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Old 12-17-2004, 02:50 PM   #46  
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JANETTE...I did it..I cut and pasted your powerful post and sent it to my email addresss....
Thanks again for such powerful thoughts..........Lin
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Old 12-17-2004, 03:05 PM   #47  
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Hey Bindy (Kathy) where and how are you?? Are you feeling better?? I hope so...havent' seen you here either of late...but then again working 55 hours a week, I can understand....just thinking of how you are.....Me, I still fighting the fight, some days I win the battle most days I lose, seems it was a lose/lose week and I don't mean the weight :-) I'll see tomorrow......I think I lost the battle at least this week, geez.......
Talk with you all later.........Lin
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Old 12-17-2004, 04:35 PM   #48  
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Janette, thank you so much for all the time you took to give me suggestions about my stress. I'm REALLY going to try to take them to heart. You are VERY right about the food only being a comfort for a short period of time. Then the problem is still there. The patio door didn't get installed because it was damaged. The installers didn't find the damage until they arrived to install it. So.....we might have to wait at least 4 more weeks for a new one. I'm refusing to worry about how it will be to replace a patio door in February in Chicago! The new car is beautiful. I think I'll just keep it in the garage so no one can hurt it!
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Old 12-17-2004, 04:39 PM   #49  
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Linda, you have to decide what is best for you. Promise if you go on Flex you'll come back to visit. I think we would all miss you!

By the way, I thought the poem was really cute. Thanks for the model number on the scale. Did you make the pumpkin pie?
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Old 12-17-2004, 06:16 PM   #50  
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Hey Vickie....just a quick note while I am online - I loved so much what Janette wrote regarding the stress you were feeling that I cut and pasted the parts that were powerful for even me!! Hope you don't mind. She made so much sense. Reading and rereading it is helping me too. I do have a decision to make you are right. I have been thinking of it nonstop today even while busy with so many other things, that is why I was here so much today. Plus I am doing some research so everytime I have a thought I come here and write. Kind of like confession being good for the sole.
As for the Pumpkin pie didn't do it today - had gifts to wrap and vacuuming to do, you know the drill.
So promise us that you will not let the patio door thing stress you.....just think of how beautiful your new car is.....everything works out, it always does, and somehow we mangage to get past it all but at the time we don't think we ever will. There is someone up there looking out for us :-)

Well everyone...I will be back tomorrow to let you all know my weigh in numbers. I have a lot of thinking to do right now but all of you have had such great advise. So I am going think about my future weight loss journey efforts.....till well everyone and stay warm! It's even cold here!! brrrrrr...... Linda
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Old 12-17-2004, 07:15 PM   #51  
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Linda, here I am!!!

I did okay today; down another pound this morning. I am so desperate to get to my goal that I'm weighing every day, which I KNOW is bad but I just can't stay away from the scale. Monday morning I will edit my signature to be what I actually weigh, whether it be up or down. Right now I'm 2 more than the sig. Oh well.

Now how did you change your name from Sunny (now I can't even remember what it was) to L.J.? Because if I could figure it out, I'd change mine too. When I first started posting here, I didn't want anyone to know who I was in case I ran into people from my old boards. Stupid I know. Now I don't care and would like to use the name I have used for years and years, which is Katpo. If I can figure out how to change from Bindy (my dog's name) to Katpo, I'd be happy!!

Off to a Christmas party tonight, which is actually sort of an open house. I promise to be very very good and hang really close to the vegetables! DH and I went to lunch today and I had fried shrimp but only ate 3 out of the 10 they gave me. Just a few fries, two hushpuppies, and lots of water. Oh and some jalapeno cream soup that was absolutely awesome!

Tomorrow my parents will be here for lunch so we can do our Christmas with them. They live a few hours away and so we try to do Christmas with them the weekend before Christmas, then to the other side of the family (inlaws) on Christmas Day. I'm having the usual stuff, but am getting those roasted chickens from the grocery store instead of making a ham or turkey. We're only having 8 people so I don't need a lot. Broccoli, mashed potatoes made with broth, etc. I know I won't go overboard because I'll be busy with the cooking and cleaning before they get here, so I'll be too pooped to eat much when lunchtime rolls around!!

Stay good, everybody! I'll check in tomorrow. Meanwhile, Linda -- HOW did you do that???
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Old 12-17-2004, 07:17 PM   #52  
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Vickie, what kind of car?? Or did I miss where you already said? And how stinky is that about the patio door! Grrrrr!!!

Congrats on getting to change that chickie!!
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Old 12-18-2004, 12:25 AM   #53  
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janette......great post.....a real a ha moment for sure the poem, you are quite good

vickie, i want to know what kind of car to!

remember.....focus on the positive girls!!!!!

shopping tomorrow with my 18 year old son......i am happy to be spending time with him! his schedule is more busy then mine.....oh dear!

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Old 12-18-2004, 07:11 AM   #54  
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Default Good Early Mornin' All

Well I am geared for my weigh in this morning.....I am still 'toying' with which program to do....and although I lost my weight on points I feel kind of addicted to Core.....go figure!! No nevermind, don't try to figure me :-) my husband always tells me "Lin, you want what you don't have" if you're on Core you want points, if you're on Points you want Core......he has a point, no pun intened. He used to tell me "Lin, your points to the Core" funny-man
it's a new day, and so far all I had is my coffee.
KATHY before I change your user name just go to the bottom of the page and click on contact us...ask the admin. to change it to what you want and they will, they will send you confirmation to your email address, it's that simple, and then all your previous post will read that way too. I used Sunny734 because that is my address t I totally understand using a sudo name, I did for a long time,
L.J are my first and middle initials, and that is what my co-workers call me, since there are two Linda's at work, use to be three!! So LJ stuck.
Now I have a question for do you or how did you get to have your signature read the SW, CW and GW?? I am now using the 3fatchicks weight tracker but I like that way too and might do both....Thanks!!
I too with being so close am on that ~@!!~@ scale nearly everyday, something I never ever did. What is up with that!!!! I'm either crazed or obessed I just want to be there!! After weigh in today I am going to make my personal goal 126, and change the 123 - that will give me my 50 lb lost back, and not seem so far away or so overwhelmed. I am just UNcomfortable at this wieght right now, and whatever it will be later.
Also if I choose to stay with Core I am going to use my WPA's. I don't do that now and that could be a problem too. As much as I want to change, getting to 20 target points come quick, and still feeling hungry hardly seems worth it. How many of you here did do Flex??? It's an ongoing battle for me so I NEED all of your input and IDEAS. Please help me win this battle. I was hoping for that for Jan 5th but I don't think it will happen.
Well, I will write later with my W/I results and my weight tracker change.....
Talk with you all later..........Linda
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Old 12-18-2004, 07:30 AM   #55  
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Hello Friends! I'm feeling MUCH better this morning thanks to all of you. Janette's advice really resonated with me too! I choose to be upset by allowing it to happen. I'm not saying I can successfully never be stressed again by things I can't control but I'm going to try. My hubby got the blind back up onto the windows so we're ok with that for now. I've asked the Pella people for a partial refund on the door for our angst and inconvience. I was especially irritated because we paid for the door in full in the middle of October. They say they'll give us some money back so I'm happy! Even if it's only $50.

The car is beautiful and rides like a dream. Now to you young folks it's probably boring but Jim and I love it. We like bigger luxury cars. My poor Niece (who is also my Core partner) begged us to get a sun roof or something to avoid having it being a Granny car. We decided to buy another LeSabre since we think the one that was totaled really helped to keep us from being seriously hurt. So we bought a 2005 Buick LeSabre with so many bells and whistles that I'm embarassed to tell anyone! We didn't get the sun roof but at least we got rid of the Bronzemist color that was on the 2001 LeSabre. What I really love about it is its color.....Ming Blue Metallic. It just looks stunning and rich in the sunlight. How's that....I'm trying to enjoy the new car and move beyond the fact that we'll be a little strapped paying for it!

Linda, good luck with your weigh in. I hope you get a happy surprise! I know you are struggling with these last 10-12 pounds but you should remember to celebrate the 41 pounds you've lost and kept off. I don't think you give yourself enough credit for that.

Kathy, good luck on Monday and with all your parties. I love Christmas but I'm sure not sure about my ability to cope with all the things I love. I've decided that I'm going to eat Core as much as possible at as many meals as possible. I'll have some treats because if I don't I'll feel deprived later and be even worse! Perhaps we'll meet over the veggie bowl! Actually, it helps me to think of all of you out there somewhere with the same struggles. I think we can be successful if only we don't completely give up just because we are really bad at a meal or two!

Frannie, I love your new snowmen but I do have a question. Why are the little guys at the bottom not smiling? 20 pounds plus go girl! Have fun with your Son! Sounds like he's of an age that he might be out of the house soon.

I'm going to a Johnny Mathis Christmas concert tonight. If that doesn't put me back in the Christmas spirit, I don't know what will. I'm really behind on all my holiday preparations though. Good thing I'm retired. I've done no wrapping or baking. I'm making Nestle toll house for my husband and to put on my cookie tray to take to my Sister and my Niece. I'm also making shortbread and lemon squares but that is it. I'm splitting those in half and taking one tray on Christmas Eve and the other on Christmas Day. The only thing that will be here is the Toll House. My sweet hubby said I didn't have to make them for him but I only make them twice a year and he loves them so much. I just need to have some will power. I'm guessing I'll have one or two and count the points.

Talk to you all later. Time to treadmill.
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Old 12-18-2004, 07:44 AM   #56  
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Linda, I just noticed your last post after I posted mine. I used to do Flex although I had a much higher point range than you. I was shocked that you don't use any of your WPA's on Core. I really think that might be part of the problem. I'm not saying that you need to use them all but I think you need to use some here and there. Also, are you exercising at all? Maybe your body needs a little shock. Are you good with your water?

Ok....sorry....I'm off the soap box now. Now I'm REALLY going to go get on the treadmill! LOL!
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Old 12-18-2004, 10:46 AM   #57  
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Hi All....well I am back and have updated my "signature" figured out how to do it KATHY. Took some work but I did it :-)
You see all my stats now. This is a good way for me to stay focused!! That is the main reason I did it this way....hope you all don't mind.
I need all the help I can get to get to where I want to be.
W/I wasn't bad....134.8..... 0.2 less than what I calculated (hahahaha) and I am really Ok with it.....
VICKIE - I do not exercise any more used to all the time. I think that IS one of my big mistakes, but I am REAL good with the water. I drink it all the time. I am so tired most of the time I can't seem to get the umpf to walk, which is what I love the best.
But I'm thinking that is what I need to do.
A Johnny Mathis, Christmas doesn't get much better than that..ENJOY!!!
You deserve it!! and Not to worry....all will be well.

As for my WPA, nope don't use them, that is another BIG mistake I am learning, so this morning when I got back I used 3.....1 for 2 slices 100% WW bread and 2 for OscarMeyer ReadyMade bacon (3 slices) deeelish.......had an eggbeater and bacon omelet on 100% Whole W bread. Today is the day I will attempt the crustless pumpkin pie......oh boy!!! look out!!! And thank you for the kind words. I did change my personal goal as you can see.....maybe 123 is too overwhelming for me. Last year at this time I was 122 but that was then and this is now!! Moving forward. This board and all of you have been wonderful for me. Just when I think I can't you all make sure I know I can!! THANK YOU ALL....
It is with Core that I have decided to stay, after much thought. It's just too simple not to...and with using the WPA this will make a difference when I feel deprived.
However not to use them on too much Junk :-) Sometimes I just want Wow chips with a sandwich. We are allowed them, so.............
I hope everyone is enjoying these last few days before the holiday. We were out at 7am to Sears, SuperWalmarts and the Grocery Store. We are about done, thank Goodness, don't think I could do another things.
Well my friends.....I wanted to share my weigh in with all of wasn't half as bad as I thought, and I AM on the right track now.....I feel good, and that is because of the support here and the mere fact none of you (us) will let someone give up so ya all here at this're the best!!! Linda
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Old 12-19-2004, 11:44 AM   #58  
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Hello Ladies, Happy Sunday! The countdown to the 25th is on. I am baking today and wrapping gifts. Went shopping with my son yesterday. Had a good day with him. He wasn't feeling all that great (hockey party night before) but he was determined to get his dad's and sister's gifts bought! He met his goal!! Just like we will!! I hope you enjoyed your concert.....sounds lovely and right in the spirit of things too. And your car sounds marv.....i love the colour choice! And the bigger the better in this weather.

Vicki--I changed my snowman, did not have the ole glasses on when i first changed it but now they are smiling! Thanks! Yes, my son is off to college next year. He did not want to go this year so he took some more high school courses and worked the opposite day (high schools here have a 4/5 year choice for the kids) He applied for industrial mechanics......a real hands on guy. my 19 year old daugher is in 2nd year university for french/spanish and a minor in music......she should get a good teaching job out of that (she opted for the 4 year high school plan) So next fall, it is just hubby and me.......oh dear! How does that work again?? No shoes to trip over, no clothes to pick up off the floor......hum.....

LJ, can I share that poem with my meeting girls? It is so cute and would be read at our meeting on the 23rd if that is ok.......good for you for your weigh in and being right one track.....way to go you are awesome

Kathy--way to go down another pound. A difficult time of the year but if we stay on track then it works!

I had a couple of treats today......but I shovelled for an hour already and have the other half of the drive to do as well plus i will go for my walk later. I was talking to my daughter just now and it is -31C in Sudbury......plenty cold for me, i feell we are in a heat wave with -13C here.......oh if only the sun would come out!

Well, ladies, thanks for the break in my wrapping but i better get at her again.

Take care, Have a CORE day (me, telling myself to smarten up for the rest of the day) In our group of 31 members there are only 2 of us on core, mainly because we both love bread way to much and know it is our downfall............hum, fresh baked bread with peanut butter........will you stop that!

~Happy Wrapping~

Last edited by Frannie57; 12-19-2004 at 11:47 AM.
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Old 12-19-2004, 11:46 AM   #59  
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Linda, I'm glad your weigh in wasn't worse than you feared. Glad to see that you are celebrating your 54 pound total weight loss. I'm also VERY glad to hear that you are going to use some WPA's. My Leader says that your body can think you are starving it if you don't vary the quantity and type of food you are eating. It make sense to me. And, think how satisfied you are when you have a few points for non-Core food. You really sounded happy with your little omelet sandwhich and it cost you next to no points and it wasn't empty calories.

Johnny Mathis was great! Besides Christmas songs, he also sang several of his hits. I really can't believe it but he managed to perfectly hit that really high note in Misty. He doesn't put on much of a stage show but who cares. The man sounds, in person, EXACTLY, like his records. That's pretty impressive in this day and age of lip sync! He's got to be pushing 70. The program says he's been recording for 48 years. So, I'm back in the Christmas mood but have MUCH to do. Still have to wrap (today) and bake (tomorrow). So, I'll be running along soon. Have to get on the treadmill. Hubby and I are going out for a quick lunch and I need to go the tailor for my Christmas Eve outfit. Then back home to wrap. I've decided I can't go to bed tonight until I'm done!

I'll pop back later and see how you all are. Tomorrow will be a real challenge for me when the first Tollhouse cookies come out of the oven. How many points are they, anyway? With nuts, of course!
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Old 12-19-2004, 11:47 AM   #60  
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We were posting at the same time!! Cool
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