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Old 08-09-2003, 10:12 AM   #31  
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Bright, you havent told us yet what kind if pup. Also, a crate is a great idea. There are websites that have info about crate training if you've never had one.

I'm off to football signups. woohoo.
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Old 08-09-2003, 10:56 AM   #32  
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Hi, ladies - it's Saturday and I'm at work. About 10 minutes before quitting time yesterday, lightening struck a pole and out when the electricity so I had to come into today to get the server up and reset the phone system and voice mail. Decided to do a quick check on you and then it's off to the grocery store! Have a great weekend.
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Old 08-10-2003, 09:51 AM   #33  
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Hey ladies, good Sunday Morning!

I went to the pool and there is a sign that says "Danger Pool Closed." So.....I guess I will check later and if it is still there will ugh walk today. I don't mind walking except it always makes my hip ache so badly.

Bright: I agree with Tig, get a crate and crate train unless you want the puppy sleeping with you! We have a carrier, but out dog would not sleep in it. Howled like you wouldn't believe, but I had no instructions either and by the time I found them, he was too old and was by then sleeping with us (my fault actually because we was so little)

Tig: Did you get your fridge done? How does it look/work? Sounds cute!

Jello: Hope your tummy is going back to normal now that the surgery has been over awhile.

DNW: Good for you cluing in on what works for you! We all have to adjust ourselves to what our body responds to best! I too am one that am hungry later in the day so try to restrict in the morning.

Quilt: This country has sure had some weird storms this year. I guess there was a storm somewhere that knocked down a platform at a Christian Singing groups concert and a couple people got hurt.

Semo:You hang on sweety! I am sure everything will come out a-ok. Wish you had time to visit with me too! I would love to meet you! Have fun at the ballpark. I have not been to AutoZone park, just the old one years and years ago when it was still the Memphis Chicks. Amazing what you never do in your own town!

Sassy: Congrats on the weight loss! Isn't it grand?

Hope everyone has a grand day!

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Old 08-11-2003, 08:20 AM   #34  
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Good morning, ladies. More storms this morning. I guess it will eventually stop, but it's getting to be a real downer. Tried to walk yesterday but the trail had so much flooding, I gave up on that.

Started the South Beach Diet today - trying to fit it into my WW points, which shouldn't be too hard. Really bored with weight loss so thought this would shake things up a bit.

Have a good week.
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Old 08-11-2003, 09:22 AM   #35  
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Just a quick hello for now, Our weather has been beautiful over the weekend. DH and I have finally decided that we are taking off next week to go to Gatlinburg, TN and Pigeon Forge, we're going to stop by the kids place on Saturday and then leave Sun or Mon for the rest of the trip. Back home on Friday and then DH has a family reunion on Saturday. Now if he can work it out with his boss to be gone, we'll be set. OMG all the packing and ironing and getting ready!!! Yikes............ Actually, I'd be perfectly content to stay at home, seems I'm becoming more and more of a home body.

Well, I'm showing one of the guys how to enter payroll this morning so I'd better run, back later.
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Old 08-11-2003, 02:44 PM   #36  
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Hello all! Mighty quiet around here these days.

Me, I've got nothin' to add. I've been lazing around most of the day. It's amazing how fast the day goes when you're not at work, even if you're not doing anything. I make it a habit to get out of my bed and/or chair at least once an hour just to get the circulation flowing. But that's about all the exercise I get.

Been eating OK quantity-wise but not quality-wise. Guess it's better than nothing. But I'm reaching a point in my recovery where I really want to be able to get out of here and get more active. But then it hurts.

OK, enough whining. Semo, send some of that beautiful weather my way, would you? We either have hot hot hot and humid or we have thunderstorms. It'd be easier to spend some time outside if it were nicer out.

I've been considering rejoining WW once I'm feeling better but I just can't decide. Been trying to count points and control portions on my own but I need something more structured, I think. Well, I have time to think about it, I guess.

Better go now. Time for me to stretch my legs a little. Talk to you all later ... I hope.
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Old 08-12-2003, 07:45 AM   #37  
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Good morning ladies. I have a question to pose to all you wise ones as this thread seems to have a variety of weight issues like the thread I run has.

I have a dear friend that helped me start my thread, has about 150 lbs or so to lose and was really active on my thread until recently. I have a lot of ladies that need to lose 20-40 lbs and she feels threatened by them (translation I think is guilty and jealous). I have let her off the hook about posting at my site, but I still feel to really be successful with your own loss, you have to truly be happy with the accomplishments of others, free from guilt or jealousy over what someone else has done. I don't know whether to just let it go or to talk with her about it. She freely admits the above btw. What do you think? She is quite a bit younger than I and has a totally different lifestyle than I do too. She is not exercising or staying on her program which I suspect compounds the guilt and to be honest posts at a thread where all they do is whine about what they "can't" seem to do rather than what they can and I think this just allows her to sink even farther down.

Jello: I am so glad you are getting the "itch" to get back to things. Means you are really getting better!

Man am I sore over the walking yesterday, but I probably will have to do it again today. I am taking a different route though as I almost messed up my knee again when I stuck my foot in a hole I didn't see when I had to walk around something into the grass. I sure wish they would get the pool back to normal whatever the problem is with it.

Better get the day started. Today is clean the downstairs day besides the exercise and if I have to walk want to get it done before it gets too hot!

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Old 08-12-2003, 09:02 AM   #38  
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Faye, it sounds like your friend is not ready to lose weight. She hasn't heard the 'click' and there isn't much you can do until she does. I have little patience for the excuse makers myself. You either want to do it and do what is necessary or you don't. I'm not sure that talking to her is the way to go. I guess continuing to set a good example is probably the best.
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Old 08-12-2003, 09:04 AM   #39  
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Good Morning Ladies. Leaving early to head to my mamogram appt then to the dr's office for my annual. Whoopie......... but then it's over for another year.

Faye, gosh..... I don't know. I would just PM her and tell her that you are concerned and wished she would come back. It's really up to her after that and I don't think PMing her a few times would hurt. Some people just NEED a lot of attention, and want people to treat them special, so by showing that you want her to come back may help. Good Luck.

((((Jello)))) If hugs could make it all better, you would be dancing by now. Sending out lots 'o hugs and kisses!

Quilter, I bought a new serger, can't wait to play with it! I have all these Christmas decorations planed, place mats, table runners, table toppers. I've always wanted one and got a good deal (I hope) on this one.

Hey to everyone, gotta run since I'm leaving early.
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Old 08-12-2003, 09:44 AM   #40  
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Good Morning. Six days until school starts.

Faye, what's up with the pool, someone poo in it? I agree with Semo, you should PM her. I'd want someone to PM me if I dropped out.
I didn't end up painting the frig yet. The weather was good and decided I should save that project for a rainy day. I'll let ya know how it turns out.

Semo, for today. I've never had the big squeeze. The thought *shudder*

Jello, are you following doctors orders?
WW's and Curves together could be a great thing for you.

*wishing I would click*
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Old 08-12-2003, 10:10 AM   #41  
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Thanks for the input everyone! I guess like Quilt I am not very patient when it comes to complaining about losing weight and then not at least trying. I think that when you sit around and woe is me, it is counter productive and gets you no where. I mean, no one but YOU got yourself there and no one but YOU can fix it .

Tig: I have no idea about the pool and don't really know who to call about it as I don't have Wendy's phone # (the girl who keeps track of the pool stuff) and I don't know which condo she lives in. I am getting perturbed though because part of our association dues pays for pool upkeep so why ain't they a upkeepin' it?

I think I did pretty close to 3 miles today and part of it up a big hill. We have a neighborhood where the streets don't connect and I don't know the housing area so I started down a side street and had to keep walking until I found one I recognized either that or double back and I wanted to try and get as close to 5K as I could. I am going to drive it when dh gets home and see how far I walked. My pool workouts sure have helped with me not getting winded. Now if I could just not hurt I would be ok, but since everything here is tilted, you are going to put stress on either one hip or possibly even both. Old age, ain't it great! I am sure a lot of you think what is the big deal about walking 3 miles, but for someone still over 300 lbs it is a mighty big deal especially now that I have gotten myself in so much better shape that I can walk it without being exhausted or winded at all.

I need to get into the shower as I have cooled off now and feel sticky.

Have a great day guys!

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Old 08-12-2003, 10:28 AM   #42  
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Talking Hi My Sweeties!!!

Well and die...I finally got my arse into gear and did my 2 mile Leslie Sansome tape this morning. It seems I have been feeling so guilty I actually had a dream last night that I REALLY WANTED TO DO MY EXERCISE TAPE BUT NO ONE WOULD LET ME... That is a dream...I can't imagine anyone I know holding me back from exercising except myself.

Faye: This is a hard one to take when you want to help someone but I agree with Quilter...just be an example. You can PM her and have other folks on the thread PM her that you all miss her and she may come worked for a friend on this thread who used to post here a lot and who's name shall remain anonymous for privacy reasons...although she picked another thread to come back to, it was a positive move anyway because she started posting again with a specialized group that met the needs she now has concerning her weight. Though we miss her we know she still loves us!!

Semo: I know your mammo will be fine..remember your new muscle tissue can make things feel different..but I have been saying little prayers for your peace of mind...I love you my sister!!

Jello: Please do a little at a time...remember you don't want to develop adhesions on your scar site...and you may want to try TOPs which is similar to WW and is strictly a donation at each meeting rather than the higher structured price of WW. And TOPs may be all the structure you need right now. Give it a shot...what can it cost...probably only a dollar donation.

Tig: Don't even think about a mammo until you have to...yes after having several over the past 15 years they can be uncomfortable but it really depends on the technician. This time I had a woman who was in her early 60's and I am thinking oh she will be so gentle because she's probably had a million of them by now...but OH NO...this lady was was from the no pain no gain school..stiff upper lip and all my eyes look like this permanently

Quilter: I am happy to see you back on the thread regularly. You are such an inspiration to all of us...and your thoughts bring a lot of wisdom.

Bright: How's the baby pup...when are we going to get pix of him/her?

Speaking of animals I was looking at my Anatomy and Physiology Manual yesterday (for my class for pre-nursing courses this Fall) and on the top of the front page I see a picture of a cat and I see the phrase "Cat version".

C-C-A-A-T VERSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Bob, my husband says, "Oh yeah probably you will have to dissect a cat. We had to dissect a fetal pig when I was in that class."

A-A-R-R-G-G-H!!!!! ...the irony of it...I am the supreme cat lover (Rosie my darling little 3 year old orange tabby HIDE YOUR EYES WITH YOUR PAWS and don't worry...I won't practice on you, I promise.

I have to call the school...maybe I got the wrong manual from the book store and I really hope so because dissecting a cat is going to make me very unhappy!!

Love to you all

Last edited by DNW; 08-12-2003 at 10:40 AM.
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Old 08-12-2003, 11:26 AM   #43  
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Good morning ladies!

I'm so glad to catch up with all of you. Last week turned out to be a bad week for me - the second half. I got blindsided by pre-anniversary stress (my dead nephew's birthday is this week) AND horrible raging, unexplicable PMS with a 4-days early start, stop, and start again to the period and a nauseated migraine on top of it. I wasn't expecting either of those 2 things to kick in when they did? And I usually have fairly easy, regular periods. Sigh. But I'm better now. I actually think this week may go smoothly, in comparison.

SEMO {{hugs}} hang in there! Hopefully it is all a big nothing.

Jello {{hugs}} glad to hear your recovery is going well.

OK, now I'm going to be in trouble, LOL, so Everybody out there {{hugs too}}.

I feel better already, hee hee.

Faye, Janet E. has arrived. My sister somewhere found a pretty, flowered puffy envelope. I walked into the entryway and called out BOOK? Book? Opened my mailbox: no book. Trudged up the stairs and the pretty package was leaning against the door. I'm very proud of your walking! 3 mi. is plenty, and I've only got 2 C-notes to carry around.

Well, I gotta run because I am at the desk of my boss's boss's secretary becuz she's on vacation this week. This means I need to act responsibly for a change. So HEY THERE to everyone not otherwise mentioned.

Cafe, renewed, thank God.
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Old 08-12-2003, 11:29 AM   #44  
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DNW, is it OK to giggle at your cat predicament? If it was me it would not be funny, but... when it's someone else it's a LITTLE funny. What will you name your dissection critter, if it is to be?

Cafe, with a taste for the macabre (must be the dieting?)
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Old 08-12-2003, 11:41 AM   #45  
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Gads, DNW that brings back memories of many years ago when in college we dissected a cat. The embalming fluid smelled so bad I couldn't concentrate and my lab partner did most of the work. I love cats, too. I guess better than a person.
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