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Old 02-07-2003, 03:48 PM   #106  
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This story happened about a month ago in a little town in Louisiana, and even when it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale it's real.

This guy was on the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark night in the middle of a storm. The night passed slowly and no cars went by. The storm was so strong he could see hardly a few feet ahead of him.

Suddenly he saw a car slowly looming, ghostlike, out of the gloom. It slowly crept toward him and stopped. Reflexively, the guy gets into the car and closes the door, then realized that there was nobody behind the wheel. The car slowly starts moving again.

The guy is terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and running. The guy sees that the car is slowly approaching a sharp curve. The guy starts to pray, begging for his life, sure the ghost car will go off the road and he will plunge to his death when, just before the curve, a hand appears thru the window and turns the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend.

Paralyzed with terror, the guy watches the hand reappear every time they reach a curve. Finally, the guy gathers his wits and leaps from the car, and runs to the nearest town.

Wet and in shock, he goes to a bar and, voice quavering, orders two shots of tequila, and tells everybody about his horrible, supernatural experience.

A silence envelopes everybody when they realize the guy is apparently sane and not drunk.

About half an hour later two guys walked in the same bar.

Thibideaux says , "Look Boudreaux, that's the
idiot that rode in our car when we were pushing it!"

Just a little cajun humor!
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Old 02-07-2003, 04:53 PM   #107  
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Getting ready to head out to happy hour and then over to a friends house to help her with her twins. They are so precious.

Moving my SIL2B tomorrow. That should be an all day job. DD has school so she won't be involved. Lucky her. Need to hang blinds, etc. Sunday we have to go order the cake and invitations.

Quilter, look at al lthat exercise you are getting today. You'll be burning off the calories. Instead of walking away those pounds you are apinting away those pounds. Have a great weekend.

Serene, It was so good to hear from you. I justed asked Tranquil about you a couple days ago. Sounds like you have been so busy. I'm glad you are doing good and have lost 2 lbs. That is great. I was worried about you that you might be off plan and that's why you weren't posting. Hope you have more time to join us soon.

Sef, Glad you are getting some better. Don't worry about how much you rest. That's what you are supposed to be doing. Thanks for the FF. Cute as always. Take care of yourself this weekend.

Melf, sounds like you got bit by a nasty ole bug. Take it easy and get your strength back. What a good idea to throw a housewarming for your DD. I'm sure she will appreciate it.

Mom2Marsh, Glad yuor trip was successful and your eating good. Maybe make a game out of those eye drops and he won't mind. Prayers and good vibes coming your way for your big decision.

You all have a great weekend. I'll try to check in sometime over the weekend.

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Old 02-07-2003, 07:09 PM   #108  
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Here's an amazing little tidbit.....

One gram of carbohydrate causes your body to retain 3 grams of water. Protein, however, eliminates water. It has also been demonstrated that protein boosts tryptophan levels in the brain helping to make you sharper.

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Old 02-07-2003, 07:44 PM   #109  
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Just a quick post to say that I was off from work today sick, went to the doctors for the scale to show a 5 lb loss, what is up with my scale I don't know! I have to use flonase, some horsepills to break up the junk in my sinuses and an antibiotic...I am wiped out! Doctor said she was going to start charging me rent! She also ordered a cat scan of my sinuses...maybe a polyp causing the problem to keep reappearing over and over....oh well.....but at least the scale was down so that was a big rush for matter how sick I feel!!!!!

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Old 02-07-2003, 09:32 PM   #110  
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Hi Everyone

Contrary to the rumors, I haven't died, well, I feel like I've died from lack of board'em (okay, just trying to be cute), but I'm still here and breathing. The kids have hogged the computer day and night and in to the wee hours (you can find Michael oh at 3am sometimes) and I've had to take a back seat. I can usually get in a post during the day, but I've been on the run non-stop every day. ELI was off today and we were up and out of the house early because I've had car trouble and we had to get it over to the mechanic. Didn't pick it up til after 6pm and then found my brake light warning is still coming on and also, need to have a major tune-up which can be done at a later time, either way, I have to take it back and see why that light is still coming on after he said he put brake fluid in.

Anyhow, I am hopping and praying that after I run around tomorrow I will have an opportunity to get on here and get a long, overdue post in, not that I have much to tell about what's been going on, but more to reply to everyone, I've sure missed you guys!!!! Tomorrow I have to take Michael to his film class downtown, kill a few hours before going to pick him up then drop him off to volunteer, go back about an hour and a half later to pick him up and THEN, I can come home!!!!

Hope all is well with everyone!!!!!


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Old 02-08-2003, 09:05 AM   #111  
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Default Saturday Morning

Hello Everybody!

Happy weekend to you all! My body is so sore this morning. I feel like an old woman. Yesterday I painted. I got the ceiling finished with 2 coats and then got one coat on the walls. Whew! Doesn't sound like a lot, but I was pooped by 5 p.m. I think that up and down on the ladder and the ceiling work is what has gotten me really sore. I could stand an intense back massage. Oh well, today Paul will help with the second coat. Then we have to attack the built-in bookshelves which are painted a white gloss. It's going to look fantastic. I already love the new colors. It will feel great to have this job finished.

Tonight we are going to see a Beatles tribute band. That will be fun. We really enjoy the Beatles music and have been to one other show like this. Some friends are going, and I look forward to seeing them. Then tomorrow is the funeral for my friend. It's about 3 hours from here, and I am going with an old friend. She and I worked with him for many years. So that will take most of the day.

Eating report is good. I feel like I am doing really well right now with the eating. I think the journaling is going well. One evening this week, I did eat peanuts straight out of the jar without counting out a portion size. That's about the first time I've done that. That little splurge put me over my ceiling for the day, but I don't think it's been that detrimental to the efforts. Didn't weigh yesterday. May go down and do it in a bit. I really like my new digital scale. It seems to be reliable and right on target with my doctor's. Honestly, I will like it better when the first 10 pounds is gone. But I'm not going to moan and groan about that.

DEB---Sounds like your life is in whirlwind mode right now. Hang in there. You know we will all be here when you get a chance to get the computer all to yourself. It's just that you will have a lot of catching up to do.

TRANQ----Good job on the minus FIVE!!! That had to be a good feeling! Is there anyplace to take scales to get them calibrated to the correct size? Perhaps you could do that. You certainly don't want to have to keep going back to your doctor to find out what the progress is. That's an expensive weigh in. We got our digital scale at WalMart and I think it was abotu $40. Not bad, considering our old one had the shakey needle syndrome and I could never get an accurate read. Hope your meds work and that your head clears. That can be so miserable. Are you taking vitamins? Perhaps there is something missing that is causing your immune system to be low.

BOB---I am all for my brain being sharper!!!! LOL. Thanks for the tip.

JACKK---Good luck with the move today. You will be moving pretty fast, because it's freezing out there. I hope it all goes well. Be careful.

MELF---Boy, you sure got me on your funny. I was getting kind of scared there for a minute. I should have known you wouldn't really frighten us! Very funny.

MOM2----Way to go on keeping your eating in check! It's not easy to stay on the wagon when going away for a few days. You should feel great about that. Sorry you're feeling down about how your life is going now. I'm not a mom, but I'm sure it's hard to leave the little guy every day if you don't want to. Hang in there. Perhaps you and DH are on the right path to start looking outside where you are right now. Finding work is very difficult. My brother has been looking for full-time work for a year now. And he hates what he has to do in the mean time. Just keep your spirits up and be happy about the things you can have control of. I believe that things happen for a reason and our job is to learn as much as we can from everything. It will work out for you all. The idea of moving closer to family sounds great!

MELF---Your morning sounds like a real downer. I hope you are feeling better today. Do you think you have a touch of the flu? Sending you comfort HUGS to help the yuckies go away. So sorry to hear that you too lost a friend this week. It's hard to know why these wonderful people are taken so early, when you know they had years of service out there in front of them. But God knows best. Sometimes I feel that some people are too good for this world. Like they are so good that God knows what their limit of time is here on earth because they can't stand all the bad. I know that my friend didn't want to suffer any longer. He told us all that he didn't fear death, it was the act of dying that wasn't any fun. It's such a relief to know that now he is whole and painfree. One of my friends who took care of him a lot found one of his poems on heaven. She read it to him the day he died. I can't wait to read that poem. Perhaps it will be read at his funeral. He was very close with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans while they were alive. I mean, like VERY close. Like go to their house and spend time with them all the time. So their son, Dusty, is supposed to sing at the service. What a fitting tribute to my friend.

SEF---So glad to hear you are feeling better. I hope by the time you read this, the pain will be gone all together. I wondered after hearing about your past few days if you were sick when we were talking. Keep taking it slow and just do as much as you feel up to. Pamper yourself. Put your feet up and relax. I haven't gone to the post office this week to mail your stuff. It's been so cold that I only want to be outside as little as possible. I will try next week. I found a great book that I think you will love too! It will probably take a few days to reach you because I will have to send it book rate. Or I could send it UPS. Do they drop off to you or make you come and get it if nobody is home? Let me know, because there's a UPS place right around the corner from my work.

SERENE----I wondered where you'd been keeping yourself! Girlfriend, you'd better watch out and not get all worn out and tired and sick. This is the perfect season for that kind of thing. Lucky for you, you are at least in a warm state! You kitchen plans sound great! I know somebody who did a red coca cola kitchen. Thats a cute way to go. I am always off on Friday unless we are really busy at work. I like only working the four days. That extra weekend day really helps a lot.

Okay, well it's time to weigh and eat my breakfast. We are out of milk and eggs and I don't know what to have. Perhaps a grilled cheese sandwich. Gotta go put on those lovely painting clothes and get busy. Paul is still snoozing. He'd better get up soon or he'll be in the dog house. Have a great day.

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Old 02-08-2003, 09:56 AM   #112  
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Good Morning!

Well, I fell rather heavily last night - the siren call of the cake and icing was too much for me and I succumbed. Trying to get back on track this morning. The cake is almost ready to transport, then once I get there, I will have to assemble it and put on two more borders. I tend to obsess about these things....don't know why!

MOM: Is your hubby from the Tifton area? Mine is from Moultrie, which is about 20 miles from Tifton. We lived in Tifton for a year while my husband taught at Abraham Baldwin College. Back then, we used to laugh and say you could know all you had to know about it by spelling it backwards. Last time we really went through the town, we were amazed at how built up it has gotten. If you don't mind a small town, Tifton certainly would be a nice area to live in. I would not mind retiring to the Moultrie area. Land is cheap, and the weather is pretty good. The people are the salt of the earth....

QUILTER: I am impressed at how much painting you got done by yourself! Last year, when we were preparing for my daughter's wedding, I pulled wallpaper off the hall, and kitchen and painted the hall, kitchen, and great room. It took me weeks! Now I am looking at the yellow in the kitchen and thinking about repainting it! It turned out a bit darker than I wanted. The thought of pulling out all the 'stuff' to paint puts me off!

TRANQ: Congrats on the five pound loss! Sorry you are sick! Take lots of vitamin C... I hope you get over this soon!
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Old 02-08-2003, 01:45 PM   #113  
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Quilter- Actually DH is from Alapaha. Itty-bitty little town just outside of Tifton. His mom's family lives in Nashville and Willacoochie. He'd never admit it, but I think Tallahassee's too big for his comfort sometimes. On the other hand, Tallahassee's the Smallest town I've lived in I've warned him that if we move, the first few months will be rough for me, but I will adjust and be happy. I'm just desperate to be with my baby more!

We almost moved to Tifton about a year ago. We'd even found an adorable house to rent right next to ABAC. And it cost less than the rinky-dink apartment we live in here! That's another reason I want to move. Real Estate here is ridiculous! The census report showed that Tallahassee is the most expensive town it's size to rent in.


Last edited by Mom2Marsh; 02-08-2003 at 01:47 PM.
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Old 02-08-2003, 03:31 PM   #114  
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Saturday afternoon quickie----

Taking a quick break. Coat number two is on the walls. And then we put coat one on the stairway walls. There was a lot of "cutting in" today which took too much time. So glad Paul was able to help today. Many hands make . . .

I did take a moment out of the work fun, to talk with DEB. She sends her greetings. Of course, she was in the care picking up and transporting Michael somewhere else. She's feeling so bad about not getting on the board. I assured her that we all understood. But she sends her greetings to you all and says not to give up on her. She'll be back on soon.

Well, I'm having a yummy afternoon snack. I took 140 grams of blue and raspberries (one serving) and defrosted them in the microwave and used a little splenda on them. Yum!!! Candy doesn't get any better than this! Usually I pour a little milk on top and have such fun with that. But we are out of milk. So I just found out the berries are good all by themselves.

Take care. Enjoy your weekends!
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Old 02-08-2003, 03:51 PM   #115  
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Been out and about...Took Kate to get a perm, and I went to BooksAMillion and bought a couple of books. Went to the HFS and got 6lbs of KALE , stopped at PUBLIX and got some fresh green beans , got chicken marinating in the fridge to grill...I'm set!!!

MONET....listen for the strands of ROCKY TOP ...I'm on my way for some of that PIMENTO CHEESE!!!!
You know better than to dangle that in front of me

KIM...sounds like I better stay away from your might put me to work!!!
I'll let you know how the TOPS meeting goes on Monday...It's a lot cheaper than WW's and the weigh in is what I need the structure for...

KAT...I love the TIFTON's so quaint..I love to stop at the pecan store there...they have the best selection of no sugar jellies and jams that I've ever seen!

Well, since the washer is fixed...(switch) I've got a lot to do...

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Old 02-08-2003, 07:13 PM   #116  
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The day is shot to you know where eating wise. I tried to stay away from the sweets at the wedding reception. I did not eat any cake, (I had enough while making the dang thing!) and I went easy on the finger sandwiches, since they were probably not 100% whole wheat bread. I tried to concentrate on the veggies with a tad of dip, the spinach dip and sausage balls. Once I get the kitchen clean, I am not going to look at anything with sugar in it for at least two months! I feel like crap...

MOM: I guess you were talking to me actually, when you mentioned your hubby is from Alapaha, though you put Quilter on the reply.... I do know where Alapaha is...we lived in Tifton, and my hubby is from Moultrie. He has an uncle in Nashville who used to be a judge there. When my husband was teaching at ABAC, we lived in an apartment. We were used to the amenities of Athens, though, and found Tifton boring. A lot has changed in the 25 years since we lived there!

BOB: I have the window open so I can hear the wagon...please hurry! That bowl of icing in the kitchen has been pulling mind games on me since I walked in the door from the reception! As for the pimento cheese...I will mix you up a batch. Easy peasy...
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Old 02-08-2003, 07:14 PM   #117  
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I see I'm the only one "out" and "about"....

I'm headed to the four poster to watch THE PATRIOT for about the umptenth time...I just love American history!

Hope you all have a good evening.

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Old 02-08-2003, 08:20 PM   #118  
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Bob - wherever do you get those cute pics to post!!! I love em!

Monet - I have been taking vitamins every day religiously but have started on Vitamin C tablets along with my multivitamin...hopefully things will get better GOOD FOR YOU not eating any cake!!!! Kudos!!!!!

Quilter - I think my son has knocked my scale out of whack - he has been getting on and off of it - and I am kind of wierd about other people using my scale, like my toothbrush or hairbrush - hahahaha - so I think I will be running out soon and getting a new one and let little guy have the old one....but the weight loss does make me feel a lot better - a lot more positive! Hope you had fun with your Beatles night!!!

Mom2marsh - I remember seeing that sign Willacoochie when driving to pick my son up from his gramma's last summer - had to drive through GA, Tenn, KY and all to get to Southern Illinois - and we thought wow, what a funny name! hahaha

Well, I am off to my bed again now that I have read emails, refilled my drink, and taken more medicine...DS has gone to his Dad's so the house is just quiet with my hound and cats - and the cats are so funny, they have both been getting up on the bed together and sniffing me out and crying - wierd because they don't ever get near each other without a big fight - then come to find out, hound ate all their food, so I think (of course, I humanize them) they were telling on the hound! Food was important enough to risk being close together....

Night, Sabrina
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Old 02-08-2003, 11:19 PM   #119  
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Oh, what a wonderful husband I have.... He knew I was struggling big time with the leftover icing, so he cleaned it all up and threw it all away for me! Tomorrow, I can start out fresh, with nothing to tempt me.

TRANQ: I bet your cats were trying to tattle! They were probably wondering why you bother to keep such an uncouth animal as a hound! After all, you could have another cat!

BOB: Guess I need to watch that... My daughter brought My Big Fat Greek Wedding over last night. She works at Blockbuster, and they can watch new releases before they are available to customers. I hadn't seen it yet, and really enjoyed it. I especially loved the scenes where the brother is teaching him Greek....
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Old 02-08-2003, 11:59 PM   #120  
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Hi All!

It's been a busy day, but a good one. Had dd's house warming party this afternoon with a great turn out & lots of nice gifts & fun. She's all set now with towels, washclothes, dish towels, & other nice things. Even got a nice gift basket with candles & bath salts from a friend of hers. 2 other friends got together & gave her a $90 gift card from WalMart so that she can get an entertainment center that she's been wanting. What a blessing!

It was also my baby girl's 28th BD today, so we had cake for her. My Mom stayed over to spend the night & we took her to a Gospel Singing. We enjoyed that.

Saw the board was a little slow today. That's surprising, so I thought I'd post before I go off to bed.

Kim, that's a hard way to exercise those arms girl. But painting is sometimes necessary. Hey, when you're done...I need my bathroom painted if you want more exercises for your arms. Yes, I agree with what you said about some good people dying young. But we never know when our time will come, so we should all make the best of each & every day. What a nice tribute to your friend to have Roy Rogers & Dale Evans son sing at his funeral. I've already told my dd that I want her to sing for my funeral. I told her that if she doesn't think that she can handle that, then she'd better record my favorites ahead of time. LOL

Monet, sorry to hear that the cake & icing gave you such misery. That was awefully sweet of your dh to get rid of it for you. It must be hard to make cakes & NOT taste them.

BOB, we saw the Patriot the other night for the first time & loved it. It was such a moving film. Last night we saw Galaxy Quest & ourselves silly. It was too funny. Can you tell we're kind of behind time here?

Tranquil, Funny story about your cats telling on the hounds. Feel better girl!

Well I'm off to bed. Still having a back ache, not sure if it's from the UTI or what, but it sure has been giving me fits today. Will try to check in tomorrow. Night all!
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