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Old 08-17-2005, 01:55 AM   #241  
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Good Evening Ladies,

Sorry I haven't written for a few days. I have been busy taking Gene to the urologist last week and then today we spent 5 hours going to the PCP, then for a chest x-ray, and then onto blood work. I did treat him to a nice lunch because he really did a lot of walking with his walker. He had to go through these tests so that he can have a 10-minute out-patient procedure to get rid of the catheter.

One day -- I, too, am doing very poorly with any type of program but after seeing Oprah's show this afternoon about the ladies who had to lose enormous amount of weight and they showed grusome pictures of how their bodies looked prior to plastic surgery, I really need to do some serious soul searching and get back on track. I did manage to do 30 minutes at the gym this morning prior to our medical appointments.

I also go to go the American Idol concert since it was right in my neighborhood. It was quite enjoyable except the sound system was too blasting, however, I do believe that's what the young people enjoy! At least I got to see Anthony and Bo Bice, and they are so much better in person than on TV.

It is way too hot in Phoenix and our gas prices are in the $2.50's range. I do believe something drastic has to be done because I really don't know how people can even afford to go to work each day.

Well I had better get moving--as far as our intentions to move to Ohio and/or PA, it definitely has been put on hold until we get Gene back on his feet!

Take care all,
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Old 08-17-2005, 07:12 PM   #242  
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Shad--the magazine is a literary journal called Studio: A journal of christians writing. Excellent taste--they've published me several times! But not a biggie--it's out of NSW.

I have been doing Eating Awareness Training, with some additional specialized yoga.

And out to walk the dog!
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Old 08-17-2005, 09:01 PM   #243  
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Hello Ladies,

Nita - I'm sure with everything going on in your lives it hard to focus on whether or not to move. I agree, focus on Gene getting stronger, before you tackle that decision. I think we're due for some more hot weather this weekend.

Cat - Is that a book? I guess I have not heard of it.

Another busy day for me at work. Plus TOM and i'm still feeling cranky. Glad this will pass in a day or two.

Hope everyone is having a good day!
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Old 08-17-2005, 09:24 PM   #244  
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Hiya all,
Another busy day at work (not) but since I had yesterday off I am trying to get things done around here.

Yesterday was a bit of a disaster as far as getting things done around the house. First a visit from my DB2 (complete with broken nose and disagreeable attitude) and then the postman brought DS2 some unwelcome news - the tax office wants to get to know him a little better, so I spent time in the cobwebby, hot, dusty attic finding his paperwork for him. I did manage to get some work done in the front garden but even that was interupted by JW's and some person who wants me to change my whole telephone system around. Oh just great. So it wasn't a great day off at all. Still only 1.5 days to the weekend. My friend and I are going to Banora Point on Saturday morning to check on Motel accommodation for guests for her parents 50th wedding anniversary. Haven't been there for ages so that will be a nice change. It's about a 90 minute drive from home. The car could do with a run as well. Mind you with the price of petrol at the moment, it's no time to be driving anywhere - 1.11 per litre which is about 4.50 per gallon in your terms. Yikes. Talk about being held to ransom.

Still feeling cold but not shivery or sick like earlier in the week so I guess I have staved off the worst for the time being. Can't wait until it starts to get lighter earlier in the mornings and a bit warmer as well. Mind you in a couple of months time I could well be complaining of the heat. Are we ever satisfied with our lot?

Hope things are on the improve Nita.

Halgal, sure hope that they get your schedule sorted. What a thing to go wrong at this time!

Better go sort out the next crisis in daily life. Back later.
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Old 08-17-2005, 10:54 PM   #245  
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Quick note--Eating Awareness Training is a book--will get the author soon. They have just started a very minimal web site which doesn't help now but might get better some day.
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Old 08-18-2005, 08:29 PM   #246  
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Hello Ladies,

Cat - Keep us informed on how your doing with that program. Earlier today I found my hypnosis tapes. Think i'm going to start listening to them on my morning commute.

Shad - Wow, I thought our 2.50 gal was high. I currently drive a small SUV but thank goodness I don't put alot of miles on vehicle. I commute on the train, so i only have to drive 12miles roundtrip.

Had dentist appointment today, doc wants to recap two very old fillings I have, think that will run me $ 500. Told him it's not in this month budget will have to work in before holidays.

Hope everyone is having a good day!
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Old 08-19-2005, 11:30 PM   #247  
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Hello Ladies,

Just bringing us to the top!

Looking forward to the weekend. Lots of errans to run... taking Blackie to vet to get his yearly checkup, then i'm off to get a hair cut. Hoping the rest of the day is quite. We in for a hot weekend, so i'm hoping to stay indoors.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 08-20-2005, 09:07 AM   #248  
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Default RE: 3 days of school brings new meaning to a weekend!

Hey everyone, and happy weekend!

It was a good start to yet another school year! Our computer problems are not solved, but I guess they are making due. We are taking paper attendance reports. I am putting my lessons in, and printing back ups. Technology is great, when it works.

After the first day of teaching, I found myself with a slight scratchy throat. I thought no biggie. Talking non-stop for 7 hours, it was understandable. Then came some chills, and congestion. Yesterday teaching was a challenge. I had no voice, no volume... so I had to switch activites around. I feel much better today, only slight symptoms prevail. I slept for 12 hours last night, and I think that helped.

Hey girls... guess who is coming to MY town to play a concert for the first time in approximately 6 years? You got it, my man HAL KETCHUM. Oh baby!
No, I am not excited!

Mooz: Are you listening to the Hal CDs you purchased on EBay? If so, do you have a fav yet? Song or CD?

OneDay: I am going to try to get Rocky groomed this AM. I need to make this short so we can get running.

I don't know about you guys, but I have just about had enough of the missing persons news reports, scared families and dreaded results. I know I am very sensitive to violence, but this is enough. What is going on in our country? So much violence. So few consequences... or shall I say ones that seem to make a difference.

Nita: Good to hear from you. Hang in there.

CatLover: Eating Awareness... sounds key to me. I ordered the Christina Cooks book on line this week. She prepares all whole grain and organic foods.

Shad: Today our temps are due to have a heat index of 110 degrees. Hope that gives you a warm up! Hey I used a hammer to put a bookshelf back up that fell in my classroom. Thinking of you, and how handy you are!

Gotta go... I'll do my best to post more later in the weekend!
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Old 08-20-2005, 06:08 PM   #249  
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Hi Ladies,

Just a quick post to let you know I am hanging in there. I went shopping to the mall today and had a real fine time. I got a lot of bargains and that always makes me feel good. I decided to dye my hair today and after I had the dye all over it, I suddenly realized I was using "Medium" blonde instead of "light" blonde. Oh well, it is a little darker than I would like but at least I will have the body that was missing. It's amazing how we forget things so easily.

A week from this Wed. is D day for re-joining WW. I am really looking forward to it because it always gives me a sense of security. We are still waiting for a call to find out when Gene's surgical procedure is to take place. If only this works, we may be able to take a trip back to Ohio and PA and check out the homes there.

Well I will talk to all a little later.

Take care and have a "super" weekend!

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Old 08-20-2005, 08:47 PM   #250  
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Hello Ladies,

Hal - I know your excited about Hal coming to town. Can you purchase your tickets in advance or do you have to wait til they go on sale to the public? Your right about all this violence. I heard some disturbing news about the young pregant girl, apparently it was her boyfriend who murdered her.

Nita - I guess i missed a note somewhere. What procedure is Gene going to have? I received a Ww offer today in the mail about rejoining the program. It's a good program. I just need to do something.

Busy day today, ran lots of errans. I think our temps got to 99degrees. I tried to stay indoors most of the afternoon. Just got back from church so tomorrow morning i'm heading up to the office to get a few things done.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 08-20-2005, 09:11 PM   #251  
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Hi Patty,

The procedure is where they insert a tube through the lower abdomen into the bladder and there is a 10 inch tube that has a plug on the end of it. Supposedly this will enable him to hopefully make the bladder work again and eventually the tube can be taken out. I do believe it is worth a shot!

I know what you mean about following the WW program. Since our temperatures are still in the 100's I still cannot use my treadmill in the garage. It is a good thing I at least do 3 to 4 days worth of bowling. I really don't have my energy I used to have 10 lbs. less than I am right now. I am fortunate that I only have to pay $59 for 10 weeks of WW, and I do feel that I am ready to give it my all--last time I joined I really didn't commit myself.

Take care,
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Old 08-21-2005, 08:35 AM   #252  
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Default RE: Sunday morning

Good Sunday Morning Girls!

Oh yes, I am excited Hal is coming to town. The last time I saw him in concert was 2 years ago in July. He played a small town fair in southern Indiana and I had to drive just over 2 hours to see him. He went to a town in Illinois with the same name, and there was doubt he would make it for the concert, but he did. I hope he makes it to the right Lexington, and does not go to Lexington, Virginia! LOL Can you imagine the stress of having that happen to you?

Most of my cold symptoms are gone. Atleast it will not turn into a sinus infection as it usually does. I only have a cough that appears to be bronchitus like, and some blocking of my ears. Who knows how I landed this one so early in the school year. I slept lots Friday night and Saturday - had chicken soup, fresh cantelope, and lots of hot tea. It seems to have helped.

Nita: It is hot here also. We had heat index warnings yesterday, and I think we will today also. We are due to have a nice cool down this week. I enjoy warm weather, but to a limit.

OneDay: I am with you, off to school this afternoon to work out new lessons and take in supplies. I have a list of students that need notebooks and paper and I have promised them I would help them. Many of them offer excuses, but I just say not to worry. There are too many barriers to learning, and students should not have to worry about the basics. Our school averages about 70% free and reduced lunch. The odd part is the other 30% are the upper crust. We don't have a large number of the middle class. Young people can be so mean, and so judgemental, I do my best to work with the ones I can. I told these students to drop by my room before school tomorrow morning to pick up their supplies. How did Blackie do with his yearly check up? Rocky looks fabulous with his 'new hair do'. He is not spoiled at all. I received the WW mailing too! Wild, huh?

Shad: I hope you had an enjoyable weekend trip and you are feeling better also! Our gasoline prices are a dollar higher than this time last year. Most folks talk about a $40 tank of gas these days. Lots of money. It really sad part of it all is how it has affected our food costs already, and will soon affect our energy prices for both electric and natural gas. Can you say inflation, ression and republicans. Oops!

Shout outs to THIN and MOOZ...!!

Last edited by HalGal; 08-21-2005 at 08:37 AM.
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Old 08-21-2005, 04:40 PM   #253  
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Hal--glad to hear you're feeling better. I know my DFiL taught at a school something like that. There were the kids of the miners--and the kids of the mine owners. FiL also drove the bus from one town to the other, and sometims had to face down the kids from the mines. He was not a big guy, but guess that Army sargeant was able to get them in line!

I'm sure I have lost some weight. Want to get a really accurate tape measure so I am not cheating--either way. Will try to WI Tue--even tho you're not supposed on this approach, but I just gotta know!
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Old 08-21-2005, 06:32 PM   #254  
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Morning all,
Well here we are back at work on a sunny Monday morning. The sky is blue, the grass is brown etc.etc.etc. Am I impressed with Monday, no not at all.

My SIL is to be operated on today. DB1 is supposed to ring me to let me know the outcome but won't so I will have to ring him later myself. I'd best get some flowers sent from all of us (DB2 will not think about it and DSister is gravehopping trying to find the GPs. Keep all fingers and toes crossed please.

I have decided that my motivation to lose weight has completely gone. I am just going to try for maintenance for the next few months or so. I'm sitting between 72 and 73kg. (158lb and 160lb), and it doesn't seem to matter how much effort I put into it, nothing shifts, just bounces from 73 to 72 and sometimes to 71.5 but nothing further. I've had enough. I'll settle for what it is and continue doing what I am doing - ie eating well and going to the gym. I can do without the stress and depression of that situation. I've given up writing in the journals. I can get more information, help, friendship here. I make the odd comment here and there but that's it, I don't have anything to say and since I haven't made an entry in 10 days and no one has missed me yet, obviously whatever I had to say wasn't interesting. So that's that. It doesn't worry me, I've been losing interest in them for a while.

Cat - Hope you are right and that you have lost weight. That would be great.

Hal - Yes the price of petrol has affected everything here. The people are complaining bitterly about it. SOMEBODY should do something!!! according to everyone else. I've done what I can to hedge the inflation. I grow quite a few of my own vegetables and eat little meat and no longer keep a full refridgerator or pantry so I'm not affected that much. However it will take it's toll on those driving big cars and the 4WD's. I have a near new car (it's about 18 months old now) and is very economical so that all helps as well.

Nita - hope you get to hear of the medical procedure soon. Keep cool. I have a friend in Chino Valley who tells me it is darned hot up there.

Anyway I had better go get some work down before this turns into a novel.

Catch up later.
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Old 08-21-2005, 07:05 PM   #255  
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Good Afternoon Ladies,

Shad -- Evidently with the time difference it is already Monday where you live--it's sort of interesting that we can all chat even though some of us are so far apart. I know about this going up and then going down a few pounds--it gets rather discouraging. I presume I am using Gene's illness to eat whatever I want to and think it won't matter. However, when I do overeat I truly suffer for doing so--I get very bad indigestion and sometimes I can hardly get over it before going to bed. I am waiting patiently for a week from Wednesday when I definitely am going to go back to WW for the 10-week program. It is most important that I really want to do this and will commit to whatever it takes to get there. I have tried "Lean Pockets" and they are truly not only good tasting but I don't suffer afterwards. They had a lady from Arizona who lost 100 lbs. and she claims she did it by eating Lean Pockets for lunch and dinner and droped 30 lbs. right away. She then joined a gym and began working out regularly, which changed her body composition and made her feel great. The other thing about these Lean Pockets is they are not all that expensive and you put them in the Micro for 1.30 min.

Thanks again for being such "wonderful" friends!

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