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Old 06-26-2006, 06:20 PM   #271  
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One motivator may be so you can become healthier, and be able to run right along with your prospective baby to be!! Not only will you be doing this for yourself, but for another little person...
But, after trying many times to lose weight, what works BEST is to WANT it for YOURSELF. (The baby can be an added bonus)...
Hang in there, you can do this!!
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Old 06-26-2006, 06:28 PM   #272  
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Welcome Kelly!
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Old 06-29-2006, 08:41 PM   #273  
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Hey, my name is Jamie. I jsut joined LAWL, I get my program tomorrow actually. I have been strugleing with my weight since college, I packed on the extra pounds due to bad eating habbits and some meds I was on for my bipolar. I am finally ready to get healthy. I also have high blood pressure, due to my lovely genetics. I am married to a very supportive guy, we were high school sweethearts and finally got married last year after we graduated college. I am not working at the moment, so I have a lot of free time on my hands. I have two furry kids (cats) that keep me on my toes, and umm thats about it I guess. If ya wanna know more jsut ask. Oh my current stats: I'm 5'9.5" 166lbs..want to get down to 135-140.
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Old 06-30-2006, 12:25 AM   #274  
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Great to have you Jamie!
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Old 06-30-2006, 01:32 AM   #275  
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I can't believe I missed this thread anyway My name is Sandy I started LAWL May 18,2006.I have a wonderful husband and I have 3 kids their names are Tiffanie,Sean and Stephanie and 1 stepchild her name is Bethany who is expecting in Dec.which will make my a stepgranny and I'm only 31 yo.I have 2 rescued greyhounds of my own their names are Sophie and Johnny and currently fostering one his name is Crazy and also a big kitty named Puss.Well I think that's it for now.I hope we can all stick together since where all hear for the same reason to get this darn weight off everybody.
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Old 06-30-2006, 12:54 PM   #276  
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Welcome Sandy!!! I raise Great Danes, would love to rescue a greyhound someday.
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Old 06-30-2006, 04:46 PM   #277  
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Originally Posted by Repo girl
Welcome Sandy!!! I raise Great Danes, would love to rescue a greyhound someday.

Oh I just love Great Danes they are so beautiful I know a few people that have them and the are such gentle giants.
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Old 06-30-2006, 09:39 PM   #278  
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Hi my name is Laura, I've just finished my first week on LAWL.
I've been watching those commericals for such a long time I finally broke down and joined. (I tried for 2 months on my own.)

I've been dieting for as long as I can remember. (Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, Herbalife, Weight Watcher-life time member here) I seem to lose but it doesn't stay off. Hopefully this will finally stick. The center seems to be motivating enought. I not sure how long I want to go weigh in 3xs a week

Personally, I'm married almost 16yrs. have two children, son-12yrs and daughter-10. I'm a stay at home mom and I babysit for my sisters two children boy-4 and girl-14months. I have two hairy babies also, a Westie and party Poodle.

Thanks for all the treads it motivational to see them all and the support you give eachother.
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Old 07-01-2006, 12:35 AM   #279  
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Default Hello Everyone

I've posted a couple of times, but haven't introduced myself really. I'm Kris and I live in Vancouver, WA. Started LAWL on April 26 and have lost 21 pounds. (I can't believe you've lost 26 already since May, Sandy (greycrazy). What am I doing wrong??? Congratulations to you anyway. )
I have two teenage boys that I love silly, but that are really giving me gray hair right now. Sigh...... I'm a teacher/librarian and am just trying to take up kayaking this summer.
This group of people seems amazingly supportive of each other and I'm glad I stumbled upon it.
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Old 07-01-2006, 12:18 PM   #280  
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Welcome Kris, It is great to have you!
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Old 07-03-2006, 12:20 AM   #281  
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K, guess it's time for me to do a bio since I've already been posting......
I'll be 35 in a few weeks and also celebrating our 15th ann. I have 4 kids, the 3 boys ages are 13, 12, 6 & my girly is 3 going on 30, she tries to be my mom......I was a SAHM but have recently returned back to work with dh being a realtor. Although my hours are still very flexible and mainly work the weekends. I've always struggled with my weight but realize now that I wasn't really a heavy child just always compared to my cousins which were skinny. My mom has always been heavy and is the biggest of her siblings. I mention that 'cause it has always been a main motivator for me to lose the weight, anytime we see family that we haven't seen in awhille the first thing they say is "You look like your mom!" My translation "Your fat just like your mom!" My heaviest was 201 last year and I lost about 20 but I wasn't eating so when the holidays came I gained it back quick. In between child #2 & 3 I had lost 40 lbs. and was down to 140 trying to get to 125 but didn't stick with that diet and also had 2 kids. I'm tired of being the fat friend/sister/wife/mother. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and look great too! Oh, I'm also SHORT 4'11" so being 190+ has taken it's toll on my siatic nerve and I'm too young to be feeling so old! K, that's me.....
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Old 07-03-2006, 07:24 AM   #282  
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Welcome Trisha! I know you've already been posting but you're great and I just wanted to tell you that. I know what you mean about not being heavy but being heavier than others in your family. I once had an aunt sit me down and tell me that I'll never get a job if I don't lose weight because no one will hire a fat person and I don't want to be a fat person do I? I was probably 160 at the time and hardly "fat" considering what I am now. But everyone else in my family stayed roughly in the teens and 20s, nice low 100s. Our perceptions are really skewed. Some people ARE thin and that's just how they are, and some people aren't. I don't know why it's become impossible to accept those people too.

Good luck with your diet. We are all here when if it gets tough for you.
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Old 07-03-2006, 07:27 AM   #283  
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Kelly, Jamie, Sandy, Laura, many new wonderful faces! Welcome and I look forward to talking to you over on the July board!
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Old 07-08-2006, 11:04 PM   #284  
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I've been posting also but have not introduced myself.

My name is debbie and i'm 24, married 1 year now but been with hubby since i was 16. We have 2 boys, Ryan 2 1/2yrs old & Aryn 9 1/2mo old. When i met hubby i was around 140lbs and have been gaining weight since we always ate out and it was always fast food. I grew up very skinny and then came to the US from Guyana, SA and with all the junk foods here i started gaining weight and never stopped. I never had the will power to diet before and always did little things but never stuck to them. This is the 1st time i actually took it seriously and since i paid so much i am definately sticking to it. I am a stay at home mom and we moved to FL from NY a year ago because i love the weather and needed to get away from DH family. Shh dont tell anyone! I love it here and i would never move back to NY. I started LAWL on Jan 3rd at 172lbs (my highest weight being about 187lbs). I am now about 11.8lbs away from my goal and i am so excited. My original goal was 140lbs but i think i will be so happy at 125 so i changed my goal. I've learned so much about eating right and i'm learning to love veggies and i am so glad i found LAWL (was referred by a friend of a friend who lost alot). I'm also glad i found this board because i have so much more to learn if i am making this a lifetime adjustment. I try to exercise at least 5 times a week, 45 mins each day but sometimes the baby wont let me, i'm committed to getting to my goal so most weeks i make the exercise time happen. I look forward to getting to know you gals because LAWL doesnt end when we get to our goal so i'm definately going to need support after that and i would be happy to give my support also. Well thats it for now.

Ok i know its long already but i'm editing to say that the reason i want to lose weight is because i want to be happy with myself, i have a great live with my DH and my 2 boys and this will just complete my happiness. I want to be able to keep up with the boys and i want to feel good about the way i look.

Last edited by Debbie24; 07-08-2006 at 11:10 PM.
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Old 07-09-2006, 04:35 PM   #285  
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I as well have been posting but no info posted here yet.... So here goes. Kristi is my real name, haha... but cherry is fine because I know there is already another Kristi floating around. I did LA 2 years ago and had great luck on it. I had a lot of motivation because of my sister's wedding coming up at the time. I managaed to keep it off for almost 2 years buit then this year it hit big time. I got very sick earlier this year with a systemic infection that affected my whole gastro system and I gained about 25 pounds back FAST and though I am not using the center this time, I am trying the plan again to get things under control. I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and I want that to go away. I am single, live in Philadelphia nd love music (its my main passion in life). Went through a pretty rough break up earlier this year, got pretty depressed and that just fueled fire for the weight gain and infection because my immune system was so worn down by the stress of it all. Haven't lost much yet so I am getting al ittle nervous that its not working as well this time around but willing to keep at it for another month or so and seeing what happens. I like this plan and i know it can work however the motivation I had first round is not there as much this time so I figure I am going to stumble a bit more which brought me here to you all. Thanks so much for being here. THis is really a super place to come for that extra bit of help I need sometimes to keep me OP.
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