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Old 08-21-2005, 07:35 PM   #256  
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Oh yes it is definitely Monday over here - you ought to listen to the groaning and moaning going on in this office.

I believe I am 17 hours ahead of you Nita. I think that is what I worked it out to be some time ago when I phoned my friend over there. Phoning is difficult because you have to work out a time when both parties are likely to be awake and at home. Still it is fun.
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Old 08-22-2005, 02:02 PM   #257  
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Bringing us to the top... will post later tonight..
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Old 08-22-2005, 07:56 PM   #258  
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Shad--howtall are you? 158 might not be too bad. You also might try measuring, because if you are working out a lot you may be losing fat although not weight.

Nita--I've had the lean pockets, and some of them are very tasty.

I've lost an inch in my hips and an inch in my thighs--none on my waist, unfortunately. But note that this is without "dieting" at all!

Today I craved ice cream, so I bought a bar at work--ate two bites,and that was all I wanted.

NIght to all.
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Old 08-22-2005, 10:39 PM   #259  
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Hello Ladies,

Started South Beach today and i'm starting to get a headache. I guess it's from sugar withdrawls. The wierd thing is i'm not hungary, just craving something sweet.

Cat - WTG for only taking 2 bites and getting rid of the rest. Ice cream is my major downfall. I can eat a gallon in a day, if I let myself.

Shad - saying a prayer for your SIL. Hope the surgery went well. Maintenance might not be a bad idea. Give you body a rest. Then get back full force.

Tomorrow will be a challenge for me. I'm going to a meeeting away from office and we always eat lunch out. I've decided that i'm having a salad no matter where we go.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 08-23-2005, 06:50 PM   #260  
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Hello Ladies,

Day 2 of South Beach and so far no cheats. I did have a headache last night though. Today really proud of myself. Went to a meeting away from office and of course for lunch we went to a ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET. When I walked in, I had told myself to make the best choice you can, not knowing what they would be serving. I did great, had baked chicken, summer squash and a big salad. Passed up the dessert table.

Hope everyone is doing ok. Hope to hear from you all soon!
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Old 08-23-2005, 07:23 PM   #261  
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Default Success!

Hey, chicks, I lost more than 3 lb. How much? Well, the last time I wrote my weight down, I weighed less than 200, and I know I was over that , but apparently didn't write it down. So now I am 3 lb under the old weight--I love it! Food tastes so good under this plan.

Worried about Kitten. . We had her spayed,and she seemed to be healing very nicely, but today the incision area looks swollen. Of course, I got home too late to call the vet (barring emergency). So we'll have to wait until tomorrow. Fortunately, DH has tomorrow off, so he can take her in or get medicine if need be.

Well, time to write poetry again.

Night all.
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Old 08-23-2005, 08:16 PM   #262  
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Catlover -- Congratulations on your weight loss! What plan are you doing? I just found out today I cannot rejoin WW until the Wed. after Labor Day!

Patty -- Congratulation to you, too, on making great choices at the Buffet. It is amazing what we can do when we make up our mind.

Yesterday I bought a new bowling ball--this one is drilled so that your two fingers go in up to the first joint. It is going to take some getting used to. Today instead of taking a nap, I went bowling and lucky for me one of my friends was there and we bowled 5 games, one right after the other. He finally gave up and I did one more. Even though they have air conditioning, I was sweating up a storm. I didn't do too bad but I still have a lot of learning to do.

Hopefully the rest of our ladies are doing well!

Take care,
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Old 08-23-2005, 09:16 PM   #263  
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Nita--WTG on the bowling. I know little about it, but what is supposed to be the advantage of the different style of ball?

I am doing Eating Awareness Training. They just have a very limited web site, but the book is easy to follow.
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Old 08-24-2005, 01:38 PM   #264  
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Good Afternoon,

Day 3 on SBD and going pretty good. I need to start incorporating some exercise. I'm not having the cravings for sweets as bad as I use to, but I still have them. Need to focus on drinking more water too.

Nita - I'm sure you burn lots of calories when you bowl. I'm sure it will take a while to get use to that bowling ball.

Cat - WTG on your 3 lb loss. Hope Kitten is doing ok.
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Old 08-24-2005, 07:20 PM   #265  
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Thanks. Kitten seems OK after all. Maybe I was over-worried.

My DSiL says that drinking lots of water has really helped her blood pressure. She just couldn't make herself drink the plain water, but gets it with a little flavor and she is fine.
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Old 08-24-2005, 11:28 PM   #266  
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Sorry, I haven't been posting in a while, I've been hospital visiting and feeding the DB1. Not to mention trying to meet a couple of deadlines at work that were thrown at me at the last possible minute.

My SIL has had her operation and according to all reports the mass was not cancerous. Instead they removed the lump, some fatty tissue which should not have been there and part of the end of the pancreas (not sure as to why that bit got removed). Anyway she is up and about although darned sore and will come home when they get her blood levels stable again. They had to stop the hefarin (warfarin??) to get the blood thick enough to operate and know that she would not bleed to death, and now they have to reverse the procedure so she doesn't clot again after she goes home. Anyway, all seems well at this stage. She is hoping to be home by Saturday - DB is hoping they will keep her there until she is well enough to come home. She never sits down, and never stops working and it is very hard for her to rest up and get over things - hence the DB wanting her to stay in until she is well on the road to recovery.

I'd better get back to the grindstone since I am leaving in an hour or so to go to the hospital. Maybe DB and I will eat out tonight on the way home.

Hello to all - catch up again as soon as possible.
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Old 08-25-2005, 01:38 PM   #267  
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Hello Ladies,

Shad - Good news on your SIL. I agree she should stay in the hospital as long as she can. I'm sure your DB1 is appreciative of you helping him out.

Cat - I tried that flavored water they sell and didn't like it(too strong). Crystal Light sell some small packets to go and I usually mix 1/2 of it in my water.

Just another day here at work. Took car in shop and repair man just called, total cost is $ 510.00 But the good news is the car is paid for and this is the first of repairs in over two years other than oil changes. Eating is good, still need to work on my exercise.
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Old 08-25-2005, 08:00 PM   #268  
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Shad--good news about your SiL.

Patty--will try to ask my DSiL what kind of water she drinks--there seem to be a lot of kinds. Too bad about the car, but as my husband says think how much you are saving compared to making car payments!
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Old 08-25-2005, 11:01 PM   #269  
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Default RE: One More Day until the WEEKEND...!!!!

Good Thursday Evening Movers and Losers!

Oh my gosh, I am almost through the first FULL week of school. It's been very good, but getting up in the morning is NO fun. Today I actually poured the coffee, washed my face and went 'down under' for 15 more minutes! Rocky is so good, he promptly sat on the pillow next to me demanding to be played with - no extra minutes for me!

I've dedicated myself to arriving at school earlier each morning to give myself additional preparation time since I have all new textbook materials, and I am teaching out of 6 new textbooks, count them 6... this school year. So, I leave the house at 6:30A now. Just a tad early, but it makes the day so much better to have about 30 minutes of solitude before students begin coming in, and I have to do my early morning hall duty. Now, to keep this pattern. Several other teachers are already there each morning when I arrive and I find myself asking, 'What time do they arrive?" LOL

SHAD: I hope your brother is feeling better and able to come home this weekend as hoped. I think it is so scary how they manipulated the blood levels for medical care these days. Just plain scary. I had dinner out last evening after an 11 hour day. By the time I arrived home, I was so exhausted I think that is why I wanted the extra '15' this AM. Hang in there and I am sure your brother appreciates your support while he is recouperating.

OneDay: No car payments are a nice thing, I seem to remember! I took my Jeep in for annual maintenance in July for raidiator flushing, brake adjustments and tire rotation. Then, 3 weeks later my battery decides to die but good. The good part was I was able to have it replaced with no tow trucks or anything. When I think of all of the places I've been recently that it could have died on me, and where it did - I thank all of my 'angels'. Oh yeah, I belieive. I am with you on the diet - all is good, and exercise needs to improve - soon. My principal is walking in the building or around the grounds each AM I arrive at 6:45AM. It just takes the decision to do it. Just takes!

CatLover: I would like to hear more about your Eating Awareness program. I don't have room for another book to read at the moment, tho. I have 3 personal books going, as well as all the new educational stuff I am working through for the new lessons. Eating Awareness... just sounds interesting. IF I were more aware - of each bite I wonder? WTG on the weight loss. You go girl. That is wonderful.

Nita: So what color is your new bowling ball? Strange question, right? I wanted one so badly when I was younger and on a league. I was in 9th grade and bowled Saturday mornings. I wanted a purple ball. Go figure! I have a coupon for a FREE box of Lean pockets. I'll try to remember to use it this weekend when I shop. Anything that is conveneint, good for you and taste good is a real plus. I think my cold I had last week (and is trying to revisit daily) has affected my taste and smell). I made a cup of hot tea after school today while I was covering a 2 hour extended detention. A teacher came in and said my tea smelled wonderful - and I could not smell it at all. Now, sometimes not being able to smell as a teacher is a good thing.

I've often said if I did not eat after 8P I would never have developed a weight problem. I found this article that addresses this problem. I don't know if any of you tend to do this, but it is me all over the place. It is from the WW folks and it sounds like a few of us will be members soon.

Nighttime Nibbles
By Leslie Fink, MS, RD | 8/22/2005

Need ideas for coping with restaurant buffets? Want some good snack ideas? In our Q&A series, nutritionist and food editor Leslie Fink, MS, RD, answers readers' questions about food, nutrition and weight loss.

Q: How can I put the brakes on my non-stop nighttime cookie nibbling?

A: For years I used to eat on automatic pilot. I wasn't ever conscious about it; I just found myself standing in front of an open fridge. Then one day I stopped and asked myself why I felt so unsatisfied after supper. My conclusion? A lack of substantial calories.

Non-fat cottage cheese mixed with fresh, chopped fruit, for example, was certainly a nutritious dinner, but it didn't suppress my appetite for long. That's when my wandering fingers began to roam. When I added a little fat and a bit more protein to my meal by tossing in some slivered almonds and by switching to low-fat cottage cheese, I felt much fuller for longer.

But perhaps you're already eating well-balanced meals. Are you eating at breakneck speed? It takes a while for your body to know that it's full. Or maybe it's your environment that's leaving you unsatisfied? Make meal times more appealing: Try surrounding yourself with a vase of fresh cut flowers, soothing music and a pretty-patterned tablecloth.

If you watch television while you eat, the food commercials or food-centered events on some programs may unconsciously trigger your appetite. Shut the TV off, stop riffling through the mail and focus on your meals. You may be surprised how much more flavorful they seem when you pay attention to each bite. And greater meal satisfaction may curtail your free-for-all in the kitchen cabinets.

Here are some suggestions:

Love strong-flavored crunch? Try some ranch-flavored baked chips or mini cheddar "Goldfish" crackers.

Want something chocolaty? Enjoy a small piece of very rich dark chocolate like a Hershey's miniature or two, or a small fudgy brownie.

Need a longer-lasting sweet? Opt for some butterscotch hard candies or a chocolate lollipop.

Crave volume? Try a few handfuls of baby carrots, grape tomatoes, celery dipped into peach salsa, air popped popcorn or something you can sip that'll keep your mouth full and your hands occupied. Great picks include a hot mug of broth, diet hot cocoa, flavored coffee or fruity herbal tea.

When you can't seem to draw the line there, try a few stop-the-cravings-on-the-spot tactics:

Brush your teeth right after dinner. (I do this, and it helps!)

Gargle with minty mouthwash.

Chew a piece of very flavorful gum.

Eat a piece of "hot" candy. One Community User suggests eating a spicy cinnamon candy (just one) like Hot Tamales for a long-lasting mouth tingle.

Some of the new sugar free hard candies are very good, try them if you have not.

One more day...!
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Old 08-26-2005, 01:17 PM   #270  
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Hello Ladies,

We'll went and got car out of shop. Seemed to drive better. Ran a few errans and got home opened up door and the hand latch that moves the seat forward and backwards fell off. I looked it over and decided it was not the car's shop, looks like the lever was rusty and the metal just worn. Took car back in shop this morning and it was another $ 200.00 YIKES. But i'm hoping this is the last of repairs til I get some new tires. Hoping to get those before winter weather.

Cat - I agree with your husband. Even though I just spent $ 750.00 I haven't had any majors problems in years and no car payments.

Hal - Good article. I need to not eat in front of tv and I need to slow down. Hope you have a relaxing weekend.
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