Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: Of the 4 fruits listed in the SB Book we can't eat, which do you miss most?
Pineapple 1 3.45%
Watermelon 10 34.48%
Raisins 2 6.90%
Bananas 8 27.59%
You mean we can't eat these? 1 3.45%
I eat at least one of these from time-to-time. 7 24.14%
I don't like any of the 4 listed, so it's not an issue with me 0 0%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-08-2001, 12:30 PM   #76  
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Talking Happy Birthday Melf!

Good Morning everyone and Happy Birthday Melf! I hope it is a joyous day for you!

I'm trying to talk myself into going to the gym before I go to the game. Saturday is not a usualy gym day for me, but I've been off schedule for two weeks and this would allow me to get a second workout in for this week and go back to me MWF schedule next week.

Deb--congrats on the walking time--second best--wooo-hooo! I beleive you do need to look for some other goals. Mayber not right away, but eventually you will reach a point where you have lost all the weight you can lose. What would you like to accomplish next--health wise--or even in your life?

BOB--I LOVE going to football games! It is supposed to rain today, but we are sitting where we will be dry if it does. Good luck to UT with Arkansas! Did you get to see my wolfpack beat up on Indiana on Thurs. night? When I was in grad school in Iowa they kep telling me that there was nothing like Big Ten football. I had just come from the University of Georgia and thought that if they are worse here than they were in Athens, then they are some serious nuts. But not to worry---those Big Ten people ain't got nothing on the SEC! Theyjust show up for the games on Saturday--no campers--no serious tailgates--no pinted cars--no toilet paper in trees--no bell ringing after victories. It was down right wimpy if you ask me!

BEE125--it looks like you are really getting serious! You go girl!

Got to go if I'm going to get to the gym before the game.

Still stuck
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Old 09-08-2001, 03:24 PM   #77  
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Thumbs down Happy Saturday!

Happy Birthday Melf and Meliris!!!

BOB - Sorry I can't wish UT good luck today. We have serious ties with UofA. My dad got his doctorate there, my brother received his BA there and my nephew is a junior there. He's in the band, plays tenor drums. Those are the ones they carry over their shoulders, all 5! Hope it's a good game, no matter the outcome. Last week AR didn't make a first down til the third quarter and still won the game!

I'm listening to the Navy/Georgia Tech game, it's now 70 - 7 GT. Our poor Navy guys just can't get a break. The line was GT by 35 and they almost doubled it. As my son said, GT is ranked 13.

If you ladies ever have the chance, I highly recommend a day of pampering. I wanted one for my bday and spent about 2 1/2 hours at the salon. Had a hot wax manicure, a European facial and a full body massage. HEAVEN!! I was so relaxed, I had a hard time walking out. Now we're on our way to CompUSA for some computer toys. My girls got a wish list out of me and will be heading out as soon as Becca gets back from ballet. They've started Nutcracker rehearsals for early December performances.

Bee- I've never known anyone in N.Z. Nice to get to know you.

Fruit- I grew up in Monroe but was born in Mansfield. My dad worked at NLU for 21 years, then retired back to DeSoto parish. I know all about Bastrop, too!

Sef- Sorry you're feeling poorly. I haven't been on long enough to know the specifics, but hope you start feeling better real soon.

Deb- the scales finally gave up two more pounds. Now, if I can just contain myself at dinner tonight. My favorite restaurant in the area is a Cajun place called Pappadeaux (pronounced pa pa doe for anyone who cares). That's where we're going and I'm going to try my best to stay OP.

It's clouding up again, we haven't had the storms that hit OK yesterday but it looks like they're on their way.

Hope everyone has a good evening.

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Old 09-08-2001, 04:07 PM   #78  
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Hey All

Raining here since I got home from garbage sales-gloomy out there, makes me want to climb into bed again, just may do so with a nice magazine-but with my luck, I'll probably fall asleep and as soon as I do, the phone will ring to go p/u Michael (he went ice skating).

MELF, oh my goodness, I hope you are okay after that fall! Thank goodness your pride is the only thing that was hurt, I just hope nothing starts aching from it. Enjoy your birth day!!!!

FILLISE, good for you for going to the gym today! Kudos to you! I have a few clues of some accomplishments, though not health related-clean my house and get some order to it, find a REAL p/t job after the first of the year-still pondering the ideas

JRED, CONGRATULATIONS, wow, another 2lbs! That alone should keep you OP tonight during dinner!!!! Sounds like the place you are going will have seafood, which, depending on how it's prepared, can easily fit under SB guidelines. Just keep that big 10# loss in the forefront of your mind!!! Hope you enjoy your shopping spree-sounds like you had a nice and relaxing day being pampered. What are your plans for tomorrow????

Gonna go read-hope you all are enjoying your weekend!!

SB since 3/22/00
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Old 09-08-2001, 04:37 PM   #79  
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Out this morning to buy an extra fridge for the laundry room for "overflow"...mission accomplished


Watched only HANNIBAL and believe me, I want to warn any of you who haven't seen it....MAN....IT'S BIZZARE!!!


I'm watching NORTH & SOUTH....THE TRILOGY one of my favorite mini series ever...I had it taped from the 80's, but the tapes have worn out and I had to throw them away...I've put in my Christmas wish while I was at Cathy's for a new set...I taped last weekends edition, but forgot to set it today....oh well

I'll check back in later....GO BIG ORANGE~~~~
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Old 09-08-2001, 05:54 PM   #80  
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Bee - I love that St. Dalfour jam too. My favorite is the blackcurrant - it is choc a bloc full of fruit and is delicious.

Deb - I guess any goal counts, as long as it is something that you really want, even hiding the scale. Maybe you could make a goal of only weighing once a week now that you have reached your weight goal. It would be nice to hide the d....thing forever but we know that it cannot be as once we get to goal we have to be vigilant to make sure the pounds don't creep back on again. You for sure have come too far to let that happen. So unfortunately the scale has to be part of our life but hopefully a much smaller part than it has been/is.

Melf HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! - Sorry to hear about your fall. Glad to hear that there were no physical injuries but then hurt pride is no fun either. Hope you have a good visit with your dd and family.

Jred - Congrats on the 2 pounds lost. That day of pampering you had sounded wonderful.

Bye for now.

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Old 09-08-2001, 08:52 PM   #81  
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Hello Everyone :wave :

Sorry I haven't been on, I've been soooo busy with the kids and work and going to the gym that I haven't had much time for myself. I start school back up to in a couple of weeks.

I've been doing real good with SB and getting in shape. I have much more ambition when it's not hot outside. DH is going to have surgery on his knee, so that won't be fun, but he'll feel better afterwards. He can't work out with me right now and it really sucks.

Well all you great SB girls take care and hopefully one of these days life will calm down a bit, but hightly unlikely.
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Old 09-08-2001, 09:14 PM   #82  
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Hi everyone - sorry I haven't been around lately. Been one busy week. A couple of deaths in the Village - officials; and several meetings - has kept me busy and unable to get on here.

How is everyone doing? I actually had a good week. Lost 4 pounds. Don't ask me how. The only thing I know for sure is that I added a lot of water to my daily routine. Found out that if I drink it from the tap instead of refrigerated or by adding ice, I can drink a lot more. I also added a dumbbell exercise program three days a week. Anyway I'll take it.

It's very warm here today - I love it, as long as I don't have to do anything. Tomorrow I'm going glambing at a casino in Canada. Can't wait - I love that too, but I'm careful about how much money I take with me.

Just wanted to check in. Hopefully I can get on here more often.
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Old 09-08-2001, 09:33 PM   #83  
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Happy bithday to the birthday girls
hope you really enjoy your days to the max and are put on a fuss

ROSALIE I got the blackcurrant too isnt it soo nice and also the orande one as I really LOVE marmalade.
DEBBIE No I never did hear back from the NZ Jokn'Al folk so I'll just get the stuff from France
Theres lots of WW stuff available but I reckon there jame are YUK!

I had the big sugar munchies last night and I was REALLY tempted to mix up some sugar flour and butter and just eat it ..but I didnt and Im so pleased I got though it.

I have lost 3 lb so far so thats Ok and I havnt been hungry

JEANIE So Im the 1st NZer yourve meet eh, well I'll let that make me feel special
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Old 09-08-2001, 10:01 PM   #84  
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Old 09-08-2001, 10:29 PM   #85  
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Default hurumph!

Took me an hour to post a reply and I have to do it over again. You may not get anymore images from me again. So no color tonight. Good thing I wrote down all my responses. Had 25 teens over here today and I'm pooped.

Deb-Glad to hear Michael takes full advantage of his intellectual ability. Ben could do the advanced programs but is unwilling to work at it. But, I'm not complaining. I'm happy he's doing so well as it is. Can't believe you'll be 40 soon. When's the big day? My eom goal is to hit 160. I'm at 164 today. Only four pounds away. I was surprised too about your inquiring carpool person.

Fillese-All right on the gym. I've been bad. Deb's gonna have to kick my butt. Speaking of butts. I love football too. Especially when they get into position. hee hee.

fruitloupe-ok, now you're back on track. Don't you just love the Outback? Happy birthday to you.

Bob-What color is our wagon? Would it be orange? Is the North and South the one with Patrick Swayze? Isn't he scrumptous?

Nance-They haven't changed Nursing shoe color? With all the choices in clothing? What kind of patterns did you pick?

Quilter-Miss you. Come back. Ldblonde, Sparkle, Karen, Purple Delight, Belinda Wanna too

jred-Isn't it great to share our weight and not be judged here? Two pounds down! Wonderful!!!! I know I'll miss my son too when he leaves the nest.

lamap-congrats on the loss too.

sef-another loser! Man I was tired with your schedule on Friday. Doesn't the nh make you feel young? That hand, ugh! Hope it settles down. Does the weather make it worse?

Bee-So glad you tamed the Cookie Monster and the flour monster too. You enjoy the spring. I'm looking forward to apple cider, the leaf change, haunted hayrides and pumpkin carving. I can almost feel the crispness in the early morning. 3 lbs. whooo hoo!!!

Sol-Have fun at the beach in your new suit. Looking forward to the bed report.

viv-car dealers are right up there with lawyers in my book. So sorry about your dad. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Mel=Happy Birthday! I laughed at your description of all stuff dd is taking. I dread "throwing my baby to the lions" one day soon.

catlover-is it dry there yet? How well do you drive in the rain?

Frog-missed you. 13 miles you go. Hang in there. It is maddening to be stuck. I'm with you. Seems impossible not to have lost. Let us know what the doc says about the meds. Give us an update on BW if you can.

Tv-I wait 1/2 hour for fruit. Congrats on the hits for your little guy. I know if mom's hopes could make a difference....all our little ones will hit homers.

Rosalie-Did you spoil all those little ones silly? I haven't played dominos in a while. Think I'll dust off that game. The black currant sounds yummy. You find the best flavors!

Melf-Happy birthday. What a rotten way to end a long day of work and a long drive. On your tush. Hope nothing hurts. At least you had a sense of humor about it. Enjoy your time with dd.

Raly-congrats on the loss. Hope dh surgery goes well.

linmae-awesome 4 lbs too! All that running around and water. Have fun at the casino.

ok, fingers crossed.

sb since 6/29/01
185/164/145 21 down;19 to go
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Old 09-09-2001, 07:46 AM   #86  
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Old 09-09-2001, 09:12 AM   #87  
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Yes, I'm here, just another crazy week. I hope everybody is doing just super and that you all have had successes of all sorts this past week. Please forgive me for being absent this week. I feel the need to explain.

Here's what's happening. Paul and I are walking every night AFTER work!!! It's so exciting. I am thrilled beyond words that he agreed to this and has been really making the extra effort to get home at a decent time so that we can go. There's a beautiful little park by us that has a half-mile loop (I've spoken of it before!) so we've been over there with Miss Maddie strutting our stuff. I think he's actually enjoying it. ANYWAYS, that really takes a chunk out of my evening and pushes everything else back later, like supper and cleaning up and general chores. Plus I must admit that this past week, I have been spending more time than I like in front of the tv for the US Open. And since that will be over this afternoon, I will have more evening time to do my high priority things like keep in closer contact with my friends. So there's the confession.

Our eating has been pretty good. For the past month I have been hooked on FRUIT. (Of course, right when it all starts to go out of season!) For breakfast I have some blueberries, sliced strawberries and peaches with a little sweetener with milk poured over it. Kind of like eating cereal and fruit but with no cereal. It's very filling and I usually stay full until lunch. Yesterday when I bought blueberries the price was 1.99--same as last week. But they had switched the box size to HALF the size it was last week. Geesh! This can only get worse! Any ideas on what to do in the dead of winter when there is no fresh fruit?????

Well, gals, hope you all are well. Keep smiling and keep losing. See you soon.
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Old 09-09-2001, 10:26 AM   #88  
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Good Sunday Morning All

Got in my 4.5 miles this morning, just walked, was very wet out there and got a late start, but at least I went. Got back right in time, it started to pour 5 minutes after I returned.

Eli is off today and the kids spend the day with their Dad, so I have him all to myself. I think we'll head up to Broward as usual (hate giving Dade County any more money), and hit OLE OLE, Carbolite (no idea of the flavors today), Whole Food (more Asian pears) and maybe the indoor flea market-never know where we'll end up!!!

BOB, what are you up to today?????

ROSALIE, I still think I have to weigh daily, at least til the New Year, THEN, I'll hide the scale and bring it out only on WIW. I do believe too that it's going to be something I have a love/hate relationship with for the rest of my life. I think if it's outta sight, it's outta mind and not knowing what I weigh could be a big problem, at least if I see it inching up I can stop it before it gets worse-but of course, I hope not to see that ever happen again in my life.

RALY, thanks for checking in! What are your plans for your on Tuesday??????????

LINMAE, sounds like you too have been busy, and appreciate you taking the time to check in. WOW, 4lbs is awesome, congrats, I think you did the best from the whole board! I am so with you on drinking water at room temp., I only drink cold water at a restaurant, never at home-there's something about drinking it from the bottle too, don't know what it is, but seems I can down it easier. Some days I have no trouble drinking lots of water, and others, just a sip wants to make me gag. I rarely drink tea, (just too lazy to make it), and I gave up soda, Crystal Light and any other beverage I haven't mentioned over a year ago-so basically, water is it for me. How did you do at the Casino???

BEE, 3lbs is great, seems you are so back on track, esp after overcoming that little sugar craving you had. Keep focused and keep up the great work!!!

FLY, ugh, yes, 40 is just 25 days away-it feels weird, I use to be the "baby" from all my friends, they are all older than I am, and in the last year, I feel older than so many others I've met. But at least I'm still younger than my older friends I guess! LOL! Good luck with your EOM goal-little goals are so much better than looking at the big picture.

QUILTER, glad we got in a mini chat this morning. I'm thrilled for you AND Paul with the walks-it helps you not only physically, but marriage wise too-you can get in some great talks and quality time! Like I said, freeze that fruit while it's in season!!!!

Gotta go, time to jump in the shower before the day is gone. Please remember, tomorrow is a new week and a new board begins.

Have a great Sunday!

SB since 3/22/00
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Old 09-09-2001, 03:55 PM   #89  
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BOB is not too happy after reading what the THREE SISTERS had to say in their journal. I've never been an avid reader of their journals, but seems to me that some people (whether they are participating members, or just someone dropping by) have really GOT SOME BALLS to say these things to any of them! In my own opinion, I think that we should be looking for a new home, because it sounds like we could be without a board in a heart beat!....

I had no idea that they let things like this bother them this much.
I myself am TOTALLY GRATEFUL for what they have given us to use! I just wonder who these CLINE people are? Anyone know?????

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Old 09-09-2001, 04:42 PM   #90  
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Good Afternoon-

Haven't posted in a few days...flaking out. In honor of Deb I had a garage sale myself. Yesterday was great, we sold about $400, today a measily $23. Came in the house to be torchered with football BOB. Dan the man had on the Kansas City Chiefs against the Raiders. Didn't rent any movies....had no desire to see Hannibal, you're brave...looked too scary!!!

Got some new scrubs, some solids, and a couple prints with my white shoes. Nothing exiciting, but they all fit good, that's what counts!

Tennis Championship is into this week....what can I say!
Chat later!
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