real pause day and how you qualify that in your mind.
Today is definately not a day to worry about weight loss, I am donating blood in less than an hour and I added some extra calories and fluids to my diet intentionally as I don't want to feel week and want to be able to support the one pint blood loss.
So, is today a pause day? Shall I start with day four tomorrow or day one? I don't really care if it's day 1, I'm not looking for an excuse, but I do what to play be the rules here!
Yesterday I was such a good girl. I have only had one piece of Halloween candy in the last three days as well, and that was today - again intentionally adding a few extra calories.
Linda in NH where the sun is shining and it feels so nice to see it for a change!
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Old 11-02-2005, 03:58 PM   #158  
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Unhappy starting Day 5....again!

Good morning, all. I'm starting out on Day 5 again. This is where it all starts to get so hard, the drudge, the dredge...ugh. Why can't vigilance be more fun? Maybe I have to learn to incorporate some variety into the way of "keeping on track." The routine, the rut, is, I think, my biggest killer.

So, where is everyone? This place just seems to have died. And still no sign of some of our old posters...not much enthusiasm around here anymore?! btw, friends, you out there?

curly -- hanging in there? You sound like you're doing well. That's the way to do it, isn't it, get the exercise in increments and it'll add up in no time! Good for you for being innovative!

Fish -- Hello there! Glad to hear you're still no track and so far along on your challenge! Sorry you were sick. It's a bad time of year. I have been sick now for nearly two weeks and not feeling much better. In fact, I feel worse, not really a full blow cold but something that is really running me down and congesting my lungs so I can't exercise. What a bummer. With your calories so low, you'll be seeing 145 soon I think! Hang in there!

derry -- Good to see you in here and a big hand for not succumbing to the call of the Halloween candy! Glad the sun is shining there. It was yesterday here too, beautiful fall blue skies. As for your challenge, the 21-Day Challenge is hard if you're trying to do something like stay on plan. It has to be something that you can do EVERY day, and that's why it's better to pick something that you know you can do every day, but usually don't just because you forget or get bored or something like that. People recently, I think, have been a little too ambitious. Also, you may be looking at others who are very experienced at this and taking your cue from them, which would be too hard for a a beginner. That said, I don't know how easy it is for you to stay on plan. So, that's it. The challenge is very clear cut. You decided what your challenge is and you are either doing it or you're not. If you're not, that means you have to start over. The introduction of a "pause day" is only something relatively new. Perhaps it's causing some confusion. Also, this challenge is not like the many other ones out there where there is much more leeway over a longer period of time. That's why some people here do other ones too, such as mscat's weekly challenge. So, you decide. If what you did was not "on your plan" then you have to either start over or take a pause day. Since you're early on in your challenge, starting over with the counting to 21 might be better. Then again, if you think you will have no trouble going clear through to 21 with no slipups, then carry on. I wouldn't obsess about anything (not that you are) because in any case, it's just a game. Starting over is no big thing. It doesn't mean you've lost anything. You'll still be reaping the benefits of those four days you've built up. It's just that having the momentum of counted days building up helps you to stick with your goals (your challenge). Ok? Get all that? Good luck!
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Old 11-02-2005, 04:48 PM   #159  
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oh geez... I think i am gonna have to start over again... i walked for 45 min this morning... but during the day this cold i am getting is getting the best of me.. its moved from sneezing.. to stuffy head and my chest hurts when i cough... and i have that tickley feeling in it.. cant taste anything and cant breathe outta my nose...
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Old 11-02-2005, 05:30 PM   #160  
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I think I get it with this challenge, at least I hope so. I guess my challenge might have to be something a bit different, maybe not has hard as staying completely on program, at least at first. Maybe it's got to be journalling and drinking all my water for now? I think I can handle that. Journalling what I eat keeps me aware at least!
So, tomorrow, I will start off fresh with a day one and a smile!
In the meantime, I ate what I felt my body needed today as I did donate blood. Almost passed out as well, which was not a good thing.
Oh well.... thanks for the sage advice.
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Old 11-03-2005, 12:17 AM   #161  
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Smile halfway through Day 5....

Hi, all......although "all" is perhaps not the right word.... dunno where you all are??? Oh well, slow times....

curly -- Oh, no! Sorry to hear you're sick. Sounds similar to what I have. You had better take it easy and not risk making it worse. Can't you take a pause challenger...have the max of three. Did you take them all or do you just want to start over when you're better? Well, get well soon!

derry -- Okay, good thinking. I agree that staying on plan is an "advanced" stage challenge. You can still do it of course as kind of "training wheel" challenge and see how it goes. You may surprise yourself! Journaling is a great awareness builder and it certainly helps give you the facts when you do or don't lose. It's part of my CRAC challenge. (I'm doing a double challenge, two simultaneously which I figure separately as far as pause days and restarts go.) Maybe you could do that. That way you won't feel you've "blown" the whole thing and will still have that feeling of achievement if you stay on one of them.
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Old 11-03-2005, 05:18 AM   #162  
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Today is day one for me.
I'm going to try to journal differently than my WW materials. Dragging that book around and writing in it has become a nuisance. One thing this is typical of me is that I am on line several times a day, usually.
I am going to try something different and send myself e-mail journals and create my own method. I hope to copy, cut and paste it into a journal that I will create in my WORD documents and track for 21 days.
I am good at doing things right here where I communicate and why not communicate with myself.
So, I shall begin this and see if it helps me to be more successful.
WW does allow you to do journalling and be on line with them, but that costs money and funds are a bit low right now in this household.
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Old 11-03-2005, 06:35 AM   #163  
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Unhappy I blew it....

I blew it again!! The Swiss chocolate got the best of me and I didn't even feel like counting calories 'cause I know they'll be over my limit.....oh darn.... I feel so bad..... But, I feel I should just start over...clean slate and all that...

Oh well, at least I got some exercise in today....

Soooo lonely around here. Where are you all?!

derry -- That sounds like an interesting plan. I hope it works for you. It sounds like fun and I would do it too if I thought I was going to be online enough to keep an accurate record.

Last edited by redballoon; 11-03-2005 at 06:38 AM.
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Old 11-03-2005, 09:42 AM   #164  
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Red, what a bummer! A tasty bummer, but a bummer nonetheless. Was the chocolate dark or milk? If milk, with whole hazelnuts or not? (just a little food porn there). Seriously though, one bad day does not a defeat make. And as you said, you're still getting in that exercise! I'm thinking of going back to WW, at least briefly, and will send you the Core foods list once I get it again. For some reason I threw mine out a few months ago when I decided I could lose weight by "eating like a thin person" and never dieting again. I somehow managed to forget who I was dealing with...!

When I got on the scale this morning I was quite pleased to see I had only climbed back to 202. (Okay, just slap me.) And then I realized how very, very much more pleased I'd be if I were two pounds under the dreaded 200 instead of above. The human psyche never ceases to amaze me - our (my) ability to ignore the obvious, to find ludicrous excuses for excesses and lapses... At any rate, I think I'm getting closer to the end of this little binge. For me at least, it works better to just quit for a while than to keep restarting day after day. It's as if I lose respect for the process if I'm not convinced I'm in it for the long haul. So I need to be "ready" when I start again or will get nowhere. That's how I finally quit smoking, and also how I managed to lose on WW in the past. The time just has to be right.

Next week spinning starts, I see a foot specialist (after a wait of almost a year!) who I hope will have good ideas on how to fix my sore paws, and I'll be back on target.

Red, have you seen someone about your cold/flu/asthma/whatever? It sounds awful, and really shouldn't be hanging around so long. Remember to look after yourself! Is your colleague out of jail and out of trouble?

Fish, at last post you were on Day 14 and recovering from being sick. I bet you've gotten under 145 by now, once the no-food weight loss kicked in.

Curly, you're so quietly tenacious. Personally I think you should be allowed a sort of medical leave from the challenge, especially as far as reduced exercise is concerned. (Eating Swiss chocolate or large packs of baloney on special offer would still be punishable offenses). 'Cause you sure don't sound well, and I remember from my running days that you can continue strenuaous exercise if your problems are above the neck, but not once it gets into your chest.

Derry, welcome to the crazy house. Posting here is addictive, perfect for those of us with addictive personalities. (No slur intended, just that extra weight and food addictions seem to go hand in hand...) We're all a little low-key and whiny these days, but that will improve as we get over life's little bumps and humps.

Apple, thanks for the pep talk. At the moment I seem to be in a pep-talk-resistant phase, but I did hear you, and it's all in my tiny pea brain waiting to come out and get me back on track. You're on Day how many now? I can't imagine being so blasé about the whole thing I can't remember what day I'm on! Of course, since I'm always on either Day 0 or Day 1, it's a lot easier to remember. By the way, I imagine that lengthy car vacuuming session not only didn't suck, it probably burnt off many, many calories.

Shad, your trip sounds fantastic. Making me regret - again - not going to Japan when I sort of had the chance. Are you there for much longer? Your weigh-in when you get home should be a pleasant surprise, what with all the walking around sight-seeing. And of course as Red has shown us, there is no fattening food in Japan.

In spite of my advanced age ("hand me my walker, dearie"), I'm tempted to blame this latest binge on PMS and TOM. Theoretically, there will be no more TOM's, but every so often I get all achy and moody and then I get a brief surprise. (Just enough that I don't dare travel anywhere without plenty of "supplies" in my suitcase... Will it never end?)

Gotta go.
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Old 11-03-2005, 10:25 AM   #165  
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Good morning everyone! Yesterday was day 15!

Red - Mmm, swiss chocolate I love good dark chocolate. usually I can control myself and just have one or two little squares. Sometimes I go crazy though

Carla - hey, if you could quit smoking, I am sure you can stick to your diet! You are right, this monrning my scale said I was down to 142-143, but my official weigh-in is not until monday, so I am going to try to be good over the weekend.

Derry - fitday allows you to journal for free. I have never done WW, so I don't know how different they would be. Of course, whatever works for you and keeps you motivated, that is the thing to do!.
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