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Old 09-15-2005, 08:20 PM   #316  
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Star - I love the Beachbody products. I have Slim In Six, P90, Power Half Hour, Fast 10, Slim Series, Yoga Booty, and every other exercise tape under the sun(like Core Secrets, Tae Bo, The Firm, Pilates, A.M. Yoga/P.M. Yoga, etc). I think that I just like to try different stuff. Was going to order Turbo Jam(new) but was laid off before I placed the order. Will work with what I already have and when I get bored just rotate them. I usually do something in the a.m. and a different tape p.m. This month it's SI6 a.m. and Core Secrets p.m. Was doing fine until I started getting company and cooking and eating out. They show up at the door and say 'Sis, you've cooked enough this week, let's go out to breakfast/lunch/dinner'. Of course, I went and I enjoyed. I stopped making sensible choices after the 3rd day.

On the subject of flags - You haven't seen a flag until you see the Klan flag riding through your neighborhood day and night for weeks, disrputing your way of life, like going to school, to the store, doctor, or your jobs, etc. My mother wouldn't let us out of the house during those times because children and adults had been killed by these animals and nothing was ever done about it. My father would usually go to work anyway. Mostly the law enforcers, doctors, lawyer, christian radio announcers carried/wore those declarations of hate(sheet/flag). There were times when the community 'white men' were looking for a '*igger' who commited some slight to their way of thinking and they terrorized people continuously. If you have lived in peace, thank your God, because not everyone has. Folks haven't experienced drive bys, like the drive bys that I know about. Those are experiences that I don't like to remember. That's why today's northern/southern 'subtle racism' doesn't bothered me like it affects some people who never experienced the 'death or near-death' racism. Any racism affects a person, subtle or not. I suppose if you've been in a war, little small battle are just that small battles if you come away with your life. Anyhu, enough of that, I feel an anxiety attack coming on. I'm an HR person and you wouldn't believe things that are still used to identify race and continue discrimination. Maybe, some do know.

That's enough of that. I could go on forever

Good night ladies, KPP(oh, that's from the other board Keep Pushing Play) I'm going to walk my puppy, get some fresh air and come in and take a chill pill, need a strong drink now though. Amazing, how just typing about those times brings it all back.


Last edited by LadyIzzy; 09-15-2005 at 08:35 PM.
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Old 09-15-2005, 08:40 PM   #317  
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Default Move To Another Level

Star - one of the COD counselors said that when I get to 193lbs. I will move to the Gold plan. I was poking fun when I asked if I could lose a large amount by the end of the weeks that I have left on LAWL. Can't do it unless by some miracle.

puppy is calling me, she'll bite my ankles for sure
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Old 09-16-2005, 08:48 AM   #318  
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Good Morning Chicks,
How has everyone been? Sorry that I've been gone for so long. I just have to get back into the swing of things with my posting.. I haven't been on plan in I don't know how long. I've been hanging around the 176-180 mark.. Not sure what my ticker says so just ignore that.
We are starting to get ready for out trip to Talladega. We will be leaving on the 29th. Can't wait for that... I've decided to wait to get back on plan when I get back. I don't have control over all the food options since all of us have different nights of cooking.. Well I guess I could fix all of my own meals but I'm too lazy for that.. Star has been keeping me posted on some of the things that have been going on with everyone. So atleast I'm not totally lost...
Well Chicks, I have to finish getting ready for work (that is still going good but I wish they would let me play on the computer. I miss this)
Regina...Is there anyway to use this Pink Panther and put Karen under it instead of Rusty..Thanks if there is..
Star...I'll talk to you later.
I hope everyone has a great weekend..Bye for now.
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Old 09-16-2005, 11:11 AM   #319  
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Morning Chickies!!!!!

Well I went to the COD today and I wasnt feeling like i had lost. I weighed myself this morning and thought i would be about the same however when i stepped on the scale at the center i was down.... 1.75 lbs!!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!! That makes a grand total of 4.75lbs for the week. Amazing what happens when you get back OP. I wasnt POP yesterday either I seem to be missing something all the time. I actually missed some water, a lite and a fruit yesterday. I just couldnt get the rest of it in after dinner wasnt hungry. My goal for over the weekend is 1.5lbs so i will have to work hard to do it but i hope im over my goal lol. I was over all my goals this week at the center. Mostly due to the water im sure. I just wonder how much more i would have lost if i had been POP the past two days instead of missing a few things and if i had exercised. Ok well i need to finish up a few things before i head to school for my 1 class today. I will check back in with you chickies this afternoon.


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Old 09-16-2005, 11:41 AM   #320  
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Hey chickies,

I have an interesting dilemma on my plate! (Not literal plate.) National Show Horse Finals are next week, and I was joking with some friends over dinner last night that I wished I could go (lots of back story on why, that would bore you all to tears) but between my boss (mom) and DH, I didn't see it happening. Well, boss/mom jumps in and says, "hey, you SHOULD go." I'm like, ha-ha, DH will never go for it. So I get home and am relaying this story to DH, and he says, "well, I don't see anything going on this week that you HAVE to be her for." Say what? So now I'm waiting for a call back from boss/mom who's on the road to a different horse show with my sister, to see if in fact she would be okay with me not working next week, and if she says it's fine, I'll have to decide if I really can (and want to) pull together a week trip out of town in less than 48 hours. I seriously feel like there must be some "higher reason" that I need to go to this thing, because all of the roadblocks are just jumping out of the way without any actual encouragement from me. It's positively wierd.
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Old 09-16-2005, 11:46 AM   #321  
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Hi Everybody! Hi Karen/Rusty!

Britt - you are rockin' right now! YAY you!

Bre - I admire that you are able to get right back on track after all the festivities and such. That is a big problem for me. Trying to work on it though...

Fiona - amazing how things just work themselves out, isn't it? I hope you do decide to go. It sounds like its in the cards. Enjoy your "me" time.

Good News on all fronts for me. I got the okay from my foot doctor to exercise. I had been praying that my foot is healing properly, and apparently it is! No surgery down the road, just continue to be a bit careful with it until he says I can stop coming to see him. YAY!

Went to the COD, had one of my favorite counselors. I am 2 lbs from moving my ticker again, and that feels WAY good. Also, as of Monday I SWITCH TO PURPLE! Things are happening! I am so excited. The counselor asked why I could possibly be excited about being able to eat less, and that normally she got a different reaction when she told people they were switching their plans. I told her it was more the benchmark/milestone part of it that excited me more than anything else. TOM is still hanging around too, so maybe by Monday I will be down those 2 lbs and next week I can start sliding downward again. Moving to purple and working out should help I'm sure.

No plans this weekend. Swimming with the DSs is tonight and I am excited to go. I am noticing progress there too. I am almost able to do the required laps to swim at the deep end. Hopefully it will not be long before I am able to accomplish that. We shall see...

TOT (totally off topic - was there a topic? Not sure. Anyhoo...) My youngest DS is a television celebrity. He was on the local news yesterday and this morning. They sent camera crews to his school where they were discussing the CA state ruling on the Pledge of Allegiance, and they filmed his class reciting the pledge. DH taped it. That was very kewl. DS is vain though, and was a bit upset that he was in need of a haircut when they filmed. KIDS!!!

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Old 09-16-2005, 12:55 PM   #322  
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Hey chicks.

Finally went to COD today -- I weighed in at 191.8. Not too bad - almost at the same weight I left at in May. All new counselors, so we'll see where it goes -- the new one tried to talk me into take off -- I said I didn't think I needed to do it.

Hey Karen/RWF - so glad to see you again! Hope you can check in more often

Carmen - how kewl is that - moving down to purple! I, too, have my fingers crossed that I'm going to get to Gold in October. . And your son on the news -- this must be the one that used your special soap? What are you planning to do for exercise now?

Britt - you're filling up that fat fairy bus!

Bre -- what do you think of YBB? I keep on thinking about that. Also, I can't imagine what it would be like to live thru one of those Klan situations. Did that happen where you live now? To be honest, when my mom moved to DC in the mid 50's, her family told her that she'd be killed since she was Jewish, and it's a southern city. Truthfully, the DC area has a large Jewish population (so no worries for mom), but we've certainly had decades of discrimination here. And it's a large multicultural population now --

Fiona - how cool is that -- to get to the horse show? I've never been, but I'd go at the drop of a hat.

Star, what do you have going for the weekend?

Mary - I bet you'd be a great nurse (but not a veternarian!)

Have a great TGIF chicks!
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Old 09-16-2005, 02:54 PM   #323  
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Afternoon chickies!!!!

See told ya I would be back. Just got back from class and had to get my lunch in I was hungry lol. We got out early from class YAY but i have lots to get done this weekend for school.

Good luck hope you get to go next week!!! I love going on trips and if i dont have enough notice i can still be ready to go at the drop of a hat lol.

Thanks!! Congrats on your foot healing good. Switching to Purple WTG i cant wait to get there myself. How cool for your son to be on TV and LOL aobut the hair.

Hey stranger welcome back!!!!!!!

Well i have to run a few errands so i better get going!

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Old 09-16-2005, 03:08 PM   #324  
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Carmen - So glad you foot is healing so nicely.....I'm going to see the foot doctor next Wed. we will discuss 'bunion' surgery.....yuck - only becuz I won't be able to workout for six weeks (twice)....that will be really hard for me.

Julie - This weekend I'm taking GB Jenna to get her ears pierced at the mall. She is four and we have discussed the pain as best we can, but she still is POSITIVE she has to have them NOW.....she is such a girly girl. Fingernails and toes painted since she was like 5 months old. And I always love to fu-fu her hair.....
DH is going up north to do some work on our place up there, so it will be a girls only weekend.....
I think I just had a NSV, need a second opinion. Well I couldn't go to COD WI becuz some crazy stuff was going on here at work. Since I'm on plan, I really kinda 'wanted' to go for a I was heating my Lean Cusine up when it hit me, my ring was spinning around on my finger. So I'm taking that as a 'sign' that I would be down at COD 'if' I could have made it to WI.........
That's my story and I'm sticking to it......
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Old 09-16-2005, 03:10 PM   #325  
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Wow. It's not been very busy today in here today. What are you all up to? They have the thermostat set on "****" at work, and its cool and rainy outside so I wore a sweater because they normally freeze us in here. They said there is something wrong with one of the AC units and that it should be fixed shortly. Mind you, they said that at 8:30 this AM so I doubt it will be getting better today. In the meantime, its getting hard to keep pretending that I'm . Ya know?

Hey Star - Thanks a bunch. I am so sorry you will be incapacitated. Do you think there are any machines you could use that wouldn't be too hard on your feet, like maybe a recumbent bike? I know you still have to use your feet but I don't know how much pressure it would put on them. Also, maybe swimming? Or is the thought that you shouldn't submerge your feet because of incisions? I think being disappointed about not being able to go to COD is a huge NSV, as well as the spinning ring.

Julie and Britt - thanks for the encouragement on moving to purple. It's such a small difference from red that I wonder how much of a difference calorie-wise it is. I guess I could go to fitday and plug in 2 different journals and figure it out. Not today though it's Friday and that would require a bit too much brain power.

As for the exercise, I honestly don't know what I will do. I only own 2 tapes and I can do those, but after that ? I had planned to try a strength and tone class next week at the fitness center here at work. I used to take it before and all I can remember is coming back to my desk and being too sore to even use an eraser. Maybe that is what I need...Idunno. The whole thought of exercise is daunting to me. I know that people always say that they feel so much better after doing it, but it always leaves me tired, HUNGRY, sore, and attitudinal. Maybe I overdo it, but I don't know what to do and what not to do. Does that make sense? Dilemmas....

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Old 09-16-2005, 03:20 PM   #326  
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Carmen, If you have a fitness center at work I take it you can use it by yourself without joining a class? The class probably wasn't too hard for you - you were probably working too hard, you could just slow it down and go at your own pace.
My other thought was that you could maybe use the bike at the gym? It would be alittle easier on you foot, just a thought.
Start out slow and see with time if you feel like you want to kick it up a notch. Alot of people make the mistake, when starting an exercise plan, to go gun ho and then burn out quickly. Another way to look at it, 'anything' you do know is good - compared to nothing.
I have a friend who has been talking about joining a gym now for 4 years. He sees one and then thinks if it's close to home, close to work, too expensive, has everything on his 'want' list and on and on forever. Well it's been four years and he's still talking about
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Old 09-16-2005, 03:32 PM   #327  
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Star - you're right. There are a whole lot of aerobics machines, weight machines and free weights at the center, and I can use them by myself. I remember liking the elliptical machines because they had the heart rate monitors on them and they were programmable. Maybe I'll start there on Monday and resolve to just do that 3 times next week. I splurged and went to Bath and Body works today and bought a trial size body wash and lotion. That's going straight into my workout bag when I get home this evening. Maybe I'll join you guys in the exercise yard so I can record my progress there.
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Old 09-16-2005, 03:44 PM   #328  
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Mary - I'd travel for thighs, its that deep! I have never been to Texas. I've never been west of Western Michigan. Well I've been to Pigeon Forge TN but I don't know which one of those is farther west. I am dying to go to TX. I was supposed to go to Irving TX in June for a training session for work but the session was cancelled because I was the only one who signed up. Just my luck.

Bummer re: DH and the long days, short temper. When my DH was working 2 jobs we went through those types of problems. Here's to hoping his load lightens soon .
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Old 09-16-2005, 03:53 PM   #329  
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Mary - your DH sounds like his numbering socks may have been a result of 'mommy dearest'..

Carmen - At my apartment gym they have treadmill, eliptical and bike that are also programmable - what a treat those are, it makes the workout so doable! Great idea for you! About the trial size body stuff, I have to take all that to the gym every morning too. My gym bag has wheels and handle, becuz when I pack it - it weighs more than the weights I The guys at the gym call me the 'airline stewardess'
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Old 09-16-2005, 04:37 PM   #330  
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Well you all, I'm off to spend some quality time with the DSs. DH is on the warpath and he's trying to keep them in, saying their chores are half done. IMHO, he's just being mean. The DSs do have a tendency to slack sometimes, but never on Friday because they know we are going to go out so they are always done early. I don't know what DHs problem is today, but if he tries to keep us from our Friday date he's gonna have to get some .

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Let's stay POP this weekend!
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