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Old 06-10-2005, 09:45 AM   #31  
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OUCH! I hope the poor baby feels better soon! That's my kind of child though ... one with a conscience!
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Old 06-10-2005, 10:47 AM   #32  
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Unhappy Things Can Always Get Worse....

I am in a great funk today - I don't think I can blame it on PMS anymore? (altho TOM just won't disappear!), I think I am feeling pretty blue and depressed.

Just when you think things are maybe okay and you figure things won't get worse - they do! I can barely write this but I need to vent and I while I feel so bad about this I am trying not to blame myself but i feel so guilty - like it must be my fault? Of course was in dd's room last night picking up stuff (like the dishes she left there?), and while cleaning up found a NOTE - yes those notes the kids pass around in class.

I of course read it and was SHOCKED to see what I did - now while there is some room for interpretation it seems to me as I read that dd has been providing her boyfriend w/sexual favors for MONEY!!!! At least that's what it looks like (note is from her gf saying how much they care for her and love and don't want to see anything bad happen to her and why does she do "it" for $20).....and dd's response says they Make out (so not sure exactly what they are doing!!). I am at a loss as to how to react. If it's not one thing it's another. I did have a talk with her about "valuing" herself and what boys "want" and how careful she needs to be about "giving herself" but sure didn't sink in I guess?

Not sure what the best approach is - I sure do want to call the bf and his parents and let them know what's up (bad news is there is no definitive reference to this boy in the note, but I think we all know who it is!). I will show the note to dd upon her return (away for weekend), and try to get an explanation but I know we'll get stuck at "why are you reading my notes" (yes it was left in plain view on her dresser). So instead of allowing this child "to spend more time w/her friends" I sure want to ground her and chain her to the house for the next 10 years or so? ...and what kind of a boy offers $$ to a girl? Is he like practicing to be a pimp or something? I am sick, sick, sick. The fact is tho I know she has not been to his place for at least 2 weeks? (god forbid they are doing this at school?). She is on a schoolbus to and from school and has been home on time???

...and yes I want to eat everything in sight. It was all I could do to avoid the Mcdonald's and coffee shop cinammon bun for breakfast (parked at different exit in basement garage so I could avoid passing these on my way in!).

...and dh on my case about treating him like a "slave" and delegating to him and harassing him about the state of the yard (like for the last 7 years he's been "working on the lawn") which is like a weedfest - ya he's working on it and constantly complaining about the lack of help he gets! Ya - well join the club! So another summer will go by where I don't set foot in the backyard and keep all the blinds drawn so I don't have to look at how ugly it is. I so wanted to get the patio in, new furniture and a bbq this year - but I guess we're on the 10 year plan?.

Maybe I'm just extra cranky as I keep asking ds if he's working on his math? (sure doesn't look like it - and this is eating away at me as I know he won't be graduating this year yet again!).

I just want to get in my car and keep if I head south I'll come and visit some of you? (who will I reach first???).

Sleep is my only escape? If I can even manage that!


Last edited by Froufy; 06-10-2005 at 10:51 AM.
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:18 AM   #33  
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hi, ladies. i just have a minute here but wanted to report i'm down 2 lbs!!!!
frouf, i don't know what to say except we're all your friends.

got to go now. the car's already loaded. we're ready to leave. ya'll have a good weekend.

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Old 06-10-2005, 11:56 AM   #34  
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Froufy, I'm sorry to hear about another tough time. It's hard to be everyone's mom and everyone's conscience. I hope everything goes well for your niece.

My little problems are probably going to blow over. We had a talk with dd last night and this morning and, as far as we can tell she just found the camera and put it in her backpack and then lost it. The backpacks are always lying around all over the school, depending on what they are doing, so it could have been anyone. We let her know she should have given the camera to an adult right away and we're going to have her apologize and help us replace it. The school seems to believe that it was just an unfortunate accident.

Ds was very cute in his show last night, wearing a shark hat. Both kids are going to the zoo with their classes today. I hope no one falls in the polar bear cage or anything. They're going to be so tired between yesterday and today. I'm sort of glad ds doesn't get his reward trip this week. We were going to drive to L.A., and I'd just as soon skip that. Needless to say, I didn't get the greatest night's sleep and just couldn't face a walk this morning.

Congratulations on the losses, Melissa and Sandra. I've got wi tomorrow and I'm hoping to be heading down at least a little.
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Old 06-10-2005, 12:14 PM   #35  
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Congrats on your great loss sandra - and wishing you LOTS OF LUCK - hope to hear wonderful news upon your return.

Cher - don't you love those concerts? Our youngest is in a play next Friday - wearing some bunny ears - I just can't wait....and I know your ds must feel so bad about the camera! But a good lesson to learn I guess.

Time for lunch - I am starving!

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Old 06-10-2005, 02:36 PM   #36  
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Just wanted to hop on and say Hi! I'll be back later to answer posts. I'm actually going to to get in my pool! Hope it's warm enough. I had my last therapy today and go for the cortisone shot on Monday. I'm scared.

Then I asked my PT about my foot pain and she basically blew my podiatrist out of the water. Podiatrist really didn't make much of a diagnosis nor did she come up with a treatment plan. PT pokes around for a couple of seconds and says it seems like a ganglene (sp?) cyst; actually she felt two. Probably needs to have the fluid drained. She was surprised Podiatrist didn't make diagnosis. So....I'll probably ask Ortho about it on Monday. I'll have to make another appointment though to keep it seperate from the accident/elbow stuff. Isn't that something? PT says these cysts can cause nerve pain. Boy oh boy. Shouldn't Podiatrist been able to know this?

Well I'm going to take my grumpy self to the pool to see if it helps improve my mood. I'll have to haul myself out with my good left elbow and my good right foot!

Talk with you all later.
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Old 06-10-2005, 03:05 PM   #37  
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Vickie - I had a ganglion cyst on my wrist. Dr. sucked it out with a syringe - didn't hurt - said it might come back, but never did. It was gone in about a minute. Hopefully you can get rid of yours as quick.

Frouf - hang in there! I bet some days you just can't wait for everyone to grow up and get out of the house. I know I feel like that and mine are 11 and 5.

Yay - to those of you with losses! ! WI for me tomorrow, but TOM on the horizon, so we'll see.....................

BBL - hubby mowing and looks like he's sweating to death as it is very steamy here. Taking him some ice water.

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Old 06-10-2005, 03:56 PM   #38  
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Well time to go home, just checking in - on my way to get my NAILS DONE!!! Yippee - can't decide on color - think pale this time? Won't be home til after 7 pm so will bring my apple and pick up a decaf on the way. I did get into some chocolate covered caramels this afternoon - bad froufie!

Vickie - hope you had a great swim and are in a better mood. Definitely ask more questions re foot problem.

It has turned just gray out there and it is EXTREMELY hot and muggy here too so I expect a thunderstorm is brewing?

WI tomorrow am and I am thinking I am turtling as well? Trying to drink more water today but TOM is still hanging on.

No big plans this weekend - but I am going for breakfast on Sunday am w/my best gf so we get to vent and compare complaints - lots of fun and she is also on Core which is nice.

Might go swimming at sil's pool? or maybe take little ds to movies (I think the sharkboy lava girl movie just opened - and it's in 3-D!!! How exciting is that?).

Hope everyone if planning for a great weekend!

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Old 06-10-2005, 05:22 PM   #39  
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Afternoon! I'm gearing up to make the cornmeal chicken - hope it's everything you all have said it is!

The girls enjoyed their math treasure hunt. The "treasure" was homemade sidewalk paint (equal parts cornstarch and water, with a little food coloring). I saw the recipe on public TV. They had fun painting our front steps.

Annika's eye looks horrible, but she doesn't seem too bothered by it today. She even said it didn't hurt, so must not be too painful. It hurts ME to look at it though, poor baby.

We took my mom and brother to the airport this morning. They're going on a weeklong sightseeing jaunt around the East Coast - NY, Boston, Washington D.C... I'm jealous. I hope my mom manages to find some good Core food while she's there though. My brother is one of those Energizer bunny types that never slows down, so I took him aside and asked him to take it easy on Mom. She's WAY more active than she used to be, but she will push herself too hard just to prove that she can.

Well, better go start my chicken - it won't cook itself!

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Old 06-10-2005, 05:48 PM   #40  
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Well, I just got a call from my supervisor telling me to go home or "it's Yabba Dabba Doo time" as she put it. Seems she's uncomfortable with the idea of me working in an almost empty building (most people take every other Friday off), and she wants to put in a request to have me work from home on off Fridays. That's very cool of her and I think I'll take advantage of it sometimes, although there are some networked programs I need some days that I wouldn't have at home. It could come in handy having the flexibility to get some errands done this summer since I'll have a longer drive to pick up the kids.

Less time with you all, though, so there is a downside. I'll have to watch snacking, too, since I'll have my whole kitchen available.
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Old 06-10-2005, 06:01 PM   #41  
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Froufie, my heart so goes out to you. I dont' get involved much but that doesn't mean I don't feel your pain. My heart aches for you when I read what you are going through, from all angles. To me, you are such a STRONG person, God Bless you, by now I would have broken. I can hardly imagine. Our children are our lives, and it pains us so when things like this happen, even to our 'friends'

Kathy, sorry I thought you did Core that week...oops!! So it looks like points works in your favor as well as core does. Well girlfriend whatever you're doing, you're doing something right.
To all the Saturday weighers, this Saturday weigher isn't expecting a thing....I had my usual good days and right on target screwed up a few....I just crack myself up ....I am dressed and ready to core everyday,but somehow someone comes into my life, knocks me over the head and takes over my 'very well' planned day.... I'll get that bugger yet!!
Angela, what great days you plan for your girls...that's wonderful. I hope Annika is ok, poor baby....bless her heart, sounds like a real trooper.
I just love that name..meant to ask, do you call Madeline, Maddie??
My friends little girls' name is Madeline and they call her Maddie, love that too. Just curious
What is your 3rd little girls name??
What a great trip your Mom and brother have planned, great places to site see, that's for sure. Will they be going to the Smithsonian?? A place I ALWAYS have wanted to visit and never got there when we lived in N.Y.

Cher are you a native Californian?? I lived in San Francisco for 3 years, sorry I ever left there....California is so beautiful.
Good luck to you and Lisa too at W/I as I said I am NOT expecting anything good from tomorrow....funny how we JUST know

Kathy and Frouf....good luck to you too also.....and any other Sat.weigher I may have left out...

It is pouring here, remnants of Tropical Storm Arlene.....our screen panel has blown alway from the wind....I won't be going out there, you never know, those pesky gegkos may be there....Frank will have to go gegko hunting....when ever he gets rid of one he refers to himself as Dragon Slayer, he cracks me up
Terry how are things with you today, don't think I saw a post?
Vickie how wonderful to just be able to go out your own door to you own that's the for me I prefer the beach...but I'd love to have MY own pool.......ahhh someday!!
Well I have to go check out my City Confidential on A&E.
See you all tomorrow.....good luck Saturday people ....Linda
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Old 06-10-2005, 06:15 PM   #42  
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Linda, my parents moved here when I was 18 and I've lived in San Diego or the Bay Area off and on most of the time since, with a six year break in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
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Old 06-10-2005, 06:30 PM   #43  
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I have to work in the morning so am seriously thinking about not going to weigh-in. I know, I know -- I should, but if I do, it'll put me at the office for a lot longer than I need to be. DH is building shelves in the garage this weekend and I'm supposed to help, so I need to get back home. WW is nowhere near the office, two completely different directions, so there's no "on the way" options.

Good part about it is that I have another week to really buckle down and make something of myself! I'm sure that I'd be down at least a pound tomorrow, maybe more, but that'll just make next week all that much better.

We're going out for dinner ... I guess I'll just eat anything I want and worry about it later. While not necessarily a smart plan, it sounds fun at the moment.


Last edited by Katpo; 06-10-2005 at 08:27 PM.
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Old 06-10-2005, 06:33 PM   #44  
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Grandma calls her Maddie, but we mostly call her Madeline. The third one's name is Ainsley (pronounced Aynz-lee).

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Old 06-10-2005, 07:39 PM   #45  
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Hi guys!
You sure are a chatty bunch!
I have to ask how to count a meal I just had in terms of using my 35 flex points and what is/isn't CORE....
We went to a place called Bertruccis. On surverying the menu, I was looking for what I figured to be my best options on the CORE plan to order.
First, I had Tuscan Minestrone soup, a cup not a bowl. In our WW Food companion most minestrone soups are core, but in a restaurant am I safe or should I count the points?
Then, I did have a roll, I'll count three points for that and I dipped it in olive oil, which is my only oil of the day, so that is CORE.
Then, I had a grilled chicken salad with ff dressing. There was parmesan on top and croutons. I would presume I should count the points for the croutons and certainly the parmesan, but I have no idea how many. Would you guess 5 points for both?
The chicken was plain and not marinated in anything.
Drink was a diet coke, no alcahol.
Without trying to be on core, I'd have had a pasta dish there and probably lots of fat and some kind of meat with it, perhaps? Or, I'd have had brick oven pizza like the rest of my family had.
I think I did ok. Since Wednesday, I've been totally on my core plan and have only use three flex points up til today, so I'm "good" still until next week.
I think I need to count a total of 8 flex points for this meal, does that seem right?
So, my total for this week, used, so far would then be 11 out of 35.
Dining out is hard, but I tried to survey the menu for things I could work with, it was a hard menu and I truly think this was really the only smart choice at this place.
So, how did I do?
Linda in NH
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