Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: Of the 4 fruits listed in the SB Book we can't eat, which do you miss most?
Pineapple 1 3.45%
Watermelon 10 34.48%
Raisins 2 6.90%
Bananas 8 27.59%
You mean we can't eat these? 1 3.45%
I eat at least one of these from time-to-time. 7 24.14%
I don't like any of the 4 listed, so it's not an issue with me 0 0%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-09-2001, 05:20 PM   #91  
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Could someone please tell me where to find the journals of Suzanne and Jennifer.


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Old 09-09-2001, 05:27 PM   #92  
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BOB can you please explain what you are talking about, and where you read it?! (3 sisters journal) I take it you mean 3 fat chicks, what did you read?

Im going to get out there and do my 2 1/2 mile walk today, really I am, I'll tell you when Ive done it.
You Debbie and your 4 1/2 miles make me feel like a big pooch sitting, its as good as a kick in the butt

catch you all later
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Old 09-09-2001, 05:32 PM   #93  
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Thumbs up Sunday

OK--the first thing we do is take out a hit on these Cline people--opps been watching too many Soprano's reruns! But I do think we need to get Suzanne and Jennifer on THIS board so they will see what real support is! And yes--we might have to think about moving elsewhere if our "saints" get fed up and pull the plug.

OK--I had football fun yesterday! War Eagle! BOB--was the evening to your liking? I suspect it was.

Auburn goes to LSU next weekend, so some if us faithful will be pitted against each other. Star--are you out there lurking?

I've been napping big time today--my favorite Sunday activity. Have a meeting tonight--right at supper time. I will eat a little something before I go then have a yougurt or something when I get back.

Hope everyone is having a good day! Tomorrow is a brand new day!

July 10, 2000
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Old 09-09-2001, 05:37 PM   #94  
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ROSALIE I found it, go to and you will see what was sent to Jennifer.
Nasty peice of works some people
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Old 09-09-2001, 07:38 PM   #95  
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Hope everything is going ok with you all...HOW'S TRIXIE and FRED THE FARTING DOG???

DEB SO....what's up in SOUTH MIAMI??? Got my "fixins" for another quiche...I swear..I'm hooked on that dish...
No hummus this week..I'm eating too much of it..My ME grocery here sells ww pita..haven't tried it yet, and I'm sure it's not as good as what we get there!


Glad you had a good time at the game..I did get to catch most of it..then on the GA-USC....then on to my HAIL MARY game...
They've got to get better if they are going to get anywhere!!

Sorry...not yelling, just getting your attention....
They are located on the HOME PAGE of the web site...

I'm off to recline


Last edited by THE BIG ORANGE BABE; 09-09-2001 at 07:47 PM.
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Old 09-09-2001, 08:00 PM   #96  
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Evening All

Had a nice day out with my honey buns, nothing exciting, just lunch and Carbolite, a quick walk through part of Sawgrass Mills Mall and a quick romp through Walmart-leisure day.

Tried a new fruit today-a dinosaur plum-very juicy and really good!

I got an e-mail back from Suzanne-they've really had a tough time with the site-they shell out $$$ from their own pockets to keep it going, not to mention their "free time." Let's not even mention these people who are so nasty to send e-mails like Jennifer got, she says that's just one of many. She told me that they are going to move the entire site to a new server that will save them $400 a month and we won't lose any of our important boards. BUT she did say that the site will do down for probably 3 days, but will post an announcement letting everyone know when this will take place-she did not give me any dates. It's important that if you are NOT on my mailing list that you either e-mail me with it, or post your BIO on the BIO BOARD to keep updated If you didn't receive an e-mail from me this weekend, you aren't on my mailing list. G-d forbid something should ever happen to the site, I at least have all your e-mail addresses to let you know what we'd do-if not, it's up to you to have mine BUT, from what Suzanne says, she doesn't plan on closing this board down at all-it's really one of the few things that keeps her going. Again, it would be nice to let her know just how much we appreciate the hard work and the money they spend of their own to keep this board going!!!!

NANCE, what did you do, sell the kids? That's great money-what the heck did you find to sell? I'm sure you'll put the $$ to good use!

ROSALIE, did you find the site for the journals??

BEE, did you get in your walk?

FILLISE, I'm sure many would love to tell the Clines what they think of them-what nerve! Trust me, Suzanne reads this board from time-to-time and realizes what a great bunch we are-she's told me so in the past

BOB, nothing new down here-rain, rain, rain! Glad to hear you're loving the quiche recipe-remember, it freezes really well. Hey, I'm sure Sarasota is breathing a sigh of relief from you giving the hummus a break!!! LOL!!!

Okay gals, gotta run, see you sometime tomorrow morning!!! Please remember, tomorrow is MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY so if you have any words of wisdom, please try to post them tomorrow!


SB since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01
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Old 09-09-2001, 08:06 PM   #97  
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Hi ladies. I've been in Ben's room fumigating! Seriously a mess that was. I discovered his floor and vanquished the killer dust bunnies! It does feel good getting a good cleaning done. Next is the garage. Gotta do some clothes changing since the season change is upon us.

Anyone gonna check out Band of Brothers? I thought it would be good. Guys in uniform, bring them on!

Quilter-Walking in the park with the one you love. You should throw us over for that every day. Just check in every now & then. Are the leaves turning there yet?

Bob-What did the person say to the three sisters? Too bad there are ugly people everywhere. I guess we were bound to get some on this site too. Hows the wonder dog doing?

Deb-forgot to tell you that I really loved the information you so faithfully typed in on sugar. Muchos gratias! I copied it to check back on later.

Nance-tortured by football. I say fight back. When the kids are elsewhere do a little tease in front of the set and see what effect that has. Either that or join him. I think he's worth it.

Well, ladies. Gotta go.
Bye 'fly
sb since 6/29/01
185/164/145 21 down and 19 to go

p.s. Peter was complaining about his weight this p.m. Without thinking I blurted out "maybe you should try my plan". He asked how expensive it was. Sounds like some gears are moving up there. No commitment yet but I would like him to meet his goal of losing some belly. He also said I don't know about giving up sugar. I'm embarrassed to say he wasn't much of a sweet addict until he met me.
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Old 09-09-2001, 08:08 PM   #98  
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When did I become a senior member?
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Old 09-09-2001, 08:18 PM   #99  
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Thanks Bee for that journal link.

I cried when I read that ugly post. How can someone say something when I think this site has saved my sanity and possibly "ultimately" my life. I'm sure when the sting has subsided we will realize what a very unhappy person that was who so cowardly lashed out at a group of wonderful people and say a prayer for her. I have to say right now I don't feel like it.

I'm going to go and share my thoughts.

Night all. 'fly
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Old 09-09-2001, 09:07 PM   #100  
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Hi All - Back from the Casino - Don't ask. I had a great day - but, a terrible time on the machines. Couldn't get one good run. The only good thing is that I didn't cheat and eat anything I shouldn't have. Actually was too busy to eat

So, it sounds like everyone was busy this weekend. Hope everyone had the beautiful weather we had here. It was and is hot.... Sunny all day. Suppose to last a couple more days then rain.

Back to work tomorrow and the grind of paperwork, bookkeeping and State Auditors. Oh well, someone's got to do it.

I was really pleased with my weight loss this week. Hopefully it will continue. I know the water or amount of it, is making a difference. That and the exercise.....

Well, gotta cut this short. Tired after my long day of spending money.... Linda
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Old 09-09-2001, 09:42 PM   #101  
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HELLO!!!! for those of you who care i am still here alive and lurking (less this week than others but trying to keep up!)
This last week had been sooooo busy i have been straight out! Very stressful too. My daughter started Kindergarten and is having seperation issues! (she went thurs. and fri!) Tonight she was already crying about going tomorrow and leaving me. SHe was crying on the playground Fri. when i tryed to leave! wish me luck tomorrow!!!! The older two are doing well no crying there just alot of trucking around for soccer and so on. This Sat. was our first games. I ran with the little 4 and 5 yr olds! Never coached before but no one cryed so i consider it a job well done! I really think it will be fun. Then Sat. Night was our re scheduled Backstreet Boy concert! woooooo hoooooo it was good. We got into Boston about 4 hrs before the concert and walked to Quincy Market ate and then waited for the show. Needless to say its been a longgggggg week end. (a bday party today too!)
At one point this week i was down in the 137.9 area on the scale!!! i doubt that i am that now but i will shoot for Wends. Now that my daughter is in school i will have some alone time! This Ebay thing is keeping me busy too. I don't know how much money i am making but i get to go shopping and thats fun too!

Deb-glad the TOM came to bad you will have it on your bday next time. the big 4-0??????? hmmmm you don't look it! We went to the flea market today it was sooooo hot out everyone left early. I love to go there and get books! my hubby goes to pick the trash-SO embarsing!!!

Melf-Happy Bbay-belated sorry!!!!!!! hope it was fun. Keep working toward your goal you'll make it!

Bee- you sound sooooo motivated keep it up!
LinMae-woooo hooo on the 4 lbs

Quilter-awsome walking! sounds like fun. Its actually fun trying to stay on program with hubby! Today we had salad for lunch that we both made!! It makes it alot eaiser when we have the same goal!!!

Rosalie-thanks for the reply! You sound like you had fun this week end. The kids play outside. My daughter loved it she was sooooo cute! She asked "when do we go back?" Funny to see such little ones running around. Most of them have older siblings so they are really pretty good!!! My brother just moved to my town last year and his two kids play two so we have games from 8 a.m to 12;00 -4 kids at an hour a wack!!! i think i will be sick of soccer!!!!

gotta go to bed to everyone else!!!!!!!! keep up the great posts they are motivating me alot!!!!!!!

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Old 09-09-2001, 09:44 PM   #102  
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Bee - Thanks for the link. I found both the journals.

I don't know how anyone can be so mean and spiteful. If they don't like the site why don't they just stay away.

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Old 09-09-2001, 11:07 PM   #103  
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Default We're back home!

We made it back home for church this evening. Just wanted to say Have to work in am, so I'll be checking in tomorrow afternoon. Had a wonderful weekend.

Happy Birthday jred!!!
Sorry it's coming so late, but I tried to email you a birthday wish yesterday from dd's computer when it went on the blink.

Good night all.
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Old 09-10-2001, 06:21 AM   #104  
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NEW WEEK, NEW BOARD, here's the link!!!

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