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Old 08-12-2009, 09:37 PM   #601  
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Judy - I can understand why the town meeting on health insurance would upset you. I was reading about one in our area and a comment that was made in the paper made me angry. Tomorrow is a new day and you'll do well with exercising.

Ryan now knows that he is moving tomorrow. He was quiet at first, but has now seemed to accept it. He knows he is allowed to come and spend time with our boys when he want.s This decision took months to make, but we know we did the right thing. I'm actually excited about this change though it was hard to make.

I'm tired and need to get to bed. Have a good Thursday.

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Old 08-12-2009, 09:38 PM   #602  
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Hello ladies just checking in too see how everyone is doing today. Yeah finally I had a good day eating wise... My son made us a big salad for dinner it was so good... Gonna have if for lunch tomorrow too. I haven't got back to the workouts yet but I have set my alarm so I can get up early and get my workout in... I think that is the only way I am gonna do them ... Hope all of you have a great night... Talk to you soon.
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Old 08-14-2009, 12:29 PM   #603  
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Yaay, it's Friday! I'll be working a little bit on Saturday, but I will be happy to have most of the weekend to myself, at home, for the last time until Sept. 12.

Kathy, I've been thinking of you and your family a lot. My aunt and uncle were foster parents for a long time. They'd always bonded with the kids, and t was hard for them to see the kids move on.

Mystical, are you getting up earlier now? I'm not a morning person so it's taken me a long time to a place where I'd look forward to getting up early to work out! I was awake at 6 this morning, and planning to get, but next thing I knew, it was 7:35! I was up early Thursday, and went to gym.

I've been eating on program. Two people this week have remarked that I'm losing weight. My clothes don't fit that differently, I don't know. I was frustrated with the scale, so I haven't weighed myself for a few days.

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Old 08-14-2009, 08:33 PM   #604  
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Hi Judy! Thanks for your thoughts. It was a very hard decision to make, but I know it was the right one. We still have the 3 boys we have guardianship of. They have been with us 2 years on August 7. Though we couldn't have children of our own, I feel truly blessed to have these 3 great boys in our lives.

Our foster child left yesterday. He was with us since May 8. He was a great kid, but we really didn't bond with him. Our hearts are with our 3 boys and making a life for them.

Tomorrow we are off to Lancaster to do some school clothing shopping. They have a lot of Outlets there and the boys like to get more bang for their buck! It will be a nice family day.

I trust you have a restful weekend Judy. Mine will be for the most part.

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Old 08-15-2009, 08:12 PM   #605  
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I hope that everyone is having a good day! I spent the morning in class on "Eliminating Food Cravings with EFT." Penny, you've done this, right? "Emotional Freedom Techniques" consist of tapping specific areas of your hands, face and body intended to calm you and redirect your energy. The class was okay. It was refreshing to hear people voice exactly what I'm saying to myself sometimes. I've read a little about this online, and the class was helpful. So what the heck, I'll give it a shot! When I go to visit my family in a few days, I'll certainly have plenty of opportunities to experiment with this .

I really hope to post at least a small loss on Monday. I walked around a lot today, but no workout. I'm looking forward to hanging out in the gym on Sunday.

Kathy, I hope you had a successful shopping trip! Tomorrow is no-tax day here, so I may go out with my list of items that I'll need for my retreat week later on this month.

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Old 08-16-2009, 10:09 AM   #606  
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Judy - Your class sounded very interesting. I've never heard of such a class. Does the technique work? I would have to slap my hands and face to get the energy to be redirected. Sometime it takes awhile to sink in because I want to do it my way.

We had a fun day shopping. I literally shopped until I dropped. We went to the outlets and the boys got a lot of good deals. We had to be home by 3:00 so my husband could go to work for 4:30. The boys had a few more things to get so after DH went to work we headed to the mall. I was so glad when they were done. I think we are now ready for school.

I can't believe the summer is over and school starts next week. I still want to know where the summer went. August is already half over. Wow!

For the last couple of years I have been very frustrated with my job. I have started to apply for different jobs, but never heard anything. I applied for a job with our Chamber of Commerce and last night the President of the Chamber called me for an interview. I go tomorrow at 5:00. I am very excited but nervous. I am so ready for a change in jobs and hope this one works out.

Hope you all have a happy Sunday.

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Old 08-16-2009, 09:49 PM   #607  
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Hi, Kathy! Even though I rarely looked forward to going back to school, I did enjoy shopping! For once I got to make a lot of my own decisions, or at least about the supplies, if not the clothes. Good luck with the job interview!

If you Google "Emotional Freedom Techniques," you see quite a few links to how it's used for relaxation, stopping smoking, etc. I don't know yet if it's going to make a difference. First I have to remember to try it when a craving hits! Also, I was doing much better with the evening munchies when I was doing my meditation or hypnosis more regularly, so I'm committed to doing that every day this week.

I had a productive day today! Lots of housework, then the gym, a pedicure and groceries. It's been a good eating day. This coming week will be my last halfway normal week at home--at least until Friday--for three weeks, so I really want to make the most of it!

Hope all is well with everyone reading this.

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Old 08-17-2009, 10:32 AM   #608  
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Judy - Sounds like you had a good weekend. Your "tapping" class sounds interesting - I hope you get some benefit from it. I hope you get energized for your upcoming travel. It's good to hear you've had compliments from your friends. Your new exercise regimen must be paying off, even if it's not showing up on the scale yet. Keep up the good work!

Kathy - I'm glad your difficult family decision is behind you and I hope it works out for everyone concerned. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for your job interview - good luck!

I had a good weekend and managed to get the garden looking fairly ship-shape. We had a good downpour a few days ago - it's perked the flowers up a lot and the grass is a bit greener.

I was down .5 lb. for my official weigh-in. I didn't reach my birthday goal, but at least I lost 5 lbs. altogether. I'm going to re-evaluate what I've been eating lately and change a few things to help get the scale moving a bit faster in the right direction. My friends are taking me out for a birthday bash tomorrow to celebrate my 60th. They are keeping the location secret, so that should be fun. My DH and I will celebrate my birthday next weekend with a trip to the coast.

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 08-17-2009, 12:24 PM   #609  
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hey there ladies. Good news I am finally under that 216 lb mark since the move... Yeah.. just down half a lb but I'll take it. LOL Hope everyone is having and awesome day... I have lots of laundry and cleaning to do today yuck, but it has to be done right... Have a great day and I'll check in this afternoon with you all.
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Old 08-18-2009, 07:11 AM   #610  
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Mystical, congratulations I hope that things are settling down for you in your new home. Have you added the workouts yet?

Penny, congratulations on losing 5 more pounds in your challenge It's nice that you'll celebrate a birthday week. Sixty's a nice round number. I didn't do anything special for my 50th, and people were outraged! Maybe I'll plan something fabulous for my 60th, like an overseas trip.

Kathy, I hope the that the job interview went well.

I was going to get an early start at the gym this morning, but I didn't sleep well and I've been yawning like a cartoon character since I got up. So I'll pop a workout DVD into the computer (still haven't resolved the issue with my TV or DVD player) and get moving.

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Old 08-18-2009, 09:01 PM   #611  
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Hi All! Just a quick note to let you all know that the job interview went very well. I should know by the end of the week if I got the job. I'm praying that it works out.

I had a very bad day at work. My co-worker who I thought was my friend told my boss that I had a job interview when I talked to him in confidence. I told him I couldn't trust him anymore and he accused me of telling things that he told me in confidence. I have never done that and have no idea what he is talking about. I was hurt very badly by this guy. I thought of him as a little brother and he thought of me as a sister. It just showed me that I can't trust anyone at work and it is time for me to move on. I work with all men and feel like I'm on the outside looking in. No matter what happens I will continue to look for another job.

Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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Old 08-18-2009, 09:11 PM   #612  
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Hello ladies, things are gong pretty well here. I must say though I haven't added the exercising yet.. It just seems my days get away from me... I have been so busy organizing our records and updated our new programs for our invoices I just don't know where the day ends LOL... I promise I will start very soon... I do have my treadmill set up and I have a tv set up in the basement so I can do my DVD workout... So wish me luck that I get my bootie in gear and start a program soon... I need a push, or kick something.

Judydc hope you get your tv/dvd issue resolved I know that can frustrating.. Good job on keeping up the workouts... Your are awesome keep up the good work.

O2Bthin Sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time at work I know how that goes when I moved to Canada last year I left an environment that was close to that. I now only have to deal with one broker and one area LOL that would be my husband now since we now have our own business I do all the office/paperwork side of things and he is out in the field working ... We make an awesome team that way I guess... I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers with the new job.. Good luck!

Have a great night ladies I'll try and check in tomorrow...
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Old 08-18-2009, 10:00 PM   #613  
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I had a lovely birthday today. My friends took me to a restaurant located on a small pond and we were amazed to see a bald eagle swooping down with a fish in its talons! This was very unexpected in such a suburban setting. I had a great time and enjoyed a piece of excellent birthday cake. It was very light cake (like angel food) with real cream frosting and fresh strawberries - yum! Being 60 isn't as bad as I'd thought it would be!

I hope everyone is doing well. I'll catch up with personals later as I'm tired out after all the excitement and looking forward to an early night after I've tried some of my new bath goodies .

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Old 08-19-2009, 06:15 PM   #614  
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Happy birthday, Penny!

Mystical, here you are: and this too: and this:

Kathy, how old is your co-worker, 6 or 7 years old? If you did something to upset him, he should have told you about it when it happened. I hope you feel good about your interview, despite the awful day.

I've been out of sort the past two day, with trying to keep too many balls in the air as I plan to be out of the office for awhile. I felt a bit queasy yesterday morning, so I didn't work out, even though I was all suited up. This morning I had an early appointment with my hair stylist. When I got there, I found out that the water'd been turned off on her block, so I headed toward my office. By the time I got off the subway again, the water was back back down into the subway I went... It was a tiring start to the morning, but I look fabulous and that's all that matters!

I had a hot chocolate with skim milk, even though it's been in the mid-90s and incredibly muggy in DC. So tonight I'll just have a small salad with shrimp for dinner, no more carbs.

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Old 08-19-2009, 09:59 PM   #615  
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Thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement. Today was a better day at work, though everyone acted like nothing ever happened. I know in my heart I did not break my coworkers confidence and I have to leave it at that. I'm moving on.

I just came home from a very stressful meeting with nothing really being resolved with that situation. I hope the rest of my week is less stressful.

Happy Birthday Penny!

Judy - I hope you have been able to stop your juggling act and have a more relaxing and less stressful week.

Mystical - I'm like you, I haven't been able to get into exercising again. I really need to get back into it because I do feel better when I do it.

I must run. Have a happy Thursday!

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