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Old 08-19-2003, 04:06 PM   #76  
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DNW - Sciatica gives a whole new meaning to pain in the a$$! It might be almost funny if you weren't in so much pain, I'm sorry to hear about that. Hope the chiro et al can fix you up sooner rather than later. {{DNW}}
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Old 08-19-2003, 06:44 PM   #77  
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We are one bunch of falling apart ladies!

DNW: Hope you get to feeling better soon and make sure you protect the back flanks so you can't be taken from behind.

Hope all the rest of you are fit as a fiddle. I am sore as I went and did an hour and half in the pool today with an hour being aerobics. My hips are major P*$#@% off at me!

Tig: We have this casino game for our computer and it has a slots section. One of the slot games is called "road pizza" and when you click the button a truck starts driving and when it stops you have "road kill" on your wheels. So many matches you get money etc. I always think of that when I think of those poor little Kermits running trying to get out of your way!

Have a good night ladies.

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Old 08-20-2003, 08:16 AM   #78  
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So far we have over $40,000 in equipment that has to be replaced from the lightening. I worked 12 hours Monday, 17.5 hours yesterday and back for another day. Our new server should be in this afternoon so another long night. The phones are up but not fully programmed. Good news is I've lost 3 time to eat. Have to run - hope to "see" you tomorrow.
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Old 08-20-2003, 10:27 AM   #79  
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Hey! I can't believe it's hump day already. This week is flying by in comparison to my "to do list".
I actually wore myself out yesterday shopping. I bought two pair of pants...size 16 gloria vanderbilt. I think they must run big, or it's the cut. And I bought an oversized button up suede looking shirt for fall. Wish I could have found a few end of summer shirts, but no luck. I'll have to try, try again. darn.

Quilter, I see you are trying the stress diet. That's about as much fun as Jello's urp diet.

DNW, hope you are feeling better.

Faye, big news in this neck of the woods....hwy 31 is being moved! It's going to bypass LV area. Luckily it's moving away from my house. Great job on the exercise!

Cafe, I'm going to look up the prevention article right now.

Jello, where did you run off to? I hope everything is healing ok.

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Old 08-20-2003, 10:59 AM   #80  
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Has anyone doing SB joined their online profile thingy?
I printed their philosophy, diet plan and glycemic index to look over. Friday is grocery day, so I need to get it in gear!
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Old 08-20-2003, 11:27 AM   #81  
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Morning ladies!

Quilt: Hope things will quiet down for you soon! I have done the nothing works route when I worked for the Mechanical company and with regards to the phones, it was a real mess because customers call in to place service calls and we were down so the answering service had to take all the calls and then patch into a cell phone every time a call would come in. On top of that, the president of the company left me in charge of the mess because the dimwit office manager up and decides in the middle of this to take off for the casinos with her boyfried and his parents! URG! Needless to say, I am not working there any longer!

Tig: Is this going to be the "31 bypass" they have hemmed and hawed over for years? Is it just passing Lakeville or Lapaz too? It is the best thing they could do. Because of the drive from South Bend to Indy, if we came up through Nashville, Louisville, and Indy to go to South Bend, it takes 2 hours LONGER than going up through Missouri and Illinois.

Got in my pool workout but the water is WARM and not very comfortable to exercise in. We are heading for another 95 degree 115 degree heat index day.

It is to the shower for me. I finished cleaning my upstairs and want to get the downstairs done so better kick butt!

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Old 08-20-2003, 11:28 AM   #82  
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Happy Hump day!

Tig - this week is going fast for me too. Only not as fast as if I was shopping... Loved your comment about the stress diet - too true! Don't know much about SB, but keep me posted.

Tomorrow we have a big 'team building' picnic.

Quilter - $40G is no joke! Hang in there. Week's almost half over...

Faye - WTG on the Xtra long pool workout. I can see why you'd like to stay in the water on these hot days. I don't mind being in my climate controlled office all day long in this type of weather.

D,D,DH was at the book store yesterday and called on the phone to ask if I wanted a book - he hates to buy hard cover but I think he got me the SoB diet book (OH, WAIT A MINUTE! Tig meant South Beach not sugar busters! LOL!!!!!) (where's that head banging emoticon when you need it). (that's what I get for thinking of it as the S.O.B. diet, naughtiness always makes trouble).

Anyway - I was busy all night last night and didn't get a chance to look at it or for it so I can't even confirm it's location in my house (hope they weren't sold out) but I think I have the book.?

Ah, Tig, I haven't signed up just because sometimes seeing recipes makes me feel tired, LOL. I like looking at ingredients and thinking about what I would actually like to eat instead?. Like right off the bat I noticed peanut butter and celery were both on the list? Plus I'm not sure if it costs money (Notice the word FREE was nowhere on the website?) So I was holding back.

My friend Jen-jen from CA told me this weekend that she has experimented heavily with veggie grilling and the best marinade she has made to date is just some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, crushed garlic and salt & pepper. (to taste) The SoB veggies looked like the good grilling kind...

OK, beginning to ramble, exit quickly.
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Old 08-20-2003, 11:32 AM   #83  
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Faye didn't ramble as much as I did so my post to her no longer makes sense. {{{Faye}}}
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Old 08-20-2003, 11:42 AM   #84  
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Ops, I did mean the SoB diet. And like you, Cafe, I did not see the word FREE either. I also get worried about being pounded with junk email. I'm so sick of the refinace and rx junk mail I could scream!

Faye, the new 31 will bypass Lapaz and Lakeville. There are three plans in the works and a big town meeting at the old lakeville school project this evening. It will be rough for some of the businesses already on my favorite Mac's Market. But it will be good for the school...I've always hated the thought of the buses pulling in and out on the hwy.

I got my exercise in trimming trees. Worked my arms to death with that little hack saw, then carried them all a mile to the burning pile...ok, it wasn't a mile...but sure felt like it in this heat. My little froggy window thermometer already says 105 degrees!

Dog ringing her bell to go kids here to take her out.
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Old 08-20-2003, 11:42 AM   #85  
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Tig - I gave them my decoy email address and that's the screen where it tells you to sign up for the full service is $34.95 for the first 6 weeks and $6.95 per week after that. I will be getting their junk mail, I mean newsletter, though. Those SOB's! LOL. Uh-oh, I think I'm funny today. Must.stop.posting...

Edited to add that NO, I'm not giving them $7 per week for a whole lotta nothing.

Last edited by Cafe976; 08-20-2003 at 11:45 AM.
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Old 08-20-2003, 02:08 PM   #86  
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Geez, I can't keep up with you guys!!! Here I am, not working, and I still can't keep up on the posts! What a lazy broad I must be. Tiger, I'm still here, checking in with you daily!

Good news. Went to the doc. this AM and got a clean bill of health. Infection's gone (thank goodness - all that barfing!) and the incision, etc. is healing up nicely. He can't even feel as much scar tissue as he thought at the last visit. I asked about hormones and all but he said unless I have any problems we don't need to discuss that until my next appt. in November!

Bad news. He set my return to work date. Ah, it had to end eventually. He said I could go back any time now so I said how about after Labor Day. He said OK, September 2 and I said Um, how about the next week? So I go back on September 9, exactly 6 weeks after surgery. Bummer. Feel like I have to report to jail or something.

Faye, happy news about your son's upcoming celebration!! My niece was supposed to get married next May but her fiance just learned he is being shipped out (military) in April. So they've changed it to January 10. A lot less time for old Jello to drop a few ("only" 45-50 ) pounds. Then my brother is getting married in April to his long time girlfriend. She's not a very nice person and no one in the family cares for her much (to put it mildly) but my brother's 40 and can do what he wants. Either way, we just want him to be happy.

Quilter, $40,000!!?!? And all those long hours!! Hope everything's back to normal again soon.

Oooh, guys, I've got to run. Rich took the day off to take me to doctor and now I'm hearing hammering and the distinct sound of cracking woodwork coming from the other room. Not likin' this, no siree bob!

Looking for ear plugs and ready to call 9-1-1.....
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Old 08-20-2003, 04:41 PM   #87  
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Jello, glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. Off work until sept sly dog.

Um, I went shopping again. Found a couple shirts. I've discovered that the wrap style is flattering for me since it's open on the neck line. Has anyone watched "What Not To Wear"? It's taught me a few things.

3 days in a row I've gotten my water drank!
Kids will be home shortly. Play time is over.
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Old 08-20-2003, 06:34 PM   #88  
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I had something great happen to me this afternoon. I think I told you I was considering buying one of those Tony Little glider's for the winter months so I don't have to walk on the sidewalks here or in the bad weather. Well, the guy that Jack works with brought the one they had to work today (it is brand new only used twice) and said I COULD HAVE IT FOR FREE! He said the only stipulation was if I didn't like it I was stuck getting rid of it! I got on it and the only thing is my chubby legs rub together but sooner or later they won't! I think it will do just fine.

Hope everyone has a great evening!

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Old 08-21-2003, 10:29 AM   #89  
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Jello - Happy to hear that the Dr. visit went so well. I'm glad you got your six weeks. Recovery is so much more than being able to walk around! You deserve to have time to get your health back up, too.

Faye - free exercise equipment - yahoo! Now all you need is some spandex to avoid the chafe.

Tiger - I don't know this "what not to wear"? Maybe you could come and tell me what not to wear? And take me shopping too?

Turns out DH was too 'out of it' to be able to find the SoB book the other night (didn't expect me to want something on the best seller rack, which is untypical for me) but I went to the bookstore myself... Looking at it at home for the 5 minutes I had to myself (sigh) what I saw that was different from Atkins was that UNsaturated fats ONLY are stressed.

Now the reasoning stressed in the book is that when a person eats a meal heavy in saturated fats there is a temporary condition in the arterial walls called 'somethin' that makes it more susceptible to... gunk. And so under the WRONG kind of conditions a meal heavy in saturated fats could bring on a heart attack... this temporary condition that happens bringing on the final straw as it were.

So, without doing any more reading than that yet... It seems on the surface that the South Beach diet is like Atkins with training wheels? Safer... but not as maneuverable because it's got more forbidden foods?

The guy who wrote the book IS a cardiologist, so I can see why he would write a diet more suitable for heart patients - people with preexisting conditions that might make high doses of saturated fats dangerous in the short-term. However, being with my Dad last night he said he saw on the news how the Adkins diet has LOWERED cholesterol, so the Adkins diet is not necessarily heart UN-friendly in the LONGER term like so many people thought for YEARS (which pretty much ticks them off.) What the SoB cardiologist (yea I still think it's funny.) seems to want to rule out is shorter-term dangers, IMHO.

Now considering how long people actually tend to stay on diets for (I can safely say not long term), and how many Americans have lifestyle-related factors that are already heading them down the heart disease highway... maybe that isn't such a bad idea to be cautious about short term effects of saturated fats??

The impression I'm getting (having done a little skimming in Adkins) is that a short stint on Adkins could admittedly be LESS than beneficial for heart health, while a longer stint would trend back toward bringing those [cholesterol/arterial plaque] risk factors back down lower than pevious levels.

Where the SoB diet is a more cautious type of thing that would not add any evil.

So um, Adkins with training wheels. Now interestingly the Fat Flush Plan (which I have done in brief stints before more like a detox) is an "unsaturated fats ONLY but plenty of them, and lots of nice lean proteins while elminating all bad carbohydrates and eating good veggies" diet. SoB seems pretty similar so far, although a little more mainstreamed as the original FFP was pretty stark and health-nutty (believe me).

Personally, I think I'd rather do the diet that lets me eat as much bacon as I want.

But as I said I didn't have any time to myself last night, what with visiting a grand opening of a wellness clinic that DH designed out by my folks' house and hanging out with the folks for the evening. So I have not studied this and will make my decision later. It might be worth a trip to the Dr. to find out if I'm actually in good enough shape do do Adkins or if I should stick to the more conservative SoB. It might actually be that I've got the 2 diets pegged wrong, also. <disclaimer> But I'm armed with books and dangerous, that much I know.
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Old 08-22-2003, 08:00 AM   #90  
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Cafe, you apparently only looked at the first 2 weeks of SOB if you think it is like Atkins with training wheels. I eat bread, fruit, whole wheat pasta - didn't know Atkins allowed that. Unfortunately, to be healthy there are foods that have to be eliminated, no matter what plan you are doing. Please read a little more!

Got a new server and telephone/voice mail systems installed and the database back up. Still finding equipment that is fried. It's been a very long week but I'll be working the weekend as well.

Jello, glad you have wangled so much time off. I had surgery for an intestinal blockage and was off 2 weeks. They just don't give you much time off anymore.
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