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Old 02-15-2006, 06:19 AM   #406  
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Vickie I am very happy to 'hear' your good news!! That has to make you feel better and now you can carry on and be even more successful.

Vickie and Sandra "thank you" both for acknowleding my weight loss accomplishment. Gosh it took hard work and shear determination...and oh yeah, my working surroundings helped a bit too
I just want you to know that I do count pts but I chose to eat Core foods, I dont' think I was very clear the other day about that............... and low and behold it came off. I am thrilled to be 7 lbs below my goal of 129, but I AM very conscience now!! Vickie you are right, give it a month or so (took longer for me)and then keep on keeping on. I can't Tweak or "Core Like enough" then, 'for me' . it wasn't core. But that also has to do with my surroundings every day and what I know. I kept within my pts but ate Core...making better choices was key. I still need to see it written on paper though.
Found a great Crepe that is only 2 pts for 2 9 inches pieces..great filled with fruit if you like things like that. all have a great day....Oh and if I talk 'shop' too much please let me know, that really isn't my intention.....just that I LOVE what we and WW programs together can accomplish.
And Yes, Vickie this weeks meeting was great....
Here's to a Successful day out there................
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Old 02-15-2006, 08:32 AM   #407  
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Good Morning Chicks!

Linda, you could never talk WW too much for me. I'm very proud of you after all your indecision and anquish, you finally got on program and stayed there. I'd love to have your crepe recipe or any other recipes that helped you along the way. I'm getting really tired of eating the same old things again and it's time for me to start trying some new things.

Today is a pajama day for me. I may try to do a little straightening up as well in preparation to clean. It's been a long time since I did deep cleaning. The last time I talked about doing it, it was too close to my procedure and Jim got mad at me. I'm feeling that soon I'll be okey dokey enough to do it all!

Coco, so-so eating is better than horrible. Keep up the good work and you'll be back on program in no time. Fruit and veggies are a much better buy than flowers. I love cut flowers but haven't really had any since I retired. It's hard to justify the expense. Trader Joe's has bunches of tulips for cheap in the spring. I really want some because they remind me of my Mother. I know you are concerned about DH, especially if he is going to start blacking out and falling. I'd go back to the Doctor and sit there until they figure out what to do for him next. Even with all his troubles, he still came home with a rose for you! You should feel very loved. I don't know about Joyce Myers but would be interested in who/what she's about. Kathy or Frouf will know. They are our avid readers. I forgot to tell you that I still don't know what you are talking about with the email notification, except that it must be similar to the personal message notification. I get a regular email notification when I get a personal message. Maybe Kathy knows how to fix this for you?

Kathy, your dinner sounds delicious and the table beautiful. I hope your candles paid off!

Boy, Saundra, I know how much you're hurting. I hope Bern was able to recommend something for the pain. Really, though, the best thing is for you to stay off of it. I really found ice was the best thing for me, even after the 48 hours. My Therapist with my elbow recommended ice massages. I guess they are deeper than ice bags. She taught me to freeze water in those little paper cups. Then when I need a massage, I pull one out of the freezer, peel away some paper and use the bottom of the cup as a holder to rub the ice over the sore spot. 5 minutes and I feel much better. I still use it for my elbow when it acts up.

Sandra, I wondered where you were but I'm glad you're having fun with your company from Texas. They're gone by now so I know you're very sad.

Angela, how exciting! I just KNEW he wasn't going to stay at home. You guys are too romantic for that. I can't wait to hear ALL the details!

Patti, I SO wish there was something I could do for you and your DH. I'm praying though that he finds another job quickly. I can "hear" the stress in your voice. The Valentine's card make me smile. My best gifts, too, are the ones where Jim includes a special note for me. You two will be fine, somehow, as long as you have each other.

Frouf, red roses! You must be a very good wifey! I guess that means DH is over his little tirade from the other night? I love your gift ideas for DH and the kids. You do sound like such a fun Mom. Jim loves chocolate covered cherries too....but they must be milk chocolate! Congratulations on staying away from that darned food court. Warning.....warning.....there is NEVER anything healthy at a food court. Well, nothing that can possibly compete with all that wonderful bad food, anyway! Now...back away from the chocolate my little sugar addicted Froufie friend! I hope you did ok. This is SO hard!

Melissa, what a good DH Aaron is! I meant to tell you that I noticed the necklace in your new profile picture and it looks beautiful on you. You gotta love a guy who pays that much attention to detail and a good memory to boot!

Coco, I forget to tell you that I looked up tangelos. I found them in the Complete Food Companion in the medium list near the front. They are Core and a 5 ounce one is 1 point. Enjoy!

Jim is brewing my coffee now and it smells wonderful. Frouf, I hope the ice storm hit and it is too bad for you to go to work. Then you can stay home and chat with us all day! Menu time.
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Old 02-15-2006, 08:54 AM   #408  
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Good morning! It is supposed to be beautiful and in the 50's here today! That works for me.

I only have a minute but wanted to say hi (I feel like I'm saying that a lot lately). But I will be able to catch up tonight after church if not before. I feel so out of the loop. Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old 02-15-2006, 08:55 AM   #409  
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Good Morning Ladies,
I hope everyone is well. I keep thinking it's Thursday (wishful thinking?). I am really liking core. I'm doing better on it then I did on flex. I'm still having a tough time at ethnic resturants. I went for indian food last night and I ordered the Dal soup, which they said was lentils and veggies. I had some white rice (4 pts.) One triangle of Naan bread (2-3pts.) a chickpea and potato pattie cooked in vegtable oil (0-1 pt) and 1/2 an order of chicken tikka masala (the other 1/2 I saved for tonight to have with brown rice). I had know idea what to count that as. It was skinless white chicken breast which I think is core and a tomato based sauce which is core. The sauce also has a little cream. Some places have a very creamy light sauce. This place, luckily, had a very heavily tomato sauce. Still I don't know what to count. Any sugestions?
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Old 02-15-2006, 09:00 AM   #410  
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Geez, Alicat, I'm glad you're liking Core but I can't help you with the Indian Food since I don't eat it. Do you have the Complete Food Companion? I'll go look for mine now and see what it says. I don't eat ethnic food out anymore because I'm afraid of how much oil they use and because I can't tell what's in it. I stick to broiled steaks, chicken, pork chops and fish with no sauce. I'll be back.
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Old 02-15-2006, 09:12 AM   #411  
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Hey I just thought we should start a challenge or goal-setting event for March 20, the first day of Spring. What do you all think? It is about 4 1/2 weeks away.
We should call it something besides a challenge. It would just be nice to make goals and try to institute new habits by that time. Does that make sense?

Ali, I don't know anything about indian food either! Frouf might.
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Old 02-15-2006, 09:19 AM   #412  
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The Dining Out Companion has a small section with Indian food. I highly recommend these two books.

Dal soup is one cup for 6 points

Naan bread 1 piece 7" x 8" for 4 points

Potato patties were not listed. They list the authentic names with occasional translations in parentheses. I looked up the authentic name (Alu tikki) but could not find out the point value since it is not listed in the book. I think you might have under estimated the point value though. Chickpeas and Potatoes fried in vegetable oil would probably be more like 6 points. Oil costs alot of points.

Chicken tikka for 4 ounces is 5 points.

Good Luck and sorry for the bad news. BTW, nothing was checked Core in the list.
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Old 02-15-2006, 09:23 AM   #413  
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Vickie, you naughty girl! The candles were nice but I went to bed around 9:30 just totally worn out! I think I slept okay because I had a hard time getting up this morning. Enjoy your PJ day -- I need one of those very soon!

Linda, that's pretty amazing that you've reached that goal! We were at the same place last fall and I read in the Fab Fit 40s and 50s where you mentioned that you were ending the year without a loss! Imagine my jaw dropping when I read you were BELOW your goal! Sounds like the last six weeks have been very very VERY successful for you!!

Saundra, stay off of your foot! I broke my ankle three summers ago and it still hurts occasionally so I definitely know how that feels. I spent the summer in a cast and wheelchair (and also took mega steroids for swelling) and so when I got out of both in early September, I was at 175 pounds! That's when my weight loss journey started. Take care of yourself!

I'll be back in a while to read more -- right now people are in my face and on my nerves. Gotta go shut them up.
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Old 02-15-2006, 09:30 AM   #414  
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Oh hey, one more thing for those who watched American Idol last night. Are you just sick to death of those mouthy twins? I was SO MAD when Simon said they could stay ... I would have given them the boot and had security escort them far away from the building! GRRRR!
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Old 02-15-2006, 09:33 AM   #415  
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Yeah, I'm sick of the twins too but there would have been screaming by the public if he kicked them off. Neither of them have great voices and will not be in the final 24.
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Old 02-15-2006, 09:36 AM   #416  
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Hi Vickie,
Thanks for the help. Wouldn't the core stuff still be core and I therefore wouldn't have to count the points? I know that veg. oil is a lot of points but I thought it was ok on core. I also thought that lentil soup, chickpeas, tomato sauce, chicken and potato (once a day) was core so I wouldn't have to count them. I would only have to count the non-core items. Or am I mistaken. Do you have to count total points if an item has both core and not core components? If I have a burger (made from the lean beef once a day), do I have to count 8 points because there is a bun involved or only 3 for the bun? Now I'm really confused!
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Old 02-15-2006, 09:44 AM   #417  
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I sure didn't want to confuse you!

I'll try to make it better. Here's the WW "rule" and you can decide for yourself how to apply it. If there is more than one non-Core ingredient, then you should count the whole item as points. If you know exactly what they put in the recipe, then it's no problem to make the above decision. The problem is that you don't know if they used cream or whole milk or even fat in the recipe. I just learned yesterday that the vinegar pasta salad that I used to eat at a local restaurant is made with vinegar and BUTTER! Who uses butter on pasta salad? Anyway, I digress.

Vegetable oil is not Core. Only olive oil, canola oil and a few others that I cannot remember.

So if you have a lean beef sirloin burger with a bun, you only have to count the bun. I guess with the chickpea/potato pancake you could just get away with counting the bad oil. I really don't know what else might have been in the pattie. I guess you'll have to decide for yourself. It might help you to look up some recipes online and see what they have in them.

Hope you're not confused anymore. I surely meant to help!
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Old 02-15-2006, 10:25 AM   #418  
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Good morning all! I'm glad to hear your appointment went well, Vickie. Here's to hoping you start feeling back to normal soon.

Dh did the sweetest thing for me last night, or tried to. Here's some background info. He spent 2 years in Poland (as a missionary) before we started dating. Over the summer, we started dating. Then, I went back to school, and he went back to Poland to teach English. I took Polish in college to surprise him, and our romance survived the long distance. Anyway, he was very happy about my surprise interest in Polish (not like I remember any now, but) there's this Broadway type rock musical they did in Poland when he was there. We both enjoy the music. So, ANYWAY!

Last night he had arranged to sing one of the songs from that musical for me, in public. He took me to this nice little bar/jazz club place. Unbeknownst to me, he'd been working on this song for months with my guitar teacher. They'd written and recorded an accompaniment, practiced it countless times, etc. So we get there, lo and behold, my guitar teacher and his wife are there. How strange! And after a while, the piano guy introduces dh! He goes up, hands them the CD, and takes the mike. The CD doesn't work! He pulls out his backup. That doesn't work either. I felt so bad for him. Finally, the piano guy says he can try to follow along and play the chords, and bless his heart, dh tried. But the piano guy had never heard the song and wasn't doing it justice AT ALL. I was really impressed with dh for going through with it anyway, and he did a beautiful job. I really didn't know he could sing it that well. I just felt really bad for him, because he had literally been planning this for years and it didn't work. Of course, on the way home in the car, the CD worked perfectly and he sang it for me then. What a sweetie!

Long story, I know, but boy do I feel loved! There's no way I would go up in public and sing, especially with an impromtu accompaniment.

My guitar teacher felt really bad, and he says that dh needs to perform it again, because he worked so hard.

Anyway, thought I'd share my evening with you all. I'm a lucky woman.

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Old 02-15-2006, 10:29 AM   #419  
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WOW!!!!! NO kidding, Angela. That story brought tears to my eyes. Don't ever doubt how that man feels about you!
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Old 02-15-2006, 10:34 AM   #420  
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How sweet! What a man! That is definitely one for the books, and a great story to pass down to your children and grandchildren.
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