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Old 02-14-2006, 10:55 AM   #391  
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Geez, Kath, all that typing and I forgot my notes to you! I absolutely cannot cook on electric. I love my gas stove. The newer ones are easier to clean. Anyway....more importantly, I'm glad the storm between Judd and Kate passed quickly. I guess he reconciled quickly to the notion that she was going to move no matter what and decided to be positive about it. Is Zuki alive? Did he do the "deed" you were afraid he was planning? Judd must have been crushed since Zuki is his boy! How's that grapefruit? Did you have it for breakfast? Well, I'm off to see what you and everyone else posted. Maybe I'll be inspired for lunch ideas.
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Old 02-14-2006, 11:10 AM   #392  
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Yep, I'm with you on the gas stove issue. I absolutely love cooking with gas. The problem with mine is that they're somehow sealed and impossible to clean! It's only 6 years old and I even went to the neighbors' houses to look at theirs since all of our houses were built at the same time. They have "normal" tops -- why on earth did we end up with this one? GRRR! Anyway, I've pretty much narrowed it down to another black GE Performance Profile so all our appliances will continue to match. And I'll get gas.

Zuki lived over the evening but I nearly didn't. There was a BOMB in our bedroom last night!!! Okay, not really -- but Judd is banned from watching "24" from now on. He jumped up in the middle of the night screaming GET OUT NOW!! Good Lord, I thought I would have a heart attack! I told him there's no bomb so go back to bed, ya moron. Oh and bless your little heart for trying to save us all, by the way.

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Old 02-14-2006, 11:20 AM   #393  
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I can't lift the top of my stove up either but the way mine is built, nothing can really get under there. The burners are "sealed". I hope you enjoy yours. My applicances are almond and now almond is discontinued. Everything must be repairable.

Hey, I'm trying to save myself too! Feel free to give my advice right back to me. I have selective memory sometimes!!!!!!

Jim and I are watching 24 this season also. I know you all remember that I rented season 1 and watched it on the treadmill. I decided that the middle seasons were too terriorist and believable and would scare the living daylights out of me. So Jim is watching for the first year and LOVING it. I'm liking it too but I told him I CANNOT watch it in the evening. Or Judd and I would be screaming so loud that we'd be able to hear each other!
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Old 02-14-2006, 11:29 AM   #394  
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No! Judd was trying to save me and the dogs from the bomb!

The first season of 24, Judd watched the entire thing on DVD straight thru. The next season, he divided it up some. I think since then he's pretty much kept up with each episode as it comes on. I'd almost rather he watch it all at once, get over it, and then let me sleep. He has these night terrors pretty regularly where he sees snakes and spiders and sinkholes and people shooting at us. It makes for some interesting nights.
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Old 02-14-2006, 11:59 AM   #395  
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Default Happy Valetines Day!!

Well I hope everyone has a great Valentines Day. Hubby and son had went down the road this morn. And when they came back. Hubby had got me a single red rose. We had got each other CD's the other day. So the flower was a surprise.
Well I am finally getting the instant message thing. But it keeps taking me to page 13. It wont send the lastest page. So dont know what is up with that. Any ideas anyone.
Well the sun is shining here today. And it is to be warmer. I see the snow is starting to melt. And I think we are even suppose to get some rain either tomorrow or Thursday.
Does anyone know the points for a Tangelo. I got some of those last night. Actually they were suppose to be navel oranges. But the tangelos. Was in the spot where the oranges were to be. I looked in my getting started book and the complete food book. I didnt see them. Unless I over looked them. I am thinking mybe 1 point. They arent as big as a navel orange. But a little bigger than a clemetine.
Will have chewed one piece of gum so far today. And then I got to drinking coffe. So spit the gum out. Have finished almost a pot. So will have to get some water in.
Oh the chat thing. That sounds nice. How do you do that. How do you sign up for that. I see a thing up at the top where is says chat. But wasnt sure what is was. So please let me know how and when. That would be wonderful.
Well I am going to get off here for now. Got clothes in the dryer and a load in the washer. So have to check on them. I hope everyone has a great day.
Am thinking of all of you.
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Old 02-14-2006, 01:23 PM   #396  
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Talking Froufs Love Valentine's Day!

...all that pinkness and hearts and candy - sigh.....

Happy valentine's day to all my favorite chickies! I am wearing my little pink heart and arrow pin on my blazer today! ...and yesterday afternoon I had a surprise delivery from dh of a dozen red roses which are now on my desk - quite lovely!

I have a card for him and a heart shaped box of his 'favorite' chocolate covered cherries! Also I had put away gifts for kiddies a while ago - dd got a talking care bear (I know she's 14 but she loves care bears) and little dd got a little teddy bear which can record messages so I recorded one to him in a very high squeaky teddy bear like voice - hi doodie (his nickname) - happy valentine's day - so when he squeezes the left paw he hears this - he was pretty impressed! I am hoping to sneak into his room later and change the message again when he's not around! So much fun!

Came into work to find some chocolate hearts and a little chocolate bar on my chair, and have since received a red and white heart shaped lollipop and of course a box of donut holes and candy hearts sit by the printer! So I am trying not to go crazy - altho I did have a couple of donut holes and a chocolate heart so far!

Coco - don't sweat it about the gain - just forget it and move on - remember it's just a temporary number!

Vickie - congrats on going back in the right direction - you are so amazing to be so driven and are very inspiring to me! I think the thin crust veggie pizza is a moderate splurge so just go for it! I am actually sorry now we went out on sat night - as I now feel like celebrating again! (but I think dh is out tonight at a meeting? maybe can take little ds out?)

I have a ceran top stove and I just love it! So easy to clean!

Melissa- how sweet of aaron to get you those matching earrings - hope you have an occasion to wear them very soon!

..and my big ds just LOVES 24 - and has been watching since the beginning (when we went to Jamaica last March first question was do they have satellite tv? and he watched 24 in Jamaica and took a pic of himself next to the tv with the 24 logo on the screen - very funny!).

Saundra - how's the foot doing? Hoping you are still resting it!

...and Sandra - we are also quite into the olympic viewing - probably cuz of ds - have you noticed how well Canada is doing in Hockey? We are really excited for the finals now!

Expecting snow tonight and warming up tomorrow to freezing rain! Hope dd doesn't have another 'ice walking' fit cuz I sure couldn't take it again!

Just finished lunch which I brought from home - but I was itching to go down to the food court and see what naughty things I could find! bad bad froufie!

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Old 02-14-2006, 01:55 PM   #397  
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I'm off to the Doctor soon. I'll be back later. I just stopped in to eat my Farina for lunch and read posts.
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Old 02-14-2006, 04:24 PM   #398  
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Happy Valentines day chickies,
Hope your all having a wonderful day. I made pancakes for our participants at work this morning....whew glad I dont do that too often. Dh and I didnt exchange valentines this year...normally I get a beautiful bouquet of flowers (our anniversary is close to valentines as well) but this year I asked him not too. I would feel very quilty if he spent that much money on flowers. So this year he bought me a beautiful card and wrote things from his heart in it. We are going thru such a hard time right now , that this meant so much more to me..yes I had tears in my eyes. Hes at a meeting for work right now so Im making him his fav meal for supper along with a brownie for dessert. I know he'll appreciate it.
Paula I had to chuckle at the apple story,,it reminded me of my bros dog he used to have......when no one was home , he stole banana muffins off the kitchen table and proceeded to hide them around the He buried them in plants hahah and even tucked a couple underneath my bros bedspread. haha. They were so surprised when they went to bed that night....I still chuckle over that one. What would we do without our furbabies.
Im watching the Olympics too Sandra,,,,,I love the Olympics!
have agreat night everyone
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Old 02-14-2006, 06:17 PM   #399  
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Hello all! Well, I thought we had a nice quiet evening planned, but dh surprised me this noon by telling me we were going out after the kids went to bed. He arranged to have my mom come over, so we could go out. He was just going to yank me out of the house without telling me, but I guess the girls at work told him he should give me some advance warning so I could actually dress for the occasion. He won't say where we're going though, so menu planning will be hard. I'll try to be good though. I did get into dd's valentine's candy a bit, but not too badly.

I'm off to do the dishes and make dinner for the girls...

Hope everyone's having a nice Valentine's Day.
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Old 02-14-2006, 06:24 PM   #400  
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i just have a minute here as our company is here from texas. we're enjoying their being here soooo much. wish they could stay longer. they are leaving around 5 am tomorrow. (sniff sniff)

frouf, we're rooting for the canadian athletes as well as the u. s. i love the olympics. one of our archers got to go to athens but just as a spectator. he brought us back an olympic flag that is signed by olympic archers from all over the world. we have it framed and hanging on our wall. it's quite a conversation piece.

i apologize for not answering posts but i have to go be hostess. ya'll have a wonderful valentine evening.
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Old 02-14-2006, 06:59 PM   #401  
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I'm back at my computer. It was tough being in bed for so long, but yesterday was really bad. It feels a whole lot better tonight. I made a cane from a flat mop. I hope that I'll be able to drive in a couple of days.

Looks like you're all having really nice days. Bern got me a pretty arrangement with red and white flowers in a sweet container. (Kathy, I know they won't last forever, but they are nice to look at from my bed.) He's working till 8:00, so maybe he'll pick something up for dinner on the way home.

Kids were really great and helped me get through this. They are bringing Natan over soon, so I'll be off for now.

Have a wonderful evening,
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Old 02-14-2006, 07:42 PM   #402  
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Now you guys! I'm not a flower snob and I know that people really, really like them! They're just not for me! So if you get flowers, enjoy them and appreciate the sentiment!

I'm waiting for Judd to get home. The peapods are waiting to be sauteed at the last minute, kabobs are in the oven, rice is cooked and salad is made. The table is set with a nice fruit centerpiece and candles.

Saundra, I hope the ankle feels much better very soon!
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Old 02-14-2006, 07:44 PM   #403  
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Evening Everyone
I hope everyone has had a great day.
Well the eating has been so-so today. Could have done better. But I got it into my mind. That Tues are kinda a splurge day. I need to change that kind of thinking. Just a habit I am going to have to break.
Hubby isnt feeling good tonight. He slept about 3 hours this afternoon. He even fall. Said the snow made him fall. So dont know what really happened. I was inside and he had went out to see what our son was doing. And he came back in and he had fall.
I called the Dr today. Trying to find out about hubby's MRI. But the never called me back. So I guess I will have to try again tomorrow.
Has anyone ever read any of the Joyce Myers books. They say she has one out dealing with weight loss. and a new one coming out. Does anyone know the name of the book. I have never read any of her books. But they say she is good.
Well I hope everyone has had a great Valentines Day.
Thinking of all of you.
Have a wonderful evening
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Old 02-14-2006, 08:01 PM   #404  
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KATPO I am not into the flowers either. I think of the money spent and then they die. And you throw them out. I think look at all the fruits and veggies I could buy. And that is better than the flowers. Cause I cant eat the flowers. I mean I like them. And was surprise when hubby came home with the rose this morn. Hope your dinner turns out nice.
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Old 02-14-2006, 08:32 PM   #405  
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Hey Chicks! I can't stay because I promised Jim my complete attention on Valentine's Day! I can't respond to posts right now but I'll be back in the morning.

I just wanted to tell you all that I got very good news from the Urologist. He thinks the stone is gone. The X-ray technician still sees a piece but the Doctor doesn't think it is a piece of stone. I guess I have to believe the Doctor. He says I'll continue to pass framents for at least another week. Thankfully, though I don't have to use the strainer any more. I didn't catch anything big enough to analyze. He said it's calcium and I should cut down my calcium and protein. He also said not to go crazy with the diet because if a person is predisposed then it almost doesn't matter what you do. He said when the Atkins diet got popluar it at least doubled his kidney stone patients! He also says my discomfort will continue for a little while yet. I'm looking forward to feeling well.

Talk to you all in the morning.
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