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Old 07-08-2009, 10:32 PM   #541  
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O2Bthin Glad you made it through the blood test I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for good results.

judydc I had a great workout with my trainer today. I didn't think I was going to make it through but I did I had a gym membership but I was not able to go to the gym like I should so I canceled my membership and now my trainer comes to my house and helps me use the equipment that I have at home. Next time we are going to go to the park and do some kickboxing if I don't passout on that one LOL

Great news ladies I lost 7.5 for the first week I can't believe it I actually did it. I have also managed to drink mostly water I believe I have only had 2 diet pepsi this week I am trying to cut them out completely.

Hope you all have a great night take care I'll talk to you later.
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Old 07-09-2009, 07:28 AM   #542  
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Mystical - great job on fthe 7 lbs

Kathy - Glad the bloodtests went ok!

cacmsc54 - I second Kathy's "where are you shopping?" Beware of the King of Prussia Mall - it's eeeeeevil. (I used to work there. I'm sure if you've never worked there it's not all that bad, but I still like to think it's evil to everyone )

Hi to everyone else, have a great day.
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Old 07-10-2009, 03:17 PM   #543  
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Yaaay, it's Friday OK, I won't be spending the weekend at the beach, but I won't be working, either!

Mystical, congratulations That's great news.

Marbear, your comment made me laugh. I've never had a retail job, but I could see where a bad one could turn me against an entire mall forever.

We had our staff "picnic" yesterday, actually on the roof of the building our offices are in. It was fun. Lots of good food but I didn't eat too much of it. I did a 30-minute dance workout this morning, and a brisk 30-minute walk on my way to work. I'll see the personal trainer this evening, which I'm looking forward to and dreading

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Old 07-10-2009, 05:16 PM   #544  
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I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well.

I'm a bit down right now as our little cat Teddy is missing. He's really an indoor cat but escaped and there's been no sign of him. We're hoping a raccoon or coyote didn't get him . He's my little baby - even though he's 12 he still looks like a kitten. I'll really miss his little smooches and funny ways.
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Old 07-11-2009, 02:29 PM   #545  
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Hi All!

Penny - I hope you find your kitty soon. Our cat tries to sneak out every so often too. I would miss him if he was gone.

Mystical - Congratulations on the 7lb loss. How do you do it? I have never lost that much in 1 week. I'm doing good to lose a 1/2 pound. My eating habits haven't been the best lately, but today I am on track and watching my points very closely.

Judy - Congrats on doing well at the work party and on all the exercise you got in.

I have not been out to walk since my scare, but the continual yard work has kept me moving. Thursday I mowed our entire lawn and finished mulching. Needless to say I was very tired when I was done. Our lawn is 10,000 sq. ft. and 95% hills. That sure is a work out, but I enjoy mowing so I don't mind. I need to get my bike out and start riding it. It is brand new and I've hardly ridden it. Shame on me.

I trust you all have a great weekend.

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Old 07-11-2009, 08:09 PM   #546  
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Penny, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat! I'm sending you a big hug

Kathy, I keep thinking about ways that you can feel protected in your early morning walks. Some sporting goods stores carry pepper spray and things you can hold in your hand that emit loud noises. But at this rate, both you and your yard will be in great shape by the fall!

Well, the personal trainer spaced out on our appointment yesterday, but we got together this afternoon. I'm just doing a half hour of strength training. It's much more challenging that what I've done at home! I've been eating on program, and really wanting to post a loss on Monday.

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Old 07-11-2009, 08:54 PM   #547  
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Good evening ladies,

Penny I am so sorry to hear about your cat I know our pets seem like they are our babies I will keep you in my thoughts. Good luck and let me know if she shows up

O2Bthin Well it didn't last for some reason I am back up 2.5 lbs I haven't changed anything so I am not sure why the weight gain.... I just hate that all my hard work and a gain Why??

judydc I just had my trainer over on Wed. and my body still hurts a bit, I guess that means I had a good workout LOL She gave me a schedule to do this month so ladies you are going to have to keep after me about my exercising....

Just 2 weeks until moving day: I am hoping I stay on plan and get the workouts in and I am really hoping no weight gain during that time... My trainer/nutritionist also has given me some quick ideas of things to eat while we are in transition for the move and some great snacks so that should help. I am starting my new routine tomorrow so hopefully since I have had a couple of lbs gain back that I will take that off this week too. Wed is my official weigh in day. I will keep you posted. Have a great night talk to you soon.
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Old 07-12-2009, 10:28 AM   #548  
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It is a beautiful day today. We had sever storms go through last night. About 2 miles north of us there was a tornado sited. Thankfully there wasn't a lot of damage and no one was hurt.

I got up early this morning to take my sun to work and decided today was the day to get walking again. I could not pass up this beautiful morning. I ended up walking almost 3 miles. It felt so good and was a great start to this day.

Mystical - Don't give up. It will come off again. When I was doing LA Weight Loss a couple of years ago they said that the food you eat today will show up 4 days later. Example, if you eat pizza on Monday it will show up on the scale on Friday. It sounds crazy, but I've proven it true.

Judy - Way to go on staying on plan. Good luck with the personal trainer.

I trust all you love ladies have a great day!

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Old 07-13-2009, 01:37 PM   #549  
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Kathy - I'm glad you got to go walking again. Three miles is a good workout! Scary about the tornado - I'm glad it wasn't too close to you.

Judy - I hope your new trainer is giving you a good workout . Good for you staying on program.

Mystical - Keep on doing what you're doing and the weight will come off. It's not always a straight line - sometimes your body needs a break for a few days before it's ready to start letting go of the extra weight.

I have good news! Our little kitty Teddy has been found! . We plastered the neighborhood with flyers and a dear little old lady about a mile away found him crying near her garage and coaxed him inside. He was missing for 3 days and was very traumatized and hungry. He's one lucky kitty as we live in a rural area with plenty of coyotes and other predators. You should have seen the relieved expression on his little face! I know animals aren't supposed to show feelings (especially cats) but you could just see how happy he was to be home and snuggled up with his brother.

I had a very good workout at my yoga class this morning. Each lesson concentrates on a different area of the body. Today was back exercises. It was a tough workout but I felt like I had a real spring in my step after the class.

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 07-13-2009, 08:54 PM   #550  
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Oh, Penny, I'm so glad to hear about your kitty . That's such good news. I hope Teddy recovers soon--but doesn't forget the lesson about staying inside!

Kathy, way to go on tackling your walks again. The weather will be cold and forbidding in just a few months. I remind myself of this during my walks to work, when I'm ready to complain about the heat.

Mystical, it sounds like you will be in good shape for the stressful period of moving and unpacking. You'll be stronger and focused on eating well!

I had a carb fit Saturday night, but otherwise I've been on program. I definitely feel trimmer and lighter, although I'm only down a ound since last week. My triceps still ache from Saturday's session with the trainer! This morning I did a video (Belly, Butt and Thighs) and my half-hour walk. I hoped to do a 30-minute upper body video this evening, but I was at the office late, and now I'm busy packing to travel to a conference in the morning. The conference will be in Palm Springs, where the temperature is 112-114 degrees! Send me cooling thoughts, please!

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Old 07-13-2009, 09:41 PM   #551  
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I am doing well with my eating and nutrition and my drinking water is great. I am still struggling on getting my workouts in... I have great intentions but I seem to get busy and then I turn around and the day is gone and I am tired. How do you get yourself motivated to get the workouts in and keep doing them? I had a great day with my trainer and then I was soar that I couldn't even move and then the next few days I didn't even walk on the treadmill. I get so mad at myself for doing that. But I don't know how to motivate myself to doing it please help! I need some support with this one.
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Old 07-14-2009, 06:36 AM   #552  
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Good morning everyone, I have returned from a short trip to PA to the land of the Amish. How beautiful it was the homes so neat and tidy looking, farms and veggie and fruit stands galore. I did well with staying on plan as far as a vacation goes couldn't be perfect of course. I am trying to get myself motivated again. Go figure! I have been adding more veggies, grilling more ck and that helps along with adding in my yogurt low fat of course. I have found the choc. covered raisins I brought back for hubby though. I need to stay out of those. It looks like everyone is doing well. Penny good to hear the kitty is on a mends. I am going to fit in a walk this a.m. if it doesn't rain. I can fit in a 20 min. walk at work its what we call our healthy break. My BDay is next week so I am trying to think healthy and fit at 55! I really don't feel or act my age I guess which is good. But trying to be more fit and stay that way is important. I have a wedding for my friend whom I introduced to her hubby to be 5 years ago this weekend. It should be fun and I am doing the toast. Gotta still work that one out. Lots of ideas just need to get it out. I would like to kayak this sunday but it depends on the weather. We have had so much rain 23 days straight of some type of rain. Very unusual for our area. Well take care and I will try to be better at dropping in you all always help with motivation.... hope everyone is doing well.
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Old 07-14-2009, 05:20 PM   #553  
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Judy - Sending you cooling thoughts for your trip to Palm Springs .

Mystical - It's hard staying motivated. I like to think of how good I feel after a workout, so even if I'm really feeling too tired to work out I know it will help energize me. Also, visualizing how good it will feel to meet your goal can be motivating.

Carol - It's good to hear from you again. It's good you're eating lots of healthy veggies.

I'm worried about our son who lives in Boise. He's sick with the 'flu and has a fever of 103 deg. and a horrible cough. He's been to the doctor and got some medicine and the doc said he's seen about 40 people recently with this bug. I'm thinking it might be the H1N1 flu. Apparently, they are not bothering to test people for it and say that if you get type A flu right now there's a 99% chance it's swine flu.. I'm so anxious about it I feel like jumping on the next flight to Boise to take care of him. Luckily he has some close buddies there who can check on him but I know he'd feel better with some TLC from Mom! He promised to call later to let us know how he's doing. On top of this, my DH has been having dizzy spells and is visiting the doctor today.

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Old 07-14-2009, 05:36 PM   #554  
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Penny I am sorry that you son is sick I hope he gets well soon... I know how you feel my daughter was in Arkansas when she was pregnant and there was some issues with the baby and I took the next plane there. Thank the Lord everything turned out ok. Her husband is in the military so she is staying with family in Georgia waiting for her tickets to go to Hawaii. They just got stationed there but before she and the kids could go they had to pass medicals and get everything signed off by the doctors. I am living in Canada now so I can't just pick up go there so much now.

As for me today eating wise I am doing so great I really am proud of myself. Today my DH and his brother fixed humburgers and I did eat one but I had my WW bread and the meat was very lean they come in a package called portion wise. I only had fruit as a side so not to bad I didn't think.

As for the workout I am setting my alarm for early morning workouts. Maybe if I get up early and get the workouts in I will have more energy and feel better about myself with this issue. Thanks for all the support.

You ladies are awesome keep up the good work I will check in with you later.
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Old 07-14-2009, 08:52 PM   #555  
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Penny - I'm sorry your son and DH are not feeling well. Hope they're both soon on the mend.

I had my doctors appointment yesterday. My thyroid and everything was good except my cholesterol was high and I have a Vitamin D deficiency. I now have to take 2000 mg of Vitamin D. My sister also has a D deficiency. I was surprised because I have a yogurt everyday and a glass of milk. I guess that is still not enough. I don't have to go back for 6 months so hopefully all this will change in that time.

I gained .8lbs this past week, but my eating has been much better. I need to get back into walking 5 days a week. I bought pepper spray tonight and I'm going to take my cell phone with me that way I'll feel more prepared if I have another incident of someone driving by me 3 times again.

I'm feeling very sad tonight. A very dear friend of our family will probably not make it through the night. He is like a second dad to me. He will be greatly missed.

In spite of my sadness it has been a good day.

Have a great week.

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