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Old 05-13-2009, 10:14 PM   #406  
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Auntie, I am so sorry to hear that you have so much on your mind. But don't worry about having the right attitude, just come on by when ever you want to vent or distract yourself for a few minutes .

Penny, I do get around! Ten or 11 years ago I ran a training one week in Wenatchee, and the locals insisted that I experience Leavenworth. And the salmon hatchery or whatever it's called. Now I know someone who's lived there for years, and she's started a retreat center nearby.

Wednesday wasn't a gold-star day, eating-wise. I saw a Tom Stoppard play, and had calamari, spinach and a margarita before the show. Today was much better. During a lunch meeting I had a bowl of coconut-veggie soup and shared an order of soft (not fried) vegetarian spring rolls at a Thai place. Only 20 minutes to work out this morning, so I cranked up the cheezy dance music station on cable TV and, as usual, was disappointed when it was time to rush to the shower.

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Old 05-15-2009, 02:44 PM   #407  
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So I was sad to see that me relatively long post from the other day vanished. I'd seen it posted, now it's gone. As it's difficult to type one hand, I'm no going to try to remember and retype. I'm too lazy.

Auntie, I am so sorry about your family's illnesses. You have been dealt a horrible 2009.

Judy, one thing I remember posting is that I am always awed by how you continually get back on track with such a hectic lifestyle. When you have little control of the foods around you, it is very difficult to stay on track. I'm bummed for you that gained 20 pounds. Staying on track when food is so integrated in our society is so hard and you're very social.

Penny, it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. BTW, how is your son doing job wise? Also, I'm very allergic to Portland. It's moldy there - probably the large amount of rain. I truly don't like going up there because it takes a couple days to get out of my system, If it aggravates my asthma, then I'm in for it for about a week.

Things are fine here. Eating and exercise are good. I've pushed myself to eat enough cals again and I'm not as worn out (except last night near bedtime), I'm happy to be reunited with my elliptical. Tomorrow will be doggie walking as the rain cleared and the temps are to be in the 80's all weekend. Tonight DH and I must go to my work's annual retirement dinner. But my boss is retiring so I must go. I don't want to celebrate as she's the BEST boss in the world.
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Old 05-15-2009, 09:14 PM   #408  
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Hello everyone. Been super busy at work lately a bit stressful but at least I am working. Got to be greatful these days. I had a conference today on sensory skills and it was a real eye opener. I have been busy making jewelry. It is fun but also work. Thank you again Marie for your thoughts on hobbie v.s. job with that idea. Guess I am still thinking but not acting out. My grandaughter visiting overnite. She is so quiet I wouldn't know I had her. It was her 9th bd on Wed. how quickly they get so big. Well flu of some sort is going on around here I am trying to stay clear of it. My friend got sick but it was only the 3 day bug I made her stay away. No way do I want it. I haven't been to the gym but gardening is keeping me busy. Auntie g so sorry for your loved one whom is sick. The support you are giving is so nice helping with the family children that must give them peace of mind knowing their well cared for. Thinking about you.
Marie wow you are one busy lady too. Judy I am off to Boston for just a day trip we are dropped off at Quincy's market. I am excited and hope its similar to Pikes in Seattle. Penny hope your doing well is your hubby back?
I will try to keep in better touch it would maybe boost my intakes to be healthier knowing I was coming to share ideas and thoughts.
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Old 05-15-2009, 09:24 PM   #409  
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Hi Everyone! It has been a long time since I posted to this site. Since I've been gone I've not done the best with the weight loss. I need the accountability to other to help keep me focused.

Our anniversary was May 13th, but my DH and I celebrated it today by going out of town for the day. We didn't eat the best of food, but we had a great time together. We needed this day to ourselves.

I hope you all are okay with me joining you all once again.

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Old 05-16-2009, 12:06 PM   #410  
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Hi all, good to see you both Carol and Kathy! Carol, I'm religious about staying away from sick people except my DGS. He's the one that gets me ill but he;s so worth it. Kathy, happy anniversary! DH and I just celebrated our 26r=th anniversary on May 7th. It's a wonderful thing to do - celebrating years together.

DH and I walked the doggies. Blizzard isn't doing very good. Her hips have deteriorated a lot and I'm worried about her. She was excited this morning because we took the winter cover off HER pool. She did put her nose in and you could see her pleasure. Of course, Kody and Kai played race laps around the pool and Kai fell in. She's my nut case. I'm going to try and vacuun it this afternoon if I can keep the cast dry. I love vacuuming it. Peaceful and in the bright sun. I do believe I will wiggle my toes in the cold water afterwards. 12 days until the cast comes off. A brace will give me the opportunity to get wet so I want my pool ready even if I can't swim. I like using a kickboard too.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
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Old 05-16-2009, 12:44 PM   #411  
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Enjoying a lazy Saturday morning! I have a pretty long to-do list for the weekend, but it was nice to linger in bed, listen to NPR and allow myself not to do anything for a few hours. I've got to do some office work this weekend , but I'm going to see if I can get some of it done at home this afternoon, and finish up in a few hours at the office on Sunday. I'll be in New York Monday-Wednesday, and I'm not going to be able to focus on these writing projects on the road.

Hey Kathy! It's good to see you again. Congratulations on your anniversary.

Carol, I hope you have fun shopping in the market. Thanks for the reminder about being grateful to even have a job these days. I'm constantly saddened and amazed to hear how many talented, experience colleagues have been laid off in the past six months.

Marie, I feel like I know your doggies! They'll be almost as happy as you will be to play in the water again.

I probably won't be able to post a lost on Monday. I started off the week feeling pretty good, but as the days passed the work-related stress began to take over. I haven't done enough long, intensive workouts this week, and I've had two major after-dinner carb attacks. I haven't been logging, either. The little calendar I was using at the beginning of the year is really too little--and I don't want to face my lapses. Starting today I'll use my Blackberry, and see if that helps. I found a yoga studio not too far from my home, so I'm going to check them out next weekend. I travel too much to sign up for a class, but many of the studios have fee structures to accommodate that. I've gotta do something!

Anyway, so far today I've had a lovely "brunch" of two corn tacos filled with scrambled eggs and veggies. I'll have a salad later, and stir-fired shrimp and veggies w/brown rice for dinner. Fruit, nuts and cottage cheese for dessert.

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Old 05-17-2009, 02:14 PM   #412  
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Judy - Were you able to accomplish your "to do" list yesterday? Do you ever get a break from work? I took off work this past Friday so I'll be playing catch up tomorrow.

I had a big to do list too, but didn't get much done. I did get my plants bought for my gardern and some flowers to plant, but won't actually get the planting done until next weekend. We are to get frost the next couple of days and then we should be good to go.

This morning I got up and walked for 1.5 miles. That's the first I've done any exercising for a long time. It felt good and I always feel better when I come back from a walk. I also lifted weights and used the Ab Lounger. My goal is to exercise 5 days a week.

Have a good week everyone!

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Old 05-17-2009, 03:35 PM   #413  
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Happy Sunday everyone. The weather is beautiful and it's been a quiet day. Blizzard us doing very good but I have hope - more than yesterday afternoon. She's my soul dog and losing her is terrifying. I keep pushing around a welcome rug to wherever she lies down so I ca help her up. I'm going to call the vet tomorrow and see if there are ant options. For now, I upped her pain meds.

Food is on target but the scale is just being evil. I HATE the darn thing. I have a goal of 150 by next February. I shouldn't have a problem meeting it, but it would help if it went the correct direction. I haven't eaten more than 1539 cals since returning home 2 weeks ago, but the thing thinks I gained. The cast doesn't weight 2 pounds. Exercise has been good. I did the elliptical this morning and we did a short walk with the doggies. Blizzard couldn't go far and the hills are really hard for her.

Judy, I agree with Kathy. Do you ever get a break???? Also, I know blacberry came up with an app store. Perhaps they have great logging program like Lose It! that I use on my iPhone. It is so convenient!

Kathy, we get frost 2/3 the way through June. Gardenng is difficult here. We're at 4100 feet so it cools off at night all year long. Our summer days are HOT but no humidity. So if you are planting flowers, Im jealous. I grow strawberries. Lots of strawberries. Thank goodness I adore them.

Talk to you all later.
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Old 05-18-2009, 07:16 PM   #414  
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Marie - The scale was not good to me this morning, but I have no one to blame but myself. I've been off track for about 6 weeks, but I'm working to get back on track. I stayed in my WW point range today and have walked yesterday and today. My plan is to walk at least 5 days a week. Because I haven't worked out for a long time my body is screaming at me. No pain no gain, right?!

I trust you all had a great day! Have a great evening.

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Old 05-18-2009, 08:44 PM   #415  
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Kathy - Welcome back! Like you, coming here for support really helps to keep me motivated. I hope your new workout routine is going well. The main thing is to keep trying on our weight loss journey. No matter how many times we fall off the wagon (and we all do!) we just pick ourselves up and jump back on.

Carol - It's good to hear from you again too. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Boston. There's so much to see and do there. My DH got back from Europe a couple of weeks ago and he came back with a terrible cold/flu. He is only now getting over it. I've been taking tons of vitamin C and some zinc and so far I didn't catch it (touch wood!)

Marie - I hope Blizzie is doing better. Sorry to hear your scale is being evil again . Maybe you're due for a whoosh - you've been staying on plan so your scale will soon have to start cooperating!

Judy - Glad to hear you had a relaxing weekend. I don't know how you do all that traveling - I'd be a wreck! I hope your trip to NY is going well. I'm starting a yoga class in June. I feel that my shoulder has healed enough and I will definitely take it easy and not try to keep up with everyone if it's too tough at first. The classes I took last year were really helpful for stress reduction. My joints are very stiff, so I'm hoping the yoga will help somewhat to loosen things up.

I went to lunch with a couple of girlfriends today to Marie Calender's. The food was really awful (very expensive too), but I didn't say anything as I'm not one to make a scene. I figure it was a good thing in a way that it was so terrible or I would have eaten it all! I'm going for lower carb foods again as I felt better in the past when I did so. I've had some reflux problems and that's a sure sign I'm having too many carbs (especially wheat).

Have a great week everyone!
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Old 05-18-2009, 09:37 PM   #416  
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Hi all! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers... I'm still around, and getting rounder by the day - haha! It's so hard to think about proper eating, with everything so complicated now. Fast and easy does not equate with healthy. And I seem to be medicating myself with chocolate, too. I'm not giving up the thought of getting back on track, though. It's just back burnered for now.

My BIL got sent home from the hospital for a few days, but got completely dehydrated, so now he's back in. They're going to put in a feeding tube tomorrow. I don't know how much longer he can go on like this. It's so strange, because in his "good" moments, he's better than he's been in months. But the good moments don't last long...

DH's test results should be in by Friday, so now we're debating whether to call then, or wait until after the holiday weekend. If it's good news, then it'd be great to know early. But if it's bad news, there's not much benefit to knowing on Friday, since nothing new is likely to be scheduled when the office staffers are chomping at the bit to get out of there for the weekend. Anyone agree or disagree? I don't know what to do!

Marie, I'm sorry to hear about Blizzard being in pain. What meds does she take? My girl has been on Rimadyl for years, and the last time she made herself worse (by running full speed to the fence when some other dogs walked down the street), they gave me Amantadine to boost the effectiveness of the Rimadyl, rather than upping that one. It worked great!

Penny, glad your DH is finally recovering. Good luck with your yoga class! I've always wanted to try that, but just never seem to get around to finding something in the right time and place. Beware of that reflux - if cutting carbs works for you, trust me, it's worth it!

Judy, hope your NY trip is going well. At least you got to relax a bit over the weekend! Good luck with the yoga to you, too! With all that traveling you do, any good eating or exercise is admirable!

Carol, thanks for the reminder to be grateful for having a job. As much as I've complained about mine for years, right now I'm glad to have one at all, let alone one that can be flexible when there's so much turmoil going on in my "real" life. I hope you managed to avoid the bug going around!

Kathy, welcome back, and Happy Anniversary! You were smart to wait on your planting, what with this frosty weather... I did manage to plant a bunch of flowers over the past 2 weeks, and a couple tomatoes this past weekend. The flowers will probably be OK, but I grew the tomatoes from seed, and they're quite young and tender. I should probably go cover them up, but I doubt I will. Our frost is coming tonight, so we shall see what happens... Congrats on getting back to walking!

Have a good week, everyone! And in case I don't make it back before the weekend, have a great holiday!
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Old 05-18-2009, 10:43 PM   #417  
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Hi, chickies, this will be short, as the internet service in the hotel is awful, so I'm doing this via Blackberry. DayOne in NYC: lots of veggies, walking, no treats, except for a glass of good wine with a close friend. This week's weigh-in: down three lbs (! ). I'll adjust my profile once I have a decent wireless connection.

No personals, except to say to Auntie--it's good to hear from you!

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Old 05-19-2009, 12:36 PM   #418  
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Morning all,

Blizzard is on a new protocol after yesterday's appointment. Thanks for the name of the booster drug, Auntie. I will ask at Thursday's appt if she isn't getting relief. She's going 3X per week for intermuscular shots and laser therapy. And she gained 6 pounds in 3 months so she's on a prescription diet. At least I have a bit of hope.

Auntie, chocolate is a great comforter. Give youself permission and try for moderation. You don't want to make your health too bad.

Penny, I've never been impressed with MC. You looked at your meal like I looked at all meals in Thailand - great for the diet. No temptation when it's icky.

Kathy, I hope the walking goal is happening. Spring is a great time to get back into it. Great job staying on points.

Judy, sounds pretty successful with the load o veges. I'm thinking of going to the store for cut up fruit. I LOVE fruit. I wish I loved veges 1/2 as much, but nowhere close. I really could be a fruitatarian.

I suppose I should work some more. I'd rather be at home with my doggies...
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Old 05-19-2009, 07:20 PM   #419  
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Hi Everyone! It is such a beautiful day today in PA. The sun is shinging and it is finally warm. I didn't get up this morning for a walk, but when I got home from work tonight I immediately changed my clothes and got my wallk in. Needless to say I am exhausted, but it felt so good to get moving. My body is begging me to stop, but no pain no gain. RIGHT!

Judy - good job on your veggies and walking even though you're away from home. Keep up the good work.

Auntie - We will continue to keep your BIL and DH in our prayers. Are you to call for your husbands test results, or will the doctor call you with them? I don't know what advice to give you, but if you what to enjoy the holiday weekend then just wait. Do what you're most comfortable with.

Marie - I hope your doggie gets better soon and that the meds start to do their job.

You all have a great evening.

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Old 05-19-2009, 10:40 PM   #420  
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I'm already thinking of my little hotel room as home, so I guess I like it well enough! But I'm going to be back home Wednesday night, and that will be even better. The hotel is in Times Square. When I lived in NYC, I was rarely in this area at night, so it's funny to see all the tourists and their cameras.

Penny, the only thing worse than bad food at a restaurant is paying a lot of money for it! You're good about seeing the silver lining on every cloud.

Kathy, WTG on taking your walk! We get tired so many unpleasant ways; being tired after a long walk on a beautiful day is the good kind of tired.

Marie, you are such a good mom to your dogs. It must be so hard to see them suffer with aches and pains.

Auntie, I don't know what to say re the test results. Personally, I'd spend the long weekend worrying about Tuesday's news, so I'd rather know the (good, we hope!) news earlier rather than later. I hope you'll have a chance to do something relaxing, like puttering with your flowers and tomato plants.

I'm doing well with logging my intake. I'm on program today, bu my dinner (lovely Japanese restaurant) was more than I should have eaten, even if it was all healthy. I'll do better with portion control tomorrow!

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