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Old 02-09-2005, 02:06 PM   #361  
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amie-I personally don't see a problem with having a burger or a serving of ice cream once a month or so. It is actually easy to do and still stay within your calorie range. If you measure out a serving of light ice cream, or get a regular hamburger/cheeseburger at a fast food restaurant instead of a larger sized Whopper/Big Mac/Quarter Pounder.
The thing I have the problem with is people doing this OFTEN. For the most effective weight loss and nutrition-you should eat as well as you can most of the time. As long as you are not doing this very often-just as an ocassional treat-then you should be fine. Just exercise portion control strictly, anddon't make a habit of doing it all the time.
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Old 02-09-2005, 02:11 PM   #362  
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Hi Ladies,

Well things have been going good as far as the elliptical. I have done a workout everynight since sunday. Last night after I did that I did some abdomen skrunches, yeeehaaaaw that was fun Tonight I am doing dancing and Pilates DVD. I have been doing good on the eating to. Last night they, fiance and boys, had Pizza Hut pizza but I went over to the grocery store and made a salad.
Aphil, do you think my 12 y.o. son should be working out on the elliptical to?? I let him do like 5 minutes or so on it, cause god love him and so do I, but he could stand to loose a few lbs, 10 or so, but I dont know if it will effect him in anyway?? He loves doing it though, he gets after me at night, mom can I get on it now?? cause I make him wait at least an hour after hes had supper before he goes on it. I am glad that he wants to loose some weight and is so enthusiastic about it. Thanks for the advice on the Subways sub, I went into fitday and redid it the way you said and it did bring it down considerably!! In your PJ's cause of the snow outside huh Im actually not laughing that hard cause were getting all that snow starting tomorrow, they are saying 15 - 30 inches of snow Crazy weather, 50's this past weekend and now this, YUCK!!!
Amie, I have been trying harder on the water intake. I have been getting in 1-2 glasses during the day and at least 1 at night. I know I should be doing at least 8 but man I just cant stand the taste, and it dont matter what kind I buy either...HELP My dad always told me to drink more water and I would say I dont like the taste and his reply was "water has no taste, how can you taste it?" God rest his soul!! I miss him! OH and I agree with you I think if your DH wants to see you at night, he should go up there. Im sure that he realizes that you are doing this for you and your health and him and Taylor, tell him to get right up there and join in or play you some of his upbeat music .... I think it is a great family thing to do to, I love that my boys are getting more interested in excersising. Nathan is usually right there talking to me while I am doing my elliptical, we talk about the day and how things went...
Holly, glad to hear that you got to the bike show and that your feeling better! Are you ready for this weather were going to be getting here?
Hi to everyone else, hope all is going well for all of you....

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Old 02-10-2005, 08:59 AM   #363  
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good morning!

amie, you're so's difficult to fit it all in! I mean wife, mom, full-time work (OR s.a.h.m.) and trying to "take care" of ourselves. Spouses have to realize that we are only trying to make ourselves better for the whole family's sake, as well as our own. I know that I can't be loving to others if I am not loving myself!

thank you for being worried about me it's just the work that is all-consuming from Sunday to Wednesday. Last night (or technically this morning) I woke up at 4:38 and had to get up and write down notes about what I didn't finish at work yesterday, so I could call my co-worker today and tell him what to follow-through on

I also don't post as often when I am not sticking to my resolves about better eating, sigh. Thank the good lord that I am an exercise junkie now, I think that's all that's keeping me from my old size.

Lori, I wasn't even paying attention to the weather forecasts....and now I see we are expected to get 12" to 16" in this storm. I am OK about it, actually, we (this area) needs the snow for the skiing industry, if it slowed down at work my hours would be cut - and while that would be great for my sanity
it isn't so great for the paycheck!

and I think it's great that your son wants to exercise! It's probably fun for him now, but good for you to set a good example. Is this the son who had the bumped head? everything still OK? hope so!!

hello to aphil, uprincess, lilybutt; Irish, where are you? jacklyn, hope you're doing well...and hello snowey, if you're reading!
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Old 02-10-2005, 09:33 AM   #364  
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Hi everyone,
Well, I did pretty well yesterday. I went to my pilates class, did 20 minutes of strength training and then went to a hip hop dance workshop...that caused a lot of pain and I regret to inform you that my legs no longer like me. I only went 1 fat gram over my daily goal and I am pretty sure I stayed under 2,000 calories. I have a midterm tomorrow in sign should go well because I just LOVE ASL, but I must admit I have not spent to longest time studying...
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Old 02-10-2005, 12:06 PM   #365  
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[QUOTE=Universityprincess...and I regret to inform you that my legs no longer like me. [/QUOTE]

I'm sorry about the pain, but that was too funny! good work on your staying below fat gram count!!

ASL - I took a class a bazillion years ago, only remember "I love you" (duh me)

I forgot to share with you all that, when we went to Boston for the bike show, we met up with one of husband's sisters. She has also battled weight all her life, at her heaviest was probably well over 200 lbs., then a couple of years ago went down to 160 or so, and looked good, athletic because she was walking alot...then she started gaining again, and last year (March) she had gastric bypass surgery. She said her doctor recommended it, because she was a "walking time bomb" health-wise with high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

She weighs in the 140's now, good for her! Her blood pressure is no longer a problem, and she has LOW cholesterol. She told me she is size 10, and so happy.


I WISH this s.i.l. would have also added weight training to her loss!!!!! We spent the day together, and even though I was aware that she had lost 98 pounds, and was down to a size 10, she looked either so-so or average in her jeans and loose t-shirt. She does not have any particular shape to her body. She is NOT big anymore, wouldn't even be considered plump-ish, but there is no defined shape because she hasn't weight-trained.


Okay, I'm going to do my first foray outside to start shoveling. It's going to come down all day, so I'll be out again later
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Old 02-10-2005, 12:15 PM   #366  
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I'd like to post a coupla pics from bike show, but they're "too large". Does anyone here know how to shrink 'em down? they're like 680 pixels or so, and the message says only 500 x 500 is acceptable.
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Old 02-10-2005, 12:39 PM   #367  
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Holly you can find your pic on your computer and R click on the name and click edit. Then you will find at the top of that page another edit option. There you can resize your picture. You can also resize in any of your picture or camera software you may have. It is hard to tell you how to do it from here. You may have a different Windows than me or set up? Hope this helps a little?

About your sister in law......I can see how that would happen. My Pilates and elliptical has really given me some shape and is toning but you still have fat and LOTS of loose skin that doesn't go away when you have lost over 50 lbs. If you do no strenth then it is even worse!

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Old 02-10-2005, 03:17 PM   #368  
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amie, thank you, I guess since I'm using a Mac (Apple) laptop it's a different operating system, not Windows...I love to try to figure stuff out without asking my husband, but I guess I'll have to. Or this time I'll watch what he does and learn it myself!

I should pinch myself for sounding judgemental about my sister-in-law (OUCH! there, I did it ) I didn't consider the fact that 98 pound loss would leave some excess skin...she really has accomplished something wonderful, and is so much healthier, and she says she is SO much happier. That is wonderful

Oh! this is very nice surprise. As my older son and I were out shoveling (we have a gravel driveway that slopes up a bit to the main road, and it's probably 50-60 feet long, we shovel it ourselves by hand) a pickup truck with a plow attachment went by, rather slowly. Then a minute or two later it approached us again, and stopped at the top of the driveway. I didn't recognize the truck, and wondered what was going on?

Then he dropped his plow, and came down our driveway! He cleared a wonderful wide swath, and as he came closer, I recognized him as an older man who lives down the road. I know his name, but that's about it. I approached, and said, hi, thank you! and he waved, backed up, then cleared the rest of the driveway!! He said, "that'll help ya a bit" and drove away! Wasn't that nice!!! I'm not going to tell my husband, I'll see what he says about the SUPER job I did shoveling
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Old 02-10-2005, 04:22 PM   #369  
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LOL Holly, I would do the same thing to my DH! Most people these days wouldn't even look back at you let alone help you. How nice of him!

Yeah, loosing that much weight is like letting all the air out of a balloon. It is frustorating to loose a lot of weight and look in the mirror and see skin hanging down but what can you do? The weight has stretched the skin too thin and it lost its elasticity (SP?) Now weights and Pilates would improve that but the only way to get ride of the skin is to have it removed. You are right though, if she would have used weights she would be a lot more shapely and toner. With that surgery you lose weight fast and I am sure she has lost muscle. Maybe you can talk to her about weights and how great they are in a way were she will decide, yeah I might need to go to that level now?? I have also seen heavy people loose a ton of weight and though wow, but they looked just like you described. It is lack of muscle tone.

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Old 02-10-2005, 05:06 PM   #370  
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My son showed me how to resize pics, using Photoshop! so here goes

from left -
our younger (14) son; myself, holding a $20 bottle of boot waterproofer that I was huckstered into; a biker friend from Conn.; his 17-yr.old son; and my sister-in-law; she lives outside Boston.
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Last edited by VermontMom; 02-10-2005 at 05:09 PM.
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Old 02-11-2005, 10:55 AM   #371  
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Morning Ladies,

Well the snow came and now it has stopped, 18" later that is we literally have 5-7 ft snowbanks, coming to work with them on both sides it was like driving in a tunnel they were so high. Now were suppose to be back in the 30s this weekend gotta love living in Maine!!!
Holly, thank you for inquring about my son(my baby), he is doing fine, and back to his devilish ways My middle son is the one that likes the elliptical, he did 8 minutes on it last night. I cant keep him off it he also went out and shoveled (the sweetheart) so I could get in the driveway when I got home from work. He looked at me last night when he was on the elliptical and said " man am I gonna look buff this summer, huh mom?" That kids cracks me up all the time. What a great pic of you at the bike show. You look great and like you was having a great time! I can only dream of looking that slim one day, I will try hard though!! That was so nice of your neighbor to do that for you. Amie is right you really dont hear of that happening at all, most do drive right by......
Well I am proud of myself, I did a full 20 minutes on that elliptical, and Amie I know what your legs felt like the first night you did your workout cause mine felt the same, all jelloey. Then I did the abdoment skrunches. I slept like a rock last night I am praying I have lost at least a lb this week. It is hard, being a mom, having a FT job, homemaker, soon to be wife, hehe....I agree with you there Amie...just needs to be a couple more hrs added to the day and everything can get done and there would be time for some R&R, how nice would that be?....
The kids didnt have school today either and there dad is coming to pick them up for the weekend. I better not get no call like last weekend!! I know my ex feels bad about what happened (he really loves the boys) but its like I told my fiance "he would of really felt bad if Nathan had gotten hurt worse and I went over there and attacked him for not checking his belt.The only reason I didnt slap him side the head was cause Nathan was OK, but he did get an earfull about checking there belts
Ok I am done babbling...sorry.....hope you all have a great weekend! My sweetie and I are going for an overnighter at a beautiful hotel for valentines day, what are all of you planning?

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Old 02-11-2005, 11:19 AM   #372  
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Lori, I'm so glad you're part of our group - the image of you slapping your ex upside the head I know it's a serious matter of checking seat belts, but you crack me up

thank you for the compliment on the pic, I was having a fun time! I have a couple more pics of me "butt-testing" different bikes, but would you believe I have forgotten already what my son showed me to do in Photoshop! I'm terrible at stuff like that, unless I actually write down the steps then follow them that way.

wow, you guys got 18"!! that WOULD make for tunnel-like snowbanks! We got more in the night, I haven't ventured out yet to see what I have to deal with yet...husband and both sons shoveled some already, but left my car a white-covered hump I have off today (YEAH!!) but do have to collect my paycheck from work and get to the bank before the weekend.

But the sun is shining now, and it really is beautiful with the blue sky and all this pretty whiteness. Wow, my mood is better than saying "D*mn the snow!"

The day after a big shovel-out, I'm always glad when I realize Ihave no soreness...that shows when regular exercise helps you deal with everyday life things.

"Jello-ey legs" - that shows that you had a hard workout!! way to go!! I am glad that I just finished my indoor exercises for the day; 25 minutes of cardio with Gilad, then 20 minutes of Hips, Thighs and Buns with Gilad, THEN 15 minutes of Abdominals with Gilad I had the "jello-ey" thighs feeling! Shaky! But shows it targeted those muscles. If I only had the same discipline with keeping excess food out of my mouth!

I don't have anything planned for Valentine's day, that is a wonderful idea of getting away to a nice inn by yourselves. I know my husband did order something lingerie-y for me, hope it isn't something too silly (I will always remember aphil saying how her husband thought a Wonder Woman outfit was so hot - well, if I had Lynda Carter's figure and black hair and blue eyes, I'd wear one also, golden bracelets and rope and all )

Have a great day, ladies!!!
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Old 02-11-2005, 11:50 AM   #373  
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Hi All !

Holly~ "You look great!" You don't even look like you need to loose 1 lb. Wow. I could tell that was your son . Thanks for posting it.

Lori~ You lucky dog, Your going to a room over night, We use to do that all the time in the early days.....I would like to do it again and I always want to use the money for something Man, that is a lot of snow. I think we are going to go to see that movie "Million Dollar Baby" then to dinner. I though about staying over night at the place we spent our wedding night in, or just go by after dinner for a couple hours then act like we had to leave for something ?? I feel odd leaving Taylor over night, it will be her first time ever ??

HI to everyone.... Happy Valentines day! Try to stay away from the chocolates

I am OP and did 29 minutes on the elliptical last night and then a 13 minute cool down walk on the treadmill.

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Old 02-11-2005, 06:41 PM   #374  
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Hi to all the newbies, oldies and not-so-new-newbies -

It's been a while since I last posted... life gets right busy sometimes!

Holly, you are one hot chica! You can tell you work out a lot and from the looks of that pix, you don't need to lose any weight!

Lucky ladies going out for special V-day treats! It's home with the hubby and baby for me - aaahhh - but I went out last weekend!! and it was lovely. Little man stayed with my inlaws for the night - a full nights sleep for mama - that was the best part !

Lori - so very glad your little guy was fine...sometimes I really think there are angels watching out for our little ones!

I am steady with my "new and improved plan"...its pretty much as follows....

am - 8 oz fresh squeezed oj
2 cups fresh fruit
1/2 serving of mini wheats with 1/2 cup of rice milk
1/4 cup of egg beaters

lunch - 2 cups salad (usually lettuce with mushrooms, tomatoes and onions)
2 tblsps of lite-type dressing
a "healthy choice" type frozen meal

snack - a Larabar (a raw food bar)
1 cup fresh fruit

dinner - 1 cup salad & 1 tblsp dressing
4 oz. seafood (like salmon or shrimp, etc.)
1 cup steamed veggies

snack - a Zone bar or a slimfast with a scoop of designer protein added

I average about 1700 cals per day (about 25% protein - 25% fat - 50% carbs)

All that fruit is really filling!

This really seems to be working for me - yeah. I can already tell my gym clothes are getting too big for me. Will do weights and measures next week (only going to do them every other week or so as I want to see a difference).

Well, all for now - you New England ladies with all your snow-shovelling muscles ! Gotta love those "bonus" workouts!!
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Old 02-12-2005, 02:47 PM   #375  
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good afternoon ladies!

Hi Del, your posted menu is right-on!

glad that you had a weekend with your little guy safetly with family...being the mom of little ones can be very tiring! when you mentioned the full-night's sleep, that brought back alot of memories...mostly of being exhausted

and you're right, Lori and and I should be thankful for the outdoor-workouts!

oh, this is funny - my husband suggested we go for a walk this morning - nice idea!- with the dog, so as we're going through the deep snow nearing the little road, I sunk deeper than I had expected, slid and came down on the road, hitting both shins first. Me, who is the supposed exercise-nut, very-healthy person, limping away with two swollen bruises

But I"m really glad that husband suggested the walk!! Each evening, he comes home, we eat dinner and he then stays on the couch, watching TV until after 10, sometimes falling asleep inbetween. Each evenings, I nicely ask him if he wants to exercise with me? and he says he's too tired. I'm going to keep asking nicely!

have a nice afternoon!
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