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Old 07-18-2005, 02:03 PM   #151  
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Hello ladies,

Hal - I'm so glad your nephews are going to stop by. I'm sure they'll be excited to see you and Rocky.

oh, need to run.. will post more later
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Old 07-18-2005, 02:52 PM   #152  
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Just to let you know I'm back. Didn't do too badly on trip but now time to do better.

Mooz--hope you got some help with your DM. Shad--I loved "did they devalue the boob?" I wonder, though, if perhaps the old ones are stretched and a bit saggy--maybe the new ones look better. Maybe.

Lot of unpacking and rearranging to do. I was NOT going to get the new Harry Potter yet--but there itwas in the grocery store. Now I am NOT going to read it until I have things done. I hope.

A very good deal on hearing aids in paper, so I we are going over to take a look/listen. Darn, you would think with all the high tech there is they could make a hearing aid cheaper. I suppose it's that you can get the old style cheaper, but the new ones that are so much better are pricey.

AND we had to replace the a/c (the working part of it) so that was $1500. Ugh.

Still we had such fine in OK City.

Best to all.
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Old 07-18-2005, 02:53 PM   #153  
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Goodness I typed in hearing aids and after I submitted the letter, two hearing aid ads popped up.

So, what happened when you typed in Jonny Dep?
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Old 07-18-2005, 02:54 PM   #154  
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Hi Chicks~~~ finally starting to settle down around here. At least no company staying with us anymore. After his mom left, then friends of ours came for a few nights. They have a big motorhome, so they just plugged in here, but stayed in their own 'space'. So that was very easy.

I have been reading the posts and trying to catch up with all of your busy lives.
~~NITA~~ glad DH is home and doing well. Hope he does even better as time goes on. Long as his attitude is good that is more than half of it, right?
Have you decided more on moving? Or just getting DH more used to the fact that you want this?

~~HALGAL~~thanks for thinking of me so often. You are so sweet.
That;s great that your nephews can visit. I had my 9 yr old nephew here a few nights just b4 MIL got here, and then spent time w/the 16 yr old niece, but she couldn't stay overnights as we had no more room at that time.
I really am glad for some quiet time here at the lake now. It was getting very hectic at times.

My 30 yr class reunion was a fun time. Me and another gal were in charge of pulling it off, and it all went fine. We were a tad worried, but for only 13 classmates it wasn't that huge of a crowd, so our plans seemed to work out about perfect. The weather cooperated for almost the whole day. It did rain once near sunset, but not for long. Then we still had our campfire at dusk. It was awesome to see the ones who could show up.

You know we are having a drought now. In fact that rain the night of our reunion party might have been the last rain we had. And that was July 3. It is so very windy today, and rain clouds go by but they don't drop anything! And HOT. It has been mostly 90+ degrees here for about 2 wks now. Some days only 80 but mostly hotter. A record setting summer i guess. I have swam quite a bit.

~~CAT~~ hope you are having a fantastic vacation.

~~~MOOZ~~~ hope things are settling down w/your DM and you have some daytime help coming in. Post soon and let us know how you are.

~~~SHAD~~ nice to read your posts. You are a very busy lady!

~~1DAY~~~ That is so nice that you are hosting this grad party for your niece. High school or college grad??

thanks to all for posting the recipes, tips and articles. Nothing like these boards to get the latest info. YGG's~~~~~

Till later thinlizzie
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Old 07-18-2005, 06:35 PM   #155  
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Default Glorious one day, perfect the next.

That’s Queensland in the winter for you. Although it is still cold at night and early morning.

I’m looking at clear blue skies (around the skyscraper across the road) and sunshine and shadows through the trees. Might go down to the gardens for lunch. It would be nice down there I think.

Here you go, Brisbane in the morning. Errmmm the building that I work in is the one on the extreme left with the tower thingy on the top.

Changing the food around again today. Going for a bigger breakfast, lots of veg and salad for lunch and tea will be a light affair - maybe mushrooms or something. Have to see if I can shake this body into some action again. I need to journal the intake again as well. What am I eating or not eating that has stopped the weight loss in it’s tracks? (again)

Going to shake the exercise around as well. Maybe do both cardio and weights/ resistance in the same session. I know I am fitter than before, and I know I am stronger than before, and I know that the muscle weighs more. But I am not seeing changes in the way my clothes fit and I am not seeing changes anywhere else. Maybe a couple of classes like Body Pump or Step once in a while instead of the program I am currently doing.

So I am thinking - up the protein some more - fish and chicken and a lean steak once in a while and also add some nuts into the mix. I used to eat these frequently, but haven’t for some time. Knock off the carbs again - bread, potatoes (oh dear, boo hoo) and see what happens. I thought about upping the calories again too, but not for long, just as long as it took to remember what happened last time!

Still getting around the 15 minute housework dash. I have a list of things to achieve each night during each 15 minute cycle. Things are getting done around here slowly. I’ve resurrected the white board list as well. This time I have only given myself three things to achieve per evening. That should also allow for cuddle time with the puss who is definitely neglected (according to the gospel of St. Sunday that is) and a bit of tv viewing, although much of the time these days, viewing is done from the back of the eyelids.

Okay, having said that I have a short training course to deliver in half an hour. I had better go get ready for it.

Morning to you all. Hope to get back later to comment on the posts.
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Old 07-19-2005, 06:04 PM   #156  
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Better move us up to the top.
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Old 07-19-2005, 10:59 PM   #157  
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Hello ladies,

Things are work at not getting any better. I don't know if I had mentioned but one of my co-workers in my work group, quite about 3 weeks ago. So now it's just my supvervisor and me. And guess who picked up most of the work load? ME. It's so hetic with bids and placing orders and of course everyone wants something now, and when I get stressed I want to eat. I have been trying to walk at lunch for 30 minutes, so destress and blew off steam.

Thin - so good to hear from you. Glad the reunion went well, now that i'm thinking about it It think my 25 is this year. Hum, haven't heard anything yet. I'm sure your nephew and niece were excited to come visit. When been lucky with rain here, but it's hot. Guess we're use to it.

Shad - what a beautiful city. I like your idea of the white board list, and the 15 min cycle. I will have to try that. I really want to get started on working out, I have a membership to a gym, I guess it's just getting motivated and going.

Cat - glad you enjoyed your vacation. Didn't realize you were in OK City, you were somewhat close to me. We'll i guess still a 2-3 hour drive.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 07-20-2005, 03:29 AM   #158  
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Mornin chickies .......... sorry for not posting regularly .......... I just don't seem to have the time between looking after my mum, family, housework and painting. I still get walking though which is good. I have actually lost 3 pounds in the last few weeks so the weight is moving slowly. I am trying to be more in control with my portions and not nibbling when I am making Paul and Brian's lunches!! I rarely eat biscuits, cake, crisps, sweets etc now and I think it is due to reading the Paul McKenna book and listening to his CD. I should be listening to it every day but finding the time is not easy. I am happy that I have cut out the rubbishy foods as I thought I would never have the willpower to do that.
I have an appointment to go get my Blood pressure checked at the end of August so I want to try and lose some more pounds before then so as to give myself a better chance of having a good reading......... probably a very difficult task as I have White Coat Syndrome ........ although not so sure it should be called that with me ......... I think I should call it Blood Pressure Checking Equipment Syndrome as I seem to get all tense when I go near one even here at home!
I have not had time to read all the posts but I did notice that beautiful picture Shad posted

Gotta go now and get showered and go for a walk when my mother is settled after her breakfast.

Have a great day all

The only way you will ever totally agree with everyone around you is to be alone. (Of course unless you're schizophrenic)

The more important the new client is at your buisness lunch, the more likely you are to have spinach stuck in your teeth.

If you take internet conversations too personal, chances are that complete jerk you told off this morning is the really hot girl/guy you've been trying to hit on all week.

No matter what you do, you will be the only one in the house that can remember to put the cap back on the toothpaste.

You can learn from the mistakes of others... but chances are you'll still want to see how hot the fire is anyway.

If you put your shoes on in the dark, you will inevitably find where the dog/cat put that soggy ball they've been playing with.

You will never get an "emergency" call from your child's school when you're home with the car on your day off from work.

Religion and politcs will always get the most debate, but they're the subjects that can change the world.

There will always be someone uglier, stupider and weaker than you. Be nice to them though because there is also someone prettier, smarter and stronger as well.

If you are willing to laugh at yourself, there will be fewer people that will laugh at you.

Last edited by mooz49; 07-20-2005 at 03:37 AM.
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Old 07-20-2005, 09:05 AM   #159  
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Default RE: Walkin on sunshine, oh yeah...!!

Good Tuesday Morning Movers and Losers!

I hope this finds everyone enjoying 'losses' like the 3 pounds Mooz is missing! That is AWESOME Mooz, You Go Girl...!!!

I have no weighed, but I've been good both with diet AND exercise. I feel better. I have no idea. We all know exercise cures more than large waistlines.

I am pretty excited my nephews will be here for a few nights. I bought them each University of Kentucky t-shirts yesterday as I was stock up shopping. I just hate that kind of shopping. Laundry detergent, trash bags, light bulbs, and too much money.

I have not done my grocery shopping for their visit. I have been going back and forth on what to serve them. They love yogurt, and I did pick up a 12 pack of strawberry and yogurt for them. The love mixing in low fat granola or a hard cereal like Grape Nuts. They act like it is chocolate - that good! I do have ingredients sitting out this AM to make a cheesecake for their visit. I'll make it with the baking splenda product (which I believe is half splenda and half sugar). It will not be all healthy, tho. I plan to experiement and make a turtle cheesecake with fudge, carmel and roasted pecans. I have Oreo crumbs to use for the crust. Ahh, I just gained weight typing this.

It feels to to get some much needed spring/summer cleaning done. I found some pictures of my niece I completely forgot about. That really brought up my spirits. I plan to take some pictures of the boys this weekend. Hey if someone wants to email or PM me about how to post pictures that would be great. I do have a scanner, and should be able to figure this out.

THIN: Always good to hear from you! I laugh to myself as I 'taunt' you! I remember how Mooz use to type to me she knew I was 'lurking' and it would make me LOL. So, we appreciate you when you and here. Sounds like you have had a very busy summer.

Mooz: I am right there with you on the blood pressure. My doctor told me to get mine back to normal, or more meds. I say no meds if at all possible. I'll do the exercise and diet to avoid this. I bought a home monitor and had the same white coat syndrome, until I could not get it to work! I had a really hard time getting the 'large' cuff to fit around my big arm. When I finally did get it correct, and it worked, my anxiety was long gone. Good to hear your Mother is doing well, and you are too!

OneDay: I am with you on stress eating. I have always done this. When AJ passed away I did not eat for a few weeks, but trust me the stress eating kicked in for 2 months afterward. I see this, now to address it and challenge myself to do the right thing. Remind me again, what kind of work do you do? You mentioned placing orders, and I am not sure what for. We have a new gym in my town. This is big news. We have never had more than one ever. So hopefully prices will settle down, and quality will improve. When I belonged to the local gym a few year back I had one illness after the other, usually sinus infection related. The machines were really dirty. A sweaty guy would 'attempt to wipe the machine down' after completely coating it is body sweat, and you could still smell the sweat. After months of illness and consistent gross outs, I dropped the membership. My sinus infections ended with the end of the membership. Strange but true. I was in Tulsa a few years ago for Christmas/New Years. I really like the area. I wondered what the highway signs meant 'Don't drive in smoke'. ???

OK, Carly Simon is on the ABC morning show with Barbara Walters. She just ask her the 'Your so vain." question, and did not get an answer. She has a new CD out with classics. I saw Carole King has a new CD out. I find myself wondering who this generation will be listening to, remembering in 30 years? I cannot see some of these artists in the future. Old age I guess?

Shad: Lucky you, to work in such a beautiful city, beautiful area. Can you see the water from your office area? Thanks for the motivation you bring to our thread. I believe you have been helpful to me as I begin doing some much needed cleaning and organizing. I subscribed to the Fly Lady website last week, but have not heard a word yet - other than the subscription confirmation. Doing 3 things a day on a work day is ambitious! I usually come home, eat some dinner, play with Rocky (Yorkie) a few mintues and crash hard. I hope to change that to 'walk Rocky', and add atleast 1 thing to do each day. We can only hope.

CatLover: Welcome back! Johnny Depp huh? Did you know he went to elementary school right here in my town? Add to that, I have friends that know one of his elementary teachers. Way cool, huh? I love him too. I think it is his individuality I respect. I was wondering if the new chocolate factory movie would be too 'dark' to take my nephews to see. I see it is rated G, but have heard it has a dark twist to it. Anything medical is expensive. The first blood pressure monitor I found was $65 at WalMart..! I ended up getting one on EBay for $35. I was pretty surprised they were that high. Somehow, I think our insurance should support the cost of wellness products used to maintain good health. I don't get it.

Nita: Did you get your embroidery machine back? You should post some of your work as you finish it. I would love to see it. Remember, I have that nice machine at school, and have never used it. My schedule is so full, the thought of having time to do this kind of thing is remote. I hope Gene is continuing to progress. Hey, is it really terribly hot there? I saw a news report about the extreme heat out west. I hope you guys are taking it easy and keeping cool. We are due to have a heat index of 98 later today. Ick.

Here is a recipe for peaches and creme pie. If you use all sugar free and low fat products (which are available and very good) this is not a bad choice. It looks like whipped cream with fresh peach chunks inside. Yummm...!

Peaches and Creme Pie

1-1/2 cups finely crushed Nilla Wafers

1/3 cup butter, melted

1 pkg. (4-serving size) Orange Flavor Gelatin

3/4 cup boiling water

2 cups ice cubes

1-1/2 cups thawed whipped Topping

1 cup chopped peeled fresh peaches

COMBINE crumbs and butter. Press firmly onto bottom of 9-inch pie plate.

STIR gelatin into boiling water until completely dissolved. Add ice cubes. Stir until gelatin is slightly thickened; remove any unmelted ice. Add whipped topping; stir with wire whisk until well blended. Gently stir in peaches.

REFRIGERATE 15 min. or until gelatin mixture is thick enough to mound; spoon into crust. Refrigerate 3 hours or until set. Store leftover pie in refrigerator.

Have a great day girls..!!
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Old 07-20-2005, 06:04 PM   #160  
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Good morning ladies,
Mooz - great to see you in the thread again. And congratulations on the 3lbs. That is wonderful news. Keep it going. Sometimes it is hard to not nibble when making lunches and dinners to go.

Halgal - no I can't see the water from my desk. I can see across the street - new apartment block and the old church now a Pancake House and down the street (Police Station) and across the other road - Casino Hotel. The Hotel blocks out the the river and Southbank view. If I go up to the training class on the 13th floor I can see the river on both sides - Southbank Reach and the Brisbane Reach (where the photo was taken) but the view from my desk is not exciting.

My 15 minutes didn't work last night - Wednesday I am always tired. It is usually my off gym night and I go home and do a few extra things, but last night was cold and the cat and I just settled down to watch tv. Unfortunately that is the worst thing I could have done. Never got back up again, but at least I did do the dishes. Didn't have to face them this morning.

I have a friend coming down from Japan on Saturday morning - early - she is on her way to New Zealand to see the family and grandkids. She will be at my place for the day and I put her on a plane at night to go to NZ. We will have a fun day making plans for our next trip overseas and eating stuff and giggling about stuff etc. We've been friends for 30 years. Hard to believe and she is not my oldest friend. I have one who lives in Arizona now, who has been a friend for just on 40 years, and I also keep in touch with a friend who started primary school on the same day I did at 5 years of age. I'm now 56 (how did I ever get this old???) I treasure each and every one of these lovely ladies.

Time to make tracks for the training class once more. Second day of a course that really should have been finished yesterday. Still I am not training it and each trainer must make what they can of the material. Gotta go.
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Old 07-20-2005, 09:21 PM   #161  
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Hi Ladies,

Just a quick post to let you know I have been reading all your posts and find them very interesting! To answer HalGal's question--the temperature here has been 116 on Sunday, 115 on Monday, 115 on Tueday and 114 today! It really is almost too hot to even go any place. However, we bowlers are still bowling!

It's great to hear from Mooz and Thin--as far as the move is concerned Gene is leaving it up to me. I have been in contact with the contractor who is building new homes in East Palestine, OH. Part of me wants to pursue this move and another part says "way too much work--and do I really want to do it." And you guessed it, I am eating away my stress in making this utmost important decision that most definitely will have an impact on our future.

I did get my sewing machine back on Monday and they did an excellent job--it runs like a new machine! The first thing I did was make a tshirt for my friend Joe who is in the rehab center where Gene just left. Today I also put designs I got off the internet on two t-shirts for myself. HalGal, I most definitely will take some pictures. I have a CD coming with Strawberry Shortcake and I can hardly wait to make some shirts for my 3-year old granddaughter, Angelina. HalGal, do enjoy those boys--children are most precious because they are so loving and just fun to be with!

Take care all and have a "super" rest of the week!
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Old 07-21-2005, 01:50 PM   #162  
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Hello Ladies,

Great to see alot of posts. Things are still busy here and I don't see any relief. I do count my blessings because 1 year ago we had several rounds of layoffs. I'm just hoping we hire someone soon. I have been trying to walk at lunch with two friends, they know i'm stressed so they encourage me to walk. Their the ones i usually eat lunch with, so I kinda of have to go.

Hal - I'm sure it doesn't matter what you serve the boys. They'll be happy just to be visiting you and Rocky. I'm a buyer. I purchase turbine parts and dragline parts for our power plants and our draglines. I get to spend lots of money, but unfortunately it's not the stuff that exciting to buy. Gee just think if i was a food buyer..(ok, i'm drooling here) I thought the Carly Simon song was about Mick Jagger? I guess that was the rumor I had heard.

Nita - Is there anyway you and Gene could make the trip to visit the development. Maybe that would help with your decision? I saw on the news about your high temp. Be careful when you go out driving, carry bottle water with you. (OK do I sound like your daughters) we're due for some 100degree weather this weekend.

Shad - So where's your next trip? That's great you have a traveling companion.

Thin - Hey, we all understand your time constraints. Post when you can. Congrats on your 3lb loss Where you able to get any assistance for your mother?

talk with ya later,
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Old 07-21-2005, 09:00 PM   #163  
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Yaa Hoo on a couple of counts really.

1. It is Friday and the weekend stretches in front of me.
2. I have a friend coming to visit tomorrow and I am really looking forward to that.
3. Scale is looking a bit more reasonable this morning.
4. Well, just because really.

Great workout at the gym last night. Felt good at the end of it - stuffed but good. Drove home, feed the cat, showered and got stuck into the necessary work.

Dinner was quick and a I baked a cake, did a load of washing, paid a couple of bills and cuddled with the cat while trying to stay awake to watch a tv program. Sleep however won and I woke up some time later. Went to bed and couldn’t sleep for ages.

Miss Puss is not pleased with me cos I put up some white timber venetian blinds in the lounge room windows and now she can’t sit on the window sill and watch the world pass by the door. Not much of the world has passed by the door lately. She is going to be even grumpier with me when I do the same to the spare room!

Tonight is dusting the computer table and get it ready to move down to the bedroom because the painting and sanding will be starting in it’s corner next week. Progress indeed. I need to get the electrician in soon to sort out the lighting, fans and power points - not to mention aerials for tv and also I need to think about where to put furniture so I can get at the plugs on the wall. I would like to fill the entire wall with cupboards and drawers & shelves and it is a long wall. We shall see.

Anyway, time to go start my last scheduled training class. See you.
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Old 07-22-2005, 10:44 AM   #164  
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[/FONT]Hey there Chicks~~ Just a quick post to bump us back to page 1 and the TOP!
Starting to get some ambition back, the temps are cooling off at night at least so one gets good sleep! And it actually rained(? drizzled for a tad more like it) but at least some has found it's way here, and tomorrow and Sunday there is chances for more. Maybe the wild berry crops will still adjust. Raspberries are VERY abundant even w/the dryness. The second batch might not do so well but this first ripening is pretty good. Wish i had more recipes to use them. I just love eating them fresh about the best. Hard to pick a cup-full when i keep popping them in my mouth! We have alot of wild blueberries in the county i live in, but they are sparse and alot of people get out and take them all right away. It is a big thing here, and now when one hears how good blueberries are for them it does make it more enticing.

HalGal~~hope you are doing well and is it this weekend that your nephews arrive? Have a great time with them. Also i did email you so hopefully it reaches you. Lately some of my letters to 2 people who use AOL have come back to me! Yikes, don't know what is up with that.

Made a homeade soup last night for supper. Finally cooler weather to make & eat some hot soup. Well, it could be called a stew but i don't thicken up the liquid. Spuds, carrots, celery, onion, rutabega(my secret ingred!), and some lite Hillshire Farms smoked sausage. Oh, also use alot of pepper and one vegetable bouillion cube. It is so yummy when one hasn't had it for a long time! Leftovers for tonite so i don't have to cook again YAY!

~~1DAY~~ hope you get someone hired at work soon to help you with the workload. It can get to a person when they just want you to do both jobs! Take care of yourself and keep up the walks w/your co-workers YGG!!!

~~SHAD~~ are you a single lady? Sounds like you have so many household chores to handle that arent' the norm for us ladies. Proud of you for learning so much! I wish i knew half of that stuff! One never knows when we need it.

~~~NITA~~ Wow, you are having quite the heat wave there. I did see on the news how terrible it is with like 20 people dying from the heat--mostly are homeless. That is just so sad. Wish they had more shelters with air cond. or at least swamp coolers!
Glad you got your machine back and are right on the job making things again. That was sweet of you to make that guy a t-shirt that you & Gene met at the Rehab center!

Hi to ~~MOOZ~~~~CAT~~~& ~~~our missing MichelleZ~~~ Think of you often...heard there was bad storms near was it by you??

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Old 07-22-2005, 09:39 PM   #165  
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Hi, all.

Very slow at work. We keep adding people because there will be a huge jump in calls in October when people get more information about this ridiculously complicted prescription drug plan that's coming. But right now we sit around with hardly any calls.

I did read a very interesting book by an Israeli Jew who reached out to Christians and Muslims--will get the title if anyone's interested.

Have been doing better with my yoga.

Yes, Shad, you do seem a very busy lady. No wonder you dozed off!

Best to all.
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