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Old 06-14-2005, 07:52 PM   #211  
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Originally Posted by septembersgoal
...I changed my pic to a chick. It is all Vickie's fault.
Ahem ... (mi, mi, mi!) ... um, okay ...

I changed my pic to a chick.
I knew I could make it stick!
I needed a goal
Deep down in my soul
So on Vickie's chick ... did I click!
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Old 06-14-2005, 07:54 PM   #212  
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Linda, unless it's a different bread than I'm thinking of, the ww bread is actually 2 slices for one point. (No big mystery, they just make it half the size of regular bread.)
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Old 06-14-2005, 07:56 PM   #213  
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Kathy you are so hilarious!
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Old 06-14-2005, 07:58 PM   #214  
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wooo weeeeee, kathy! what a poet!!! that's cute.
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Old 06-14-2005, 08:22 PM   #215  
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Cute, Kathy! You should join in the fun on the Core Story Board. It's hilarious!

I'm thinking of making illustrations...

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Old 06-14-2005, 08:23 PM   #216  
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No, I'm a reader ... and trying to figure out how to get this story published once it's done! So let's see those illustrations!

I especially love Ricardo!
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Old 06-14-2005, 09:56 PM   #217  
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I was thinking we needed publication as well. What would a psychologist say about our stream of conciousness story?

Is anyone else an Average Joe fan? I really loved it when it was on last summer. I am wondering if it will be as good this year. At least it will give me time to gazelle! If I was very disciplined I would commit to watch Average Joe only if I gazelle. Hmm...I'll have to think about that.

Last edited by septembersgoal; 06-14-2005 at 10:02 PM.
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Old 06-15-2005, 12:05 AM   #218  
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melissa, i'm an average joe fan. i have to tell you, though, i got upset with adam (was that his name?) when he was the bachelor? i hope they bring back some of the old joes. wouldn't it be neat if they brought back one of the hefty guys, and he'd lost weight?
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Old 06-15-2005, 08:02 AM   #219  
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Morning Ladies....

I am off to DD's college orientation today.....

No plan for food other than bfast....they serve lunch. Today is DH's bday too, so will be grilling chicken for dinner! DD15 plans on making a cake too.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Old 06-15-2005, 09:43 AM   #220  
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Good Morning Everyone! Jim just left for jury duty. I'm a bundle of nerves. I've been awake since 3:30 but stayed in bed because I didn't want him to wake up. I'm sure I've not been a very good wife in that I probably made him MORE nervous than he already was. Jury duty isn't the problem, it is just in awful neighborhood in the roughest court house in Cook County. I told him if he got on a jury, to keep them focused so he doesn't have to stay late or go back tomorrow. So would you all think good thoughts for him today and hope with me that he doesn't get selected for a jury.

Terry, here's your blinks Hope they work for you! Try not to fret about the weight fluctuations. If you stay OP it will eventually start going back down.

Frouf, thanks for the group hug. It was much needed AND appreciated. I LOVE guacamole or avocado in any form and I do NOT keep it at home. It is definitely a red light trigger food for me. Sorry you had drama at the house yesterday. What would they ever do without you?! What's wrong with DD's BF's Mom? She needs to be on top of this situation better since they seem to be meeting up there.

NH Linda, I hate to be a wet blanket but you asked so here goes! I would not count any burger as Core unless I knew it was sirloin. Restaurants that are serving sirloin brag about it on their menu. If it doesn't say sirloin it isn't. Fruit juice is also not Core, so if you use it in a recipe, you'll have to count points. As far as oat flour, I have mixed emotions about that. I have talked to WW Headquarters and their final rule is that a Core ingredient + a Core ingredient = a Core item. They have also said though that you shouldn't change the structure of a food which would make the oat flour questionable. The whole premise of Core is supposed to be whole unprocessed foods. One whole orange would fill you up longer and has a much lower glycemic index than juice. That's why the orange is Core and juice isn't. If you can make baked products and not overeat them, then I think it is ok. We are even told by my Leader not to eat Core foods if they are red light trigger foods for us. I have a tendency to stay pretty close to the basics because I lose so slowly anyway. You'll just need to do some trial and error for a while to see what works for you.

Sandra, sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. Isn't retirement grand!

Angela, 120 pounds! Woo Hoo! I can't wait to hear what the scale says this morning. Our windows are open here too but it is still a trifle humid which I don't like.

Melissa, hope you got some rest.

Kathy, sorry about DS. Hope his interview with Dr. Pepper goes well. Does he know the song so he can sing it as he enters the interview room? I LOVED your poem. We have so many creative folks. I hope you all let me stay since I'm not too creative.

Cindy, hope you have a enjoyable and successful day at the orientation.

Cher, good to hear from you. Sorry about your computer but I was VERY happy to hear about your loss. 21 pounds is AMAZING! We'll just keep plugging away at it together.

Well, I'm going to try to stay real busy today. We only have one car and Jim drove so I'm stranded. That's part of what makes me nervous because if he needs me, I'll have to find some way to get to him. I wish I wasn't such a worry wart. I've been a worrier all my life so that's not likely to change. I'm definitely getting on the treadmill soon. I'm hoping it helps with my stress. He's going to try to call when he gets there which should be soon since he left at 7:30. Talk with you all later.
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Old 06-15-2005, 10:06 AM   #221  
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Well Vickie - I think keeping busy is a great idea - and exercise will get you that extra good-feeling boost! Sending good thoughts your way - remember Jim is not alone there - surrounded by many people in the same situation so I'm sure he will be okay.

I also did not sleep well last night - had a heck of a time falling asleep? (went to bed around 10:45 pm) and then when I finally did was awakened by huge crashing and banging, torrential rain, and huge strikes of lightening! We were suprised we had no visit from the 6 yr old! cuz it sure sounded scary to me!

So it's a grey and gloomy day here - a bit cooler but not that much - might have more rain later - but I did bring my walking shoes in case it clears up!

Kathy - great poem and yes I am really enjoying that story board - what a hoot! We are such a creative bunch.

Sandra - my favorite comment from you was "thank goodness she's not twins!" - made me smile and you're right - I can't even imagine that (unless we had the good twin/bad twin scenario - or is that just a movie?). So I will keep that in mind next time she pulls one of her shenanigans - thank goodness there is only ONE of her.

I am taking her to her therapist appt this pm so I am hoping to have a debrief and let her know what's going on!

Terry - what's the good news?

Cher - glad your computer is 'alive". I think my computer at home is acting up - can't seem to connect to the internet, yet my email is still functional. Trying to get dh to have a look at it.

Cindy - have fun at "school" today! and happy bday to your dh!

Just finished my oatmeal at work but no leftovers from dinner however I was able to grab a container of Froufie's Famous Soup from the freezer so at least I have something core-friendly for later (also packed a banana, an apple and some grapes).

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Old 06-15-2005, 10:17 AM   #222  
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No, Vickie -- you can stay! I, on the other hand, might get the royal boot. I have decided to slack off on the WW for a while. My DH has GOT to get a grip and start losing, and it looks like I'm going to have to do it for him. Well, not really but you know what I mean ... since I'm the one who plans the meals, buys the food, prepares it all, serves it, packs his lunch, etc. ... it'll be up to me to see what he gets. He won't (can't?) count, doesn't like most of the Core foods (I've made him look at the materials) so I'm putting him on a low-carb plan for a while. In order to cut down on the amount of work I have to do, and not cook like I'm running a freakin' cafeteria, I'll have to eat it too. Most of it will align with Core, but for a while it's going to be meat, cheese, eggs and vegetables. He just absolutely has to break his addictions to breads, sugar, etc. and KNOWS it. He has been sick and I think a lot is being overweight, combined with being depressed about being overweight. Anyway, we'll see. Meanwhile though, I'll be here for discussion, exercise posts, etc. but don't look for me to post my non-Core menus! There's no need to give any lurkers or new people the wrong impression!

I was going to say the same thing about the burger, Frouf. Restaurants usually don't serve really lean burgers because it's expensive, and they're dry, and people will complain if they're not "juicy." And we all know the "juice" is really fat.

I guess I'd better get to work. Good thoughts for Jim this morning at jury duty. And a happy day to all!
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Old 06-15-2005, 10:21 AM   #223  
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Oh and another thing -- I found out my recent weight gain is due to my blood pressure medicine so I'm off it now. Blood pressure wasn't really high at the time but that neurologist, since he couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, decided I had silent migraines due to high blood pressure. Since I had neither a headache (he said that's why they're silent ... they don't hurt) nor high BP, I should have blown him off from the start and gone somewhere else but instead I took the samples he gave me. Three weeks of pills, and three weeks of weight gain. I'm up 5 pounds from the exact day I started taking them, despite eating just the same (maybe better), exercising, drinking my water, etc. Now I'm really ticked off!
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Old 06-15-2005, 11:16 AM   #224  
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Default Blinking really works

Thank you blinkers! I lost 5.6 pounds!!

I think that this scientifically proves the power of group blinking.
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Old 06-15-2005, 11:18 AM   #225  
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Kathy, you're a good wife! We'd miss you if you left so you MUST stay.

Frouf, it's gray here too. Hope the therapy appointment goes well.

Thanks for the warm thoughts. Make me feel good. You're right Frouf, there will be lots of cops and lawyers around so he should be ok. He called me to let me know that he was safe in the courthouse.

My Niece wants me to go to lunch with her and my Great Niece and Nephew. I told her I'd go if Jim calls before then. We don't have voice mail on our cell phones so I don't want to leave without telling him or if he needs me for some reason.

Off to treadmill now!
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