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Old 06-14-2005, 01:44 PM   #46  
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Hello Ladies,

Did not do to good on eating yesterday. I was getting stressed at work and thought i'll just have one small hershey chocolate w/almond candy, and from there it went to about 5 or 6, finally gave the rest away. Today i'm back on track.

Cat - They better be glad I don't work there, cause i'm hispanic and I don't speak spanish. Just a few words, I can understand more than I can speak. Too bad about the pc, hope they figure what's wrong with it.

Shad - I've been there. My car has a lock feature on the motor, not quite sure what it's called, but i had to be unlocked with the remote to let the motor turn. ONe day I was picking up some donated items for our walk and when I went to turn the car over it didn't start. Real fast the men that were out there said open the hood, I did, they look and check and then one said I think it the alternator, they went and got another vehicle and were about to put the jumper cables on and then I remember the lock feature. So I clicked it and said let's try one more time... It started... I said thanks for looking at it and drove off as fast as I could...

Mooz - thanks for the articles that your posting.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 06-15-2005, 09:11 PM   #47  
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Hello Ladies,

Just bringing us to the top. Not much going on here. Oh, I was talking to my neighbor and she has the new Billy Banks (Tae Bo Boot Camp) tape and said I could borrow it. So I did, going to try it tomorrow morning.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 06-15-2005, 10:14 PM   #48  
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HA!!! At last I have my Internet access.

One thing the 3-apple-a-day book says is that you should set POSITIVE goals for losing weight. I don't have any positive goals--just want to avoid being sick and wearing out my knees.

Do any of you have positive goals? Let's make this a share-around.

Went to Topeka for a good poetry workshop tonight. They really have a lot going on at their library.
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Old 06-16-2005, 09:04 PM   #49  
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Hello Ladies,

Cat - Glad you got your internet back. Hum... positive goals? I guess my positive goal is to be healthy but I guess that's to generic. I'll have to think about it.
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Old 06-16-2005, 09:07 PM   #50  
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Default RE: Mascara moments...

Good Thursday Movers and Losers!

I hope this finds everyone doing well. I am just fine. I have just finished a 4 day training session, and actually have most of 3 weeks off. Nice, indeed. Much needed, absolutely.

I bought a flat of flowers at 50% off yesterday, the weather is going to be absolutely beautiful the next few days (low temps in upper 70's and low humidity) so I'll be working on the deck for the next 3 days - for sure!

We ate lunch out all 4 days, and I am happy to report I made great choices. Today we ate at Applebees, I chose a WW menu item. I will say, this is the 3rd time I have ordered the WW Applebees foods, and the taste is less than appealing, and the price is appauling. Today I ordered a shrimp and steak skewer entree served with steamed veggies and yellow rice. The vegges had an 'odd' flavor, as did the rice.

I am still 'shaken' truth be told. My healing will be more timely than I imagined. I am ever so empathic of victims of crime as I watch the news, read a paper or listen on radio - we live in a crazy world.

Anyway, I am ever thankful for a wonderful group of friends and continued support from each of you. More soon!
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Old 06-16-2005, 10:06 PM   #51  
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Wish me luck, Chicks. I have an interview for a supervisor position in my dept. I think it would be much more interesting than what I do.

Bought a new outfit--back on the Women's side. Ugh!! But it is attractive without being overdone.

Hal--you're right, healing can take a long time, and we don't allow for it in our culture. The old mourning was often phony and overdone (and overly expensive for families who couldn't really afford a complete set of new clothes.) But at least the black--or even just the arm band--was a protection for people who were bereaved.

Best to all . . .
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Old 06-17-2005, 11:39 AM   #52  
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Hi Ladies,

Sorry I have been absent. All of a sudden I feel overwhelmed with the situation at hand. Gene is still in rehab and working very hard to come home. He still has the catheter in and hopefully it can be removed this coming Monday.

HalGal -- Your graphic is awesome. It has brightened my day. I have been not eating well and as a result haven't been feeling too well every morning. I guess I have to go through these days to convince myself that eating properly is the only way to go.

I would say one of my goals at 70 years of age is to regain and keep my energy that I have always had the luck to enjoy. I see my friends at bowling who are in their 80's and the lucky ones are still going strong! Living a long life is what I would like to do, only it must be one of good health! I was considering perhaps giving up beef for a while and sticking with chicken and fish. I really believe they are feeding these cattle something that makes them overly fat and as a result even after the meat is processed we end up getting some of what they give to them. I know this doesn't make sense but it would be interesting if we could know all the facts.

Well I have to go and pick up an ultrasound for the urologist for next Monday so I will close for now. Hopefully everyone will have a "wonderful" day!

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Old 06-18-2005, 04:52 PM   #53  
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Good morning Ladies.
Yesterday I spent two hours at the gym. One on weights and resistance, one on Body Balance class. Hasn't made the slightest difference to my weight. I think I am destined to be this size for ever and ever. It can't be exercise, so it has to be water and or food. I'm holding steady at 1300 calories and may try dropping to around 1200, and maybe the water isn't enough but for heavens sake I spend almost as much on loo paper now as I do on the cat. The exercise I get just running to the loo must count for something extra. Enough whinging. Well maybe not.

Okay somemore whinging. My mobile phone died yesterday. I suspect it is just about out of contract although I can find my copy of the contract to check it. So today I will need to go get myself a new one. Drat it all. Although the thing has been showing signs of imminent departure. They sure don't last all that long do they? About 2 years seems to be the life span - just about the length of the contract plan I guess. I really don't want to spend big to buy something where I won't use all the features. We'll see what they try to palm me off with when I get to the shops this morning. It is an expense I could do without.

House wise, yesterday I finished cleaning (had planned to do the cleaning on Friday night but...... sat in a chair to watch something on tv and never woke up for a couple of hours) and chipped another tile off the floor in the hall. Only 9 more to go. Today will be 1 hour at the gym, shop for phone, put the second coat on the walls and make a start on the scotia boards, clean up the painting gear, put up the blinds which I have been promising to do for a week or more and try to find some time in the garden. The roses need a prune and dead heading and maybe some fertiliser. Some of the pots need replanting and the whole thing needs mulch and water. That should take care of my day.

Goals - well I guess mine is to age into a healthy and happening old girl. Genetics has to play a part in that and they are against me I think. I plan to stick around just long enough to become an embarrassment to the kids. My Dad died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 74, and my Mum went out with stroke brought on by Alzheimers disease at 81. Of the two, I more resemble my fathers side of the family I think - and if I have the same problem as my Mother, then I will do something about it before it gets to the complete dementia stage. It is the most horrible disease I have ever seen.

Short term goal - I would like to shed enough kilos to get back into the 60's kilo range this year.

Hal - grief takes so many different forms. It takes at least two years to get over the death of a loved one. The closer you were to them the longer it takes. A violent death must take an even bigger toll on the body's nervous system. It's okay to feel the way you do. It's okay to vent and rage and cry. Let it go. Darn the people that pat you on the shoulder and say there, there, time heals all. So it does, but that's not the way you feel right now. Talk about it as much as you like.

Fruit, mushrooms and bacon bits on toast for breakfast coming up - right after the chicks on the forum and journals have been checked. Coffee nearly done. It's now 6.30am on Sunday. We're belting through June at the rate of knots.

Last edited by Shad; 06-18-2005 at 04:55 PM.
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Old 06-18-2005, 04:52 PM   #54  
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Fell into another "can't say no." Guy at work asked me to help with his dissertation. Since he's foreign born, I thought it would be mostly grammar/punctuation and maybe a bit of re-organization. Instead, it was a major re-writing. It's work I love to do--bringing out someone's best--but I was so far behind already . . .

I need to get back to my yoga--my knees are getting stiff again.

Hope all are doing better than I am. Nita--hope Gene gets home soon.
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Old 06-18-2005, 06:23 PM   #55  
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Default RE: Nothing like this thread...

What a beautiful day here in central Kentucky. I hope each of you have the same weather. Today we have upper 70's and virtually no humidity. Nice.

I've talked myself out of running out for prepared food (drive up from restaurants is nice, but expensive) and pulled out of veggies and staples from my pantry to prepare somewhat healthful meals. I love this time of year with all of the better tasting veggies. Yummm... (Where is Thin?)

THIN: I had a kebob with large chunks of both green and red peppers and red onion with steak. I used barbeque sauce, which was not as healthful as some balsamic vingerette dressing. I plan to use this next time. Where and how are ya???

Shad: You crack me up girl. So you are makig extra steps to the hopper, eh? You call it the loo? Water-loo? I am going to begin making lists of daily accomplishments 'to be done' as you listed to us. I really, really need to do some 'spring cleaning'. Today I potted flowers. I am still working, and plan to return in a bit.

CAT: Is this paid help to work on the dissertation? Just curious. I've found myself in your same shoes, but always for free. When it is over, I think gosh that was hours/days. I like your statement about bringing out the best.

Nita: I've seen an ad for your car on television several times now. I think of all of the neat accessories you have. Technology, what a neat thing. Speaking of which, I watched a show in TV last night about a musician that had a brain tumor. They operated on him while he was awake. They wanted to make sure they did not remove any brian tissue that controled his ability to make or read music. It was done at UCLA. I have a friend that is married to a brain surgeon that practices there, so I was kind of watching to see if he would be mentioned or in the video, he was not. His speciality is pediatric brain seizure disorders. I will include you and Gene in my prayers, and hope that he is able to return home this week.

OneDay: Chocolate, huh. Me too. Hang in there. I think it is my vice, as in alcohol to an alcoholic. Rocy goes 'nuts' chasing flies. Buster was never really bothered, Rocky is on a mission. It is funny, and then gets nerve racking - for both of us! He got his hair done yesterday, and he looks and smells great!

Mooz: Thanks so very much for the tips from Jane Clarke. I especially liked reading the tips for great skin. AS I get older, it is a challenge. I hope your Mother is resting well, and you are hanging in there as you provide support for her.

Here is an interesting short article on tomatoe sauce, and anti-aging:

Dr. Roizen beams when he talks about one particular food: tomatoes. "They decrease cancer and they decrease arterial aging, heart disease, stroke, memory loss, impotence, wrinkling of the skin," he says. "In fact, Dr. Oz and I think a small town should be named after aspirin: it's that important. But a whole country should be named after tomatoes!"

So should they be raw or cooked? "It takes 165 raw tomatoes to equal 10 tablespoons of tomato sauce," Dr. Roizen says. "So it's much easier to have tomato sauce."

Dr. Roizen adds that it doesn't matter what kind of tomato sauce you have, "as long as it's cooked, and you eat it with a little olive oil and a little healthy fat because it's much better absorbed with it."

Hello Michellez, and anyone else I may have missed!
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Old 06-18-2005, 08:55 PM   #56  
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Hello Ladies,
What a busy day! Went to see the musical "The Producers" here in dallas. It was wonderful. Tomorrow I plan to get up early and replant or add more soil to my crape myrtles I planted last weekend. After church going to visit with my dad. Friday I had a doc's appointment with a dermatologist. Went to see him about two moles that were getting darker. He cut them and sent them to be looked at. Say a prayer for me that it nothing.

Hal - a while back there was a doctor on Oprah and he has listed like ten things you should eat every day or was it every week. One of the item was tomatoe and like your article said eating the sauce was the best way to get it. I wonder if it was this Dr. Rozien? I kept saying I need to get that book. I'll look on her site and try and find it. Eating fish was another.
I too like eating veggies at this time. I received a new grill from my work as a work anniversary gift and i'm just putting it together. My goal is to grill more veggies. Just love grill squash and corn.

Nita - I'm sure it's really stressful having to handle all the household duties and at the same time worry about Gene. Just remember that we're here if you need to talk or anything.

Shad - sounds like you have alot of projects going? What are you doing to the floor?

Cat - Saying a prayer for your job interview. I'm sure your co-woker is very thankful that you are willing to help him.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 06-19-2005, 12:36 PM   #57  
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Hi chickies ...... just a quick Sunday call. I am still trying to keep my eating in control and I am not doing too bad but it is hard to shift those stubborn pounds!

Patty - sending you Orla went to see The Producers when she was in London. She said it was very good.

Halgal - glad you are enjoying your time off school and that the weather is nice for you. We all feel better in the sunshine. I hope to be going to see Hal Ketchum when he comes to Coleraine in September so I will keep you posted!

Shad - my you are a busy gal ....... are you sure 1300 cals is enough for you to be eating? Sometimes we hear of people being told to eat more to lose the weight Maybe you are ar the right weight for you and you probably have more muscle than fat and they say muscle weighs more. The body certainly is a complicated piece of equipment!

Cat - that is a really nice thing for you to do for your co-worker. I hope the yoga helps you.

Nita - just a few days ago they were talking here about too much red meat causing bowel cancer so you maybe are wise to cut down on it. I hope Gene gets home soon - he must miss it so badly.

Thin and Michelle ....... I hope you get a chance to post soon.

Have a great day all.

Saturday's MArston quote is a good one ..........

Small change
Somewhere in your life right now there is a small, positive change you can make in the way you live each day. When you make that small change, and stick with it, the results can profoundly influence your entire world.
Perhaps it's a destructive habit that you can choose to leave behind forever. Or maybe it's a useful action that you can add to your daily routine.

It could be something as simple as choosing to start each day with a smile instead of with a complaint. Or you could identify something that has always made you angry and just decide that you're not going to let it get to you anymore.

Your life is filled with opportunities for making small, positive changes. When you look for them, you'll see those opportunities in every direction.

Even one small change can have a large positive impact on your life because the benefits of that small change are repeated day after day. Keep adding more small, positive changes from time to time, and the results can be truly incredible.

Give yourself the gift today of a small positive change in your life. And continue to enjoy the rewards you receive far into the future.

-- Ralph Marston

Last edited by mooz49; 06-19-2005 at 12:40 PM.
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Old 06-19-2005, 01:34 PM   #58  
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Oh, yes, this is paid work for the dissertation. In fact, he tried to cut the rate, and I politely said no, that if he couldn't afford my rate he'd just have to use fewer hours. I was rather proud of myself.

I must make myself some apple pictures so I remember to eat my apple before meals.

Much to catch up on esp. because of the extra work. Reminds me of Michellez and her freelance projects.
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Old 06-20-2005, 09:20 AM   #59  
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Trying to post a photograph I took last night of sunset on the beach.
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Old 06-20-2005, 01:51 PM   #60  
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Hello Ladies,

Mooz - what a beautiful sunset picture? Is that setting in your town?

Cat - Glad you stuck to your guns and not reduce your prices. Have you had your interview yet?

Monday, getting back on track with my eating. Ate way too much yesterday for father's day celebration.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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