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Old 07-23-2005, 05:42 AM   #166  
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Hello to everyone on this cool Saturday evening.

Had a wonderful visit with Chris. It is so good to have a friend who one is so comfortable with. It just like having an old pair of comfortable walking shoes around the place. Such a good day. Time went by far to fast but that is life. It always does when we are enjoying ourselves. We've more or less sorted out the route for the Italian job. Both of us were not interested in sticking to the cities - we want to explore the little mountain towns of Tuscany, Umbria and the Veneto. Then a bit of time in Switzerland maybe? We haven't worked that one out yet. Chris tells me this will be her last big trip. She is looking to return to NZ in three years time. I shall have to find a new travelling companion if I am going to continue travelling. Anyway we will just have to make the most of this one. Who knows it may be my last as well.

So I'm now processing my vegetables for the weeks lunches and dinners. Then I am about to watch a bit of tv cuddle with the puss cat and a fairly early bed. Tomorrow will be busy. I have another part of the ceiling to plaster and paint, some sanding to do, some grouting and I really must wash the car. There is a need to go to the hardware store and the gym must be visited. As well the washing needs hanging out and bringing in, folding and ironed. The lawn needs mowing as well. Aaaaaah well no rest for the wicked.

My DB1 just rang to thank me for the orchid that I put on his doorstep tonight. He has been in bed for a week with pneumonia. Still doesn't sound too bright but is on the road to recovery. SIL is still waiting for the 2nd scan to decide the story on her tumour of the pancreas. Haven't heard from the rest of the family so don't know what happens then.

Time to go get those peppers out from under the grill and then to watch that tv I was rabbiting on about previously. See you, back later when I've had a chance to read the posts.
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Old 07-23-2005, 12:22 PM   #167  
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Hi Ladies,

Just a quick "hello" from Phoenix. Today we are experiencing humid weather--something we ordinarily do not have. So again I will be staying inside. I received my Strawberry Shortcake and Sponge Bob designs in the mail yesterday and at this moment I am embroidering Strawberry. If I would only stay in my play room most of the day, my eating problem would be solved.

Shad, you sure are a busy lady--but that is what keeps us going. My friends are coming over to play cards this evening so it will be my first entertainment in several months. I am actually looking forward to their visit.

I was going to check out LA Weight Loss today but after talking to one of my friends I decided against it. The WW program at the State will be starting again the middle of August and hopefully by that time I will be ready to get back into control. I have still maintained my 40 lb. loss but have gained back about 12 lbs. because initially I had taken off 54 lbs. Well I am the only one who can take care of this problem and I really intend to do so!

Thanks again for being there. You ladies are so great. Not having family here is really difficult and at least when I get sad I can always come to our site.

Take care,
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Old 07-23-2005, 01:24 PM   #168  
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Hi everyone~~
Thought i'd post a quick reply to Nita on the LA wt. loss. That is what my MIL there in Mesa lost a good amount of wt. on---- 28# i think she said, and about 14 more to goal. The main thing that makes LA work is the cutting out of sodium and alot of red meats.(they have to take a teaspoon of some kind of salt daily tho'.) I think she said she can have pork or beef once a week or so. Protein is also a big key thing. She does buy their protein bars and religiously eats two of them a day.
She has the same breakfast daily (which i would have to vary--i can go awhile then i begin hating it!) Hers is 1/4 cup of eggbeaters done in microwave, 1 or 2 of the lite rye wasa breads and fruit. then a bar for a snack. Lunch might be 1 cup lettuce(they have to measure that too, which to me seems can one eat too many veggies?) with 4 oz. of salad shrimp and ff dressing. also a wasa bread here.
Then supper could be grilled chicken, some kind of veggie(w/ limits) and fruit. Another protein bar for evening snack.
OH, also when she opens canned tuna or such , she rinses it many times b4 eating it, and she weighs that too, she can only eat part of the can as her protein serv at that meal.
The potato is pretty much gone from her life it seems
Tho when she was here on vac, it was hard to stay so strict. I had made potato salad twice for some of our big family gatherings! YIKES. And i know she indulged a bit. And she journals, but i did notice she 'forgets' to write some of the things she cheats on down in the book! like all of us! LOL. She still goes to be weighed in at her LA wt loss place, and does aqua aerobics and was doing some walking, however i doubt many can do that outside in Phoenix area right now. Very sad to hear of all those people dying there from this heat wave. Hope it cools off for you and rains here for us. We need it really bad, but so far today only clouds for us, i think it's going south again

I have the wasa breads from her visit, trying to use them b4 they totally go soggy from the humidity. The crunching thing is what she says they stress, don't just do protein drinks cause your body misses the chewing sensation. Sounds right. That and her bars and maybe she will reach her goal. Well, i need to weigh in and get a new start. I have no idea where i am at. Well, what clothes fit me kind of tell me a bit. I couldn't have gained it all back yet...but i must start to go back down or who knows
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Old 07-23-2005, 06:04 PM   #169  
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Thanks Liz, I appreciate your comments about LA WL. In all honesty, I do feel WW is still the best program out there. But I also know one has to be ready and want to do it according to the plan. Perhaps after Gene gets his urinary problem straightened out, I will be in a better frame of mind.

Because of the heat I have not been exercising and I sure can tell the difference. I don't have my usual energy. I am going to try and go back to the gym starting Monday and perhaps I can get into the swing of things.

Thanks again for your comments.
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Old 07-24-2005, 04:13 AM   #170  
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Well that is the weekend gone. Too fast again. I didn't get most of what I had planned done. But that's the way life goes I guess.

I didn't get the car washed, or the painting, sanding, plastering done. I did get to the gym and into the garden. So I haven't been exactly idle I suppose.

Yes Liz, I am solo. I live alone with Sunday the cat. I've always been interested in building design and decoration, so it doesn't bother me that I do a lot of things which are considered to be male oriented. I have a collection of tools that can make a man drool. The only things I don't touch are electricity and the car. Mind you the car is under warranty anyway so that is not a problem at this time.

That LA weight loss plan sure sounds like a lot of work. I'm not sure I could follow something that I have to stop and count, choose or becomes mundane. I do like variety in my food. That's why I go to the gym 5 times a week.

Okay, time to go tidy the kitchen, fold the washing, shower and cuddle with the cat for a while before bed. Work again tomorrow.
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Old 07-25-2005, 02:57 AM   #171  
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Mornin chickies ......... just a quick call ............. it's my birthday today 54 where does the time fly. I really thought I could have lost some weight for this day and I suppose 3 pounds is better than none but I would have liked to have been slimmer. So if I did not do it for my birthday I can then try and do it before my next one
Sinead is coming from Belfast to visit me for the day and introduce me to her boyfriend. She was in Australia for my last birthday ....... yes Shad it must be about 1 year since you very kindly spent a day out with the girls showing them around your part of Australia. The day they spent with you was one of their favourites. Then tomorrow they are both heading off to spend 2 nights in Barcelona and from there going to a chalet somewhere in the French mountains to spens a week with his father and his partner.
The boyfriend will be going to Australia for a year in September so who knows what will happen after that. He wanted Sinead to go with him but I think she had seen all she needed to see when she was there last year and she a bit of a home bird.

Gotta go see to my mum so I will try and call in more often and I still have not read what you are all up to!!

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Old 07-25-2005, 05:35 AM   #172  
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Happy Birthday Anne, and many more to follow.

It would be nice to be slimmer but we have to realise we are getting older and it is getting harder to lose. All we can do is try to be the best we can and do the things we need to do.

Is it really a year since I was toting Sinead and Caroline around the countryside?? Good Heavens. How time does fly.

I think I will take Wednesday off work. There is little for me to do at the moment and it gets really boring sitting around drumming up things to do. Today I couldn't even get onto the internet and find out whats happening in the rest of the world. Some one had managed to give me a different password for the internet and mail. Such fun. Anyway there is plenty I can do at home both indoors and out.

The washing machine is beeping at me to tell me it has finished the wash. So I best go hang that lot out before I get too settled here and do nothing for the rest of the night. See you later.

Last edited by Shad; 07-25-2005 at 05:38 AM.
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Old 07-25-2005, 08:23 AM   #173  
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Have a happy day Mooz!! You make 54 look pretty darn good!!! HUGS!!!!
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Old 07-25-2005, 08:58 AM   #174  
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Happy Happy Birthday!!
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Old 07-25-2005, 10:22 AM   #175  
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Default Happy Birthday Miss Mooz!!!

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Old 07-25-2005, 12:34 PM   #176  
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Hi Ladies,

Just a quick "hello" and to wish Mooz a very Happy, Happy Birthday!

Already got a lot done and it is only 9:30 a.m. Because it so hot here--I used the weed eater to cut my patch of grass this morning at about 6:45 a.m. before the sun hit. Hopefully I didn't disturb my neighbors too much! I also washed two loads of clothes and helped Gene shower. I am now in my play room drinking my water. They told Gene to take baby steps and eventually they would become normal steps. Perhaps we can do the same with our losing weight. You do know ladies with all of our expertise in this field if we can come up with a "perfect" solution to getting our weight where we want it, we could all be millionaires. Just think about it. And even if we don't make all this money, just think how much healthier we will be. For me today I am just going to try and stay occupied with my sewing and when I come home from bowling I have decided to start a crochet project. I know it sounds good, now all I have to do is act it out!

Take care and hopefully everyone is having a "super" Monday. Michelle, I hope you have time to check in with us every so often. I think of you often!

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Old 07-25-2005, 01:46 PM   #177  
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Just a quick note.

Mooz - Wishing you a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!

will post more later.
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Old 07-25-2005, 10:36 PM   #178  
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Happy belated Birthday Mooz. Nice your daughter could be there. I am hoping for the whole family since this will be my 60th (in August).'

Nita--my friend in Mexico started getting up really early (like 2am!) because of the heat and the electricity was working then. Maybe in AZ you need something like that (less extreme!) and then a siesta in the hot afternoon.

Oh--my allergist had said I really should have a regular dr with all my health problems. So when I couldn't get one, I asked who he'd recommend--and SHE isn't taking new patients. Good grief! I must keep looking.

Best to all--

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Old 07-26-2005, 12:48 AM   #179  
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Knock, knock - pardon the interruption, just popping my head in the door to wish you a very happy but a bit belated birthday MOOZ. Hope it was as delightful as you are. May the whole year ahead be a joyful one for you.

Have a good day ladies.
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Old 07-26-2005, 03:26 AM   #180  
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Oh my goodness ........ what a lovely surprise coming to the thread and finding a party!! You have all made my day and bringing tears to my eyes too.
I had a lovely relaxing day yesterday which was nice as I did not get much sleep the nifgt before. On Sunday night I got my mum to bed an hour earlier and then I went out to watch a great Irish comedian who was appearing in our local hotel. Orla kepi an eye on mum for me. I got to bed at 1am and my mother was waken at 4 am and did not sleep very well after that so neither did I
So yesterday I did practically nothing apart from what I needed to do for mum. Sinead came home with her nice young man.
I had a Chinese last night (I mean a meal not a man!!! ) for dinner ........ we all did so there was no cooking to be done and I went to bed at 11 as soon as I got mum to bed and thankfully she slept till nearly 6 and I had nearly 7 hours of unbroken sleep .......pure heaven!

Shad - thank you for the cute kitty and the balloons amd you are so right about it being harder to lose the weight as we get older. I weighed myself this morning and thankfully I have still got those 3 pounds still off ....... which is a nice surprise especially as I was eating cake yesterday too.

Hollyhock - thanks for the surprise and the compliment and the hugs ....... I must drop into your thread and see what you have been up to lately!

Thin - thank you for the big pink Happy Birthday ........ I see you are like me and don't get as much time to post now. We are so lucky to have this thread to come back to for support when we need it.

Melody - thank you for dropping by and surprising me........ just llooking at that dancing Happy Birthday cheers me up!!

Nita - thank you and I think someday we will all find our own solution to the weight problem. You are off to a good start by keeping busy and you seem well in control.

Patty - thank you for the good wishes ....... and I hope things at work get less stressful for you soon.

Catlover - thanks for the good wishes and I hope all your family can be with you in August. What date is you birthday on?

Happy2bme - what a lovely surprise and thank you for the kind wishes

Halgal ...... I take it the boys are keeping you busy just now

Michelle - hoping to hear from you soon.

Thanks again ladies ........ you are the best and I am priviliged to have such great friends ........... you are all stars!


I have a little group of friends,
As dear as they can be.
I love them all, but sad to say,
The only claim I have is that
When I feel sad, alone or blue,
I get on line,
And maybe find someone who feels it too.
They give love and support,
Opinions and such,
Which I can take or ponder much,
But...sometimes I round a bend And Lo!!
I'll make a brand new friend.
Feel bad, or sad?
Just plain sick?
Got an attitude or habit you want to kick?
"Its ok", your friends will say,
"We've all been there before,
A time or two, just like you".
We know the ups, the downs,
The highs, the lows,
The "I-could-kill-that-so-n-so's".
The pain and strain, of getting through
The leave-takings without adieu.
We've seen it all, the been-theres done
We've worn all the different hats,
Makes us each uniquely "us",
And when we want to make a fuss,
We come online and find the equalizers,
The friends, who become our sympathizers,
Who know, And feel, And wish, And pray,
When you both know there is nothing more to say--
But an online friend will say it anyway.
Author Unknown

Last edited by mooz49; 07-26-2005 at 04:06 AM.
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