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Old 06-15-2005, 11:32 AM   #226  
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First let me say to Terry! That's amazing!

Kathy, I'm sorry to hear about your bp meds but at least you know now and can get off of them. Its good that you have that option. And I hope that you won't be leaving us even if you are modifying how you eat. We would miss you too much!

Vickie, I hope that you are doing okay with your worrying this morning. I am a worrier too (but better than I used to be), so I can sympathize. I'm sure everything will be okay. And we'll hope that he just isn't selected!

Frouf, hope you are feeling more awake now. I am tired too, my own fault b/c I stayed up and talked to DH after he got home from work after 10.

Busy, busy, busy at work today. Hopefully I'll talk to you all later!
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Old 06-15-2005, 11:34 AM   #227  
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cindy, happy bday to your dh! have fun today.

vicki, i'm sending you positive thoughts for jim. i hope he gets jury duty over with this morning. maybe he won't get chosen. curtis and i have one vehicle, too. most of the time that's all right, but every once in awhile we feel like we need another car. yep, my friend, retirement is wonderful. i never dreamed it could be this good. did you?

frouf, that's what i used to say about some of my students back when i was teaching. (i also said it about my son a few times, too.) hang in there and keep smiling. a friend of mine once told me (during a crisis at work) "keep smiling and make them wonder what you know."

kathy, do what you need to do. you know we're here for you and will support you all the way. my dh is addicted to ice cream. he eats it by the half gallons. if he doesn't get his "fix", he's super grouchy. so i did something that may or may not be good. i bought him a milkshake mixer and taught him how to use it. yesterday he had 2 shakes (each had 3 small scoops of ice cream). that seemed to satisfy him and keep him from being ballistic. one of the things i like about it is he can use it himself. life is good.

TERRY, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
YOU ROCK, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

curtis and i both are getting crowns around noon today. does this make us royalty?
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Old 06-15-2005, 11:37 AM   #228  
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hi, melissa. you must have been posting when i was. it's good to see you here. i don't understand it but i'm looking forward to wi. this is new for me. don't work too hard today. i'll see ya later.
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Old 06-15-2005, 11:39 AM   #229  
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I don't know if I would say that I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not dreading it either. I sneaked onto the scale this morning and it was down a pound. Hopefully it will still be on Friday! (although I am envious of Terry's 5 pounds....of course, she runs her butt off...literally )
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Old 06-15-2005, 11:44 AM   #230  
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Wow what powerful blinks we must have - GOOD WORK TERRY - I think all that exercise and core eating is really paying off for you! You must feel great!

Vickie - glad to hear Jim made it okay - I'm sure he'll be fine and will be safe and sound. And I hope he reaches you so you can enjoy lunch w/your family!

Kathy - so slip in a baked potato, brown rice once in a while and just don't call it Core! I find low carb and Core really very close so I'm sure you will manage just fine! Good luck w/"feeding" your dh!

Melissa - so far feeling okay - but I"m sure it will hit me later.

It just started pouring outside - like buckets - so I guess I will not be walking at lunchtime? There is a "tenant's bbq" today (I am not participating) and another branch one tomorrow (Yes I have pre-ordered my chicken on a bun - but will pass on the chips and ice cream) and I think they will both be rained out!

So where are they handing out these crowns? I could sure use a new tiara - my old one is looking pretty tarnished these days!

Almost lunchtime!


Last edited by Froufy; 06-15-2005 at 11:50 AM.
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Old 06-15-2005, 11:45 AM   #231  
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frouf, i'd give you my crown if i could. ouch!

melissa, i need to run my butt some.
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Old 06-15-2005, 11:49 AM   #232  
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Me too!

Frouf, I guess you will have to find another way to walk! Maybe walk laps around the office?

Kathy, I've been meaning to ask you a weird question. Do you lift your heels when you do the gazelle? I don't know if I'm doing it wrong or what, but sometimes my knees hurt. Just wondering.
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Old 06-15-2005, 12:29 PM   #233  
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Hi all,

Thanks to everyone for your support. And yes, I do feel really good - especially after the gain last week.

I am only working a half day today 'cuz my cousin is in town and I need to get her to the airport.

Froufy, are you sure you aren't being secretly filmed for something like EdTV? Maybe your family are really actors who present you with various situations to deal with so that your reactions can be caught on tape.

I applaud you for staying on plan when so much is going on. Can you walk at your local mall?

Kathy, my DH does Atkins (or his personal version of it that I've been calling Scottkins). There are core main meals that would work for low-carb. Side dishes get a little trickier, but you could certainly enjoy a potato or some rice while he has another hunk of meat or cheese. Be careful if you decide to do low carb -- I lost weight on it but gained all of back within a couple months of going off. It's hard to keep on it as a lifestyle. Please keep posting on the board -- whatever you end up doing.

Vickie, I know the courthouse. Try not to worry too much. If your DH is commuting there on the expressway or main streets, there's traffic and many other commuters around during the day. At the court area, there's lots of security and lots of people. Not to mention, the last place evildoers want to hang out is near a place with lots of police. With all that said, I know it's still hard. Try to hang in there.

Melissa, I am the queen of knee problems. I actually bought a book called Heal your own knees. I run with braces and ace bandages on both knees. The first question to ask would be whether you are wearing good shoes. Don't ignore knee pain. If your knees hurt after the gazelle, do the RICE thing - rest, ice, compression (an ace bandage), elevation.

Sandra, have fun with your crown. Do you remember the old Imperial margarine commercials?? Dah, dah, dah, dah.

LindaNH -- let me know how the oat flour experiment goes. I'd love to make a decent muffin or cake.

I'm planning to go to a summer festival downtown this weekend (Taste of Randolph). I love fests, and drag my poor whining DH to lots of them over the summer. The problem is there is LOTS OF FOOD -- the local restauarants have booths with portions of their specialties and a little sign saying "Welcome Terry". The nice thing is that this fest has a website where they've posted all the food that will be available. Still - it's going to be quite a challenge, and it's the first of many such events. Needless to say I'm saving all my WPAs and may actually try to figure out the APs.

I posted another guacamole recipe. It sounds really good and is all core.

Have a wild and wonderful Wednesday.


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Old 06-15-2005, 12:30 PM   #234  
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Sometimes I do get on my tiptoes on it. I usually just keep my legs slightly bent and feet flat down. A girl at work who has one says it has started hurting her back. ??? Wonder why?

Congrats, Terry! Melissa's right -- you're running your butt off!! That is just so great!!

Well, I'm off to find some food. I didn't bring anything for lunch so it'll either be Boston Market chicken and vegetables, or McDonald's Big Mac, large fries, and a chocolate shake. Okay, I think it's time to sober up and come back to reality! I'll be having the chicken, of course.
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Old 06-15-2005, 03:54 PM   #235  
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Hey everyone! I just got back from visiting my sister. She lives about 50 minutes away, so it was a bit of a drive. The girls were good though, and had a great time playing with their cousins.

I ended up bringing a salad to eat, as I have weigh-in this afternoon. Of course, I'm sitting here eating a handful of Lucky Charms.

Vickie, I hope Jim won't be picked for the jury, so you can stop worrying.

And congratulations Terry, on the great loss! Way to go!

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Old 06-15-2005, 04:09 PM   #236  
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Aaaaaah, I am so stressed out. We are already totally stretched financially because we had to pay for the whole freaking summer camp up front. Now every other minute today I'm getting news of something else that's going to cost money. First, the camera is over $400--at Costco, which means it must be pretty darn fancy. I was hoping it wouldn't be more than half that.

Next I heard on the radio that the lovely San Diego city council has voted to cut the after school program budget in half, which means that we are either going to have to pay more next year or lose the program at our school entirely.

Make me put this cheese away. I brought some cheese to go on my chef salad and I was rushed, so I brought the whole piece from the grocery store and I'm nibbling at it like a nervous mouse.
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Old 06-15-2005, 04:53 PM   #237  
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terry, yes, i remember those commercials. we're having "taste of missoula" this saturday. luckily curtis and i will be at a local archery tournament and won't get a chance to answer any food calling.

kathy, dream on, girlfriend. seems like just yesterday we were eating at mickey d's, doesn't it? wish we had a boston market here. we have 4 mickey d's, of course. oh, well. someday maybe.

angela, let us know how wi goes. lucky charms have to bring you luck, don't they? isn't that written somewhere?

okay, minnie mouse, let go of that cheese. remember--it's a trap!

i'm munching on some muffin tops now. they taste like cookies. i figured (and i hope i'm right this time) they are 2 waps for all 6. ain't that somethin?
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Old 06-15-2005, 05:12 PM   #238  
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Default WW products....

I believe Weight Watchers.. whole wheat bread is 1 pt for two slices, that's why I buy that one....the bagels are 2 pts and the Lite Muffins are 1 pts....I believe the white sliced is 2 pts..
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Old 06-15-2005, 05:14 PM   #239  
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TERRY-wholy moley....girl......what the heck is YOUR are certainly doing something right.....what an inspiration !!!!!

VICKIE- how did things go with Jim?? Are you ok??

TOOOOOOOOO many pages to read....last time I was here it was page 12 now we're at 16 and dozen and dozens of post.. can do with the catch up thingy.....I don't know how you all are able to post so often on a daily basis.......whewwwwww. So once again I am odd person out and will catch up one of these days....

I just hope everyone is doing well.....and hanging in there!!

Ciao for now..........

Last edited by L.J; 06-15-2005 at 05:29 PM.
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Old 06-15-2005, 05:35 PM   #240  
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L.J., both the white and whole wheat are two slices for a point, because they put a whole of fiber in the white. I usuall buy the whole wheat, though, because it tastes better.

Okay, I put away the cheese. If I get hungry later, I have some strawberries.
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