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Old 02-09-2009, 08:02 PM   #106  
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Originally Posted by Meemo View Post
I think she's still trying to sell her condo - I heard from her via facebook 2-3 weeks ago, she was somewhere without her laptop so couldn't check in with 3FC (didn't remember her password - sounds like me!) - but said she'd gotten in to her center & was going to start stabilization.
Oh good--thanks for the update!
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Old 02-09-2009, 10:28 PM   #107  
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dkmd27..Thanks for posting this. I got my reminder email this AM and deleted it. They said (via email last week) that they also have a chicken boillon (sp?) so I'm going to order that as well as some more drinks since all the centers are out of it right now.

Originally Posted by dkmd27 View Post
ooops, just read my own post -- slight error. Shipping is free over 79 and the saveme10 coupon code is good over 99.
Hey Viola,
Well, after careful consideration I decided NOT to do MQ but my own modified version which is normal breakfast, meal bar for lunch and normal dinner. I know that's not what you're supposed to do and you're only "supposed" to have a meal replacement 3 times in a week, BUT I really love my breakfast. It gets me going. So I decided to do this instead. Today I had my oatmeal and cheese (and coffee) for breakfast, a peanut meal bar for lunch and chicken/brocolli and tortilla for dinner. I had 3 HNS and drank about 72-80 oz of water! That's good for me. Oh, and I took ALL my "herbs/vitamins" as well.

What do you mean that you're carb sensitive? Do you think that having a meal bar or shake will make you gain b/c of the carbs or do you think that once you get a taste of the "sweetness" of it that you'll binge on more carb stuff? I wasn't sure. I weighed right before bed (well, before I tried to go to bed a while ago) and I was at 130.4. That's really exciting b/c usually I'm 2-3 lbs lighter in the AM. So..If I'm 128 in the AM here @ home I should be that (or less) at MRC. Last WI I was 1.5 lbs less on their scale. I know I should throw my scale away (or just stop using it as you did), but I'm addicted. Right now it's actually keeping me motivated to continue. 8 days in a row now, not perfect, but very close for me.

Originally Posted by raven59 View Post
Hi Rocki,

It will be interesting to see how MQ works for you. I've read that it has worked really well for some people and for others there has been no change or even a slight gain!!

I've been reluctant to try it because I am so carb sensitive and am concerned I'll be one of the ones who gain. Since you and I seem to have similar body types, I bet we would have similar results, so keep me posted!
BonnieMcC..WOOHOO! Congrats on that 40 lbs and 45"! You're amazing! That is SO great! I've only lost 42 in a year and you've done it in 2 months! Way to go!

Originally Posted by BonnieMcC View Post
Just checkin in to let you know that I got to sign the 40 pound board today. I also got my measurements today and have lost almost 45 inches! I love MRC
Hey Denise..Thanks for the virtual hugs! I could feel it way over/down here in Florida. It's so amazing to think that in 2 more lbs you'll be down to 1/2 of what you were! OMG! That is just so awesome! Do you have any big plans for goal? Like did you plan any special "rewards" such as a European vacation or a brand new car or a NYC shopping trip??? Well, you should!

Originally Posted by namaste View Post
Oh my gosh... where have I been? I missed the new thread and 7 whole pages! I was sick on Friday, but other than that.... I must have just been off the planet! We've got great losses, and newbies, and friends returning! This has been a great few days. Congrats, welcome, and welcome back!

I weighed in on Saturday and was down 2 more lbs.... I'm nearing that 177lb mark so that I can say that I've lost 1/2 of myself! I can't wait to see where I end up on the 26th for my final goal weight. Bypassing my initial goal(s) has just been a dream.

I love you all and am sending big virtual hugs to each and every one of you right this second. Can you feel it?!
Gina..That's why I'm worried about starting to run again. I've just gotten back into the groove with the diet and I'm afraid running again will throw things all out of wack. I know I shouldn't wait, but I might just do that. Wait until I get to goal (or close) and then start running again. I don't see myself ever running @ 6.3 for 4 miles like others and I have no clue whether I'll actually get out there and RUN a 5K for real. I get winded very easily b/c of my asthma and while I was running fine before I could never go higher than 4.8 for 25 minutes and I felt terrible when I ran outside. Plus, my doctor told me that it wasn't good for my joints Anyway..Keep it up and you know overall it will help you maintain and stay healthy. It's a great cardio workout.

Originally Posted by ShineOn View Post
Welcome back Carrie!! Bonnie, you are just rockin the weight loss!

I'm struggling a little bit with my focus over the last week. I've had a few off plan bites, tastes & licks and missed a meal last night after a big lunch - then had some bad food right before bed. It's been a stressful 10 days, but I need to re-focus and press through to goal weight!! March 8th will sneak up on me fast. I'm trying to balance the extra hunger I'm getting while running. I think I'm playing the game - I'm burning more calories so I can eat more - in my head. But I know those extra bites will add up fast. Today was a run day - 35 minutes of run/walk and 2.8 miles total. I'm going to see how I do hunger wise if I just follow the plan perfectly and add two fiber fills. Just needed to say it "outloud" and get past this weight range that I've been stuck at for a few weeks!
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:03 PM   #108  
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Originally Posted by namaste View Post
Hi!!! Welcome back! I've missed you, my lovely San Diego girl! How is my hometown? I need to go home soon and visit. I'm getting a lot of backtalk from the family about not bringing my son out there in so long. I'm so happy to hear from you! I love your "grateful" list.... I'll have to add it to my "freedom" list. Just love you!
I love you too! Your family should be yelling at you! That's so funny, cuz my Colorado niece was just yelling at us for not coming out there! It was about 80 degrees here for the past two weeks...then Thurs...all heck broke loose! Wasn't kidding about the hail... ain't life grand! I guess we have to have a bit of a reality check once in awhile!

How amazing to be "half" of yourself!!! Just amazing!!! I'm going to drink an HNS and another glass of water...just to cheer you on!

Last edited by maintainforlife; 02-09-2009 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:17 PM   #109  
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Thanks Gina for the welcome back! I know I'm "hungrier" walking running...I can only imagine! I used your trick with cutting up the mint bar and putting it in the freezer. I eat a couple of pieces right before I walk and after...with a huge glass of water. Not exactlly OP...but it seems to curb the hunger...or at least makes my "brain" think so!
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:19 PM   #110  
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Finz, DLA and Bonnie Fabulous progress girlfriends...WOW...I love looking at your "tickers"...hmmm...meaning that only in a good way!

Last edited by maintainforlife; 02-09-2009 at 11:19 PM.
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:23 PM   #111  
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Thanks Finz for asking and Meemo for answering about GRAD...Not that I can talk being MIA for so long...but I was wondering about her too! I love that stabilization is close for her!!

Last edited by maintainforlife; 02-09-2009 at 11:24 PM.
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:40 PM   #112  
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What do you mean that you're carb sensitive? Do you think that having a meal bar or shake will make you gain b/c of the carbs or do you think that once you get a taste of the "sweetness" of it that you'll binge on more carb stuff? I wasn't sure.

Hi Rocki,

By carb sensitive, I mean the former. My body really seems to be super efficient in burning calories from carbs (even thought the experts say a calorie is a calorie) When I tried WW in the past and followed it to the letter I would only see 1/4-1/2 lb weight loss per week. MRC works for me because there are so few carbs. I'm reluctant to add the additional carbs in the meal replacement bars because I'm afraid it might slow the weight loss. But that's just me. I'm sure many use the bars without any impact.

Congrats on the continued losses. I see 125 in your near future
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:44 PM   #113  
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So a couple of you have commented on exercise making you really hungry. I remember the center saying that we shouldn't exercise more than 2 hours/week because there just isn't enough calories to support it.

Increased activity doesn't seem to bother me, but then again, I have the world's most efficient metabolism, and my body can make a leaf of lettuce go a long way, darn it. Well at least I'll be in good shape if we ever have a famine.

I'm wrapping up day 2 of perfectly on plan....and will be adding another sweetheart to my line. One day at a time....
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Old 02-10-2009, 08:49 AM   #114  
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Good morning, all. It's so good to catch up with everybody again. I get it about the carb-sensitive thing, BOTH ways. My body clings to them and, when I have a little, I want a lot.

So, the weekend wasn't perfectly on-plan, but the choices I made weren't the worst choices ever. Weren't even bad at all, really, just not perfectly OP. But yesterday was and today will be and I'm feeling good about this. Sam tried my favorite breakfast concoction yesterday (1/2 C cottage cheese, 1/4 C dry oatmeal, cinnamon and sweetener) and declared it odd and, ultimately, not enough to hold him through the morning. But he by God tried it and gets points for that.

Not much to add, just I'm glad to be back in this community. There's just something about checking in here that really, really helps me keep focused.
Have wonderful days, everybody!
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Old 02-10-2009, 10:12 AM   #115  
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Default Ugh!

I weighed in @ 9am and was down a 1/2 pound! UGH! I guess that cake on Sunday did more damage than I thought. I really was hoping for about 2 lbs. The good thing is I'm in the 120s again (129.5) for the 3rd time I think. In September I got down to 125.5 and in December I got down to 128. So, only 4 more lbs to get to where I was 5 months ago

I'm staying OP and trying my damdest to get this weight off. I really want to see 125 in the next 2 weeks! That would be nice!
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Old 02-10-2009, 10:48 AM   #116  
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Hi All!

I had a NSV this morning. My size 12's were feeling loose now for about a week, so I thought I'd dig out my size 10's. Wasn't sure how they would fit, because it's been like 5 years since I fit into them. Low and behold - they actually fit! This is the last of my skinny sizes that I have. So it's exciting that I just blew through them. I am getting rid of my bigger sizes. I already gave away my 17's and 16's. Now it's time to part with my 14's and 12's. Getting rid of the 12's seem kinda scary, but I know I won't go back up - I JUST CANNOT GO BACK UP!! *k, I just said it out loud*

Everyone is doing great and keep up the great work!! Have a nice day everyone!
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Old 02-10-2009, 11:03 AM   #117  
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Originally Posted by ilovekotilab View Post
Hi All!

I had a NSV this morning. My size 12's were feeling loose now for about a week, so I thought I'd dig out my size 10's. Wasn't sure how they would fit, because it's been like 5 years since I fit into them. Low and behold - they actually fit! This is the last of my skinny sizes that I have. So it's exciting that I just blew through them. I am getting rid of my bigger sizes. I already gave away my 17's and 16's. Now it's time to part with my 14's and 12's. Getting rid of the 12's seem kinda scary, but I know I won't go back up - I JUST CANNOT GO BACK UP!! *k, I just said it out loud*

Everyone is doing great and keep up the great work!! Have a nice day everyone!
Congratulations.That is such a fantastic feeling.I am with you on cleaning out the closet and getting rid of the bigger sizes.My thought is if I keep the bigger sizes that just gives me permission to gain the weight back.Congrats again on your NSV.
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Old 02-10-2009, 11:54 AM   #118  
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Rocki...throw away the scale...

you'll see 125 soon, but your body will release the weight on it's own timeline; hopefully it will be 2 weeks, but be prepared for a plateau and don't can do it!!!

Wishing everyone a great op day.
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Old 02-10-2009, 01:17 PM   #119  
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Originally Posted by raven59 View Post
So a couple of you have commented on exercise making you really hungry. I remember the center saying that we shouldn't exercise more than 2 hours/week because there just isn't enough calories to support it.

Increased activity doesn't seem to bother me, but then again, I have the world's most efficient metabolism, and my body can make a leaf of lettuce go a long way, darn it. Well at least I'll be in good shape if we ever have a famine.

I'm wrapping up day 2 of perfectly on plan....and will be adding another sweetheart to my line. One day at a time....
Yeah, I have been dealing with the hunger issue since I started working out. For the first 4 months of the diet, I didn't work out at all, and now I have been working out pretty hard (5 days a week, 30-45 minutes of cardio plus weights and abs with a trainer) for the last two months. I have really had to struggle with not eating more than I'm supposed to. My center says to have an extra half of a bar after you work out, and most of the time that works, but not always.

It seems counter productive to work out and then eat more because after all, aren't we all looking for the calorie burn? However, I do think that in maintenance exercise will be super-important to keeping the weight off, so I think it's good that I'm getting another habit in place so that when I'm actually in maintenance in another month or two, I won't have to battle eating "normally" again AND trying to start working out. Plus, I have built muscle, which will also help keep my metabolism up. I'm anxious to see if my tanita shows that when they do my final stats before stabilization.

Still, the hunger thing remains a bit of an issue, and at this point, it's mostly willpower and mental strength that keeps me from eating more than I should (plus, I'm not perfect, so there have definitely been more slips since I started working out than there were in the beginning.)
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Old 02-10-2009, 01:51 PM   #120  
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Originally Posted by maintainforlife View Post
I love you too! Your family should be yelling at you! That's so funny, cuz my Colorado niece was just yelling at us for not coming out there! It was about 80 degrees here for the past two weeks...then Thurs...all heck broke loose! Wasn't kidding about the hail... ain't life grand! I guess we have to have a bit of a reality check once in awhile!

How amazing to be "half" of yourself!!! Just amazing!!! I'm going to drink an HNS and another glass of water...just to cheer you on!
I heard; last night I asked my Sister if they had built an ark yet?! She said it was scary dark and gloomy out. I actually love the rain and miss the rain cuz' it hardly rains here at all.
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