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Old 02-12-2009, 11:50 PM   #136  
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[B][B]Melissa Apparently, my family was waaaay...too sensitive (or afraid ) of my "overweightness"...then...they gave me "wii fitness" as a gift...and the first time I saw the "obese"...blinking dancer...screaming at me! ...ugh... That was the "first" true make disappear! Interesting enough, I'm not sure what it says now...hmmm...guess it's time to work out and find out!

Last edited by maintainforlife; 02-12-2009 at 11:52 PM.
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Old 02-13-2009, 12:55 PM   #137  
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Originally Posted by maintainforlife View Post
I love your're sooooooooooo committed...hmmm...okay...I'm going back to the ticker sight to pick my "daily" OP pic...I'll be back...soon... xoCarrie
Thanks, Carrie.

Its so hard to stay focused and determined in the home stretch. The scale is a challenge, cuz when I see some loss I suddenly feel like it's o.k. to stray and then I go off plan. With that pattern, I'll never get to goal If I'm stay on plan then I know I'm doing all I can do and I know eventually...the final pounds will drop...they have to. Hopefully it won't take too long.

Yesterday was soo challenging for me. It's TOM and the cravings were hitting big time. I had an extra creamy (mini crisps) and a six high protien low carb pretzels. But compared to what I normally do and what I wanted to eat, I'll consider that a success and give myself a heart for the day. A little rationalization, I know, but not enough damage to earn a . That's saved for the real op stuff like chocolate, wine, ice cream, etc
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:00 PM   #138  
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Hi All! Haven't been able to post much this week. Too much going on and a little down about how slow my losses have been lately. My contract is up on Feb. 28 so I don't have much longer but I was hoping to be closer to my goal by then. Bummed that I might have to re-sign. I weighed in today though and was down 2.5 for the week which put me one pound from signing the 60lb board. That seems to be my average. If I keep that pace, I'll be about 14lbs. from goal by Feb. 28. I talked to our assistant manager one day and she said that since I've been really good on program that if I was pretty close to being within 10lbs of goal they wouldn't make me re-sign. I guess I can't really worry about it. I'm doing everything I can do to lose. I have considered re-signing anyway to lose a little more than I had planned so maybe it would be a good thing. Sorry, I'm rambling....

Congrats to everyone on their losses and welcome to all the newbies this week!
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:24 PM   #139  
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Originally Posted by KeepinOnandOn View Post
Hi All! Haven't been able to post much this week. Too much going on and a little down about how slow my losses have been lately. My contract is up on Feb. 28 so I don't have much longer but I was hoping to be closer to my goal by then. Bummed that I might have to re-sign. I weighed in today though and was down 2.5 for the week which put me one pound from signing the 60lb board. That seems to be my average. If I keep that pace, I'll be about 14lbs. from goal by Feb. 28. I talked to our assistant manager one day and she said that since I've been really good on program that if I was pretty close to being within 10lbs of goal they wouldn't make me re-sign. I guess I can't really worry about it. I'm doing everything I can do to lose. I have considered re-signing anyway to lose a little more than I had planned so maybe it would be a good thing. Sorry, I'm rambling....

Congrats to everyone on their losses and welcome to all the newbies this week!
Sounds like you are doing great to me! You will sign that board at the next WI and you WILL make your are so close! Just keep motivated and you will get there! I really hope your MRC staff stands behind their word and doesn't make you re-sign.
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Old 02-13-2009, 02:46 PM   #140  
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I've been MIA for a while but thought I'd drop by & give a quick update. I "fell off the wagon" hard in December & have not been back on since. New job, stress - long story. Anyway, I went to WI last night (I had been absent since end of December). Although I had been eating like a crazy person, I was -12 lbs from my last WI, making 76 lbs so far. I think the poor counselor was in shock also. I got back on the scale again just to check.
I'm hopping back OP & have had a successful week. My off plan meals have included Subway for a few lunches this week.
The only thing I can think of as to why I didn't see a gain is that my portion sizes are smaller. Although I ate like crap, I still had a healthy breakfast & lunch on most days. So, I guess I'm making better choices because of MRC. If I had stayed OP, I'd be much closer to my goal but a loss after 7-8 weeks of being naughty is nothing short of a miracle.
I re-enrolled for another 17 weeks. My mini-goal is 24 lbs by Easter.

Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone.

Namaste: It sounds like you've had some personal struggles recently. I will keep you in my prayers. Congrats on your weight loss! You are still my inspiration. I will get the rest of my weight off of me.

Rocki: Glad to see you're back OP. I know how hard it is - I'm having the same problem trying to get back on track. Keep at it girl!
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Old 02-14-2009, 12:46 PM   #141  
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Does anyone know where to find the Chicken Bouillon Supplement? My center is out and doesn't sound optimistic about getting it soon. I appreciate any advice you can give. Many of the recipes in the cookbook require this supplement.

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Old 02-14-2009, 02:30 PM   #142  
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Originally Posted by CindyLooHoo View Post
Does anyone know where to find the Chicken Bouillon Supplement? My center is out and doesn't sound optimistic about getting it soon. I appreciate any advice you can give. Many of the recipes in the cookbook require this supplement.


At, the bariwise brand has chicken bouillon.
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Old 02-14-2009, 02:48 PM   #143  
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Well, TOM chocolate craving got the better of me last night. While I kept the portion to a minimum, 2 small squares of dark chocolate and 1 small handful of white chocolate chips, I can't rationalize this one away, so I earned me another

I'm actually proud of myself, because I was at a dinner party last night and avoided the cocktails, wine and appetizers and just stuck with the chicken and salad. I skipped the bread to make ammends the 5 walnut halves and 3 tortilla chips I had in the afternoon . When I got home, I was tired and achy succumbed to the chocolate and really wanted a glass of wine or a brandy, but opted for a cup of tea. . So, all in all, I'm counting it as a successful day, not OP, but not crazy off plan either. I'm seeing some progress, because before, if I went off plan at all, I would decide to really go off in a big way, and I didn't do that this time.

So good for today.

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day
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Old 02-14-2009, 08:40 PM   #144  
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Originally Posted by CindyLooHoo View Post
Does anyone know where to find the Chicken Bouillon Supplement? My center is out and doesn't sound optimistic about getting it soon. I appreciate any advice you can give. Many of the recipes in the cookbook require this supplement.

You could make the same recipes & substitute regular sodium free chicken boullion - of course you wouldn't get the protein but you can get that another way (like any of the clear drinks).
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Old 02-14-2009, 08:55 PM   #145  
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For all of you who are repeat clients of MRC what made things better the second time around? I have tried MRC in the past and then tried it again on my own without going to the center. I am feeling very unhappy with my weight (among other things in my life) and need to get healthy again. I can't decide if I should try MRC again but honestly I know it works if I will put forth the effort to make it work. I guess I am just "thinking out loud" but any suggestions, words of wisdom - whatever is greatly appreciated. I love reading all of the pointers and celebrations of success here. Just seeing all of you making this work makes me want to try again. I need to de-stress, work on my blood pressure and making healthier choices will help with this plus my weight. Thanks again for listening to me rattle on and on.
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Old 02-14-2009, 09:17 PM   #146  
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Just getting caught up on posts .... I'm out of town hanging out with the grandkids (yippe!). I'm pretty happy with myself, I planned ahead, brought my own food and have been able to stay 100% OP, which feels good.

For those of you struggling, I feel your pain --- I've played around for the past 8 months, gaining back not quite half of my weight. I've been totally back OP now for 3 weeks (tried several times before without any luck) and although the weight loss is slower this time, it's happening. For me, it was getting past the first week -- because after that, the hunger truly goes away. It's really helpful to check in here and read everyone's successes, but the struggles are truly inspirational also because I know I'm not alone. There's a lot of validation in that.

Gina .... I especially feel your current struggle .... that is what sent me totally off program -- when I got within 8 pounds of my goal and they lowered it more, I just totally "lost it". I wish they would have told me from the beginning that the goal may be adjusted as you get closer due to your "fat percentage, etc.". One other factor were the results of my annual cholesterol test (I had never, even when heavy, had high cholesterol -- right around 160 my whole life) which I had done when I had lost 52# and was within 8 pounds of my initial goal -- and it was well above anything it had ever been -- it was fasting, and my previous few days meals had beeen just fine, and that, in addition to the goal alteration did me in mentally. But now I know, and since I'm not going to the center anymore, I will set my goals based on what feels best to me. I'm guessing it will be near 160, but I'm leaving myself open and will listen to my body. I'm trying very hard to not be scale-phobic and size-phobic. I'm working the program, so I know the weight will come off, so I don't really need to worry about it.

As before, I don't take any supplements other than flax oil, a multi-vitamin (MSM and calcium for arthritis), and I buy all of them where I get them the cheapest either Sam's or iherb dot com (thanks Meemo -- I still order stuff there occasionally). I do use the HNS all of which I order from dietdirect dot com.

So, I'm here for the long haul. Congratulations to all of the great losses and welcome to the new members. Happy Valentine's Day!
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Old 02-14-2009, 10:07 PM   #147  
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I was told today that my MRC is going to be able to order the Chicken Bouillon next week, she was working on placing the order when I went to weigh in this morning. I have been waiting on it since I started the program on the first of January! I have several boxes on back order because I am looking forward to getting to use some of the recipes in the cook book!!!
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Old 02-15-2009, 05:59 PM   #148  
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I hate TOM cravings....they finally got the best of me yesterday after battling hard for 3 days!!! So one more little devil added to the dance line and to quote Forrest Gump...that's all I have to say about that.

I'm recentered and focused today. Maybe a total off day is what I needed, who knows....anyway onward and downward.'s time to change the holiday markers on the signature line. So a fresh start today with shamrocks.
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Old 02-15-2009, 06:57 PM   #149  
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Originally Posted by raven59 View Post
I hate TOM cravings....they finally got the best of me yesterday after battling hard for 3 days!!! So one more little devil added to the dance line and to quote Forrest Gump...that's all I have to say about that.

I'm recentered and focused today. Maybe a total off day is what I needed, who knows....anyway onward and downward.'s time to change the holiday markers on the signature line. So a fresh start today with shamrocks.
Must be in the week! I gave into chocolate and sugar cookies! GRRRRRRR!!!!! Oh well started over and now I have a cold an as crazy as it seems sweets sound soooo good! But I'm resisting.... Good luck and we can do this!
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Old 02-15-2009, 07:11 PM   #150  
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Originally Posted by ilovekotilab View Post
Hi Everyone!

I had a NSV today. I went in for my annual "lady" check up (ugh) and my Dr. told me I am no longer in the obese category!! Yay!! I told her what I was doing with MRC and she told me that I was doing "perfect" (in her words) and that she could not suggest anything for me to do. She said she was very excited for me. Wow, I've never had this Dr. before and she was thrilled for me. I weigh in tommarrow and I kinda already know that I lost another 3lbs, because when I got weighed at the dr. office I was down another three.

I am pumped up again!! I love this community too. You guys are all great and I always enjoy logging in and seeing everyone's accomplishments.

Have a great rest of the day!

Congratulations! I think that's one of the best NSV's out there because Dr's can be pretty rough in general (especially if your "obese") so GREAT JOB!
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