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Old 06-30-2005, 02:14 PM   #91  
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Hello ladies,

Just a quick hello! Planning on taking a vacation day tomorrow. My project for this weekend is to dye my old drapes that I use to have in my living room. I have never dyed before but I figured why not try. The worse that can happen is that they don't turn out and I throw them away. Right now their just sitting in the garage.

Hal - I agree there is alot of evil in the world. When I see the news or read the paper their is always a story that makes me sad. But I try and focus on the good.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 06-30-2005, 06:15 PM   #92  
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Below are the results of yesterdays weigh in. I weigh (officially at the end of each month) in and do my measurements and it sometimes seems to keep me on track.

Maybe I should have called this entry chasing my tail or the weight goes around and around and around

Weight 72/ 73 Up 1Kg
Upper Chest 36/ 37.5 Up 1.5 inch
Bust 41.5/ 41.5 Same
Low Chest 33/ 34.25 Up 1.25 inch
Waist 32/33 Up 1 inch
Up Hip 38.5/ 38.5 same
Low Hip 39/ 39.25 up 1/4 inch
Arm 12/ 12.5 Up 1/2 inch
Leg 20.75/ 21.5 Up 3/4 inch

So not what I wanted to see. Just have to hope that the month gets better. Otherwise I might have to try fasting!!

Flat out at work and busy at home. Seems like some weeks are destined to go on forever and ever. I’m so looking forward to this weekend. Except that Sunday the cat must go to the vet for her annual check up. There will be squeals and yells and frustration all around. How the vet quietens her is a mystery. I should be a vet. No maybe not.

Work continues to get busier again. I have more training to do after go live this weekend. This time some of the Executive Board - since I got a letter of commendation from them, the implementation team has decided I should teach the lot. Oh thank you. Now I have to deal with politicians, quasi politicians and others of the ilk. Next they will give me accountants - oh happy days (daze). Sorry LindaT and Ruthxxx and any other accountants out there. I just find that you can’t give training the accountants - only point them at the computers and tell them to get on with it - and answer any questions to do with the system workings that they can’t figure out for themselves. Actually showing them what to do with the systems is an exercise in futility. No doubt that is why they are accountants. Engineers work the same way.

Gym again last night - cardio circuit this time. Only I found that the bike really annoyed me last night. I couldn’t get comfortable on the seat and my legs got the burning feeling that goes before cramp. However I was fine on the eliptical and the treadie and the stepper. I feel somewhat stiff this morning. Can’t think why. Actually not too sure about going tonight since I am going to dinner with friends at the Thai Orchid. If I get away from work early enough, I should manage to fit in a half hour session, but we will see.

I posted some pictures of myself (and mooz) on my thread. I'm going to try to put them here as well. That way you can see who I am and point and laugh too. Ha Ha.
It does look like I have lost a lot of weight. However, it is around the 14-16lb mark but it does show what exercising can do for you. The first is taken on a trip to Ireland 5 years ago. The second on a trip to Ireland 2 years ago and the last at home last weekend.

There you go. C'est Moi
Adieu mes amies - gotta go and figure out what happens today. It seems I have no training, so maybe an early mark is possible today.
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Old 06-30-2005, 06:25 PM   #93  
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We don't laugh at people.

Lots of thunder here--need to shut down computer.
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Old 06-30-2005, 07:17 PM   #94  
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Aaargh sorry. It's my weird sense of humour. I didn't mean it the way it came out.
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Old 06-30-2005, 08:09 PM   #95  
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Hi Ladies,

Just a quick note to let you all know I am reading your posts, however, I am feeling very frustrated today. I managed to get to work at 5:45 a.m. and was able to leave at noon to go bowling. Bowling always seems to help my mood. Gene went to the urologist's office on Tuesday and they had to put the catheter back in because he had no idea when he had to go. Also, he wasn't emptying his bladder. He is still in the rehab center and making a lot of progress with his balance and walking. It so happens the urologist is on vacation and he will not see him until July 22nd. These doctors here in Phoenix definitely go on a lot of vacations.

It is 115 here in Phoenix! Too hot to do much outside. I am awfully concerned about my sister who had half of her foot amputated. It has developed an infection and she is more pain than ever. Here again, the doctor is on vacation. You would think that there would be someone qualified to take over when these incidents occur.

Thanks for listening to my woes. As far as dieting--I am not. I am just trying to maintain at this point. Next Thursday I have to go for a colonoscopy and I am not looking forward to the preparation the day before. My doctor said I didn't need to have it done but that it is far wiser to get it over with.

Take care ladies,
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Old 07-01-2005, 04:52 PM   #96  
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Hello Ladies,
We got a nice surprise. Thunderstorms and a cold front. The temp here is 77 and it is wonderful. My plans to dye my drapes was put on hold, first of all because they did not have the color dye I wanted, and I didn't want to go running around looking for it. Tomorrow the high is back up to 99.

Nita - Keeping you all in my prayers. I know it has to be frustrating for everyone. 115Degrees... and I thought it was hot here at 99.

Shad - Wow you have lost weight from the first picture. That's a good picture of you and Mooz. Someday I'm going to visit her too.

Cat - we got the storms too..

Here it is the month of July and I have not lost any weight since April. In May and June I regained and the lost the same 5 lbs twice. Ok ladies, I'm up for a challenge... Drinking water, or walking so many steps, or miles. ANYTHING!

Hal, Mooz, Thin, Mitchellez, - Hope you all are doing ok, hope to hear from ya.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Holiday!
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Old 07-01-2005, 11:11 PM   #97  
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Nita--think you are right not to worry about losing now. Just avoid junk food if you can--I know that's a real temptation when you're running around taking care of others or even just visiting and worrying.

That is a shame about the drs not being available. Praying for all of you.

I do feel with this new counselor already I feel less stressed, less likely to stuff myself. Of course it's too early to tell.

Incidentally, the 3-apples-a day approach doesn't weigh at all. She believes measuring is more accurate and helps you keep on a better emotional even keel. Mooz--I remember the scale was your great enemy--maybe you should look into this one.

Our ACis out. What a weekend for it!
Good night to all.
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Old 07-02-2005, 05:22 PM   #98  
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This is the tale of my taking my cat to the vet. It's always a tough task - since she hates being enclosed in small cases. This is because I found her as a kitten tied up with electrical tape and put into a bag and left lying on the road. She has had a tough beginning and it seems that she will be a nervous cat for all of her life. She just never improves on the caged bit. She is better with people than she was but not by that much.

I got her in her case (all four legs are going in different directions) and managed to shut the door on it before she came steaming back out again and accompanied by street cat music got to the car with the case. I did well this time - only bleeding from 2 places. One of the neighbours asked if the cat has had an accident because of the distressed yelling going on. Bonny has a Czech accent and we had to yell at one another over the top of the cats distress calls. Two dogs and a cat joined in the chorus. Bonny and I yelled louder to try to explain the problem.

Drove to the vet. All eyes swivel to my car at the traffic lights.

Get to the vet and there is a little Westie in the waiting room. The vet nurse shouts - ‘Okay Sunday is here. Take a seat’. The Westie disappears under the chair. The owner would like to follow. I’m tempted to go to the hardware store and buy earmuffs for all present. Eventually the Westie goes to see the vet. The vet is surprised that Heather (the Westie) is so keen to get into the surgery. Hi Joy yells Joe (the vet). I wave. Distress yells continue unabated.

We get into the surgery after the Westie has gone and yell at Joe about the cats health. Nothing wrong with her lungs. She has managed to wet the newspaper and towel in the bottom of the cage. Joe takes her out of the cage - the yowling ceases. Joe takes the cage out the back and asks the nurse to dispose of the wet towel and newspaper and reline the cage. The cat tries to escape. Joe and I and the nurse are chasing her through the surgery and corner her under the computer desk. She then quiets down but then accuses Joe of rape when he sticks the thermometer you know where. Fur flies when the thermometer is removed. She escapes off the table again. I catch her halfway down to the floor. More blood flows. Body check reveals she is in good health but needs teeth scaling. Since she only licks her chicken necks and wings she is never going to do it herself. Joe wants her back soon to do the job under anaesthetic. Wise man - he doesn’t need to lose blood. Joe decides to clip the claws so the mother has a bit of a break from bleeding to death. Vets are nice people. We put the cat back in the cage and I pay the bill. Two other dogs now in the waiting room disappear under the chairs. It’s quite amusing to see a Great Dane trying to fit under a normal waiting room chair. I put the cat in the car and drive home accompanied by the cats chorus. Cars occupants stare at us at the traffic lights. Get home open the cage. Cat gets out - SHE’S BL**DY PURRING!!!!!!!

Rest of the day is spent on a bit of housework, Body Balance class - good workout there, 2 hours of hammock time with a book, a bit of shopping and picking up the niece and nephew so they can come and watch the Lions play the All Blacks again (and get beaten again). We had chicken tacos for dinner and a glass of wine (nephew had a beer) and then I took them home. We all enjoy our football. Niece is an avid All Black supporter. She yells louder than I do. She’s recently become interested in our side of the family tree and is trying to understand the ramifications of being 1/8 Maori. Nice kids. Good to keep in touch with the young even if I don’t understand all that they are talking about.

Watched a bit of mindless tv and went to bed. Such is life. Today is all go. Painting, sanding, putting up some fixtures for shelves etc. Got to find some time to look at laminate flooring soon and a couple of new doors round the house and also get the electrician in. The list is now long enough to justify bringing him in. The bill won’t be too small either.

That’s about it for the weekend from me. I look forward to hearing the tales of 4th July. Have a wonderful long weekend to all those having a long weekend. To rest of us - just have a good one
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Old 07-03-2005, 12:13 AM   #99  
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Hello Ladies,

Just a quick hello, stayed around the house most of the day, trying to finish up cleaning closets and refiling my file cabinet. I get to the point where I just put everything in one drawer and not file properly. This evening went over to the next city (8 miles) with my mom, sister and neice to watch the fireworks.

Cat - Hope you all got your a/c back.

Shad - You definitely had an exeperience taking your cat to the vet. Just love the way you tell your tale.

Hope everyone is enjoying there weekend!
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Old 07-03-2005, 12:46 PM   #100  
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Hi chickies........ a very quick call ..............sorry I have not posted in a while and what a surprise to find my picture on the thread!! Shad you are looking absolutely fabulous!!
I hope to post more during the incoming week.

Have a great day all

I put all my sunset photographs in to Webshots if any of you want to have a look. The addy is

Last edited by mooz49; 07-03-2005 at 12:57 PM.
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Old 07-03-2005, 03:06 PM   #101  
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Hi Ladies,

Just a quick note to let you know Gene is still in the rehab center and is having a great deal of trouble getting his balance back. I understand this can take quite some time. He seems to be handling it okay. My sister, however, had her surgery yesterday and took her leg just below the knee so she will be able to wear a prothesis. I feel so bad for her especially since she still is in a great deal of pain. I sure hope they did it right this time, a person should not have endure all this pain and suffering.

Sorry I am not feeling too positive today but I am handing in there and hopefully before long things will get back to normal.

Thanks again for your prayers and support.
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Old 07-03-2005, 04:03 PM   #102  
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Nita--shame about your sister. Hope at least the pain decreases. Also too bad about Gene and the balance. Glad he is not discouraged.

Shad--how hilarious!! Can you get Feliway down there? It's a spray that helps relax cats. Or can the vet prescribe a tranquilizer for travel? I know these can be overused, but this seems a case that would call for them.

Nope, no a/c,and I have been very sleepy--I think that's why. If it were in the airconditioning itself, we have a contract and they have to come out even on a holiday. But it is clearly in the wiring--which may be a lot more expensive.

Also the a/c in Earl's car died, so I may be driving his part of the time since he has to drive all the way to KC and I only drive across town--and we spent our "spare" cash on my car.

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Old 07-04-2005, 11:05 AM   #103  
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Default RE: Happiest of Independence Days!

Just a quick note now to bump us up and say happy holiday to each of you! I'll post more later.

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Old 07-04-2005, 01:41 PM   #104  
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Old 07-04-2005, 03:19 PM   #105  
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Happy 4th to everyone. The electrician is coming out--maybe we'll have a/c!!
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