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Old 04-07-2013, 01:20 PM   #166  
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You can do it! Come on 199 or less! You have the power to make it happen!

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Old 04-07-2013, 02:06 PM   #167  
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I neglected to use the knowledge I already had in regard to my new microwave and popcorn. The right way to find the perfect formula is to reduce the power level and then stand in front of the microwave and listen to the pops. For example, set the power level to 80% and stand in front of the microwave during the cooking process. You either need to select a time such as 2 minutes and plan on adding a little extra time or selecting 3 minutes and planning on having to stop the cooking when you get to very little popping (if you can hear it) or can see the bag puffed up appropriately. Once you find the magic power level and time combo, you have it figured out for the future.

In hindsight, I should follow my own advice. The power level on my old microwave wasn't marked and I had forgotten the wattage. That is what I get for not anticipating the worst case.

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Old 04-07-2013, 10:32 PM   #168  
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Seriously, Munchey- Thank you so much!!! That is what I needed! I did 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer tonight, gooooo me!!!! Felt bit shaky/wobbly afterwards but the green smoothie helped with that. Tomorrow, I will be doing my weight lifting routine. My plan for this week- Sun/Tues/Thurs- elliptical trainer, Mon/Wed- lifting and have Fri/Sat off.

I did something a bit different with the brussel sprouts for dinner tonight- added about 1 1/2 tbsp of dry italian dressing seasoning along with 1 tbsp butter- it was SO good, even the BF scarfed them down and he normally does not like them. I also made pumpkin & cream bread and will have a slice later on tonight. Hopefully it's good as it smelled coming out of the oven!

Again, Munchey- thank you so much!!! Have a great night, everyone.
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Old 04-08-2013, 11:04 AM   #169  
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Get your rear in gear Camper - you have exercise to do!

Put down those baked goods and mind your food intake!


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Old 04-08-2013, 01:47 PM   #170  
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Weigh in this a.m. - 202.8 ugh!
glad the cake is gone! This week is gonna be in the 70s so ima do all i can to be outside moving around and burning those calories off! Im getting things done today but in slow motion cuz im just dragging. Mondays just bite for me, they always have. Im considering canceling my gym membership to cut back on expenses since i dont have to take my son to school anymore i really dont have a reason to go into that part of town and its out of the way for me gas wise too. Id much rather be outside doing things once the weather breaks anyway but the gym made sense in cold weather and being as i was in that area everyday taking my son back n forth to votech. I just dont see it being economically beneficial at this point.
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Old 04-08-2013, 05:36 PM   #171  
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226.8 as of April 7th

I'd like to join 'Fat Camp.' I was doing really well one year ago, exercising daily, eating my weight loss calories, losing a couple pounds a week. And then I just . . . stopped. I don't handle stress in a healthy way and gained back the weight I had initially lost. I haven't hit my high weight yet, but that's nothing to brag about. :P

Anyways, now that the weather is prettier it is motivating me to get back on track. Plus I'll be graduating college in May, so it's about time I lost my baby fat.

I'm going to start super small and try to (re)learn some basic healthy habits.

This week's goals:
food=eat 1500 calories per day and NO DESSERT (I eat in the college caf. and this is a big temptation)
weight=lose at least 1.5 lbs, hopefully more due to water weight
exercise=walk to all my classes, take all the stairs and do an additional 3 days of walking @ 30 mins. per day

This month's goals:
get out of the 220's by the end of April (may not be attainable, but I'm depending on that extra water weight I'm sure I will loose)

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Old 04-08-2013, 10:55 PM   #172  
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Welcome, Shepherdgirl! Great idea on starting small!! I believe you can do it! Good luck with all of your goals!

Munchey- Thank you again! Much appreciated!

Joy- I would probably cancel my membership too for all those reasons you stated above.

Couldn't find my lifting routine earlier and did not feel like looking online to make a new one, etc so I decided to go with 30 minutes on the elliptical again. For some reason, I don't feel sore in the legs at all on workout #1 (yesterday) and #2 today (there are 6 total and 6 is the "hardest".) Bit concerned that I didn't work out "hard" enough? I think I will do#4 next time.

The pumpkin and cream bread turned out good last night, I added a bit more pumpkin puree and less applesauce since I really like pumpkin, lol. Less than 90 calories per slice. My next project is cinnamon sugar blondies (made with beans.) I love baking, can you tell? Haha!

Have a great night, all!

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Old 04-09-2013, 07:59 AM   #173  
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Gmornin ladies-
201.2 this a.m. oh and its the week before T.O.M. jeez! Ah! The joys of being a woman lol. Today is suppose to be 82° how awesome is that i ask?! Im takin a gf to do her house cleaning job today and while shes doing that ill go for a nice long walk and gonna try some jogging spurts mixed in dont know how thats gonna go since im not a runner unless my fat a** is being chased lol. The only problem with beautiful days... NOTHING gets done in the house! I just save all that for rainy days or at night before i go to bed IF i have the energy. Oh well, at least i know whatever needs to be done will always be there waiting for me when i do get to it lol!
Heres to an active OP day to all of us wonderful women!
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Old 04-09-2013, 12:36 PM   #174  
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Welcome to camp!

Don't beat yourself up about the past. The important thing is that you are back on tract. You have some good goals! I'm betting you can get out of the 220's by May 1.

Let's do it!
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Old 04-09-2013, 01:23 PM   #175  
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Even some very fast walking spurts during a walk can be beneficial. I hope you enjoy your nice sunny day! The house work will always be there, lol. The perfect day won't. Sieze the day and enjoy.

Keep moving! Good job on the exercising! Watch out for those baked goods - those 90 calorie pieces can add up fast.

I had an appt. yesterday with my ortho doctor. Looks like my only treatment option left for my left knee is as knee replacement. I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. My right knee is better, but it has arthritis as well. At least my right knee doesn't have the same bone on bone situation that I have in the outer area of my left knee. Since my ortho doctor doesn't do knee replacements (mostly, artho procedures), I'll have to find a new doctor for a 2nd opinion and future follow-up, etc. There is a possible doctor in the same medical group, but I'm not sure he will be my choice. I'm thinking I want to find the best doctor that takes my insurance, get a 2nd opinion and then go from there.

It was a little frustrating. Seems that all the medical offices are going electronic (I think it was mandated by the Obama Care monstrosity). They had none of my prior records and info. from my prior visits and surgery weren't there. It was like starting over, with me providing all the info. I was joking with the nurse, as she sat in front of a cupboard, imputing info into the computer while in my exam room. I said, "what happens when the computer network goes down?" She said it has already happened and was down for about a week (had to rely on patients for info.). Looks like going forward, we won't be able to rely on the doctor knowing info from a few years ago (only electronic info. going forward). I'm sure that records are likely in storage somewhere until the legal timeline for law suits has expired. It appears as if they won't retrieve those records for appointments. I have an appointment with my Primary Care Doc. tomorrow, lets see if I encounter the same situation. It has been about 10 years since I've been to see my Gastro doctor, I'm suspecting he won't have any of my history either when I go to my appt. with him in the middle of the month.

PS: Just caught a bit on TV news about a new medical approach - "Group Patient Visits". Apparently, some doctors are starting to do this for some types of patient visits.


Last edited by munchey; 04-09-2013 at 01:24 PM.
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Old 04-09-2013, 01:33 PM   #176  
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I m in !!!

Mini goal : BY May 15th i want to be 130lbs
2nd goal : August 20th i want to be at 120lb( i ideal weight) Currentlyi m 138.2 lbs weighting for sundays weigh in
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Old 04-09-2013, 04:17 PM   #177  
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Welcome new campers jump right in! I did a 3.25 mile walk today and did 1 mile in 9min. 15sec. a new record for me! I had a "Rocky" moment when i saw it on my tracker!
Amandie- i love to bake also but now its meats and meals and my daughter has become the sweets baker and has even converted to bite size everything for my benefit lol. My son is the chef, he loves to cook and comes up with all kinds of awesome concoctions so we take turns making dinner. Now if i could just get them to do the dang dishes!
Munchey- keep cracking that whip we all need it!
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Old 04-09-2013, 05:30 PM   #178  
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Originally Posted by lizbiz82 View Post
I m in !!!

Mini goal : BY May 15th i want to be 130lbs
2nd goal : August 20th i want to be at 120lb( i ideal weight) Currentlyi m 138.2 lbs weighting for sundays weigh in

Welcome to camp! You are on you way to a slimmer Summer!

You can do this!

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Old 04-09-2013, 05:36 PM   #179  
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Old 04-10-2013, 12:22 AM   #180  
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Originally Posted by munchey View Post
I had an appt. yesterday with my ortho doctor. Looks like my only treatment option left for my left knee is as knee replacement. I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. My right knee is better, but it has arthritis as well. At least my right knee doesn't have the same bone on bone situation that I have in the outer area of my left knee. Since my ortho doctor doesn't do knee replacements (mostly, artho procedures), I'll have to find a new doctor for a 2nd opinion and future follow-up, etc. There is a possible doctor in the same medical group, but I'm not sure he will be my choice. I'm thinking I want to find the best doctor that takes my insurance, get a 2nd opinion and then go from there.


Sorry to hear that. Hoping the best for you! Great idea on getting the best.
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