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Old 11-08-2005, 07:12 PM   #196  
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day 2>>> 1 hr of circuit training!
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Old 11-08-2005, 09:46 PM   #197  
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Well, lots of activity around here, but.... where, oh where has our Red Balloon gone? Oh, where, oh where can she be? Perhaps she offered her fair body in exchange for the wayward colleague, having realized 21 days in stir might be just the challenge to promote weight loss? Or just too darn tired and/or busy to post? Let's hope we find out soon!

Meanwhile, Fish has 19 days down, 20 counting today?!! Just moments away from a completed challenge. And yes, Fish, spinning is fun, but I'll be suffering until my butt adjusts. Something to keep in mind for the next few weeks.

Mez, good to see you back! What a bummer that TOM is so hard on you. We're so used to your cheerful and supportive voice, it's hard to realize you get down too. So next month, just remember to hum as hard as you can - a nice loud slightly high-pitched whine of a hum. Even if it doesn't work, it'll get you laughing at yourself. As for menopause, my TOM got much, much better as I got older; shorter, not as heavy, no more clots (sorry about the too much information there), and almost no cramps. Anyway, it's good to see you back.

Curly, you just keep trudging along. Short posts, good recipe ideas, right back on the exercise track after the flu caused a setback. Impressive! Now if we could all have your fortitude, we'd all graduate and the thread would just unravel...

Apple, 16 days of no caffeine? And those sit-ups? Bravo! Not an easy challenge. Maybe some day I'll be able to do a sit-up myself. And the calorie challenge is a very tough one, I know I'm not woman enough to set a calorie limit.

As for me, Day 2 of my CREAK challenge done. (I've decided to copy Red's idea of naming the various chalenges. All that "Creak" stands for is the sound of my joints and muscles and bones as I put them thru their paces.) Today I broke the no-walk rule and went for a 2 hour "walk" in the woods with some friends.

I haven't come up with my other challenge(s) yet. Stay tuned.
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Old 11-08-2005, 10:22 PM   #198  
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Hiya all,
I'm back from holiday and about ready to start the new challenge in the lead up to the silly season. No clues as to what it may be yet but I'll work on in while the fog (in the brain) lifts.

Red, I meant to ring you on Monday night, but things got busy and it sounds as though you may have been busy yourself. It was good to talk to you. Pity we did not get to meet. Things were fairly hectic with classes, after school classes, evening classes and sightseeing.

Anyway, gotta go get something done today. I'm just not sure where to start. Maybe at the beginning might be a good place. First things first. A shower and then I'm off to do some shopping for fruit and veg. Then a clean up in the kitchen and fridge. Maybe wash the kitchen floor. That will get the brain fizzing.
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Old 11-09-2005, 05:52 AM   #199  
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I'm here guys, just busy and having to restart my challenge after all. My heart wasn't in it. I'll try to get back in soon.
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Old 11-09-2005, 07:35 AM   #200  
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My heart wasn't in it either. I'm beginning to think I might have to start my own challenge called something like "one day at a time" or something.... maybe 21 days is just too overwhelming for me to think about at this time in my life.
It's not like I am totally off the wagon, either, but just not able to keep up the challenge.
I challenge myself to take today as day 1 of a new outlook. No tracking, no worries, just making health choices instead of junk. This, I say, after having ice cream last night.... what a bad girl. I knew what I was doing as well and have no excuses.
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Old 11-09-2005, 09:50 AM   #201  
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Yesterday was day 20!

DH made me breakfast for dinner again last night - we had bagels with cream cheese/lox/onions/tomato. This morning he asked if I wanted him to make me low-calorie waffles for dinner tonight. It was so cute, when I told him no, i think I am going to make a chicken ceasar salad for dinner, his face just fell. He's all, but I like making you b'fast for dinner. Just one more reason I love my hunny-bunny

I tell ya, Carla, if menopause means no more stabby cramps, bring on the hot flashes. TOM started today, and I am just quietly sitting here at my desk wishing that it didn't feel like a knife in my abdomen It is only bad for the first two days, but boy do those two days seem to take forever. I am not humming, but I am laughing thinking about humming

Curly - way to go with the circuit training! You are going to be so strong by the end of this challenge

Hang in there, Red! Just remember we are here for you and your crazy 10-part challenges
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Old 11-09-2005, 01:41 PM   #202  
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at least the hot flashes only last for a lil bit maybe 10-15 min at time lol.. and they come and go i get them for maybe a few weeks then no more for 6 or 7 months.. but i do think its the pre-menapause issue that is making my weight stay stuck... cuz i really havent lost as well as i did in the months when i was having TOM
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Old 11-09-2005, 02:30 PM   #203  
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Hey Red , as Helen Reddy would say, "I am woman, I am strong!" So get that shapely butt in gear and jump back on the challenge wagon! Let US inspire YOU for a change! I know it's hard to compete with the likes of Fishwoman, who barely eats, exercises faithfully, and just gallops thru her challenge ( )... And if you need some time off, take it. We're here, and we'll be waiting for you when you're reddy. Which will be very soon, I hope.

No exercise yet today, so no report on Day 3 of CREAK. Starting today, reddy or not, it's back to the no-booze, no-chocs, limited caffeine challenge. It's the only thing that works for me... Yesterday I realized how far gone I was - some considerate soul gave me a huge container of jelly beans. I ate half and tossed the rest. But I forgot to pour disgusting things all over the discarded goodies, and I had just changed the garbage bag, so... long story short, I "retrieved" most of them for a bedtime snack. This new challenge is the DETOX challenge, and for today, so far so good.

Derry, there is a week-at-a-time thread that might work for you as an add-on? You get kudos for each day of the week that you meet your goal - no need to start at Day 1 if you err. Fish and I post there too.

Curly, the problem with hot flashes only lasting about 15 minutes is that there are 24 hours in the day, which leaves lots of time for hot flashes aplenty... etc.

On another note, I was out in the car and starving and decided to go to Wendy's, where you can get a salad instead of fries for a side. The pouch of salad dressing they provide would easily dress a huge family-sized salad! Something to be wary of...

After glorious fall weather yesterday, today it's miserable: grey and rainy and windy and biting cold. Still better than that miserable humid heat last summer, but at this point I can hardly wait for snow and sun again.

Hang in there Red! This is your speaking.
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Old 11-09-2005, 02:44 PM   #204  
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Heh there. Quick post here. I am and was still kind of watching my food and all (and I don't mean just watching it go from hand to mouth!). I've just been too, too busy and it doesn't stop. Email from the States this morning (and that was only at 4 a.m.) and I'm already thinking I may have to be on the bullet train again this Sunday for another race, instead of relaxing as I so much need. I think I will start a new challenge today. I was kind of enjoying my double one and it WAS working but....well, lots of, let me pull back here a little bit and decide what to do. I'll be back to write more later.

Last edited by redballoon; 11-09-2005 at 03:05 PM.
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Old 11-09-2005, 05:07 PM   #205  
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Right, well okay. I am back and in for a challenge. I jumped on the scales yesterday - should have jumped a bit harder I think - anyway I have lost one pound while I have been away and that was with airplane bloat and not taking my fluid tablet yesterday as well. It's quite pleasing to come home from holiday and not have to re-lose what you lost before you went.

So my challenge is to:
1. continue to eat the vegetables and soup - just like I was doing in Japan.
2. Keep up the exercise routine - 5 days per week
3. Drink lots of water.
4. Keep the calories down to 1200-1300.

I'll start this challenge tomorrow morning 11.11.05. 21 days with 2 pause days. I can do this. I know I can, I know I can.

Now lets see if I can catch up with some of you.

Red Take your time to think about what you are doing. You have so many other things on the go at the moment. Where is this big race meeting that takes you out of Tokyo? Please try to take a few minutes per day to just rest and renew. You probably work in one of the worst industries for freneticism and anxiety. It's no wonder you feel wrung out and hung out to dry. How is that young silly bloke who went to jail? Someone should tell him not to drink!

Carla - Hope you have done that exercise by now. Naughty girl on the jellybeans by the way. I don't have a sweet tooth so it doesn't faze me to have sweets in the house. They are not my poison. Cheese, pickles and savoury type things are.

Mez - I know that feeling you describe about TOM. Mine used to be just AWFUL. The 2 day pain was the culmination of a 2 week period where I steadily got fatter and more bloated and would often place a 1 foot exclusion zone around the whole body. The pain just before and during the first days of TOM were incredible. I am pleased to report however that one day they just stopped. No hot flushes, no pain, no TOM, no exclusion zone, no medical interference, nothing. Just Joy in a reasonable frame of mind (for me anyway) for 30 or 31 days of the month. It was the most wonderful feeling and I thank who ever I can for menopause and the relief. I hope this happens for you. Looking back it seems like I wasted half my life living in pain and being angry and featherbrained because of the pain. Have you tried a heat pad for comfort while you are sitting at the desk or at home? Might provide some temporary relief.

Hello to Fish and Curley and Derry and Apple. Better go do some work since I am back in the office again. They just may expect it.
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Old 11-09-2005, 07:05 PM   #206  
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day 3>> 30 min walking (2 miles) & 45 min circuit training
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Old 11-09-2005, 10:42 PM   #207  
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Just squeaked in under the wire with Day 3 of CREAK. Day 1 of DETOX under my belt (not that I'll be wearing belts for some time yet...)

Visit to the doc today, who has gently suggested I try a local doctor who does a sensible weight loss program that works. That makes two doctors this week hinting that my feet - and my blood pressure - would be happier if I unloaded a ton of blubber. Motivating, I must say. (I've never had anything but low BP before, so being even slightly high is a wake-up call.) And I've re-adjusted my ticker to a more realistic weight - the binge-related weight gain I've been dodging finally caught up with me. But not for long! I am strong! I am invincible! I am diet-woman!

Today's exercise: 15 good minutes on the clothes rack - er, Gazelle. At least 15 minutes walking from here to there and back again.

Red, when you go away to these races, do you have to commute, or do you stay over? Will this extra work give you some extra $$$? I hope so, that would sure take some of the pressure off...

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Old 11-10-2005, 12:10 AM   #208  
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Thumbs up back on track...

Ah! I had a very enjoyable morning with my horse (well, enjoyable is a word I use because I love her, but it doesn't mean it was an easy morning! ) and now I come home to get ticked off right good with some translation company telling me they were going to "renegotiate" the pay rate for work I did AFTER I've done it. They said the style was different from the rest of the report....well, duh! of course it was, if it was done by another person.....anyhow, I came down mega-hard on the poor guy and got the original rate...will likely be the last time I get work from them but if so, I'd say good riddance!

Wooo....wiping sweat from brow. A battle fought and won! And I thought it was just my mare who gave me battles to fight.....

Ok, I've rethought my challenge and I'm getting rid of the double thing...even though it was kind of neat. I want simple! I need simple! My life is too NOT simple!!! Soo,...the challenge is like one I did early on...just I be the judge of other words, I'm going to stay OP and that Plan is something that will give a satisfactory answer to all my questions posed myself at the end of the day, such as, did you eat healthful foods? YES did you pig out on sugar? NO did you get some exercise in or sit around like a sloth? Exercise! etc. etc. You get the picture?

After seeing my coworker in the slammer, I figured I want the shackles off for a while! If I start getting out of line, they're going back on though!!!

Ok, that's it for now. I must do some work. Will try to get back in later to talk to you all. Ciao tutti!
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Old 11-10-2005, 09:56 AM   #209  
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Woo Hoo! Day 21!! My second challenge completed

I have to think of a new challenge now! I will probably keep on with the calorie counting, but want to add some other component to it.

Red - your life seems very NOT simple. I agree that maybe a simpler challenge would help you keep in focus

Shad - your challenge seems great! I may have to steal part of it for myself
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Old 11-10-2005, 10:56 AM   #210  
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LMAO @ Carla >> the clothes rack/Gazelle cant even hang clothes on mine its folded up and against the wall!
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