Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: Of the 4 fruits listed in the SB Book we can't eat, which do you miss most?
Pineapple 1 3.45%
Watermelon 10 34.48%
Raisins 2 6.90%
Bananas 8 27.59%
You mean we can't eat these? 1 3.45%
I eat at least one of these from time-to-time. 7 24.14%
I don't like any of the 4 listed, so it's not an issue with me 0 0%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-05-2001, 07:44 PM   #46  
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Red face Hello

Hello All! I'm back in Auburn, but this will be short as I have a meeting in a few minutes and then will probably crash for the rest of the evening. It is good to be home. Tomorrow I will get on the scales and see if the loss is official!

Wow--when I was reading about the HP-Compaq merger in the paper, little did I know it would affect one of our little band so significanly. Sonya--sorry--I'll be thinking about you.

Congrats to all the losers--hang in there to all the rest. I'll let you know which category I'm in tomorrow morning!


VIV--LOVED the maintenance program! At least you know where the evil lives in your house!
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Old 09-05-2001, 08:16 PM   #47  
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Hey Ladies!

Sorry I've been AWOL lately - just really bogged down with school stuff! I've been on plan for the most part but I kinda spent my birthday weekend on the fly and went a little crazy. By the way - yesterday I turned the BIG 31! So, basically I blew it all weekend with the LSU game and then we went out in the French Quarter on Sunday. My parents cooked for me yesterday and Terry and I went to Outback tonight! So, - I was holding my weight for a couple of days there but now I'm sure I'm up again. I'll just have to hop back on the wagon - move over again!!!!

GATOR: Just a quick note - where will y'all be staying for the LSU/FLA game? We are getting a room for Friday night at the AmeriSuites. My friend is the manager there and he can get me a room cheap cheap! Since we are going for Friday night - do you want to meet for supper or something? Or - will you be getting in late? Let me know. I'd love to meet up. My husband said that we are going to Florida next year for that game - that's gonna be our road trip of the season. We just made plans to go to Kentucky this year.

BOB: We looked into going to the Tennessee game - but we couldn't get tickets - they were all sold out - that's where we really wanted to go. But, now we've booked Kentucky - it was really funny....we've got cousins that go to all of the away games - every year - all of them. Well, we booked our flights, rooms, etc. and then called them to tell them that we were going and guess what - that's the only F#*@&#$G game they aren't going to! Can you believe that s*!t? So, now we are going to Kentucky by ourselves! UGH!!!!!!!!! None of our friends are going. They are all going to the Tennessee game! I wish we could go there!

Well, let me run - - I've got tons of school work to do. I'll check back in soon - I've got to get back into the swing of being OP. See y'all later!!

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Old 09-05-2001, 09:07 PM   #48  
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Thumbs down


MISSY NEYLAND STADIUM holds over 107,000 people at standing room only....SURLEY they can get you in somewhere! It's an AWSOME PLACE EVERYONE should go there at least ONCE IN THEIR LIFE!!
You can have a good time at the KY game too though...just make your way out into the parking lot side where all the campers are. They have their own little town going on out there COMPLETE WITH A MAYOR!! They are more than willing to share everything they bring...Drop on by and get you some 100 proof REAL KY BOURBON!!!
When is that game?

DEB 40??? heh heh heh....yeah...right!!!
Should have taken Ainsley to CHICKAFILET...It's the HEALTHIEST of the FF places...
Not too impressed with BB tonight...CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHO GETS THE BOOT!!!

FLY GET THOSE SHOES OFF THOSE FEET...DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE!!!! (but chill the wine just in case)

MELF this thing like a "night guard" ?? I had to wear one of those in order to stop gritting my teeth..
Loved that email you sent...



{{{{{{{{{WELCOME TO ALL OUR NEWBIES}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Glad you're here....stick'll like us....

SUSIE HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY.....Glad you had a good one...Glad you're back home....DOESN'T YOUR BED FEEL GOOD?

VIV YOU ARE TOO MUCH!!! Loved the maintenance schedule

HELLO TO EVERYONE ELSE.....Sol, I sent you an email...hope it was the right address!

Getting ready to watch THE RACE Hope it's good...

WIW DIDN'T LOSE.....BUT DIDN'T GAIN...stayed the same and that's ok...


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Old 09-05-2001, 09:30 PM   #49  
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Good Evening!!!

Feels like days since I've posted!!!

Welcome! You sound like you have a fun personality! Glad you joined the gang!

Lara and I have been playing phone tag and haven't talked to each other YET!!! It's horrible! I did get pictures back from your visit. Did you get YOUR film developed? I'll send you the duplicates!

I thought I'd disappear for a few days to see if you missed getting BUZZED and my plan obviously worked!

I miss my personal e.mail.....where did I go wrong? How's work going??? Are the kids behaving?

So sorry to hear about your job!!! That's aweful. You were so happy there! I know how hard it is to have to leave some place due to company restructuring and all that blah, blah, blah. You are a great person and something good will come around for you!
I will put you on the top of the prayer list! XO!!!!

Wish I knew what maintenance was.....I would like to know what being under 200 is!!!!

Congratulations on the 197!!! WAY TO GO!!!!! Sound like things are moving in the right direction!

I am anxiously waiting the recipe.........anything chocolate and legal needs to be posted A.S.A.P.!!!! Hope you had a great birthday!!!

What's on the agenda for your birthday??? A romantic get away?
A night out on the town??? Curious minds want to know!

I'm with BOB......WHERE ARE YOU????

In answer to questions posted..."BB" stands for "Big Brother". I have not watched it but BOB and DEB are glued to it!

As far as the avatar, go to edit options and fiddle around. If I can make one anyone can!

As far as the latest Nancemeister update....the transition at work is going o.k. Bought some nurse clothes and a new pair of white shoes BOB. Is that legal if you are in the nursing profession?????? I'm in love with Trixie puppy, kids are having fun at school, Dan the Man hasn't found gainful employment yet,
Deb and Eli's coffee supply is keeping us going, didn't win the lotto yet or we'd all be in Tahiti on me, and it's time for me to eat dinner........
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Old 09-05-2001, 10:18 PM   #50  
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Quickie before I hit the hay!

Did bad on water intake, I think maybe a half cup water all day-some days are just better than others I guess!

FILLISE, good luck with the scale tomorrow!

FRUIT, thought we lost you there again! Glad you checked in. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY. Your not listed on the BIO BOARD, so I didn't have that info-sorry, didn't intentionally forget to list your bday. Outback-yummy!

BOB, got your e-mail, will respond tomorrow-Michael's waiting for the computer AGAIN! Hey, I can lie and just say I'm 39 again!!!! Maybe Eli will take me to Naples for dinner for my bday-would be nice to get away for the day (and night). It's not going to be the 40th I thought I'd have, but I guess I'll survive! No Chickfillet around here Will will be smart to get rid of Hardy, he's liked more than Nicole. Did you see LOST or AMAZING RACE-both pretty good-I'm glued!

NANCE, nope, haven't gotten them done, but does it count if I thought about it? I still have some pics on the roll in the camera, just figured I'd get them both done at the same time-you know, I'm a true procrastinator!!! When you speak to Lara, tell her I'm thinking about her. Tell the kids and Dan hello-how is Faris' arm coming along???

Nite all!

SB since 3/22/00
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Old 09-05-2001, 11:54 PM   #51  
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Oh my it's late but I just finished reading today's posts (while I chatted with my son on AIM). Maryland is so far away and I really miss him. There's just something special with a mom and sons, don't you think? (Those of you with sons.)

Anyway, the scales this morning just wouldn't budge so I'm still at 188. And I can't believe I'm sharing this. My husband doesn't even know my weight. He just knows I'm big.

Tonight was our first night of children's choir at our church and since I teach 5 year olds, I went straight from school to church. I scarffed down a chicken fajita and beans in 10 min. I couldn't believe they had whole wheat tortillas for us SB folks! After that was adult choir practice. So I was away from my house for 13 1/2 hours today. And I'm tired! Can't even get my bike ride in.

'fly: thanks for the instructions on the avatars. I hope mine works. Chihuahuas are my precious babies here next to me. They're blue, tho, but I've had blond ones too, so the pic is perfect for me.

Fruit: I grew up on N LA and sure do get homesick reading about your adventures at the LSU games. I graduated from NLU. I just cannot call it UL Monroe. It's not natural.

I just may have to watch the race show because there's a couple from my little town on the lake here in NTX. They are the Grourkes. That's probably spelled wrong. Anyway, they are the grandparents or retired couple, whichever way they're being publicized. I'll route for them all the way, even if I don't watch the show every week.

My eyelids are heavy and 6 am is coming much too soon. I'll be home earlier tomorrow night and hopefully will be able to post sooner, before everybody goes to bed!

Take care,
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Old 09-06-2001, 12:06 AM   #52  
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I guess I have to type fast to post my small loss on WIW. I dropped one half pound, but I'll take it. Everything counts, Right???

THings here have been buzy, and I am really trying to walk every night, and I feel like it takes up thewhole evening. I either walk early and eat late, or eat early and walk late. Maybe I swhould give up work and walk in the morning.

I really need to get to bed, but I wanted to wish each and every one of you the great day tomorrow. We can win the small battle of being in control of our eating.

Have a great day>
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Old 09-06-2001, 12:52 AM   #53  
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Can't type long, my right hand thumb area is very sore and swollen. I probably over did things.

I want to go shopping and the things I buy need to be in freezer. We keep freezer in garage and it frosts up, so I defrosted freezer, did wash, went to church to copy ,usic for tonight's choir practice, had car inspected, picked up new lens for glasses, made supper, went to choir practice and have now collapsed from sheer exhaustion and discomfort. Can't understand why!!!

I also weighed myself, down another 1/2#, I say not worth mentioning but Deb gets all hot and bothered about such discouraging thought!

Good night all. Just wanted you to know I'm still alive, kicking and griping!!!

Shilrey a.k.a sef
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Old 09-06-2001, 08:34 AM   #54  
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Good Thursday Morning Everyone

I've started my day out right-already got in my 4.5 miles with 17 jogs in 52:10 and as I sit here, have almost downed 1.5 liters of water (much better than the 1 1/2 ounces I had yesterday!).

Has anyone made a EOM (end of month) goal for September? Mine is to hit 123-not anything big, since I'm at maintenance, but a goal just the same.

JRED, I'm sure it's not easy to be away from your son, but think about how wonderful it is to have a computer and be able to speak to him instantly, whereas the phone was the only other way years ago. I'm anticipating a breakdown when Michael graduates HS in 3 years! They've both been away from me for 8 weeks to go to camp, so I guess that gives me a little preview of them being gone when they hit college. Though, in being selfish, I must confess, not having to clean up after the two will be nice BTW, where is ROCKWALL near? I can totally relate to not telling anyone your weight-I never would tell anyone mine either until I lost most of it, though Eli always knew, unlike my former hubby-I would never in my life of told him my weight. I had the lady who I carpool with the other day ask me what I weigh now-before, I wouldn't tell her, not even back in June-but I told her this time, though I can't imagine why knowing that number seemed so imortant to her! Maybe cause she's smaller than me and wants to keep it that way Anyhow, don't worry about the scale not budging, it's better than a gain!!!! There's next week to look forward to. You are definitely headed in the right direction.

LAMAP, congrats on another 1/2lb gone. Do you realize you are coming up to a big milestone?!? Less than 5lbs to go and you'll have less than 100lbs to go!!! That's awesome!!! 3 pounds to go til you hit the 80lb mark!!! WOO HOO!!!! I'm rooting for you!!!

SEF, do take care of yourself, we don't want you falling apart on us! I hope you try to take it easy, sounds like you are just doing too much, just reading your post and all you did made me tired! Congrats on another 1/2lb-and yes, I would get on your case if you didn't post it-I wish I could post that loss this week!!!!

Another reminder that TODAY IS RECIPE DAY, so if you have any SB LEGAL RECIPES you'd like to share, please, post them on this months board at the link below:

I'll check in with you all later today.

Have a good one!

SB since 3/22/00
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Old 09-06-2001, 09:24 AM   #55  
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Yesterday was packed full of Dr. visit, filing for unemployment, working on resume, reading up on the latest and greatest way to do them. Looked at different web sites; called friends who had called concerned, talked to a friend who turned in her notice at work because she's moving and she does very similar work to what I do and they could use my database skills with her being gone. My dad called and has given me some contact names with the bank he works with down here. The positions open there are mostly sales and, while I'm good at it, I just don't like sales as much as computers. I'm going to call and look into it though - ya never know. One of the branch openings is not even 5 minutes from my house, which would be really nice. I sent my resume to several friends and my dad to scrutinize for me. I may go ahead and send it out to a few job openings I have found already and 'tweak' it when I get their feedback.

tonight we're getting our new bed delivered. I'm excited and I think Vince is getting there. (You know men can't show all the enthusiasm that we can. ) We leave tomorrow morning for New Smyrna Beach for the week-end. I'm looking forward to it, but not the thought of wearing a bathing suit in public. At least I got a new cute one that doesn't have my chest spilling out of it.

I probably won't be back online until Monday or Tuesday, but I'll try my best to catch up. Have a great week-end everyone!!

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Old 09-06-2001, 02:17 PM   #56  
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Default X@#$%&:!!!!!

Ladies -

Had every intention of a nice long post today, then had to spend over an hour out of the office dealing with my car dealership. Just imagine, okay? It was not a pretty sight.

So, wanted to say glad you enjoyed my Maintenance Plan. Will work on perfecting over the weekend. For all you Bridget Jones fans, that's v.v.g.!

Have a great weekend and be back Sunday or Monday!


146/132/128 (I know, Deb, I know.... )

PS - For those of you who had thought good things about my Dad, thank you.... , and wanted to let you know that the current tests were inconclusive due to a pneumonia condition and now he has to have another CATscan in 7 weeks. More hurry up and wait..... . But thanks so much for the good thoughts!
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Old 09-06-2001, 03:07 PM   #57  
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Today is "packing Thursday", the day we see if all my dd's stuff fits into 2 small cars to go back to university. One way or another it will, because neither car is going to grow. She may have to face the fact that 57 pairs of shoes are enough, and maybe she doesn't need 80 pairs or 12 lacrosse sticks, or 20 pairs of jeans. No matter what, my cooler of legal food is going in my car!

jred- I can totally empathize! Columbus is not as far from Philadelphia as Maryland is from Texas, but I will be really teary when I leave her there on Monday. Especially because this is her first year living off-campus and I think 19 is just way too young for that! But thank heavens for computers. Also, we got her a cell phone with a reasonably inexpensive nationwide calling plan (sprint, I think) that let her area code be her school location, and she can call us anytime without worrying about phone bills. It's worked out really well.

VAbutterfly- Thanks for the avatar instructions. I will try it, and you'll know if it worked.

Deb- Turning 40 wasn't so bad- besides it sounds like you look and feel better that you did a year or two ago, and would you really trade that for a number? Now 47 is another story....

Today's been a so-so exercise day- couldn't drag myself out of bed fast enough to get in a whole weight workout- stayed up too late watching Sampras-Agassi- then just felt yuck and walked instead of running. But at least the food side is OK.

Well, gotta go stare at the growing pile of stuff on the living room floor. I's getting bigger!
Probably won't get back on the computer til Tuesday, so have a great weekend everyone!

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Old 09-06-2001, 05:38 PM   #58  
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Board sure is slow today-where are you all????

I'm starting to sport a headache-lovely! Didn't do much today-you'd think my home would be immaculate, but alas, it looks pretty bad. I did get some laundry done, washed my sheets and made my bed-I love getting into a clean, tightly made bed. I spray the sheets with linen spray-smells sooo good.

VIV, is life ever dull for you??

MEL, have a safe and good trip-not to mention a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You'll be away from home-how are you going to spend it-hope not on the road! You are so right, I feel better than I have in years even though 40 is lurking around the corner. I guess I've matured a bit with age, in more ways than one!!!

I'll check in with you all later!


SB since 3/22/00
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Old 09-06-2001, 06:17 PM   #59  
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Hey Y'all!

Just a quick post so that you will know I'm still alive!!

DEB: Not only have you reached goal - but you are below it!!! That is so great! You are such and inspiration - but I do think you may need to make a trip here to get my big dimpled butt into gear!! Thanks for the belated birthday wishes - much appreciated! I need to add my stuff to the bio board again! Hopefully this time I won't get kicked off!!

JRED: I hear ya about that UL Monroe stuff - how dumb is all of that! I always say NLU or USL, etc. I don't think I'll ever get used to the new thing. Yeah - we do have lots of fun at the LSU games! I have friends from Ruston - which town did you grow up in. My step-mom is from Bastrop - that's pretty small!!! HAHA!

BOB: Kentucky game is set for October 13. Gonna be fun!

See y'all later!

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Old 09-06-2001, 09:25 PM   #60  
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One more day til the weekend! I swear 4 day weeks at school are twice as long as a regular week. In all my 25 years in the classroom, I've never been able to figure that out. This has to be a quick note 'cause I gotta prepare for tomorrow's class. Gifted 6th graders keep me on my toes. It's hard to stay a step ahead of them! I teach all the "identified" gifted in my school, a total of 60- with no textbooks, so I really earn my paycheck. But don't we all.

Deb: Rockwall is right outside of Dallas. It's on the eastern shore of Lake Ray Hubbard and is growing like a weed. A teacher friend of mine said it's like there's a wagon train of cars with all their stuff tied to the top. Our district gained over 600 kids this year and more are arriving every day.

Mel: Good luck with the "move." It's so hard letting those babies grow up. Your dd will be fine. Brandon bought his own cell just as soon as he could. As a plebe at USNA he didn't rate many extras. So it was late May before he could get it. It's been a real handy convenience.

I keep forgetting who to address things to!

I hope everyone has a great Friday and awesome weekend.
Congrats on the weight losses and hang in there on the stalls (like me) YOU CAN DO IT!!! (a favorite yell of Bella Karoyli) ( my baby girl spent a couple of weeks at his camp for a couple of summers.)

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