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Old 06-10-2005, 07:44 PM   #46  
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Vickie if you ortho is like mine he'll say that you have to go to the podiatrist to get it taken care of. I had one on top of my foot and podiatrist took care of it.
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Old 06-10-2005, 08:38 PM   #47  
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NH Linda - I would probably count the soup as CORE and then 3pts. each for the croutons, parmesan and roll. So, I would count it as a total of 9 pts., which is pretty darn close to your 8 pts.

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Old 06-10-2005, 08:55 PM   #48  
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Linda, that sounds right to me! It also sounds like you made some very good choices!

We went to Chilis and I had the shrimp and chicken skewers. It came with a bunch of rice and broccoli; I ate all of the meat, most of the broccoli, and about half of the rice. Oh and two margaritas. Then I dragged DH to look at houses. I swear, I want to move so badly but I'm too lazy to clean this one first so that we can list it. Bad, huh? MIL is a realtor and so it doesn't really cost us anything (at least no realtor fees), plus she finds out about all the good ones.

Here are the ones I'm thinking about. Hope you can see them.

Very tacky and 70s -- but totally fixable, cheap and on the golf course

A little more, but really nice and also on the golf course

My personal favorite but the house next door is nasty

My problem now is that our house is 2-story, I want a 1-story. Our lot is on a cul-de-sac, which is nice, but it's 1/3 acre. I want smaller. I also want a pool but don't want to add one here because we were on the edge of a farm with trees and cows behind us, but 2 years ago they cut a road in and built a bunch of cheap KB Homes behind us. There goes the neighborhood. We have four living areas and I think two would be plenty. DH wants a 3-car garage because of the motorcycle and trailer. So ... we're talking about it but I don't know.

Now I've sent him off to his friend's house to play poker. He didn't want to go, but the friend called and sounded really pitiful because only 3 people showed. He said they were going to have to cancel. I finally convinced DH to be a good friend and just GO! Sent him with a 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke and a bottle of Crown; he'll be fine for a few hours. And I have some time to myself!! Ahhhhh ...
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Old 06-10-2005, 10:09 PM   #49  
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Hey everyone, Just checking in for a few minutes... it's pretty busy here at work. Everyone trying to change or cancel their reservations due to the storm. I am working a 12hr day since it has been so busy. It feels so good outside right now. We havent seen any rain yet. Im sure it will start by the time ive gotta leave
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:10 PM   #50  
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Batten down the hatches, Kiss ... and hang on! I'm watching it on radar and it looks like it could be a doozy.

We might get a little rain with it this weekend, but certainly nothing like you're expecting.
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:15 PM   #51  
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Hey Ladies! I actually got to swim in my pool for 2 1/2 hours today. Of course, I'm an idiot. I didn't put any sunblock on because it was cloudy at first so I'm sunburned and so is Jim. Shouldn't two adults know better. Yep! It was glorious but mostly because of the extra exercise. I didn't get to finish my treadmill today. I was 20 minutes into my workout when the bug guy showed up and I had to run....upstairs! I'm hoping to get in the pool again tomorrow and maybe Sunday too. Then I think it's going to cook down a bit for a couple of days. I'm REALLY happy with the new solar cover I bought this year. Usually when we get in for the first time the water is only warm on top and gets colder as you go down. Not today! Best $80 bucks I ever spent!

Frouf, I honestly don't know how you lose weight. I'd be a stress eating maniac. I don't mean to scare you but I've heard that here in IL kids have been videotaped having sex acts on the SCHOOL BUS! I would be out of my mind if I had to raise kids now days. Hope you enjoyed your manicure and that it got your mind off of your "meeting" with DD. Good luck on weigh in tomorrow. Try to look forward to your breakfast on Sunday. At least you and GF can have a wonderful Core or Coreish breakfast and morning of commiseration!

Sandra, sorry I missed you. Hope you knock them dead for us old girls!

Cher, sounds like your DD is a good girl. You really seemed to have handled the whole situation so well. Hope your DS had great fun at the zoo. I think you'll enjoy flexiplace. You may even want to do it more than once in a while. Did you know that laptops can be outfitted with network modem cards that would let you dial into your network from home?

Lisa, thanks for the information on the cysts. You made me feel less scared. What kind of Dr. drained yours? Good luck with weigh in. I'm holding light thoughts for you.

Angela, hoped you liked the cornmeal chicken. I especially hope you had LO's because it is fabulous cold. What a cool Mom and great Daughter you are. My Mom never did anything cool like homemade sidewalk chalk! It was good of you to make sure your Brother would take good care of your Mom. I hope she has fun. Hope Annika's eye gets completely well soon. So are you a West Wing fan? Is that where Ainsley came from? Being ex-Federal employees, Jim and I LOVE West Wing.

Linda, I wanted a pool all my life and Jim made sure we got one. It's just an above ground one but it's plenty for us and the Great Niece and Nephew!

Kathy, I didn't know your 4 pound loss didn't come from a whole Core week. I remember you talking about switching mid way but I didn't know you switched. All that really matters is the outcome, right? No one every really explained to me why one shouldn't switch mid week. It didn't matter to me anyway because I intended to stay Core. Sounds like you had a great time at dinner. Too bad you'll miss your weigh in tomorrow, especially since you think you will have a loss. I wouldn't make myself crazy trying to go in an opposite direction when you have to go to work. Do they have any other times you could go? BTW, I can't believe the prices on the houses that you like. Those houses would go for double the price here in Chicago. My favorite is the one on the golf course because of the windows. But, I loved the pool on the third one! Jim and I have a 4 bedroom, 3 step ranch. Crazy for 2 people but we loved it. Master bedroom, guest bedroom, White Sox Room and Den/Office is how we used the bedrooms. White Sox room has all of Jim's baseballs, pictures and memorabilia. No furniture just wall to wall pictures and a corner curio cabinet with White Sox team authographed baseballs back to the 1950's. I had to give him a room because before it was spread out all over the house!

NH Linda, I never eat minestrone in restaurants because I'm always afraid they put oil in the soup. The points for everything else sounds about right at 8 or 9.

Vivian, if my ortho won't take care of the cysts then I'll have to find a new Podiatrist. Since mine didn't even diagnose it, I don't think I can trust her to take care of it!

I actually have nothing on my calendar tomorrow or Saturday. I'll be catching up on bills and my budget and trying to plan a menu for next week. Gotta go finish my homemade applesauce. I haven't had any for my oatmeal for 3 days now. Hope you all have a great Saturday and I'll chat with you tomorrow.
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:17 PM   #52  
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I know.. based on the NHC the landfall should be between Mobile, AL and Pensacola, FL so this of course puts us in the Eastern side of the storm which is always the worst. It's still not raining so I know it will start pouring down at Midnight when I have to leave. It's just too soon to have to deal with another storm, but atleast it's not as bad as Ivan was. Im ready to go have a tropical storm party!!!!!!
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:20 PM   #53  
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Oh Anna, I'm sorry. I am SO geographically disabled that I didn't realize that the storm I've been hearing about may hit you. Hope you ride it out ok.

Hey Kathy, I forgot to tell you that I'm cheap too but I can't reach my toes yet to do them myself!
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:27 PM   #54  
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Hey! I'll answer the most important thing first and maybe you'll still be here.

Yep, we have pretty reasonable prices here, but the taxes and utilities (at least in my town) are pretty steep. For those houses, you can plan on an extra 600-700 a month in taxes. Water runs me about $125 a month, when the next town over it would be $50. Electric and gas are average for the country, I guess -- I pay about $275-300 a month for both. And since we don't have state income tax, we have lots of user fees but at least it's not high to register cars, etc. All in all, I like the living standards here but of course, I have nothing to compare it to since I've always lived in Texas! Incomes are probably mid-range. I think we'll stay in our house for maybe a few more years, but it's nice to look. We'll probably put a pool next year. It'll be around 35K or so but we have a lot of equity already, and it'll add more.

Last edited by Katpo; 06-13-2005 at 12:01 PM.
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:27 PM   #55  
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Frouf, I've checked the map and if you drive/swim straight south you'll hit me first. Of course, Terry is here in Chicago with me somewhere but I don't know where. If she's Northern suburban girl, you'll hit her first.
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:28 PM   #56  
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Vickie, I'll do your toes if you'll do mine! I do a pretty good job, if I don't mind saying so.

DH just called from the friend's house and decided to spend the night. Now I don't have to worry about him driving home or me having to go fetch him in the middle of the night. YAY!!
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:34 PM   #57  
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So your taxes are about double ours and we pay about $125 for water every 3 months. Our gas/electric are about the same. We have a really high state sales tax of 8.5 to 8.75 on retail stuff and less on food and drugs but I can't remember what that is. Jim and I don't have to pay state income tax because Federal annuities are exempt. In IL pools are often a disadvantage for resale since the pool season here is so short. From what I remember, the pictures of your house were gorgeous. I do love having only 3 steps to the upstairs. We've got 3 bedrooms and 2 baths upstairs and everything else including the laundry room is on the main floor. We wanted to get a ranch house so we wouldn't have to move again until we are so old that we are ready for a townhouse!
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:36 PM   #58  
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I'm game, Kathy, but I gotta tell you that I can barely do a single color well. I haven't had enough practice. You'll really have to work to train me how to do yours well.
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:36 PM   #59  
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That's funny. When you told me he left with a bottle it crossed my mind that I hoped he had a designated driver!
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:41 PM   #60  
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LOL! Since I sleep upstairs (which is truly up stairs -- like 28 of them) my knees creak so much going up that I just can't do it anymore. I'm sleeping downstairs tonight only because Judd is gone. We have 4 bedrooms but 3 are upstairs, plus 2 living areas and a bathroom. Once the girls are gone, and if he lost weight and stopped snoring (um, yeah right) I could sleep downstairs and the whole upstairs would be empty. While that sounds like a waste, I think he could make an office out of one of the bedrooms and get the computers out of here. Our bedroom is large, probably 24 x 17, but it has a king size bed, bookshelf, 2 computer desks, 2 nightstands, the Gazelle, 2 guitars on stands, my dresser, the armoire, dog bed, a TV stand with TV ... get the picture? Lots of crap but we can still walk around. It would be better if we could make a sitting room at one end and have a peaceful sanctuary in the rest of it.

So ... MIL is out of town, but when she gets back we'll see what she says. I'll drag her around and show her a few, but I'm sure she'll urge us to stay here. We walked in with a whole lot of equity because it was about to foreclose on the prior owners. If it weren't for the "projects" behind us, we'd probably be happy.
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