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Old 10-10-2006, 08:53 PM   #361  
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Default Hi, I'm Wilma (aka Gaia)

I just signed up for LA WeightLoss just a few minutes ago, and because I'm a vegetarian, I didn't get started on the TakeOff quite yet. She says I can do that later. She did, however, give me the vitamin package, and she says on Thursday I can get my meal plans and food diary and all that stuff.

Oh, and... I'm 23, probably one of the youngin's. No children, not married yet. I'm in my special ed teacher's credential program at Cal State Monterey Bay. I used to be very into martial arts and fitness. I was vegan for 6 years, but I'm just a regular ovo-lacto now. And... I work for Easter Seals as a Respite Care Provider -- which is basically babysitting for children with disabilities.

That's all. And I hope to have as much success as you all have had. I'm at my highest weight ever right now... 234.8 according to the scale at the center. My goal is 150, but I'd rather be at 130 or lower. Losing 100+ lbs. however seems daunting, so I chose an easier target.
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Old 10-10-2006, 09:22 PM   #362  
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Hi Wilma, welcome to the boards!
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Old 10-12-2006, 08:55 PM   #363  
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Hello everyone!!! I am geraldine, 35, married for 4 years, no kids, 4 dogs. I have been reading a lot of posts here and it is so inspiring. Like a lot of people i a have been through a lot of diets and failed that is why I decided to get a lap band in January. Saved the money but a few weeks ago I witnessed a horrible side effect of the procedure that made me changed my mind. Two friends of mine are very successful with LAWL so I decided to join. I am a "serial failure". I have been disgusted with myself too many times. Lately my blood pressure has been high, no energy, all for my lack of control with eating. Please help me. I will help myself, I promise. I hope to be an inspiration to a new member someday.
Thank you.

Start date: 10/03/2006

Last edited by geraldine1970; 10-12-2006 at 11:02 PM.
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Old 10-13-2006, 07:37 AM   #364  
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Welcome Geraldine! The program works if you work it. We are all here for you, so just jump in. If you have any questions, go ahead and post. Most of our daily chatter is on the Losers and Friends thread. I am guessing from your ticker that you lost 6lb on Fast Forward? If so, that is an awesome start!
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Old 10-17-2006, 11:17 AM   #365  
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Talking Hello Everyone

My name is Stephanie and I'm 25 y/o. I'm a single parent to a four y/o little boy, Matthew(the love of my life). I'm an LVN and started school again this semester to go for my Bachelor's Degree in Nursing to become an RN. I want to work in the Emergency Room of a Level I Trauma Center. I can't help it but I'm an adrenaline junky when it comes to my work. I like for my job to keep me on my toes. I currently work for a nursing agency. I live in San Antonio, Texas, home of the best TEX-MEX food you'll ever eat so I really have to have will power to stay on plan and so far so good. I have been on LAWL for 12 wks now and have lost 24# and 20 in so far. I really like how everyone is so supportive of eachother here. good luck to everyone!
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Old 10-21-2006, 10:09 PM   #366  
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Hello everyone,
I am 36 years old. I am married. When I grow up, I want to be a Certified Nurse-Midwife. Not the kind that goes door to door (not that I am against that, it's just not my preference), but the kind that practices in a clinic or hospital. I have 2 years of my B.S.N. completed. I am currently on break from school because I am busy raising our children and trying, and I repeat, trying, to run our household.

We have 5 lovely children, ranging in age from 16 to 2, three girls and two boys. If I started writing about them, this bio would get WAY to long, as I tend to brag a bit too much about my kids. I'll just say that they are the smartest, cutest, funniest, loving kids anywhere.

I joined LAWL on Wednesday of this week. I have never tried any type of weight loss center. I have always struggled with my weight a bit, but between my 4th and 5th kids, I had two miscairrages. Unfortunately, I tend to gain way too much weight when I am pregnant. I contribute it to the fact that I had always deprived myself when I wasn't pregnant, so when I became pregnant, I just went overboard. Anyway.......I had 4 pregnancies in just under 3 years (including the miscairrages), and I managed to stack on the pounds. I also moved from Wisconsin to Missouri (away from all of my family and friends) during that time. I also quit smoking 6 months ago. All of these things combined put me at my highest weight ever....222.6 Food became my friend. I have never had trouble losing weight. I have been doing it all my life. I don't know why I am having such a hard time now, but I am putting an end to it. That is why I decided to try LAWL. Cross your fingers for me!!!
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Old 10-22-2006, 10:47 AM   #367  
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Welcome and Good Luck!!
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Old 10-25-2006, 09:58 AM   #368  
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I'm 42 years young. I have been married for 24 years. I have a 17 yr old son and a 10 yr old son. I always lost the baby weight but in the last 6 or 7 years have really been packng it on. Just unconscious eating I guess. I have arthritis in my neck which makes it difficult to do jarring exercise. So I joined LAWL. Started out great but I have been stalled for the last week or so. I did the take off again and only lost a pound. I am on gold and have been POP except for a few times. Any advice would be appreciated. I am doing the FB500, lite bars, meal replacement, fruit smoothies and now their vitamins. On yesterday, I was the same weight from Friday. Help.
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Old 10-25-2006, 10:10 AM   #369  
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Lila - Welcome! I too have done the slim downs, both times for 5 days in a row. Both times no loss. My COD suggested I eat real food. Both times it worked. Every body is different, and I think my body doesn't respond to them. Other than that, I have been stalled for a week also. Hoping to see the scale move today. Staying OP is the only thing you can do. One week is only a stall, not a plateau. It sucks, but the scale will move. (I am telling myself this as much as you).

Join us over in the Losers and Friends thread!
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Old 10-27-2006, 10:41 AM   #370  
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hi i guess i should of post on here 1st
my name is judy and i am 27 yrs old . i been married to my husband scott for almost 9 yrs . we have a 9 yr old michael and a 5 yr old relena . my husband is in the navy . he been in for 9 yrs .
i never had a problem with weight growing up i was 98lbs till i got pregnant with my son :/ i didnt really gain weight with him till i got put on bedrest , and gained 50lbs i was at 140 when i got pregnant with my daughter when i went into preterm labour at 28 week i had gained 37 lbs already she was born at 30 weeks,
when we left hawaii in 2002 i was at 145 . i started to have probelms so the put me on the highest birth control and anti depression meds . over a 3 yrs period i put on 50+pds . i decide it was time to do something for my self
so far i lost 19.6 pds and 17.5 inches I will get down to 115-120ish That is my goal thats for the wrm welcome
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Old 10-27-2006, 11:23 PM   #371  
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Hi All! I was just surfing when I stumbled upon this, and I am so glad I did. I am 5 months shy of 40 (eeek!) and have 30 more pounds to lose. I have already lost 20. I am a veterinarian with two kids, ages 13 and 8. My problem is that I was not on overweight child. I was quite the opposite - a stick. I could eat anything I wanted and never have a problem. UNTIL I got married and settled down. Then the pounds began to creep on. With each pregnancy I would gain about 50 pounds. I managed to lose the weight from the first, but not the second. Getting over my carb cravings is my biggest hurdle. Not to mention, the rest of my family are still sticks, even my husband. I don't feel right keeping cookies out of the house because my kids don't have a weight problem, yet it is very difficult for me to stay out of them. Any suggestions would be welcome. I lost the first 20 pounds on LA weight loss, but I am not religious about sticking to the diet and I get frustated easily. Hope to learn more from ya'll!
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Old 10-30-2006, 07:55 AM   #372  
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Welcome! Yu will find this to be a great support site with wonderful people...or atleast I do! We all chat it up at the Losers and friends forum so come join us there!
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Old 11-01-2006, 08:51 AM   #373  
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Vetmom...Welcome.......I too was a pregnancy gainer. I was not quite like you I, always had to fight to keep my weight down; however, pregnancy did me in............5 times. LAWL has really helped me. I just started mid October, so I am still on a beginners high, but I just love that I am eating healthier than I ever have before.........on a regular basis......just for me. This site is incredible. Everyone is so knowlegable and helpful, and nice. I do not think I would be doing as well as I have been doing without these ladies. Good luck to you, and don't give up are so close
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Old 11-01-2006, 03:15 PM   #374  
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Welcome Vetmom - I look forward to getting to know you. Join us in our Losers and Friends thread!
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Old 11-05-2006, 08:06 AM   #375  
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Welcome Vetmom! You've made the first step by joining this group, that's for sure.

We all have our different struggles and this board helps you find ways to fight and win those battles. I too LOVE carbs and it has been a challenge to eat low carb BUT when I see the weight coming off each week I am even more determined to stick with the plan. It is a big committment and a challenge every day but you CAN do it!

Join us in the threads...we'd love to get to know you!

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