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Old 06-12-2005, 04:41 PM   #121  
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Kath, hope you feel better. That stinks about DD. I think everyone should be entitled to some type of health coverage no matter where they work or for how many hours.

Lisa, sorry I'm clueless there. Maybe he's got a chlorine sensitivity?

Angela, glad you checked with the Doc. It's nice to know that it isn't anything serious.
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Old 06-12-2005, 05:10 PM   #122  
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Lisa, this shouldn't be funny but I'll say it anway. I was going to put a few words in Google and see what I came up with, then I thought ... "uh oh, I'll bet I get a lot of kiddie porn sites!" I'm not EVEN about to do a search on "little boy's weiner". I've never heard of it either, but hopefully it's nothing to be concerned about.
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Old 06-12-2005, 06:57 PM   #123  
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Maybe cold??? Or I know chlorine sometimes makes my skin hurt, maybe it's that? Do you have him shower it off right afterwards? Is it the skin or the inside that hurts? Sorry, I'm pretty useless in this department - I've got three little girls! I'm thinking in about 11 years, I'm going to be hating life, as they'll be 17, 15, and 13. Whee!

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Old 06-12-2005, 07:29 PM   #124  
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Hi all! Have stuck with my CORE all day today and am proud!
I was surfing the net and found a web site that I took a core idea from (can't remember which one it was, sorry) and they said to mix any flavor SF, FF pudding mix with 2 cups of FF plain yogurt and it makes a cheesecake type of thing. Well, I had bought the new Jello Cheesecake flavored SF, FF pudding mix and tried it with this, it was totally awesome with fresh strawberries on top, really great.
My mother in law used to have a pool at her last house and used a product called something like (sp???) baquisille in it rather than chlorine. My son complained of his private parts hurting and itching every time he went swimming as well as myself. I couldn't go in her pool ultimately. She's in a new house and thankfully uses chlorine now. Baquisille (sp?) is a surgical soap used to sterilize in hospitals, I have heard and it can cause an allergic/skin reaction. You should check to see what the town is using in their pool, if it's this product, you are going to have to stay away from it, sadly.
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Old 06-12-2005, 07:37 PM   #125  
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Oh yes, one more thing. I have never seen that Rotel product, but I can substitute some other brand of diced tomatoes. I think Del Monte or Hunts has them with green chilis as well? I'll check!
Thanks for the tip!
Linda H. in NH
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Old 06-12-2005, 08:33 PM   #126  
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Hi again!

I love Rotel.......I grew up with a dip called Chili Con Queso that was made with Velveeta cheese and was awesome!

Lisa - I can't shed any light on the hurting privates either - I, too, have girls. But I would bet, as the others mentioned, it might be the chlorine....they put so much of it in public pools.

Kath - I have had UTI's in the past and they aren't fun and the meds are $$$....hopefully the things you suggested will work.......How did your dd make out at work today?

I may have some questions for you all regarding CORE "rules". I have familiarized myself with everything pretty thoroughly, but still have some how many servings of dairy a day? I am guessing 2?? I am looking forward to going to a meeting and getting you all go to meetings?

Well, off the computer for the night......I will be by tomorrow from work. And again, thanks for the welcome!
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Old 06-12-2005, 08:46 PM   #127  
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Yes, you're right. I've seen other brands do the tomatoes and chilies thing. I think the Rotel cans are a little smaller though - like 11 ounces instead of 15, so if your recipe calls for Rotel, keep that in mind. I'll check the next time I'm at the store to make sure though.

Cindy, regarding the dairy servings, I think it is 2 minimum per day. I always get in 3, because I love milk. Yes, I go to meetings, even though I'm Lifetime now. It keeps me accountable, and I also go to keep my Mom company. She's doing Core too.

Time to put the kiddos to bed - then more Survivor for me. We've only got two episodes of this season left (on DVD). But there are a bunch of special features that will keep us busy for a while too.

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Old 06-12-2005, 09:57 PM   #128  
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we just got home from columbia falls. i won the montana state championship and beat the old record by 6 points. i set the new state record at 544. this record is for senior women ages 55-64. (i beat the old men!)

the weather was pretty saturday, but sunday we had to shoot in the cold and rain. it was about 48*.

okay, enough archery bragging. i didn't stay 100% core but i came close. i've had too many waps, but i ate mainly core. i have to tell you i made better choices than i've made in a long time. i hope it pays off on the scales. tonight i had one of my fat free 3 point pizzas and sf/ff pudding. life is good.

i don't know if i'll do much exercise this week, but i may go to curves. my feet still hurt. this tournament was pretty rough on them.

here's something funny that you'll appreciate: there was a conference at the hotel we were staying at this weekend. it was some group called "CORE." on our way to breakfast saturday morning, we saw a sign on a conference room about "CORE ESSENTIALS." that helped keep me focused.

i am several pages behind and will head now to catch up on all of you. it's good to be home.
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Old 06-12-2005, 10:26 PM   #129  
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Congratulations, Sandra! We have a real champion among us! That is awesome and I'm glad you had a great time!

Cindy, thanks for asking about my DD. She made it home okay, found her old Rx (just for pain though) and is taking Azo, drinking cranberry juice and water, and we're hoping for the best. She also has a slight cold, and has to open the store at 6:00 in the morning, but felt like going to Starbucks with her friend so maybe she's okay.

I'm still feeling a little weird, so decided to eat a bowl of cereal before bedtime. I'm hungry but not ... know that feeling? I thought going to bed on an empty stomach would probably not be a very good thing to do.

Later, chickies!
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Old 06-12-2005, 10:35 PM   #130  
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Great job Sandra! Congratulations!!!

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Old 06-12-2005, 10:37 PM   #131  
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Sandra, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I just knew you would do us old girls proud! Welcome home. We missed your posts. Congratulations on staying so true to program. That's very hard to do when you're away from home.

Linda, congratulations on your Core day!

Cindy, dairy servings are 2 unless you are 50 or older then it goes up to 3. I weigh in at a Center and also stay for meetings. I've only missed about 3 meetings but have weighed in every week for the last 38 weeks! Most of my support though comes from my friends here. I need the accountability of the WW scale and I enjoy/learn from the meeting topics.

Angela, enjoy your DVD's!

Kath, glad your DD is not feeling too badly. I had a UTI a couple of years ago and suffered with it for a couple of months because my Doc gave me a prescription that didn't work on the type of bacteria that I had. Finally, I complained so loudly that he tested me again and found out that he had me on the wrong antibiotic. It was a horrible couple of months! Hope she gets well soon.

Well, I just popped in for a minute to see what was up with all of you. I'm off to serve my Pistachio Pineapple Lush!

Tomorrow is my Ortho appointment and probably my elbow cortisone shot. I'm such a scaredy cat but I'm tired of the pain so I'll let him do the shot. Probably won't talk to you all until tomorrow afternoon.
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Old 06-12-2005, 10:38 PM   #132  
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thank you, kathy. curtis and i are still on cloud 9.

whew! i was 6 pages behind. and that's just on this thread!

vickie, the shot won't be too bad. just have your mind on something else when you're getting it. (don't look either.) a cyst! i hope you can get it (or them) drained and get some relief. my left foot is still hurting. this tournament was rough on it. (on both feet actually)

cher, that's neat of your supervisor to have you work at home on fridays. be careful with the snacking but enjoy yourself.

linda about frank's being a dragon slayer. curtis is, too. we have pesky magpies that are keeping the smaller birds and hummingbirds away. they are also getting into the trash and other stuff. i've been calling curtis "bwahna."

lindanh, i had to eat out 7 times since friday. it is tough.

vivian, congratulations to you and dd for the great weightlosses.

lisa, congrats on turtling. that's good.

kathy, did you have fun working in the yard? i love doing that. i have to admit that i have to be in the mood, though.

angela, that looks painful! poor dd!

frouf, congratulations on losing that pound. those other 26 will be off soon.

linda, i posted it over in desserts. i'll go look it up for you. here it is:

frozen peanut butter cups

8 oz. ff cool whip
1/2 cup peanut butter (i used extra crunchy)
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup

line muffin pans with liners. with spoon, mix cool whip and pb untill well combined. spoon even portions into muffin liners. top each with a swirl of chocolate syrup. freeze 6-8 hours until frozen. once solid, remove the pan and place into freezer bag or container.

points per serving--2 pts

you can also use mini size foil cups and make 24 at 1 pt each. they don't re-freeze real hard and the chocolate never freezes. these kind of melt in your mouth.

when i eat these, i'd wag my tail if i were a puppy.

welcome, ladydreamer and cindy. i'm looking forward to getting to know you.

kathy, i have trouble finding good rotel here in montana. most of what i find says, "mild." what's the point of mild rotel?

lisa, have you asked ds' doctor? i've never heard of it. it might be some kind of bacteria.

well, i'm off here now so dh can get on ebay. i'll be back in the am.
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Old 06-12-2005, 10:40 PM   #133  
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vickie and angela. thank you. it's going to take a long time for my smile to wear off.

vickie, where is the pistachio pineapple lush recipe? i need to check that one out for sure.

Last edited by notnew2this; 06-12-2005 at 10:44 PM.
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Old 06-12-2005, 10:45 PM   #134  
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Here it is, Sandra. It's on our dessert board. I'll let you know if I like it. Kathy made it too and is taking it to work with her this week.
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Old 06-12-2005, 10:49 PM   #135  
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thanks, vickie. i'll go get it now.
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