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Old 08-25-2003, 02:15 PM   #106  
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Oh my gosh, ya'll have been chatting up a storm...... no time to read all the post yet, but will catch up by the end of the week. DH and I had a WONDERFUL time, we got back late on Thurs, my Nashville kids came in on Fri, family reunion on Saturday, then breakfast out, with DH siblings yesterday. Off to Memphis tomorrow and Wednesday for secretary meetings, things should settled down by the end of the week. I'm starting SouthBeach on Monday. I didn't buy the book but it looks a lot like Sugar Busters, anyway found loads of info on then go to weight loss. Missed you guys.............. gotta go, end of the month invoices.....YIKES.
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Old 08-25-2003, 02:45 PM   #107  
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Hi Semo! Welcome back. Glad you had a good time.
The book is off the shelves and on backorder everywhere I've checked. So, I'm just winging it with online info. It's day one and so far, so good. *fingerscrossed*
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Old 08-25-2003, 03:45 PM   #108  
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Semo: glad you had a nice holiday!

South Beachers-if you need any infor -I do have the book now so if you need an answer maybe I can help!

Have a good day all
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Old 08-25-2003, 04:49 PM   #109  
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Almost time for the kids to get home, thank goodness! I am reaching the "snacking hour". I get hungry this time of day and I've alredy had my quota of snacks. The kids should distract me with their craziness until dinner time.
Tomorrow, I need to save a snack for this time of day.
The dog and I are going to go outside and wait for the bus, no food out there.
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Old 08-26-2003, 05:35 AM   #110  
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Semo: Wave from Collierville today and I'll wave back! Should be another hot and sticky one here. Glad to have you back and that you had a grand time!

Tig: You didn't eat the dog waiting for the kids did you? I get the snackaholics around 2 pm so I always make sure I am able to have a snack then or brother I go on an eating spree.

Cafe: Thanks for the nice thoughts about exercising. Never thought I would be one that endorses it AND that actually does it everyday. Something is just set in my noggin that I need to do it everyday and the swimming I enjoy. The glider is more of a chore mainly because my feet start hurting so bad. There is nothing to be done about that, it is my genetically deficient arch that doesn't exist and when you stand still for any period of time on flat feet they are gonna ache. I just have to concentrate on whatever I have on tv and the timer and just DO it!

DNW: Hope you are doing well. My natural menopause "cures" seem to be really working. I am so glad I got on some sort of regimen as I was so very miserable.

Jello: I believe they were doing a big chemical job on the pool. They do that from time to time and keep the pool closed for the day. I am going to really miss it starting next Tues.

Bright, Sassy, Quilter: Hope you ladies are all in fine form.

Everyone have a great day

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Old 08-26-2003, 06:58 AM   #111  
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Did I eat my dog. You know, DH and I often joke about her back leg looking like a chicken thigh. I did end up having a cheese stick before supper was ready. Not so bad.
I would love to have a big pool to exercise in. We have a kiddie pool and the pond. The pond, even though I've been in it, just isn't quite exercise material yet. Maybe next summer. As for the kiddie pool, I'm always scared of getting caught in it.

Jello, thinking about winter...fireplace smell and sugar free hot chocolate. And no more mowing!

I can't remember if I told you all, I went to several small art galleries in Michigan last Thursday. My need to create something is ready to explode! Yesterday, I touched up all the paint in the livingroom...that didn't do the trick. Hard telling what DH will come home to today.

Today's weigh-in ~198.5
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Old 08-26-2003, 07:05 AM   #112  
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Oh, gee, is it ... uh, Tuesday??? Cafe, that was just for you!

Seriously, I've begun getting up early to get used to it. And also to get lots of stuff done and enjoy every single moment of my time off left.

Cafe, what a great attitude towards winter! I have to do that too. Maybe this year I'll make sure I have lots of warm clothes and long underwear, etc. and make it a point to get out for some winter exercise!! Always wanted to try snow-shoeing. ... if only I could do it in the summer!!

And who knows, maybe starting this year, my hot flashes will help to keep me warm!!

Semo, welcome home! Sounds like you had a great time!

Tiger, let me know if you come up with anything good to eat at "snacking time". My problem - my days have too many snacking times in them!

Well, girls, I'm outta here. I've got more gardening and weeding to do. My poor rose bushes are overrun. Didn't get a chance to get out there this summer and take better care of them. Temperatures are supposed to go up up up again so I'm getting out there before it gets too hot.

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Old 08-26-2003, 02:00 PM   #113  
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HEY! Where is everyone today?
Jello is outside working, but I expect the rest of you to get in here and entertain me.

I just got back from the hospital. SIL may be having baby 6 weeks early. High bloodpressure and swelling. Her shower was suppose to be THIS weekend. Ouy. Elsewhere on the medical front, my Dad gets the results of his last scan today. I'm scared to hear the results. At least not knowing, we have been "playing normal" lately.

2nd day of SoB and all is well. Coo-Coo, Coo-coo.
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Old 08-26-2003, 03:09 PM   #114  
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Hi, ladies. Just a quick one. We are slowly getting back to normal and now starting the insurance company hassle. Boss took me to lunch today (11th anniversary) and said there would be a big raise in my next paycheck.

SOB doing great. Feel a whole lot better. I never though I could do without bread and I don't even miss it. I save my carbs for the good stuff, like a potato or brown rice with dinner.
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Old 08-26-2003, 06:25 PM   #115  
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Hey everyone!

Been super busy lately at work.

So I went to my chiropractor/herbalist/naturopath yesterday because I've been feeling kinda toxic and getting a lot more & more migraines - and no particular types of foods seem to bring it on. Sure enough, I've developed a food sensitivity - to CORN. Guess what corn's in - everything you can't have on the SoB diet.

Seriously, it's a hard thing to avoid but I've been down this road in the past and I can do it. It's worth it not to have those kind of headaches. And other general symptoms that told me something was not right.

The funny thing is, I don't eat that much obvious corn, it's the hidden corn? I specifically have avoided beverages with corn syrup for quite a while now. They make me feel crappy! I don't love corn as a vegetable/starch and will pick baby corns out of stir-fry dishes, not a pop corn gal... But basically every processed carb has corn in it, as well as processed cheeses and meats and many sauces/condiments/dressings.

So I really wanted to breeze in and catch up with all of you but instead I'm just going to drop MY news and run. <sorry> I'll be back tomorrow to chit-chat, I hope.

Welcome back, SEMO!

And Quilter - I guess your boss can come around more if he talks like that. Bravo, you deserve it, worth every pretty penny.

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Old 08-27-2003, 06:53 AM   #116  
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Oh Cafe, what a corny post!!


... ...

... Ahem....

Annnnnyway, I've heard of developing food allergies and such after having eaten them all your life. Good thing you're not a corn eater in general but I never thought about it as an ingredient in other stuff! Take care.

Quilter, congratulations on the big fat paycheck!! You deserve it!!

Tiger, looks like you might have to have a post-baby shower??? Hope everything goes OK with SIL. And I'll be thinking of you and sending only good thoughts and prayers to your dad. :

Gotta go. Little bit of cleaning this morning (I'm still sore from all the gardening!!! Boy am I outta' shape or what!?!? ). Then I'm off to the hairdresser. Later!
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Old 08-27-2003, 07:37 AM   #117  
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Corny Post
A food allergy might not be such a bad thing afterall. Um, I'd like one to chocolate please.

Day three on SoB. I've actually been keeping a food jounal for three whole days too. And, hold on to your hats...I'm drinking LOTS of water. I know it's only 3 days, but I am determined to do it this time. Last time I dropped down to 175 was this time of year. This must be "my time" and I'm gonna ride the wave!

Quilter, I'm not missing bread yet. I'm already getting in my head the carb choices I will make when I re-introduce them. What phase are you doing?

Today's weigh-in~197
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Old 08-27-2003, 08:47 AM   #118  
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TigerLily, I'm on Phase 2. I've added 1 fruit and 2 starch. Tried doing 3 and got bloated and feeling crappy. Keep us informed on your SIL.

Jello, you're sounding more like your old self...hope you are feeling better every day. It makes me feel good to go to the hairdresser - getting my hair cut at lunchtime today.

Hello to all the rest of I'm working on the stack of work that has piled up!

Cafe, the diet for insulin resistence that the doctor/MD put me on is very similar to SoB too. Maybe this is just a good way to eat for most of us. Sorry about the's unbelievable the additives in our food that we don't think about.
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Old 08-27-2003, 09:04 AM   #119  
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I forgot to share. SIL hasn't delivered yet. Bloodpressure is bouncing up and down and we'll probably have a baby any day. They are trying to hold out long as possible.
As for my dad's scan...inconclusive. He goes next week for a PET scan. He'll be radioactive for a few days afterwards...can't be around kids/pets for several days. Strange stuff.
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Old 08-27-2003, 10:41 AM   #120  
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Tiger: Hope all is well with you SIL. Every extra day makes a difference!

Quilter/Tiger: I am on Day 3 of Phase 1. I decided to see if this would jump start my weight loss a bit even though I have been following it somewhat(maybe more like phase 3?) So far so good. No real carb cravings and have finally reached my 40 pound goal before September. Hope I can keep this up for 12 more days!

Hope everyone else has a great day!
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