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Old 07-17-2008, 04:48 AM   #121  
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Thumbs up Welcome Sheridan


Welcome to the Beck Diet Solution Discussion Group, Support Group, Diet Coach Group.

And, in case this wasn't invented when you joined 8 years and 3 months ago!!!

How did you find out about The Beck Diet Solution?
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Old 07-17-2008, 05:40 AM   #122  
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Thumbs up Thursday

Diet Coaches – Skipped gym because I had an appointment from after work until dinner. Oh Well. Of course I had a good reason; everyone who skips their exercise has a good reason. But that's not a problem as long as I still get in two more gym sessions this week. Worked two hours on my paper clutter, generating about 20 pounds of trash paper. Feel that my progress with this is serious. CREDIT moi.

Heidi (hbuchwald) - Kudos for painting your kitchen, that's getting serious about Arranging Your Environment. And Kudos for running your dogs. Can the little one go "a few miles?"

Jean (kuhljeanie) - Ouch for your injury while sleeping. Usually one must consider giving up an activity that causes injury, but that doesn't seem a good idea here, LOL. Your walks with DH in the cemetery sound delightful.

onebyone – That would be 100% blueberries, I presume, LOL. Very specific goals are right for me also. I need to see what I'm trying to do. Good luck with those 10 blank canvases. Does a painter ever get writer's block? If so, how do you go past it?

Erika (eusebius) – Kudos for being clear about Program day 31 - Decide About Drinking. This is such a clear statement, it's worth repeating:
"We have to make whatever program we're following work with our lives, whether that entails changing the program or our lives ... because this thing has to work for life!"
Yep, gotta make changes to one or the other if it's for life.

shrinkin - Kudos for the on plan eating. BIG Kudos for the "No late night food trolling!" And even BIGGER KUDOS for getting yourself to the pool when you didn't want to go. That's a key issue that I'm still working on to get to the gym even though I have a list of reasons not to go.

Susan (QuilterInVA) - Thanks for sharing your Response Card. That "more stamina" is high up on mine also. Kudos for marching forward with Program day 2: Pick Two Reasonable Diets.

Sheridan - Yep, you got it in that one terse summary, "a lot of planning and self talk is necessary." The Beck Diet Solution uses cognitive Behavior Therapy. It requires us to do our planning work today to be prepared for tomorrow, rather than just trying to use willpower when faced with food. It really works. I hope you'll give it a try. Even if you don't, reading the book is likely to be helpful regardless of which path you choose.

Re the workbook: I like the book because it has four extra chapters at the beginning that aren't in the workbook. Like Erika (eusebius), I keep my stuff on my computer so the forms in the workbook aren't important for me. onebyone used the workbook and discussed recently how she made her own journal after she had filled the workbook. I think it was Heidi (hbuchwald) who used both, perhaps she'll comment when she next comes round.

Readers – "… You’ll learn to resist the urge to overeat when you’re confronted with cravings, hunger, stress, social pressures, and myriad other problems. …" Beck, pg 23.
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Old 07-17-2008, 07:59 AM   #123  
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Thanks for all the support yesterday! Another OP day to report. Calories OP, water OP, not a planned exercise day. My exercise plan is to get in water walking at least 5 days a week (Tue and Thurs most likely off days, but flexible). Got in some forced unplanned exercise last night. DH and I did our run to Sams Club last night after work forgetting that we had just had driveway reasphalted (for those that dont do this, you cant drive on it for 48 hrs). We live on 3 acres, so, fairly long driveway to haul the groceries. Can't really take credit for that forced hike with load as it was truly "no choice".

Today is a water workout day. I'm on Beck day 10, goal setting. Wonder how many of you have/had scale goals vs nonscale? My most meaningful goal is just to stay on plan, no matter what. My ultimate scale goal is 140 pounds, but I had already set a minigoal of 10% or 21 pounds. Wonder if I need to do 5 pound increments?

A related topic to day 10... kuhljeanie asked about my calorie goal being a bit low. It is a challenge to know what will work the best. I dont want to be so low that my body thinks it is starving. My internist put my goal at 1000-1200 cal a day. Both she and I would like me to lose about 1.5 pounds per week at least initially (hoping that if we offload my joints, my ability to walk distances will improve). My maintenance calories run about 1800 per day. (I have been an intermittent user of fitday recording food and cals, so looking over several months of recording, that is pretty close. Guess at 53 and with sedentary work that is not too atypical.) To lose 1.5 pounds per week, you need to deficit 750 cals a day. On non-exercise days, that would put it at about 1050 and on exercise days about 1230. (My water exercise gives me about 180 cals in 30 min). I don't like exact targets as my life is variable, I have to build in some flexibility. For now, I use 1000-1400 as being on target, with an average target of 1200. When I am able to do more exercise, I will need more cals, but for now, I am hoping this is about right. I'm open to comments on this, particularly as time goes forward and I have more results to report.

kuhljeanie, sorry to hear about the body misery, but congrats for already having a good plan to deal with it. Yup, having children is an overall blessing IMO. There are those trying days (as you've described earlier), but then there are those wonderful moments, days and after a while years of great memories. Glad you had some of those great moments yesterday with hugs and kisses!

QuilterInVA-Thanks for sharing your Advantages. I can relate to wanting to be physically better. Two of my ARC reasons are to have less joint pain and to be able to do more things with DH and the kids. Being left behind on activities gets very old. We have to and will persist to our goals together!

Sheridan- As a newbie using only the book, I can't address your questions. I hope you decide Beck is for you and join us!

eusebius-Congrats on getting your alcohol plan together and already thinking in advance about the in-law visit! I agree with you about changing us or changing the plan...just have to find how to make the two work together to be healthy. Alcohol is a bigger challenge for me. My internist is a big believer in one glass of wine a day for the heart (yes, I have family cardio risks too). I must admint I enjoy a good glass a wine, so this is not burdensome. However, we frequently have friends over on weekends, and that is a big danger zone for eating and drinking (seems I have a lot of these). We own a very modest (800 sf), house on a lovely lake. We are hosting some friends there for the entire weekend, so the temptation to drink more than my glass a day will be very strong. Staying OP over the weekend is going to be tough. Got to gear up mentally for this.

Thanks for your comments on eating out. I have occasionally used on line menus to get some idea what is available ahead of time to gear up my brain to make better choices. By the way, I may have phrased an earlier note badly. I am not a professional entertainer, but just am expected to entertain (usually dinners) as part of my work....usually at expensive restaurants selected by someone else. Those chefs generally have the skill to modify something to a reasonable choice if requested. I just need the desire and courage to ask!

Heidi- Kitchen painting can be a big job. Congrats on that! Camping sounds wonderful...have a great time! Wonder if it is tent/trailer or backpacking? Look forward to hearing from you next week.

BillBlueEyes-Glad you have an exercise plan that anticipates needing flexibility. You will get those two sessions in this week! Decluttering is a great cathartic...kudos for that!

Off to breakfast with DH. Meals planned for today...just got to stick to it.

Have a great Thursday everyone!
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:56 AM   #124  
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Default Happy Thursday Coaches!

Self-love is the only weight-loss aid that really works in the long run.
- Jenny Craig, diet guru

I was bowled over by the quote from Jenny Craig. I must say, I know nothing of the woman, only her foodplan, and vaguely at that, and from that I judge her harshly. Perhaps she's a good person and means well and her diet products are her business and not her? Why am I even talking about this? Nevermind. The quote is a good one! It's true no matter what type of foodplan you are following because it's NOT ABOUT THE FOOD. Hello? How many times do I need to be reminded of this? More it seems. More.

And today's one line excerpt from the BDS book, graciously given to us here by BillBlueEyes, just makes me say "I want that!"
"… You’ll learn to resist the urge to overeat when you’re confronted with cravings, hunger, stress, social pressures, and myriad other problems. …" Beck, pg 23.
I want to learn to resist my urges. Dr. Beck doesn't say we'll happily resist our urges, or calmly resist our urges or easily resist our urges, only that we will be able to (learn) to resist our urges. I think I want it, still, to be easy and natural and a no-brainer. Um. It ain't gonna happen sister!

So I see the good doctor tomorrow morning. Not happy to go and face the consequences of not losing any weight and I think going up from the last time I saw him. *sigh* I am worried that (1) weight gain has rendered the BP meds I now take ineffective and therefore will be (2) prescribed something new and this new stuff will (3)wreck havoc with my system and I'll (4)experience awful side effects and...and...and... yadayadayada.
4 separate worries there in one sentence and none of them are true as I write this right now!
These kinds of catastrophic thoughts and feelings are what make me nervous and push my BP up higher than it normally is. It ain't gonna help me with white coat syndrome either. I just have to say something funny or hopefully he'll say something funny and that'll calm me down. Or picture the desert, or Sedona, or my garden or the ocean or swimming or my cat's face when I skritch her to calm down... go to my happy place as they say

I'm having some passive-aggressive "butting of heads" issues with one of the summer ceramic teachers at the school. She wants to organize me and schedule me and my work. Ugh. What really happens is she asks me this this and this and then tells me this won't work or are you sure? or don't do it this way etc., and I second guess myself! ughx3 on that! Luckily for me she won't be in the ceramics room after tomorrow! Hurray!

shrinkin What a great example you are to me of the power of planning.
I hope to be set on a course next week by getting my fitness assessed, and starting my free week of trying out that gym. They have a nutritionist to consult with and I may do that whther I stay with the gym or not. Just have to rustle up the $ for this stuff. Better than spending it on lots of other things not as long lasting if you get my drift! You're doing great

BillBlueEyes I have no doubt you will get that workout in. Are you still taking that bike everywhere? And yes, I was experiencing painter's block last night in fact. Best remedy is doing something I have done before, taken from one of my own jpg files and re-painting it in different colours, shifting the image around, sometimes just strictly re-doing it. Seems the act of "taking action" on the problem generates the necessary juice to grease the creativity wheels.
It's plainly evident that nothing happens if we do nothing. Oh and keep on truckin'! You're getting through the stressful workweek with flying colors....kudos.

hbuchwald You're doing great. Enjoy the camping and your weekend and the summer! woohoo!

eusebius Day 31 and drinking was pretty easy for me too. I don't drink except on the rare occasion and so it's pretty much a non-issue. But it's good to have a plan even for the non-issues.. kudos!

SheridanHello Sheridan and welcome. I don't have the Beck book, only the workbook. I didn't feel as though I missed anything, or couldn't do anything, because I didn't get the book. Everything is in the workbook for sure. I followed the workbook faithfully, filling in every exercise as it came up, gave myself over completely to the 42 day program. SOme days I worked the topic for that day longer than a day. Other days I just moved forward if I felt I was getting 'stuck'. I have had food issues for decades and 42 days is a good start. These are solid principles that will help you forever. I don't think it matters which book you have. What matters is that you start, a day at a time, and give yourself a real chance to succeed at this losing weight business. We want a permanent change not a quick fix that doesn't last... and this isn't a quick process. Beck helps us hang in there for the long haul. Good luck to you and all the best!

QuilterInVA Wow, you're doing good work! Kudos to you! I have very similar reasons to lose weight. Thank you for the reminder and the good example of someone applying themselves to the Beck program. I need to buckle down too... Enjoy your day

kuhljeanieSorry to hear your shoulder is sore. Ouchies! I hate it when my body does stuff like that. Thanks for writing out what your goals are. It's helpful and amkes me realize I am willfully NOT planning. I don't want to make a plan and see myself not follow it ie. fail Yikes! This is not good to realize! obvious faulty thinking here. It's not that that plan is wrong and a failure or I am a failure for not being able to follow it, it's that the plan is not right for me right now. Hello? Wow. AND I can change my plan to make it work for me.
Such a clear example of the black and white thinking that I can fall into so easily and not see my way out of were it not for the likes of you and this Beck list Thanks. I'll re-visit this today in my journal.

All the best to all who read this!

Last edited by onebyone; 07-17-2008 at 08:57 AM.
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Old 07-17-2008, 10:24 AM   #125  
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Hello everyone!! Its been a while, I picked up about 4 extra shifts this week, which is good because I really need the money, but its tiring me out big time! I have been having a really good "diet" week, stayed away from the booze, handled myself well during family gatherings, followed weight watchers to a tee and exercised as much as I could....but hmmm, my scales aren't showing a loss!! how frustrating, tomorrow is my weight it better be good!! Because ughk I get so down on myself and frustrated but I guess I will have to flip back through my book and re-read my response cards. Last nite I went out for supper to a really fancy place on the water, and can u believe LOW FAT anything, not even dressing for my greens salad, totally just ruined my nite, so I sprinkled lemon over top my salad and took all the batter off of my fish and ate the inside (the actual) fish, that should be good right? I didn't eat the batter, and although it was cooked in oil, I pretty much removed all the oily stuff, and counted 2 points for oil anyways. so tell me I'm good??? haha. Thanks everyone. Weekend is almost here!! Although I have to work all weekend but thats okay, I don't mind that.

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Old 07-17-2008, 01:20 PM   #126  
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Onebyone, my plan is to post once a day, but I missed you in my earlier round of thoughts this am and just saw your post from today. You made some GREAT comments in that post! Self love is something we all need. It is my number one reason for losing weight on my ARC...weight is getting in the way of my self love. Your post today suggests you are right there with me on that one. Now admit it, down deep, you know you are worth some self hugs...and this group is great for some !

I feel for you on the doctor visit. It is tough facing realities of weight, BP and health....but give yourself some BIG credits for going when you dont want to, facing the facts and getting on with a plan. More credits for all those strategies for dealing with the stress of the visit and outcome. You havent been and you wont be perfect...but you are sure going to keep getting day at a time! Keep the faith!

JennyG-That good behavior is going to pay off! It simply has to! I am working on identifying some nonscale goals...wonder if you have any? Hope weigh in tomorrow does not disappoint you, but glad to hear you have some strategies of dealing with the number, no matter what it is!

Kudos for a really strong OP recovery of an off target dinner....way to be creative! I dont know the WW point system, but you are right about most of the damage being in that fried batter. Great attitude about working the weekend...and the longer hours!
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Old 07-17-2008, 09:20 PM   #127  
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Hello to all,

whee-this place is hopping-Want to greet the new folks but I"m days and pages late in doing that. But Welcome to all-normally i'm fairly regular but have been slacking off a bit as going in and out of town doing craft fairs- along with a rather crazed and sporadic internet server. Hey BBE-remember when somedays it was only us about a year ago-you have never missed a posting thanks

Joke for onebyone-there were 2 craft folks and one of them won the lottery and the other one asked what are you going to do with the money and the other said I'll keep doing craft fairs until the money runs out. Between fees, percentages, gas and food expenses we just broke even on the last adventure. Always hope for the next one-

food wise I did the 3 S diet and that really helped when on the road and was able to avoid the homemade ice cream sundays on sale-even ate my hard boiled eggs and thai cabbage salad. Bring food from home really helped ( It was only a bit boring) Slowly learning not to use being away from home a carte blanch to overindulge-that old I'll never "get" to have that food again sabataging thought- like calories don't matter because I an not at home.

Our air is improving and some of fires are out and most all are getting contained-they expect all to be out with in the month- Yeah- it is back to the pool-hopeful 4 x a week-DH is planning to exercise the same time-We are following a strict low salt diet for him-he is a skinny guy but they hope to control high blood pressure with out more meds-so now my low cal miso soup is a big no no for him. Honestly we are reading the labels more than the newpaper now.

Glad to be back-need to add more structure to my plan-I am not writing down my menu nor recording/measuring what I am eating-kind of that sloppy approach of doing it in my head for that best guestimation not truly accurate. Check in a dietician who felt 1600 cals was ok unless if I don't lose then drop it to 1500-think once I had 4-5 hrs of swimming again I'll be ok.

Much success and yes it is so important that we all love and respect ourselves-much credit for the process of making life long changes.

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Old 07-18-2008, 04:51 AM   #128  
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Thumbs up T G I F

Diet Coaches – Big productive day at the office. CREDIT moi. Oddly enough, when the stress gets high enough a calm settles in and I get more efficient. One more day of this and life returns. Managed to do my gym after work. CREDIT moi. Plans for recovery this weekend includes the third gym session and some good walks. And dinner with both kids and their SO's all at the same time - that's a big treat since busy busy young folk have trouble aligning their schedules for a joint dinner.

Sue (CoastalSue) - Kudos for sticking to the No S plan when traveling. I have that ability to find a reason for not staying on plan. Great that you beat that on this trip. Ouch for the weak sales. Yea that there is hope that the fires are getting under control and swimming can happen again. Yep, it's hoping around here. You're a teacher; can you can invent a way to burn calories by reading? Then the more posters we had the more exercise we'd get, LOL.

onebyone – Sending supportive thoughts for your doctor's visit today. May all the numbers reflect your good work to date. Thanks for the remarkable quote,
"Self-love is the only weight-loss aid that really works in the long run." - Jenny Craig, diet guru,
Like you, I have to reset my Jenny Craig image, based on nothing but advertisements, from a food hustler to a wise woman.

JennyG - Kudos for extracting the fish from the fried coating. Yep, ya done good. Been there done that with fried stuff when other options didn't exist. And Kudos for staying on your food and exercise plans.

shrinkin - Ouch for the long hike carrying groceries, but Kudos for the exercise. Yep, value that Program day 10: Set a Realistic Goal. My non scale goal was to get my percent body fat below 20% as measured by my Omron hand held meter. My first weight goal was to lose 15 pounds in sixteen weeks. When I saw the weight dropping two pounds per week at a steady clip, I didn't replace my goal, but just waited to see what my body wanted to do.

Readers – "… You’ll learn how to follow your diet and exercise programs no matter what happens. …" Beck, pg 23.
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Old 07-18-2008, 07:36 AM   #129  
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Good Morning. Thanks everyone for the input. Yesterday, was one of those days......ughk weight loss is so difficult, but hey keep going right. I still stayed within my daily points so I'm good I guess, Today is my weigh in, I'm hoping for a loss but according to my scales its not good, which is frustrating!!! Seeing as how I did good all week, actually great, but what can you do. I'll let ya know the results when I get them.

**fingers crossed**

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Old 07-18-2008, 08:02 AM   #130  
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Good morning, all! A victory dance this am for staing OP this all week!
Went to the Y last pm (credit), but even more credit for staying with my routine when it got crowded and I had "splashers" on both sides of me. I had this little fleeting thought of "well, you're not enjoying this, you could just stop now". Whoa, I think that is a thought "who said this was about enjoying? Maybe I usually enjoy it, but I have other things to do for enjoyment."

Weekends are a challenge for me. Work during the week keeps me in a structure that facilitates being OP. We are going to our Lake property and a couple will be joining us for the weekend. Our lake house is very small (2 BR, 1 bath). Right now, the weather is not looking like cooperation with thundershowers in the forecast both days. Could be interesting. The. temptation to be off plan will be great. I still have to complete the menu planning. Desert will be the tricky one. Think I will buy something small that I can take to work if no one eats it

Beck Day 11 today: Hunger, craving, desire. This should be a great chapter for me. I may have an occasional craving, but I think desire is my bigger hurdle. I just enjoy the taste of food, and maybe the socializing that I associate with it. I have been wondering if anyone learns to identify and use hunger well enough that they are able to trust their hunger as their only eating guide.

I have some long term goals (day 10), but I am still looking for some short term goals. Because my weight can vary up to 4 pounds (sad but true) using a 5 pound goal is not very effective (I seem to never know for sure that it is a real 5 pounds). I would like some short term nonscale goals. Anyone have some to share?

coastalsue-nice to meet you. Credit for getting back to us after travelling. Happy to hear about the fires and that you are getting back to swimming. Great that you and DH can/will exercise together!

BillBlueeyes-credit for that work, you are humming along! Big credits for getting that gym work in and making a plan to finish the week off strong with your third trip. Congrats on having the kids over..that's a real treat!

I will be only able to post via treo this weekend, so likely to be shorter and sweeter....but I will be reading and I will just keep remembering the Beck quote below..."no matter matter what".

Thanks to you all for your encouragement!
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Old 07-18-2008, 01:16 PM   #131  
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Default Good Friday Afternoon Folks

Hello Coaches

Okay. I am back from work at school and back from my Doctor's appt. This is how I feel
The Good Doctor was thrilled to inform me that my blood pressure reads normal for the second time in a row. I am 135/88. Not super great but I started at 160/100. So, for now, the meds are good, glad to have them( thank you science), and it's a good place to begin again. Going to the doctor always feels like a renewal to me. I get to start again. I have to get some blood tests done, including cholesterol which was creeping up but not bad yet on my last test. Apparently aging is factor in that...what doesn't aging affect I wonder?

"… You’ll learn how to follow your diet and exercise programs no matter what happens. …" Beck, pg 23

That page 23 is a real gold mine it seems! Hopefully this weekend I'll find my book And I want to follow my diet and exercise program, once I, officially, re-commit to one, no matter what happens. Beck is ever hopeful we can get it isn't it? Love that.

So next physical hurdle is the fitness assessment on Wednesday afternoon. 90 minutes. They assess strength and flexibility and not sure what else. Cardio I would expect. Set goals based on the findings. Something to check against to see what's improving what isn't.

Anyway I feel good. For all of my going back and forth and all that, I feel hopeful. At least I am NOT getting worse.

And I have a full physical scheduled for the 26th of August and have DH scheduled right after me. He wasn't happy when I told him. "Why?" was all he said. "Cause it's been over a year."
It doesn't matter. As I said to him, last time he didn't follow through with the blood tests. He knew it, knew I had him. Couldn't argue that point. Haha! He will this time cause we'll both be going to get them at the same time. And this is how I have to treat DH when it comes to doctors! Like a no nonsense mom. Sheesh!

Better go. Time to get the rental car and get crackin' on getting things together for the weekend. I am off Sunday this week. My booth partner at the Sunday market is away this weekend and I don't go if he doesn't go. So I get a day off to work at home (and go see The Dark Knight at the IMAX! Woohoo). I'll check in again later. Bye!

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Old 07-18-2008, 03:55 PM   #132  
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Smile Thanks everybody for the wonderful welcome

It was so nice to receive a welcome. Hello to all.

I learned about The Beck Diet on the NYC subway by listening to some gals discussing the workbook. They actually were disagreeing on the book vs the workbook and the workbook gal one out.(Gotta love NYC).

I tried not to be obvious about listening but almost fell off my seat trying to hear them. They were so intent in their conversation that I did not ask any questions.

I found a no diet concept fascinating. I am amazed that I had never heard of this book as I unfortunately read about dieting and fail to actually diet.

I am currently trying to get both from a discount book dealer on line which turned into a nightmare.I ordered both and apparently he only had one ,charged be for both,then e mailed the entire order was cancelled,then
sent an e mail saying the workbook shipped. Go figure this mess.
As soon as I know for sure what he is doing I am going to Amazon which has always been great. That silly $10.00 saving has cost me about $50.00 in time money equivalent. It is ridiculous. Oh well live and learn. This is my first interenet bad deal. I want the books but not more than one copy of each.

I hope I can be a good addition to the group because though I am smart, in dieting, I deserve no better than D on a good day. eople say it is harder to maintain than lose but I can't even seem to lose.

Now does everybody just post once a month or anytime they want. I see everybody is on a different page . I am at the thinking stage and really working hard on why I want to lose. I am also trying to decide on the two diets.
I am very confued about alll those response cards. The time has come though that I have to do whatever it takes. It sound very difficult but makes a lot of sense from the little I know about the Beck approach.

I have decided my rewards will be jewelry. I saw that it is necessary to give yourself credit so when I figure that out I will tally credits and each one will be $1.00 toward a nice piece . It will take a while to build up but I think it will work for me. I hope I will be able to give up cheesecake for gold or for gasoline if these prices do not stop rising.

I want to do the book one day at a time if I ever get the books.

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Old 07-18-2008, 05:28 PM   #133  
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Sheridan, you'll have some really nice pieces - we get lots of credits every day. And to answer your question, most of us post every day. We are each others diet coaches. Beck does require you to follow a diet beginning on Day 15.

OnebyOne, kudos to you for getting that blood pressure down!

Shrinkin, WW Core plan teaches us to be guided by our hunger when we eat. We are to eat to satisfaction, not to full. Many have been very successful. It takes practice.

CoastalSue, I'm going on a weekend trip next week and I've been debating if I should stick with my diet or give myself a little room. Your good example has made me decide to stick with it.

BillBlueEyes, I just returned from my third workout this week and I'll go again tomorrow. "Just Do It" is my motto now. Don't you feel great when you get done? Keep up the good work.

Today is Day 5 - Slow down and be mindful. That's a bit harder for me. Since my husband passed away, I read while I eat. I did get through breakfast and lunch without reading however so I'll take credit for that. I'm already a slow eater - it's embarassing sometimes how slow I eat when I am out with friends. They are all done and I'm just getting a good start.

I've checked everything off in the workbook for 5 days, and I've just about got my reasons to lose weight memorized. Credit for the workbook. I've planned all my meals for the rest of this week and next week. This really helps me a lot. I do it in MasterCook and then it prints me a grocery list for the menus so I can see what I need and what I have. Credit for the meal planning.

Have a good evening.
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Old 07-18-2008, 08:41 PM   #134  
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Well, results are in.... Down .6 of a pound...Its frustrating, but I guess we can't lose big every week, and its better than gaining, but still sucks! Anyways Have a great weekend everyone!!

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Old 07-19-2008, 06:50 AM   #135  
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Good Saturday Morning coaches!

I am about to go out the door for my Saturday market--wish me well! I need big sales today as I am not at market tomorrow! I am hoping to stay away from sweet things today, a big problem with the fantastic baked goods you can find at a farmer's market. OH WELL. I have lots of work to keep me busy and if I have lots of sales than my mouth will be busy with words and not food!

Gotta go.
Will check in later.

Last edited by onebyone; 07-19-2008 at 06:50 AM.
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