Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: What is your favorite condiment?
Butter/Margarine 7 21.21%
Ketchup 4 12.12%
Mustard 5 15.15%
Mayo/Sandwich Spread 3 9.09%
Hot Sauce 3 9.09%
Relish 1 3.03%
BBQ Sauce 1 3.03%
Sour Cream 0 0%
Salad Dressing 4 12.12%
Trojan 2 6.06%
Other 3 9.09%
Voters: 33. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-04-2003, 04:58 PM   #46  
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OK Ladies, I'm out of here for the day. It's just been too busy at work these last 2 weeks.

Good luck on the scale tomorrow.

Linworth, I eat the 100% duram semolina pasta. But I only eat pasta about once every 2 weeks. It hasn't bothered me. I just can't handle the ww. I'm with you on limiting those portion sizes. That wine can be a killer. I can't drink the red stuff. Have to stick with Ziffendale.

Deb, I don't blame you not wanting to go to the shower. I like to go to that stuf sometimes just to make fun of the people. Gee my Dd registered at Target & Bed Bath & Beyond. I was having trouble picking a favorite condiment as I like them all. Of course, that's why I am fat, Hope to see you at chat. Hope you have an 100% OP day. We are counting on you.

Monet, good for you getting that treadmill in today. Hope your DD doesn't have anything terrible. Best to have it checked out though. Keep us posted.

Fillise, I use my bread machine to make the ww pizza dough. I always make 2 crust out of it though. If not, it's too strong. Enjoy your conference. Good luck on your eating.

IDblond, Thanks for the motivational piece. Very inspiring. Hope things are going well with you.

Heartmom, Good for you haveing a OP day. Don't plan on messing it up. Take a legal hamburger bun (if you can get them there) and substitute that on the chicken and salad. Or just get a salad. I would bypass the cake. That could set off some big sugar cravings. Take a piece of legal cheesecake for yourself. Hope yur dd feels better soon and doesn't give it to Boogie.

Gracious, Good luck at your bible study. Color blindness is male dominant.

Tranquil, OK I'm holding you to all that positve thinking for tomorrow. Get you a big can of Lysol and keep spraying.

Sef, hate to hear about all yur medical problems. Hope you are feeling better soon. Keep us posted.

Monet, Glad to hear your DD didn't have anything too serious. Hope these changes help her. COd sounds yummy for dinner.

Hope to see you all at chat tonite. Got lots to do so better get my butt in gear so I can get there.

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Old 02-04-2003, 05:08 PM   #47  
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Default Checking in

SEF--Oh my Gosh! Sorry you've been so sick, but glad you're well enough to be home. Take care of yourself.

MONET--Glad the doc seemed to know what was wrong with your DD. Hope she's feeling better soon.

HEARTMOM--I agree with LINWORTH-eat BEFORE you go so you won't be tempted. If you HAVE to eat there, just eat the chicken and toss the bun. What about brining baggies with veggies and triscuits to munch on?

GRACIOUS--are you de-iced enough for people to venture out? Saw N.B. on the news last night and it looked awful for everyone. and so many people without power/heat. You didn't say you lost power, so I hope you are ok.

DEBELLI--I love cookbooks too! I own over 200 of them. Didn't help that I used to work in a library and that the staff got first choice when they were withdrawing them!!! Plus we also got a good discount if we ordered thru the library. I hope you can get some sleep soon!

LINWORTH--I use WW pasta. DH likes it better than the regular and DS will eat anything. Guess I'm lucky they're not picky eaters. My mac and cheese was basic. I cooked up some onion and celery in a pan with a bit of oil till they were soft, but not brown. Tossed them in a casserole dish with precooked pasta, a bit of milk and some cheddar. Then I topped the whole thing with cheddar and baked. Sometimes I add peas and diced ham.

I better get going. We're having a terrible wind storm and I can hear our gate pounding away opening and closing . It's been ripped from it's latch. Thought I had fixxed it but guess I'll have to try something else.

Having pizza with WW crust for dinner. Have been OP all day today. Wanted chocolate but made a coffee instead. Bought some more of those amazing strawberries too!

Big HELLO to any I missed!

Take care all!
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Old 02-04-2003, 07:20 PM   #48  
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This is the LOW CARB version of Mac N Cheese. You can substitute your low calorie ingredients...I've had this without the tofu (which I can't stand) Just add more cauliflower for volume.

Mock-A-Roni & Cheese

16 oz firm tofu (450 g) {Nasoya brand 15oz = 10g total}
1 head of cauliflower, about 3 cups cooked(720 ml)
4 cups of grated Xtra sharp chedder(1liter)
4 eggs {1.2carb/egg =4.8g total}
1/2 c. heavy whipping cream (120ml) {1carb/Tbsp=8g total}
1 tsp salt or pottassium salt (5ml)
1Tbs freshly ground pepper (15 ml)
1 tsp garlic powder (5ml)
1/2 cup crushed pork rinds (120 ml)
1/4 cup Parmesian cheese(60 ml) {1carb/Tbsp=4g total}

Grease on large, or two small casserole dishes, and preheat oven to 350 degrees F. (180 C). Press and drain excess water from the tofu in a paper-towel lined colander. Chop drained tofu into 1/2 inch chunks (bite sized) and scatter in the casserol dish. Top (I mixed it in) with cooked bite size pieces of cauliflower (it give it another texture besides tofu), and top this with the grated cheese.

Beat the eggs and cream and seasonings and pour over contents of casserole dish. Sprinkle parmesian cheese and crushed pork rind crumbs over the top. Bake 45-60 minutes, until top is well browned. If necessary or desired, place under broiler briefly to crisp top.

Tips: - Steam the cauliflower beforehand, it will be less soggy than boiling
- I added red pepper flakes, italian herbs and a dash of ground paprika and dry mustard and onion powder to the "white sauce" . Seasoning the sauce makes all the difference in flaver.
- The sauce should just about cover the tofu, cauliflower, and cheese, with a little sticking above.
-I mixed the parmesian cheese with the porkrinds to more evenly coat the top. I can use less Parmesian that way
-I baked it for 45 min. and let it cool and settle for 10-15 min.
*To figure the carb count I just added everything up for the total dish without the fiber included and divided 12. That way I could personalize the dish and still know if it's induction legal.

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Old 02-04-2003, 07:48 PM   #49  
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Greetings all

A quick note before I dash out the door for school pick up. Very busy at moment there just aren't enough hours in the day.. I'd especially like a couple more between school drop off and pick up!!!

Laurie - what about taking a legal fruit salad or similar to the party? I like the idea of eating first too as that will fill you up a bit and you'll be busy with the kids. Have fun!

Cheers catch you later. Gotta run

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Old 02-04-2003, 08:01 PM   #50  
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Default Tuesday Night pre chat

Hi Everybody!

We just finished supper and it?s time to check in with you all. I hope all of you had a great day. Was it a better than usual Monday? I surely to goodness hope so.

I had a good surprise at the doctor?s office today. I was down TWO POUNDS from when I was there almost two weeks ago. Yippee!!! That was a nice way to end the workday. I?m excited to see what happens on Wednesday with my scale. Thank all that?s good that I?m going the right way . . . finally!!!

I just have to say thanks to all for your kind words about my moments of blue. You all are so great at picking people up and helping them get clear. Please know that I am no longer down. I have been feeling great. I?m not sure if that little bit of sadness that night had something to do with being so sad over the huge tragedy that happened in our skies that morning. That may have made me sad to start with and then I just got stuck down there. Anyways, I really want to reiterate the power of communication. I truly feel that if we?re upset or low, we really have a good chance to dismantle that upset by speaking about it. By giving it a voice. So thanks so much. You make it easier to stay on the wagon.

BOB----I saw that word ?Trojan? and I knew our fearless leader was up to no good. She?s a tricky person to set us all up for these jokes. LOL

JACKK----What a great night you had!!! Oh, that husband of yours is quite the clever boy. I loved his excuse for not going to Sunday mass and I really love that you bought it. If anybody deserves a big surprise party it?s you. You do so much for others, that it?s time you kicked up your heels in celebration of you. Congrats! Sounds like you have a lot of people down there in L?ville who love you a lot. That?s so great. And amidst all that fun, you did really good with your eating. That one sandwich isn?t going to do any damage. Way to stand firm on the not eating the cake. GOOD JOB!!! Hey were you as disappointed as I was in the temp drop today? I just want to tell who?s ever in charge of that kind of thing, that it?s not one bit funny. The wind was blowing like crazy today. I?m so ready for spring.

ZANNE---Girlfriend, you had one LOUSY week last week. Thank goodness, history doesn?t have to repeat itself. I hope you and your fam are on the mend. It?s reallly hard to focus well you feel like crap. Get healthy and then get back in the Sugarbuster Groove. When you said, ?I know what I should be doing---but I?m just not doing it,? I was nodding my head and saying a healthy AMEN. I was there (in that very spot) for probably six months. It was very ugly for me, featuring mega weight gains and all sorts of temper tantrums and pity parties. I?m still amazed that Paul didn?t give me a swift kick in the seat. Anyways, I feel your frustration. Here?s the thing: what?s already happened has happened and we have no control over that anymore. BUT WE DO HAVE CONTROL ON WHAT HASN?T HAPPENED YET!!! This is the golden part. So let go of all those ?should haves? and grab ahold of right this minute. You can do it!!!!! Hey, sister, you do whatever it takes to keep you on this board. Don?t feel like you must respond to everybody. It makes it nice for us, but we totally understand. We all have different lifestyles. Like me, for instance, no kids and only a dog and husband to tear me away from you guys. It makes perfect sense for me to keep posting. I have the time most days. We know you are with us. I know I speak for the group when I say, we?d rather see a small post from you than none at all. Keep in touch with us. It?s another key to success.

FILLISE---You homemade bread sound wonderful. We are all breathing a sigh of relief that we aren?t on the Adkins diet, when you describe something as delish as that. I have a bread machine, but don?t use it much. But I?d love to see your recipe. Can you post it when you get a chance? What size loaf is it? Hey, glad you are up for the challenge! We are all rockin? and rollin? this week to thinner thighs and tiny butts and all sorts of good things. (Can you tell my problem areas?) LOL

TRANQ----I?m glad to hear your tiney hiney is firmly planted on the wagon of success. Fantastic!!! I?m proud of you for staying focused and for staying away from the illegal things. WTG!!!!! It?s going to pay off in the end. We must remain patient! Your veggie plate sounded wonderful Good choices being made by you. I predict good things on the scale. (You didn?t know I was psychic, did you?) I love to hear that you are planning ahead on those meals. That?s got to be one of the keys to success. You are cracking me up with those non-smokers breaks! I used to work with a bunch of smokers, and it would tick me off that they could get up and leave for 10-15 minutes at a time. I used to just go sit in the bathroom to make things even. Not very good atmosphere, but at least I got my break. Should have taken some reading materials.

DAWN----I love the ?inch by inch? quote. What a great visual! Thanks for sharing.

GRACIOUS----You guys really got pounded this weekend. Glad nothing really catastrophic happened. Hearing about your Sunday morning made me smile. So glad you daughter is creative enough to handle Sunday School on her own. My brother has been a minister for 35 years, so I know all about the busy Sunday mornings. No time for anything before you?re out the door for a full morning. What a change for you this past weekend. Now don?t you get used to that kind of thing. Wouldn?t want your attendance to lapse! LOL Congrats on the next pounds. Keep going. You are doing great! Isn?t it fun to step on that scale and see something we like. Remember to celebrate that pound hitting the curb! Hey, thanks for your wonderful thoughts on getting to goal and about how to view my self image. You are right. I have many things to be grateful for. Those elements of my belief can motivate me to do the right thing and to remember how awesome I am. You?re not preaching, just giving me more to ?chew on? that?s really legal. LOL

TRISH----Sounds like good old Dr. Pepper bit you in the butt! Well, perhaps you got it all out of your system and won?t want anymore. Girlfriend, you really raised a good question. Why do we jump/fall/cartwheel off the wagon when we know it?s the absolutely 100% wrong thing to do? I f we could get an answer to that one, we?d all be doing less picking ourselves up and dusting ourselves off. It is strange, that we know what?s best and still stray from that. Guess that?s part of what it means to be human. Messing up. Don?t sweat the slippage. Just get back on track. You can do it!!!!! BTW, if I was advising anybody who was choosing an instrument, I would suggest the flute or the piccalo. I paid the trumpet in a very small high school band. And it was a pain (literally and figuratively). My arms would get so tired of pointing that horn up into the stadium seats. I hated it by the time I got done. I did switch to french horn for concert season and loved that. But I always wished I ?d have gone for the flute or piccalo. Something small.

BOB----Do you suppose the flash on the camera hurts our little darlings eyes? Maddie usually give me a profile when she sees the camera.

COUNTRY----We get back on track in the weirdest places. I was glad to hear that you found the track while on vacation. That gives some of the rest of us hope. We are striving for healthy and happy, right? Give those old bad habits a swift kick to the curb. You don?t need them. We?re here to encourage you.

SOLbaby!!!!!-----It was so good to see your post! I?m just heart sick that you have to have surgery and will be laid up for a while. That must be driving you nuts. Please keep us posted. So that we can send up all sorts of prayers and good thoughts before, during and after the surgery. Huggs!!! Here comes a boatload of motivation with a hefty side order of good vibes. Did you just get them? Hey, Miss Vixen sounds like she has the perfect name. She?s becoming quite the celebrity. Have you ever seen the movie, Best in Show. Since you are a dog person and are now into some competitions, I think you would REALLY appreciate it.

DEB----You can?t be premenopausal yet? what are you doing up at that wee hour? That?s a time reserved for us oldy moldies who are dealing with hormone issues and changes. Hope that goes away soon for you, because it can really screw up a perfectly good day.

MONET-----TEN POUNDS??????!!!!!!! That is awesome, spectacular, wonderful. An this from the woman who was talking about giving up and eating whatever she wanted! You are doing great. Just sounds like you aren?t giving yourself enough credit. You know that you?ve just reached my first short-term goal. Good going, but would you mind letting me do it next. LOL. Just joking with you. Keep on doing what you are doing! You are definitely going in the right direction!!!!! I like to hear that you too are planning your meals even when you have meetings to attend. I?m telling you, when we really, truly take charge of our lives, it?s incredible. Don?t you feel so empowered when you make provisions for yourself to eat what you are supposed to? Good job!!! Hey, good going on the TM. Shoes on from now on, right?

LINWORTH---Glad to hear you are going for no guilt this week. You?ll do it. just remember to stock up on good food and plan ahead. Are you journaling your food?

DEB----I loved the condoment question. I?ll tel you mine is mustard. It?s so good. I even use it as a salad dressing. I don?t squirt it right on the salad, but I put in in a little side dish and them dip my fork tynes in it before taking a bite of salad. I prefer the spicey brown. Paul was reading over my shoulder Monday morning and he said, ?Trojan, what?s that all about?? I said, ?Deb.? He said, ?Oh, okay.? I guess that one word answered his question. Ha!!! When you are talking about cookbooks, it made me think of something. I am usually a voracious reader. Two to three books going at one time. But when I get myself back on program, I can only read stuff on weight loss. It?s kind of like I?m obsessed. I even watch info mercials about weight loss programs that I will never do or buy. The other night I was watching QVC as they sold nutrisystem. Not because I was interested in that food, but because I loved hearing from people who had lost weight. Isn?t that kind of weird. A woman with a one-track mind.

SEF----In the hospital!!!!! Oh my goodness, was that the result of getting what was going around your house? I?m glad you are out. When did you go in? Didn?t we just IM over the weekend? Take care of yourself.

Well, that?s it for me. Keep up the good work. Catch you later.

Last edited by The Quilter; 02-04-2003 at 08:11 PM.
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Old 02-04-2003, 09:20 PM   #51  
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I am excited. I could not find a decent cod recipe, so I improvised, and it turned out really good! I promise I won't dislocate my arm trying to pat myself on the back..... I am going to post the recipe when I am done here. After dinner, and a few 'words' with my hubby, I decided I needed something creative to do, so I made chocolate truffles with all SB legal ingredients. I will post that recipe too. They are not done yet, as they have to cool before you can roll them into balls, but they taste pretty good!

QUILTER: Nope, no shoes on the TM. I did wear socks, but not my shoes. My husband is about 1/16th Cherokee Indian, and has a thing about shoes. He holds firmly to the believe that God did not intend for us to wear shoes all the time. His line is if we have to wear shoes to support our feet, then we need to wear special gloves to support our hands, and supports for our knees, etc. He jogs barefooted, and wears sandals as much as possible when shoes are required. I do find walking on the TM with no shoes easier. My shoes get in the way when I wear them. The socks are protecting my feet pretty well, so I will continue wearing them. The ten pound loss was a shock to me. It is very hard for me to lose, due to my thyroid and insulin resistance. I hope I can continue to lose, and if I do, it may be a sign that my pancreas is no longer pumping out great quantities of insulin, and my cells resistance to insulin is healing. I am praying that is the case....

LIN: I don't do cakes for a living, but I have done them as a side job for years. I did work for Publix for a year as a cake decorator, and I have taught classes too. I love doing it, but I find it hard to keep my fingers out of the bowls! Because of my weakness, I really backed off on cakes. I had to make this one, since it is my good friend's son. I have known the boy since he was a tyke, and he and my son used to be great buddies.

BOB: What's the verdict on your washing machine?

Ok, I am going to go post recipes. Catch you all later...
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Old 02-04-2003, 10:01 PM   #52  
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Hi all,
It seems lately that Tuesday night, when dh is out playing poker, is the only time I get to catch up! The surgery on my gums Friday went well - except I don't remember the weekend at all! The oral surgeon said he feels he got all of the infection - I sure hope so - this was the third time that site was opened! The swelling is almost gone - no one is laughing too hard when they see me now!

Fillise - You have a cat that breaks things and mine likes to wake me up! He cries every morning from 7:30 on until I feed him. And after he eats, he chases his imaginary friend around the house for a while - even behind our dressers!

Linworthlady - Hmmmmm. I have made the Ranch Chicken several times and never had runny sauce. I don't know why you did! I used Duke's mayo - wonder if that makes the difference? But others use Hellmans and it works. I will ask on the folder where I got the recipe.

Debbie - Volunteering is one of the nicest things we can do in life! And thanks for the t-shirt site - I ordered one for my gd. Your joke on Sunday about the gastro dr - roared! I am sending it to my dh who will pass it on to our dr friends! And then I come across your post about one of the other boards. Funny - I just said the same thing on the AOL SB folder. IMHO - that folder and this one are the only to that give the right advice - and I feel that after doing this WOE for 2 1/2 years and posting on AOL for that long - I can say that! I thought that I had all the "Sugar" books out there - but not theone you are in - next trip to the library!

SEF - feel better.....sick is icky!

SOL - Hopefully your surgery will be a big success and you will be running around soon!

Sugarless - You asked if there are any tips for not falling off SB - or how to start again. First of all - don't get down on yourself. Honestly - each and every one of us has done it too! The gals in my support group that I lead here are so thrilled when I tell them about something I ate that I shouldn't! The important thing is - when the scale goes up - get legal fast. Then the weight will come off again. The 30 pounds I have lost have not come back. Yes - at times I will go up a few - but then I know my weight limit now and get right back on track! Keep coming here - even if you don't post - just reading helps! And - re-read the books! Or Rissa's web site.

Jack-K - Happy 50th! What a great surprise party. Sounds like lots of fun.

Zanne - Hope you start feeling better soon. The hard thing about feeling awful is that yen for the wrong foods. Last night, feeling sorry for myself, I had dh take me to a restaurant for meatloaf - didn't feel like cooking and still hurting - now I know that meatloaf there is made with filler and their sweet potatoe mash must have tons of butter and while it has no sugar - some sweetener. But then I took home a mango cobbler and ate it all.....Today I have been a good SBer!! You can do it too!

Gonna see if the chat is still going on.......Night all! Keep losing!
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Old 02-04-2003, 10:55 PM   #53  
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Just a quickie! I haven't even had time to read the boards. I've been working my 2 jobs and I am super busy! I've got a computer in my new office with the internet so I should be able to post from my night time job! That will be good! I think I'll be down 2 from last WIW which makes me happy! We'll see tomorrow! Well, I'll talk to y'all very soon! I miss ya!

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Old 02-05-2003, 06:20 AM   #54  
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Default WIW

Good Morning!

Well, I had another OP day yesterday! Hopefully I can keep it up.

Wasn't going to jump on the scale this morning, but did anyway and my eyeballs nearly popped out of my head I'm down to my low of 165!!!! I had to get on and off a couple of times to make sure I was seeing the right number. Said the same thing every time.

I hope everyone had a good WIW. If you don't, just keep OP and try to be patient. The scale will go down. At times I didn't think I'd see my low again any time soon, but my patience has paid off.

Gotta go. DS decided he was getting up at 6am and is bugging me for breakfast.

Bye for now!
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Old 02-05-2003, 06:26 AM   #55  
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WIW Report

This is my first official WIW report since getting back on track. As of this morning I am down 3 pounds. That's really a two-week tally from when I had originally gone to the dr's. My scale seems to be agreeing with hers. Feeling really great about the loss. Let's hear it for going in the right direction.

MONET---That is really interesting about your husband and shoes. I've never known anyone with that sort of passion against them. I'll bet your floors are a lot cleaner than ours. It was good to chat with you last night. I will try to remember to post that URL on coral calcium tonight when I get home from work.

NMS---So glad to hear that your surgery went well. You take care.

FRUIT----Be careful. Don't overwork yourself and get overtired and get sick. I'm anxious to hear your official WIW report.

Hope you all have great WIW reports. And if it's not so hot, just remember, there's always next week.

Catch you later. Must get ready for work. Ugh. Another sleepy day. Too cold again to get out from the covers.

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Old 02-05-2003, 06:50 AM   #56  
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Quickie-I am sorry I disappeared from chat last night. My ds called from Ohio and it was too hard to type and talk. Sorry I missed you gator. But I enjoyed talking to Kim--got lots of good advice from her as always. I'll check in later.
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Old 02-05-2003, 07:55 AM   #57  
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Another quickie . . .

MONET----here's the link to the Q&A about Coral Calcium. Let me know what you think and if you find out anything bad about it. I'm thinking of ordering some.

Okay, I'm out the door. DEB, TRANQ, SERENE . . . missed you guys on the chat last night. We had a new person asking all sorts of questions. MONET and the others did a good job answering her questions and explaining SB. I was on the phone for most of the chat. Never fails.

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Old 02-05-2003, 08:50 AM   #58  
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Happy WIW Everyone!

Hope the scale is good to everyone today. Those 2 lbs that appeared yesterday are gone today (thank you Quilter for all that positive thinking) and I'm down 1 from last week. Only 1 away from my all time low. Just got to get out of these 60's though.

Sorry I was such a short timer at chat last nite. That UK-FLA game was to good to miss. (sorry Gator) But I enjoyed what little chatting I had.

I mad Deb's cheesecake for a girl in our office birthday today. I cooked some strawberries and added some agave to make a topping. It was really good. She is a SB too and has lost about 40 lbs. We have another guy here that is v ery overweight and he is doing it to and has lost around 45 since around Oct. I also think he is taking some kind of pills from his Dr too. So see this WOE does work.

Zanne, I never heard of putting onion and celery in mac & cheese. Interesting. WTG on getting back to your low. Makes you feel good doesn't it! Now just keep on going. Have another OP day.

Bob, I think I'll pass on your mock mac & cheese. Sounds like and lot of work and not too appetizing.

ACW, Hope you are doing good. I thought about you last nite. On our news they wre discussing a study on stuffed animals containing so much bacteria they are making kids sick and sick over. The study was done in New Zealand.

Quilter, WTG on those 2 lbs. I bet your Dr. was proud. And that extra one on yur scale. 3 lbs is awesome. You ARE going in the right direction. Just keep up the good work. I'm glad you are not blue anymore. I agree that the tragedy can have an affect on our moods. Thanks for the sweet words. It was good chatting with you all last night. Sorry it was short lived, but that game was a good one. Hope the scale is good to you againt today.

Monet, you were in a creative mood. Can't wait for that cod recipe. I love fish. I can't believe your DH jobs barefoot or thatyou only wear socks ont he TM. Remember the flylady? Putting on your tennis shoes is empowering. BUt I guess you have to do what suits you. I truly hope that 10 lbs is a sign your thyroid is working again. That would be so wonderful.

No more sugar, I'm glad your surgery went ok. I hope they got all that infection this time. Who is Rissa and what is here web site about?

Fruit, WTG on those 2 lbs. Sure hope you can get on here more with your new job. We miss you.

Linworth, Sorry I missed you at chat last night. I got and and you were on the phone and I had to leave to watch that game.

Congrats to all the losers today. Others, hang in there, stay legal and you will see results next week.

Have a good day. Be back later.

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Old 02-05-2003, 08:57 AM   #59  
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Not sure what to claim on the scale this week. I am down four pounds from what I was at the doctors on Monday, since I reset my scale to his. Of course, I was fully clothed at the office, and it was afternoon. If I do the arithmetic, I am down one pound from what I was before I reset the scale. It is all rather confusing to me, cause I am DEFINITELY not a math person! So I guess I will claim one.

QUILTER: I did a bit of research after reading the page on Coral Calcium. I tend to be skeptic of claims that a supplement will cure everything from diabetes, lupus to cancer. The pages I found were not supportive to the claims made on the page you left me the link for. Here is one of the ones I found that criticized it.
My advice would be to pass on the coral calcium. Or at least wait a while and see how your friend feels after a bit more time. My experience with these kinds of miracle supplements has always been a disappointment. They DO work for some..but then, so do placebos...

ZANNE: Congrats on being at your all time low! You are smokin' girl! Isn't it great to see results to reward your diligence to being OP!?

LIN: I wondered what happened to you last night! I was afraid I put you to sleep with my pontificating!

NOMORE: Glad your gum surgery went well! I hope you have a speedy recovery!

FRUIT: That is great that you will be able to get on at your night job now! How are you doing? Still staying OP?

SEF: I hope you are feeling better. I was wondering about you,and worried! Get well soon! We need your Friday Funnies! And YOU of course!

I need to go get a cake in the oven....will return later!
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Old 02-05-2003, 08:59 AM   #60  
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A quickie for me too! I'm trying to get ready to leave. Got to pay bills and pack. I hope everyone has a good rest of the week.

My bread machine recipe is posted on the recipe baord under--breads. I have two up there--the second one is the better one.

I have no idea what time we are leaving today--the woman I am going with is driving and is not big on structure--I need structure!!!!

I'll talk to you next week! Be good y'all.

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