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Old 06-20-2005, 07:07 PM   #61  
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Default RE: Talking the talk, now to.... = )

Hello Movers and Losers - Happy Monday!

Monday always seems like a renewal time, time to forgive the previous weeks diet pitfalls, and re-establish new goals. So...

Did anyone else here catch The View show today? (I just love to be able to talk about what was on TV - as I rarely watch during the school year - day or night.) They had a nice segment on the traditional best food choices, and then brought out several women that have lost well over a 100 pounds each. One of them had the lap band surgery and lost almost 200. Her sister saw her success and had it, and passed away on the surgery table. She said she does not recommend it for anyone, but did not go into it. Can you say curiosity got the cat? Hummm.... I think I'll find the website and read more about it.

I am doing some house cleaning and patio work (I have a patio with no less than 500 square feet - huge.) and stationary biking. My annual physical is this Wednesday. I dread it, but am honestly glad. I just want to once and for all 'get serious' and 'do something(s)' to improve my weight problem. I am so envious of folks I've seen lose weight. It appears you just have to make a plan, and get past that first hurdle of establishing the habit/goal.

Tonight I had a grilled hamburger patty, 2/3 cup cottage cheese with a half dozen cherry tomaotoes. Good, but I find myself still wanting more. I know much of this is in my head. Lunch was a Sponkita (spinach/feta cheese in phyllo dough - all organic).

Mooz: Oh my gosh, I love your picture. It is now on my computer as the wallpaper. Thank you. How far is this from you? You are blessed. Hey, I think Hal will be in Coleraine on September 17th. I will be living vicariously through you, but you already know that.

OneDay: Neat that you got to go to a play. You know, and this is hard to admit, but part of my misery - I don't fit into many seats any longer. I have a back side the width of your state. I always have, and with age I guess it is growing. Time to take action, and my choices are unfortunatley limited. I think I told you guys about going to see Bruce Springsteen a few years ago with a guy in Atlanta - and I did not fit. I was SO humiliated. He called this weekend saying he had just purchased more tickets to see Bruce again, and just around the corner from where we sat. I have a feeling he was hoping I could say I would 'fit'. Sad, sad, sad stuff cause I don't. Tell me about 'myrtles' I am not sure what they are. I have wave petunias and begonias on my deck - all deep salmon or white in color. I am still potting. I need to do tihs quickly this week as it is due to get really hot later in the week.

CatLover: Hats off to you, for sticking to your price. I remember helping one friend finish a project, doing as you said and it just got bigger and bigger and bigger. I got paid nothing. Just lots of compliments on how good it was. It was good, but still time is money. I guess that is unless you are a teacher. I know of no other profession where you can be ask to work day(s) for no extra pay - on a routine basis. I have a friend that says she is drinking a glass of metamucil prior to each meal. I think I would prefer an apple, but the sugar free metamucil is virtually calorie free. I'll let you know what she says.

Shad: I think you should bump your daily caloric intake to closer to 1400 a day. Even at this level, you will need a good multivitamin. Your exercise is enviable. You go girl. Keep telling us what you are doing. Trust me, it makes a big difference in your body shape, even if the weight is not falling off. I can see a 'huge' difference from lack of exercise the last 5, yes I did say 5 years. Keep it up, I am going to try get back on the exercise routine too.

Someone ask if the Dr. Roizen I posted the article on was the same one on the Oprah show, and the answer is yes. I have a really interesting email from the Oprah site on health and anti-aging tips. I think the book would be good and on the current side of nutrition.

Nita: I hope Gene is home tonight. If not, soon. Let us know how you are doing.

Can anyone tell me if Thin is traveling? I was out of touch for a short while and wonder if I missed what she is doing. I know she travels lots. Hey to Michellezzzzzz too! And, anyone I missed.
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Old 06-20-2005, 07:46 PM   #62  
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Hi Ladies,

I met Gene at the urologist's office this morning and he did take out the catheter, however, if Gene is not successful in urinating a catheter will have to be put back in. He is going to call me in about an hour to let me know if he was successful. He is walking with the walker quite well but is still having a problem with his balance. I anticipate it will be another week or so before he gets to come home. I do believe it makes sense for him to do it right the first time. Also, getting back into rehab is not easy.

Today when I came home from bowling I got out of my car and a "miracle" happened. The day I had gone to buy my new car I lost one of my favorite earrings. Well you guessed it, there it was laying underneath my treadmill. When something likes this occurs I really feel it is a miracle! Now all we need is for a miracle re: Gene.

I believe I mentioned prior that my sister with diabetes had half of her left foot removed and she, too, is in a rehab center learning how to walk with it. My niece told me, however, that her mother is in such pain she can hardly handle it. So Ladies, if you will, keep Gene and my sister, Char, in your prayers. Thank you.

As far as dieting goes, I do start off the day exactly correct, however, as the day wears on I all of a sudden think I have to be eating something. HalGal, you are so correct when it comes to exercising--for some reason I lost my incentive to go to the gym prior to visiting Gene. Even though I am contemplating finishing my cleaning int he morning, I am committing to going to the gym tomorrow and do the treadmill at least for 35 minutes.

Well ladies, as always, you are the very best friends a woman could ever have--you are always there when we need you!

Thank a whole bunch!
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Old 06-20-2005, 08:18 PM   #63  
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Mooz--that it so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.

Patty--yes, I had the interview, and I thought it went well. However, they do want people who can work weekends and overnight. I said no to overnight--I know I can't stay healthy and do that. I wouldn't mind Saturdays, but I thought it over carefully--no, I'm not going to give up my Sundays. So if they can't fit me in, well, then I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.

Had good walk with dog tonight--waited until it cooled down a bit.

Best to all . . .
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Old 06-21-2005, 08:03 AM   #64  
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Default RE: Tuesday

Hey Everyone!

Just a quick good morning. I think I mentioned I watched 'The View' yesterday and they had tips on foods for weight loss, and had a few ladies that had lost over 100 pounds. I went to the website and found this:

Since recent studies have expressed that eating dairy may actually help you lose weight, we recruited nutritionist Joy Bauer to explain exactly what that entails as well as to disclose other foods that also vow to assist in shedding those extra pounds. Below you will find a brief description of the topics discussed on this morning's program. For more nutritional advice, pick up a copy of Joy's latest book Cooking with Joy. This publication is now available through the ABC TV Store.

Insoluble fiber takes a longer time to chew and provides volume to food without adding a lot of calories.

All-Bran Cereal
Low-Carb Bread
Wheat Bran

Soluble fiber helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, which ward off hunger and cravings.

Steel-cut oats oatmeal
Black beans

Fruits and vegetables with a high water content "built in" helps to fill you up resulting in eating less collectively throughout the day. Drinking straight water separately does not have the same effect since it leaves the stomach more rapidly.


Lean proteins can slightly rev up your metabolism after ingestion. To calculate your daily personal requirements, multiply .50 x your body weight in pounds to find out how many grams your intake should be.

Chicken breast
Canned light tuna
Shrimp cocktail
Turkey breast
Turkey burgers

There is some evidence that ample dairy can help promote weight loss. Stick with low-fat or non-fat sources and reap the other benefits from calcium as well, bone health, colon protection, alleviate menstrual cramps and help manage blood pressure.

Non-fat yogurt
Part skim string cheese
Skim milk
Low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese
Low-fat or fat-free cheese

Capsaicin has been shown to increase fat oxidation. However, studies have yet to prove that hot spice can promote weight loss. On the other hand, studies have reported that people are often satisfied with less food when the meal is spicy hot. Plus, you automatically eat slower and drink more water.

Chili peppers, jalapenos
Hot salsa
Spicy vegetarian chili
Stir-fry veggies with chili peppers

A study from The University of Texas has shown that people who drink diet soda are more likely to become obese because they are over compensating and give themselves permission to eat high caloric foods. Bottom line is you must be accountable for the calories you intake and drink water!
Next, Jorge Cruise, weight loss expert and author of The 3-Hour Diet, showed us how the things we do in our daily routines, such as brushing your teeth and going to the mall, can actually burn calories and help us lose weight. Below you will find a brief description of the topics discussed on this morning's program. For details on how to set your metabolism in motion and for a free weight-loss profile ($40 value), please visit Furthermore, The 3-Hour Diet is now available through the ABC TV Store.
The Ultimate Calorie Countdown
Brushing Your Teeth:
2x a day = 46 calories = 322 calories per week

Getting Dressed:
10 minutes of extreme activity = 100 calories maximum a day = 700 calories per week

Pushing a Stroller:
Working with the stroller (i.e., opening, closing, picking up the baby) 3x a week for an hour = 1,800 calories per week

Sitting and Eating: If you eat 400 calories of food per meal you will burn 100 calories from chewing and digesting, 3 meals (at 400 calories each) and two snacks (at 200 calories each) per day = 2,800 calories per week

3x a week for 10 minutes sessions = 300 calories per week

Doing Laundry:
Vigorous activity once a week = 600 calories per week

Cleaning House:
Deep cleaning for an hour once a week = 600 calories per week

Grocery Shopping:
Vigorous activity for an hour once a week = 600 calories per week

Playing with your Kids:
3x a week for 30 minutes intervals = 1,400 calories per week

Having Sex:
2x a week for 10 minutes = 200 calories per week

Shopping at the Mall:
Actively moving around the mall once a week = 400 calories per week

Jumping Rope
Pilates or Yoga
Weight Training
Each individual activity 3x a week at 30 minute intervals = 900 calories per week

This all appears to be pretty basic, and more than likely stuff we already know, but may need to be reminded of.

Mooz: Your picture on my computer wallpaper absolutely takes my breath away. Thank you, thank you, thank you....

Nita: I am including Gene and your sister in my prayers - along with you! I firmly believe in the power of talking to the higher powers. There is no doubt in my mind, there are higher powers. Hang in there, take good care of you.

Have a GREAT day girls!!!!
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Old 06-21-2005, 06:11 PM   #65  
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Hal--what a clever idea! I set it as my wallpaper also. Thanks, Mooz.
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Old 06-21-2005, 06:16 PM   #66  
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Morning all.
I'm back again for another stint at work. Working hard as you can see. I'm hoping to be out of here for 3.30pm today since I have no meetings and no training and yesterdays thumping of the keyboard produced so many questions to which there appear to be no answers !$^#%# Go live date - 4th July. Should be fireworks spectacular I suspect. Might also turn out to be a whimper. I should not presume. Never presume! Also turned up a portal defect of showstopper proportions - and I did not deliberately do the action, it was something anyone could have done and should have been tested for - tech heads have been working on it most of the night so I am told. Tough hey?

Tough workout last night at the gym, but achievements were made. When Jason gave me my new workout list I could not use the ChinHipDip thingy - could only hang there and count to ten twice before I ran out of upper body muscle - mostly shoulders and arms. Let me explain better. This contraption expects you climb on the footrest and reach up to rest your forearms on the pads you then take your feet off the footrest and are supposed to swing the legs out and up while holding oneself on the frame with the forearms and hands holding the gripper thingys. Now I'm short so it takes an effort just to get into the right position. Anyway I started off with two hanging session of 10 seconds each and worked up to 7 or 8 and then 10. So then I thought I would try the kick bit and managed one x 10 kicks. However having persevered through the aching muscles of the shoulders, arms and neck I now find I can do 4 x 10 kicks and space it out with 4 x 10sec hanging. Anyway to cut a long story short, last night I was kicking away there and hanging on for grim death and counting the seconds when all of a sudden I encountered resistance. Humpphhh - open screwed up eyes to find I have kicked the large and well muscled butt of a man. Quite hard too I think. Hop off the contraption, apologise profusely to this giant bloke who laughed and said that the first time he tried the contraption, he kicked his trainer squarely in the jaw. I am impressed and in awe. I don't think I will ever be able to kick high enough to get anyone in the jaw!!!!!

Thanks for the list of calorie counting HalGal however I take a bit of convincing that some of those figures are right. For instance if I was to have 10 minutes of vigorous activity putting clothes on, I would have my entire wardrobe draped somewhere on my body. 10 minutes is a long time for putting the normal load of clothes on. In my estimation - as long as I know more or less what I am going to wear, then dressing takes less than 2 minutes. Some of those figures look extra strange when one considers that if I do the cardio circuit at the gym for 1 hour and end up in a lather of sweat - as I always do - according to the machines and my brain I have burned just under 500 calories. It's difficult to know who to believe when there are so many conflicting opinions around.

Anyway, better get on with the day.
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Old 06-21-2005, 07:41 PM   #67  
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Hello Ladies,

Hal - Thin is back, last time we heard from her she was busy unpacking and getting settled in. I dread going for my yearly too. Seems like every year I gain 10 lbs. This past year was the first time that I hadn't. I not able to catch any of the morning programs, I do watch Oprah some nights when they replay the earlier day's program. OH, I saw that book at Walmart, will pick it up next time.

Cat - I don't blame you for not wanting to work nights. That would be too hard.

Shad - Ok, your starting to motiviate me to go to the gym too. Glad the man you kicked was not facing the other way.

Nita - keeping Gene and Char in my prayers.

I'm not doing to well on my food. Sunday I ate alot of pasta salad and I think that triggered my cravings for carbs. Plus, it's also week before TOM and I always have cravings.

Mooz, Thin, Mitchellez - Hope to hear from you guys soon.
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Old 06-22-2005, 05:55 PM   #68  
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Hi there ......just a quick call ....... if anyone wants the sunset picture in its original size let me know and send me your e-mail address (unless I already have it) in a PM. As it had to be made smaller to go in the thread then the quality is not as good.
We wnet down tonight but the sun was notr to be seen although the sky and sea were a lovely blue colour........ and I will just show you.

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Old 06-22-2005, 06:11 PM   #69  
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Morning, afternoon or evening all - strike out that which is not applicable.

Looks like it is going to be another superb winters day here and I shall be stuck inside looking outwards. I shall have to get me a job on a building site or something. Anyway it is very cool out there. When I left home this morning the thermometer in the car read 7.0c and by the time I got out onto the main road it was down to 4.5c. That's very cool for here. It was absolutely freezing standing on the station - wind chill might have had something to do with that I guess. The natives are freezing their buns off and complaining like mad - as if that will do any good. I keep saying that the temps are good during the day when the sun is up, count your blessings, but they don't seem to understand that there are places in this world that rarely get above 7.0c for the ENTIRE day during the winter. And the other blessing is that the bugs are gone - gone, gone, gone. Scarcely a fly left standing. It is sooooooo nice. Heat dust and flies will come back far too soon. Actually I have to admit to feeling like LindaT does in the journals. She is feeling the cold since she has lost so much weight. Muscle may be fine and good, but the fat was insulating. My almost non existent butt is continually cold. So are my legs for that matter. The places with the least amount of fat seem to be complaining this winter. Wouldn't it be nice if when losing this fat, it redistributed itself so there was a thin layer (thin fat layer?????!!!!) all over just to keep us toasty.

Silly me, I am losing my mind somewhere. I got to the station this morning and as per normal rearranged the bag - took out all the gym gear and left it in the car and put in the good shoes, book, water bottle, food - errrrrr where's my lunch, breakfast, morning tea and snack???? Yep okay it is on the bench at home. What a dope.

What I find I am also having since these muscles come to pass is the need for hot food in the winter. Salads just aren't cutting it so much at the moment, so I am going to have to think of other ways to get the nutrition without the fat. Interesting thoughts go through my head at times like these. Soup is one of them. However I make a big pot of the stuff and then waste it. Like I'm bored with it after a couple of times. I can freeze it, but once frozen I tend to forget it is there. Besides which my fridge has only a smallish freezer now and I tend not to be able to put a lot of stuff in it. I do like variety. Not sure that I could do the LindaT thing and have alternating fish or chicken for a whole week. I need to work on my food I think.

Okay best go find out if the powers that be have made up their minds about things yet. What things I hear you ask? Well I don't know, when I left here last night, they were still making their minds up.
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Old 06-22-2005, 09:12 PM   #70  
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How about stir-frying those veggies instead of serving them cold? You can add a little chicken, sea-food, whatever's good. Our health food store has very good canned soups--not too much salt etc. Not sure what you have there, though--even some of the regular commercial kinds have some good lines.

Take care.
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Old 06-23-2005, 01:14 PM   #71  
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Hello Ladies,

Just a quick hello. Trying to get things done during lunch. One of them is paying bills. I tend to forget them.

Shad - Not sure what your temp is since your using celcius, but i'm sure it's cold. It's hot here our high is suppose to be 96 today, this weekend expected to get up to 100.

Mooz - that's a beautiful view too.

Hope everyone is having a good day!
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Old 06-23-2005, 06:11 PM   #72  
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Went to see the hypnotherapist yesterday and it looks like, for reasons I won't go into, that hypnosis won't work for me. So that was a little disappointing, but I really liked him, and we may try something else.

Meanwhile, I've been eating a lot of apples, which isn't really following the whole plan, but I have certainly found (only over a few days) that I am more satisfied, and don't binge eat at night.

Yoga lesson tonight.
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Old 06-23-2005, 06:19 PM   #73  
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Following on from yesterday mornings weather report, the following occurred during the day and overnight. It’s only interesting because I live in the Sub-Tropics on the east coast of Australia.

Yesterday, on the plaza at the bottom of the building that I work in, the powers that be had a morning tea and seminar on the joys of State Government superannuation. They put out tables with bunches of balloons and edible goodies like sandwiches and buns etc etc.

Yesterday the wind blew, and blew and blew and blew. Don’t anyone ever tell me about NZ’s windy Wellington anymore.

As a result of this cold wind blowing, the seminar shifted indoors, but not before the wind picked up enough strength to blow the sandwiches clear off the plates and into the air. We were watching bits of lettuce and other unknown foodstuffs floating through the air and past our windows. The wind was so strong that it picked up one of the bunches of balloons - which were weighted down with little brick thingies and they too floated past the office windows.

Of course winter here in the subtropics means cool nights and mild to warm days - but yesterday it didn’t get passed 18C (if you need a quick formula for conversion to fahrenheit - double the temp and add 30.) And that wind was just the pits. Once the sun left the sky, the temps plummetted again. Somewhere in the inland sub-tropics snow fell yesterday. First snow that far north in 46 years. Mind you the Canadians would have called it dandruff not snow, but the kids were having a wonderful time of it sliding down the slopes on their skateboards minus the wheels.

Last night got very cold and the drive to the station this morning was more than a tad chilly. In fact the little information screen on the dash started a 7c and went down as far as 2.5c. After 3.5c little snowflake diagrams started to appear on the screen warning me of ice outside. ICE - we only use that in our drinks!!

I remembered my lunch and breakfast today. So yesterdays bad eating is now a thing of the past - ha ha. And although I was bitterly cold and missed my usual train home last night due to a meeting running overtime, I talked myself into going to the gym for the cardio circuit (15 mins ea on Treadmill, bike and stepper last night) and felt better for it - or is that my conscience taking a well earned break?

Tonight I am going out to dinner with the brother and the niece and nephew and then home to start preparations for the weekend. I have a rowdy bunch of footy fanatics coming over to cheer on the All Blacks against the British & Irish Lions tomorrow. I have decided to serve comfort food (for the British of course) such as lamb shanks and mashed potato and carrot. The kids love them slow cooked in wine and stock. There’s some NZ beer for the boys (the Brits will just have to make do) and a nice Spanish red for me and the niece. Following the footy we will spill out on to the patio and toast some marshmallows etc over the barbecue and I will put a good old favourite of rhubarb crumble in the weber for comsumption. By that time we probably won’t feel the cold. Later is the Australia v Italy test and we will all have to watch that as well no doubt. It should be fun.

Meanwhile back in the office, I have to prepare for 3 training sessions of 1.5hrs each. Kate - our administrator is hoping to make the 3 into two so we can all go home early. Good onya Kate.

Back later to catch up on the news and comment
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Old 06-23-2005, 06:47 PM   #74  
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Mmmmmm Shad .............. toasted marshmallows (never had them but they sound wonderful) and rhubarb crumble ...... are you having custard and icecream with it? Have I still got time to get a flight over there for the party?
Oh well ........ I can dream anyway
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Old 06-23-2005, 08:43 PM   #75  
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Flight time around 24 hours. Yes you have time if you start now. I'll hold dinner for you.
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