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Old 06-14-2005, 04:45 PM   #196  
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Kathy, So sorry to hear about your son's job situation. We'll keep our fingers crossed for today. I too love diet dr. pepper. Could he get us a discount?

Cindy, its a good idea to allow yourself a few points a day I think. When I first started core I tried to save them all for a big weekend splurge, but that did not work out very well! Sounds like you did really well today. Those breadsticks are hard to refuse. Fazoli's also has ww penne now, which is really good. I had it last week.

Frouf, thanks for the kasha explanation. That sounds pretty good.

I guess I'll be heading home in the next few minutes. I'm sure I'll be hanging around a lot tonight, as I will be lonely with DH at work. Maybe I'll crochet and gazelle and talk to you guys to pass the time. I'm going to make some cornmeal chicken when I get home and my mouth is already watering for it. I'll catch you guys later!
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Old 06-14-2005, 04:48 PM   #197  
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CONGRATULATIONS ANGELA!! 120 pounds! That is amazing.

Just popping in to share my weekly panic over WI. I'm thinking light, but have absolutely no clue what the scale may have to say. I'm just hoping that last week's gain means a big loss for this week -- but I don't know. Aaaaaaaaah. I've been making myself nuts all day. (the crazy kind, not the roasted . . .)

Finally a break in the heat! I had a walk in the woods, enjoying warm and breezy weather. Frouf, I hope this is headed up your way, 'cuz it beats the heck out of the heat you've got right now.

LindaNH - thanks for the scampi recipe -- sounds delish. If you haven't already, please post it on the recipe board. And I think it was you who asked about the burger. If it's not the lean meat, you have to count WPAs 'cuz of the fat.

Frouf - kasha is core? It would be a nice alternative to couscous, rice and barley.

Sandra - I am afraid to calculate my ounces.

Okay everybody, I can't find Deborah, so please blink twice for me tonight.

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Old 06-14-2005, 04:54 PM   #198  
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Okay - now we are overflowing w/chicks and I am getting so confused (like I need more confusion? ha ha ha). I sometimes just check the little pic and know who it posting - I now have to watch all those chicks more carefully to see who is challenging - do you think I can manage?

Now I want kasha for dinner - and I think I have some in the pantry - have some steaks in the fridge so this will be the side dish along w/some brocolli - yumyum....and yes buckwheat is definitely core!

Congrats Cindy on making some great choices at the restaurant - and those points are there to enjoy so go for it!

Terry - blinking like crazy for you - and sending light vibes your way - I'm sure you'll do well, esp given your extreme marathon training sessions. Good luck and let us know how you do!

I am so hungry - too hungry I think - did not have time for my pm snack, so I have some pineapple slices in the fridge - but heading home now so don't feel like eating them??? Maybe will drink more water and chew some gum once I get home to avoid the "eat your meal as a snack before dinner" scenario! Wish me luck.

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Old 06-14-2005, 05:07 PM   #199  
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melissa, kasha is another name for buckwheat. it's one of our core grains. it and oatmeal together make a great homemade granola. i'm using them in my muffin top mixes for added crunch. kind of like nuts. i also use the granola as a topper for puddings. i'm keeping a supply made and am using it almost daily. i'll probably be putting it on lots of other stuff later as soon as i figure things out. my guess is this granola can be used anywhere you might want nuts. 4 day weeks do kind of get you out of sync, don't they?

are you looking forward to wi. i don't know why, but i am.

kathy, i hope ds gets the job at dr. pepper. we used to drive to dublin to buy dp's sometimes. ds loved theirs the best.

cindy, most of us are doing 5 pts per day and it seems to work well. we're getting a new fazolis here by next spring. i hear they have ww pasta.

frouf, thank you for the kasha recipe. i got the ounces idea from a zig ziglar cd. dh and i listen to his speeches in our automobile university (another zig term that means car cd) zig is quite the motivator. i got my cd's at curves. they were giving them away. lots of weightloss and life skill positive talk on these cd's. i love them. i've also made the angelfood cake using a can of cherry pie filling instead of the pineapple. it's yummy! (not core but yummy!)
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Old 06-14-2005, 05:14 PM   #200  
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melissa, do you have any davinci syrups? i have sf maple pancake syrup. i use 1/4 cup of it, 3/4 cup granular splenda, 1 cup kasha, 1 cup oatmeal, and a few butterbuds (when i have them). i stir these together and put in large pan (broiler pan) sprayed with butter flavored pam. i bake this for 21 minutes at 350* stirring every 7 or so minutes. this is how i make my granola. it's easy!

terry, don't be afraid. just decide how much time you think it might take and give it a go. i tried to be realistic (and probably pessimistic) by choosing 1 year for 41 lbs. it probably won't take that long with all the good help i'm getting from you girls. (thank you all again!!!!!)

i made some chocolate muffin tops this afternoon. i'm figuring 4 pts maximum and probably just 2 (but i'll write down 4) i feel like a princess. life is good.

frouf, thanks again for the kasha idea. i don't have a clue what kind of kasha i have. i'll check on their website. maybe it tells.
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Old 06-14-2005, 05:50 PM   #201  
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Originally Posted by Froufy
Okay - now we are overflowing w/chicks and I am getting so confused (like I need more confusion? ha ha ha). I sometimes just check the little pic and know who it posting - I now have to watch all those chicks more carefully to see who is challenging - do you think I can manage?
Sorry Frouf, I guess that was me! I changed my pic to a chick. It is all Vickie's fault. She said that her goal was just to change her chick, change her chick, change her chick. I thought that it was a good, inspiring idea so I changed mine too. Sorry I know its confusing. I do the same thing, just look at the pic to see who it is.

Terry, Good luck, I'm sure you will do great. You have had so much great success.

Sandra, your granola sounds really good. I don't know anything about davinci syrups. I will have to look for those. Have you posted that recipe?

Off to make some cornmeal chicken. I'm so hungry!! Being so hungry, and DH being at work made me want to stop somewhere for dinner. But I"m sticking to the plan! Isn't it amazing how having a plan makes such a difference? Be back later to chat, since I only have the dog to chat with here!
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Old 06-14-2005, 06:01 PM   #202  
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I "need" a cake recipe as well.
Do you think if you put oatmeal in a blender or food processor and made a "flour" out of it that it would still be core? It's still oatmeal, but you are basically refining it, or are you???? I was thinking of taking a cake recipe, using Splenda instead of sugar and trying my homemade "oat" flour in it. Not sure if it would work or turn to mush, but it's worth an effort? I can use egg whites or egg beaters in it as well.
I just got back from my WW meeting and I gained 2.7 pounds, but it's been three weeks since I weighed in and I went back on CORE 6 days ago. So, I shouldn't be seeing results so far. Plus, I used to go to a morning meeting and this was a late afternoon meeting. If I always weigh in at a late afternoon meeting, then I will start to see a true difference. I expected the gain as I knew I was in trouble, which I why I started back on CORE to give myself a fresh approach.
I'm still trying, still psyched, I hope to make this work!
Linda in NH
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Old 06-14-2005, 06:16 PM   #203  
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Hi everyone:

My computer died over the weekend, so I'm totally lost. At least I caught up on my filing.

I was down another .5 at WI, which brings me, finally to 21. Maybe I'll get to goal before I'm a grandmother.

Everything's more or less straightened out with the kids, for now. We're going to pay for the camera (she already bought another one) and have ds make an apology.

We just talked to ds's pediatrician again, and she agrees with us that there is no need for the big, expensive evaluation now that the school has back off, so that's a weight off.

Just wanted to let you know that I didn't die or go on a bender at McDonald's or anything.

Linda, I find that my morning and afternoon weights are always different by 2 or more pounds.
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Old 06-14-2005, 06:54 PM   #204  
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NH Linda, there is a debate over taking core ingredients and making them into breads, cakes, whatever. I think most of us here go for it, but I know that many people think that using core ingredients to make bread makes it non-core. I don't know. Its all debateable details, if you ask me. And I have to add that I really do believe that core works. Just stick with it. These ladies have had great success.

Cher, glad to know that all is well with you! Congrats on your loss! And good to hear that things are going well with the kids too.

I just have to tell you guys that I had that Herbed Chicken Couscous tonight. It isn't core, but it was SO good. If you ever want to have a treat that is very close-but-not-quite-Core, I highly recommend it. Maybe for those who are maintaining. It is closer to being op than white flavored rice. Anyway, it was really good with my pan-fried cornmeal chicken. I made some pineapple lush but haven't tried it yet. I only had pineapple tidbits, not crushed, so we'll see how that goes.
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Old 06-14-2005, 07:05 PM   #205  
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Exclamation TODAY'S DRAMA (so far that is...the night is still young!)

Ya - so dh calls to say dd called to say she was not taking bus home, was at school w/friends and would be home in 45 mins. (around 5 pm)

Of course I call on my way home (around 5:20) and she is not home. I am of course concerned given her troublesome ways -so drive by the school - which is of course locked up tight by now and no sign of her or her friends.

On a well thought out "whim" I call the dreaded bf to see if he knows where she is - why yes, she was here, with her 2 friends and they left about 20 mins ago"....and within minutes dh calls to say she is home w/her 2 buddies - supposedly here to work on a school project. (I am still in my car).

I am livid of course so I call her at home (while driving home) and ask where she was - and she LIES THRU HER TEETH and makes up some story about going to "justin's house" and then coming here (Yes it took them 2 hours to get from school to our house which is like a 5 minute drive - they could have walked there and back many times!). I tell her I know where she has been and she finally admits she was lying cuz she of course KNOWS I don't want her anywhere near the bf!

Conversation continues at home in front of her 2 friends and she is "punished"- no phone or TV til saturday - and was on the verge of losing computer as well due to her "attitude". She is also required to come directly home from school for the rest of the school year (like 2.5 more weeks) - do not pass go - do not collect $200.

They are now in her room "working" on their project but my first instinct was to send them all home - I am just beside myself as dd just does not seem to listen or learn. I think I will again call bf's mother and explain she was a) over without my permission and b) mother or adult is supposed to be home when she "visits" and bf still seems unaware of this rule.

So I am now all riled up and still starving but don't feel like cooking-had a banana and a glass of milk for now- but I just want to bite someone's head off!

I think ds has just come in asking for supper - so I suppose I should find something for the 6 yr old to eat? (dh is out mowing the lawn).


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Old 06-14-2005, 07:09 PM   #206  
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Frouf, It just never ends for you, does it? Good luck with everything, especially your eating tonight. I can't imagine trying to worry about my eating with all that drama going on.

I just have to add that my sweet little Murphy pup is snuggled up on my leg. He is such good company!
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Old 06-14-2005, 07:19 PM   #207  
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melissa, i thought about going "chick" but decided i needed my little ladies to help me find my own posts so i'd know where i was. i love that weight tracker thingee, though. it makes me smile just seeing everyone's good results.

i think i posted the granola recipe over in desserts. i'll go check. yep, it's there. here's the website for davinci syrups. these syrups can be used for flavoring or to make sf snowcones. (at one time i had about 30 flavors. my supply has dwindled now.) they are 0 calories.

lindanh, your weight will start to fall. like vickie says, give core a month. i found some oatmeal cake type recipes over at bcb. have you looked there? i made corky's oatmeal cake once. it was good but i overate it and haven't tried it again. take a peek here: i know i talk about this sight a lot, but even when you're on flex, their muffins are either 1 or 2 pts. i think they'd be lower making them with ff sour cream and ff milk. i have a couple of recipes posted there. i make these a lot and add granola to them. i'd love for you to get ahold of some of these mixes and do some tweaking. i need new ideas for them.

woohoo, cher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congratulations on losing that .5 lb. you'll be to goal soon.

lindanh and melissa, i agree about core being core. i think we just have to use our heads and watch out for red light foods.

i just changed the hummingbird feeders, put out a birdfeeder, and tossed a few peanuts for the squirrels. one squirrel was so excited he took his and buried it in the front yard. now is he a food stasher or what?
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Old 06-14-2005, 07:41 PM   #208  
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frouf, i just now saw your post. good luck with eating tonight. you have a lot going on. just be glad she wasn't twins.

okay, all this talk about snow cone syrups has cost me money. i just ordered these flavors (not to make snowcones but to flavor granola and coffee and stuff): sf cookie dough syrup, sf peanut butter syrup, sf german chocolate cake syrup, and sf white chocolate syrup. life is good. i've been making my granola with sf pancake syrup. i'm anxious for these new flavors to get here. they should arrive next week some time.

Last edited by notnew2this; 06-14-2005 at 07:45 PM.
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Old 06-14-2005, 07:47 PM   #209  
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Thanks for all the tips, guys. I still am wondering about maybe taking the oatmeal and trying to make a substitute for a cake. I think the more I know I can't have something the more it makes me want it, if that makes any kind of sense.
I plan on using some of my flex points for bread items, particulary the whole wheat ww breads for one point for a slice, I can still make a grilled cheese with non-stick spray and ff american cheese! With that, I can have a cream of tomoto soup, made with nf milk, that is comfort food for me!
At any rate, I'll be doing some experimenting soon and will report on results.
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Old 06-14-2005, 07:51 PM   #210  
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i'll be hear looking for your posts, lindanh. grilled cheese sounds good and i have a good supply of tom soup. you gave me an idea. now i need some 1 pt bread.
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