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Old 02-28-2005, 08:52 PM   #436  
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Hello again everyone!

I have a quick question. Do any of you count carbs? I am not, but when I put my food totals for the day into was pretty high on the carb side. Although, it fit with my calories and fat for the day. Just curious if that makes a difference. Thanks!

Also, I stuck to my plan today...I did allow enough calories for 1 cup of ice cream...probably not the best thing, but I am trying! I did jog around the house for 25 mins, 15 mins of aerobics tape and about 20 mins of toning on my abs and arms. For breakfast I ate 1 cup of oatmeal, lunch was a salad with turkey, supper Lean Cuisine and meatless salad, and the ice cream for dessert. It may not be a perfect menu, but I really am trying!! LOL. Now, if I can keep it up!
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Old 03-01-2005, 08:08 AM   #437  
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I don't count carbs at all. I eat a lot of carbs, but I watch what KIND of carbs I eat. Carbs are not all created equal. It is the refined "white bread-Pop Tarts-Ritz crackers-kid cereal-snack cakes" type carbs that make you fat. They rush through your body and you are hungry an hour later, and they hav done nothing nutrition-wise for your body.
I eat a lot of carbs, but I eat fresh fruits, vegetables, beans/peas/legumes, whole grain breads and cereal products.
I truly believe that the whole "low carb" fad is just that. The human body needs carbs. What I think is important is to keep the refined carbs to a minimum-the things I mentioned above and the sweet, sugary things.

I am having my morning coffee right now-and then it is off to the sewing machine. I have the troupe tops all done for the show this weekend (we are all in sparkly greens and blues for this costume set!) and now I am working on sashes the next two days. When those are finished I will start a solo belly dance costume for my instructor for an April performance. More projects after that. I need to get crackin!

Today is cardio day for me...I have a new belly dance dvd-so I may do that and a quick walk. Not sure yet. Whatever I feel like here in a little while.

Hope you are all having a great day!
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Old 03-01-2005, 11:50 AM   #438  
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Sorry, I don't count carbs and have no idea of good or bad carbs besides the foods Amy spoke of and don't even know what amount of carbs we need in a day?

I did 35 minutes on my elliptical last night and just that extra 5 minutes really did some work on my legs and arms! I did a 20 minute walk after...Boy I felt that one. OP for the day! But my sisters birthday is today and we will go by for cake and icecream....I am going to try to skip the cake and icecream or only have a pinch or two??? Wish me luck!

Amy does all that sewing bother your back? I know my back gets hurting after just 2 hours at my machine. I use to sew in a factory when I was in my late teens early 20's and I was really fast, but my back would bother me at the end of each week. Do you do a lot of back stretches?

I am big on stretching out....I love the feeling of stretching and feel so good after. I do a full body, from arms to legs, stretch before and after I work out. I heard that you burn extra cals while you are stretching....Hum? Is this true?

Have a good day all!

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Old 03-01-2005, 12:16 PM   #439  
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Yes-when I am really busy at the machine I get up every 20-30 minutes or so to move around. I also do cat stretches on my hands and knees, and I do a back stretch (in dance class we call it a "hang") afterwards to stretch my back out. It helps. I go back and forth with things so I am not at the machine all the time. I will machine sew for a while, then go on to painting something, or cutting something my body position changes.
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Old 03-01-2005, 03:44 PM   #440  
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Amie- Happy late birthday to you! I hope you enjoyed your day!
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Old 03-01-2005, 08:31 PM   #441  
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hey everyone...

i was wondering how many calories do you eat total? Im trying 1200...has anyone has any success so far?
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Old 03-01-2005, 08:41 PM   #442  
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Personally, I strive for anything between 1200-1600 calories a day. Some days I am on the low side, but some day I just have to eat more, so I go towards the higher side. I read somewhere that it is good to mix it up a bit so you body doesnt get used to anything. I also know from past weight loss experience, that sometime eating more is better. I think it may jump start you metabolism and get things going again......but I am sure others know more!

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Old 03-01-2005, 09:06 PM   #443  
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Danielle-1200 is a little on the low side. You would probably feel better and stick with the program better eating between 1400-1500 calories a day, and spacing it into smaller meals and snacks.
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Old 03-02-2005, 02:25 AM   #444  
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I just started counting my calories. I try to keep it between 1200-1400. So far, I feel very hungry. I space it out into 5-6 meals per day. I just eat some sugar free gum when I get hungry or eat a little bit of celery. Seems to help a bit.
Is there anything that y'all do to keep the hunger down?

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Old 03-02-2005, 03:14 AM   #445  
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Well, I didn't workout today, I was wayyyyyyyyy too busy. I worked out yesterday because I ate A LOT of choclate and felt a slight tinge of guilt, slight, very slight. I have pilates tomorrow, and I will try to get a workout in. Since I ate sooooooooo much chocolate yesterday, I also tried to watch my fat grams really closely, I am trying to keep them at 25...I think I'm going to make it, though my soy French Vanilla hot chocolate is calling my name.
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Old 03-02-2005, 08:02 AM   #446  
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Hi Danielle and Deanne - (What lovely "D" names you both have - Delana here!)

I have been "zig-zagging" calories for the last week and a half and it is working very well for me. Here is what my last week looked like:

Monday - 1695 calories
Tues - 1528
Wed - 1507
Thurs - 1301
Fri - 1990
Sat - 1712
Sun- 1571

What zig-zagging does is keep your body from going into 'starvation mode' while still getting a good low calorie day in here or there by taking in one day of higher calories (like 100% or your calories needed to maintain your current weight). I broke a plateau doing this along with adding an extra 40 minutes of cardio per week.

I must admit on a couple the lower calorie days I did get hungry at times, I drank water and twice I took "glucomannan" caps - they are fiber caps (never hurts to get extra fiber in ones diet ). They really helped. A couple of times I just "felt and experienced" the empty / hunger feeling and it was soon time for my next meal! I decided that the growling empty stomach thing was not that bad after all (as long as it's just for a bit of time and not days on end - not trying to be ana here or anything! !).

Best of luck to you both on your journeys. Hope you check back from time to time.
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Old 03-02-2005, 08:30 AM   #447  
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Deanne-there are a few things that you can do to keep the hunger down:
~raise your calorie level slightly to the 1400-1500 level, which seems to work well with your current weight.
~If you are very active-and walk a lot through the day, or you are exercising quite a bit-you may want to raise it 100-200 more.
~Eat whole foods as much as possible-not refined. Choose fruit and vegetables over juices, choose whole grain pasta over white, cut out white bread/rolls/bagels and switch to whole grain varieties, brown rice instead of white, and stay away from other refined foods like:
Pop Tarts, kiddie cereals, cookies and cakey things (even sugar free and fat free ones), ice creams (even sugar free and fat free ones), choose oatmeal and whole grain cereals, etc., etc. etc. Refined carbs digest very quickly and often leave you hungrier than if you hadn'te eaten them at all. Whole foods in the carbohydrate category digest slower, contain more fiber, and keep you feeling fuller longer.
Also-be sure that you are eating enough protein-LEAN fish, chicken, turkey,, beans, nuts, skim dairy (dairy products are actually considered a carbohydrate in body building-but they contain a decent amount of protein as well), eggs.

My mother used to "diet" a lot when I was a kid (I say it this way because she never stuck to it-it was never a lifestyle change-but a "diet") a lot, and she would eat a low calorie diet-but it was all carbs-and a lot of them refined. She would eat salads for veggies-but it was pretty much a day full of salad, and then fat free ice cream or fat free cookies, blah, blah, blah. She didn't exercise enough, and didn't eat enough protein and CLEAN carbohydrates-and her muscle mass really suffered. She became what I call a "skinny fat". She weighed 130 pounds-but it was still all flabby and shapeless from lack of exercise and proper nutrition.
The clean eating and protein are so very important. I am not saying that treats are off limits-but the fat free ice cream or low fat ice cream sandwich should be a "treat" and not be eaten twice a day.

If you think about it in volumetrics-a granola bar treat may be 150 think of the size. You can eat a medium sized apple and an egg for 150 calories-and the protein and fiber in that combination will keep you fuller for longer.
You can eat a Hershey Bar for 230 calories...or you can eat a cup of light yogurt (100), a cup of strawberries (45), and an apple (80) for 225 calories. That is about 3 cups of food-and if you broke up the candy car it would barely fill a 1 cup measuring cup. You can spend your calories "smarter" if hunger is a concern and your stomach will feel more satisfied.
Potato chips average out at around 140 calories per serving-and for 140 calories you could eat as a snack:
*2 eggs
*yogurt and a handful of berries
*a nice serving of oatmeal
*a banana and a few baby carrots
*a serving of nuts (which would be just as "snacky" satisfying as the chips-but have nutrients the chips don't have)
*a cup of chocolate soymilk-which would be good for a sweet craving-but would give a good calcium and protein kick as well
*about 4-5 servings of steamed green beans

The point is-a lot of the "treats" that we eat-chips, ice cream, etc. have a lot of calories for a small serving size. The foods are addictive, and often a single serving is not where we tend to stop. The foods are high in calories and low in nutrients-and we don't get satisfied on a single serving-so we eat, eat, eat them.
It is easy to watch tv and down 7 servings of chips or a pint of ice cream-not so easy to go through an entire bag of apples. Whole foods and more nutritious foods are more satisfying for the same calories.

Today is strength training-and I have to get on it this morning. I have lots to do today-and I have dress rehearsal for the show this weekend tonight at 8pm. I am also sanding away at a costume piece. I was covered in white powder yesterday evening from sanding. I have so much to do...

I hope you are all having a great day.

Remember-we can have a positive attitude or a negative attitude about this lifestyle change. How committed you are is totally up to you.
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Old 03-02-2005, 01:15 PM   #448  
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Hi Everyone

Well I have gone back through and read posts and looks like everyone is doing ok. Thats good to hear. I made up a new weightloss plan for myself and I have it posted on my bedroom mirror so everytime I look in it then it reminds me that I have to/need to loose this weight!!! Its a 2 month plan and I took 2 days off from excersising(mon and fri, these are the days I have alot to do after work)but I will be doing 2 workouts on sat and sun. I figure I am home so why not do 2!! I think more of my problem is the eating. I do good I think all day but I dont think I am eating the right foods. I do eat my veggies and fruits but like at supper I usually eat what I make the boys, I just cut my portion of it. I am staying in the 1300-1500 cal range but after reading Aphils posts I really think I am eating somethings that are bad for me in the carb areas. I do the 12 grain bread but I still buy the white pasta/rice and my kids love both so we eat alot of those foods at supper time! I will have to go this week and get the whole grain and pray that they will enjoy it. Is there a big taste difference in them?? I also was posting in fitday and I had stopped doing that for a couple weeks, so I am making sure I do that again to. I have NO support around me really and the only support I do have is from Amie and shes in SC and from you ladies, so in advance, THANK YOU!
That is my problem though, noone to look at me, slap my hand and say dont eat that, eat this instead Well I have another 1 1/2 yrs until my wedding so I know I WILL do this but I need to disipline myself more!!
In other news, My mom and I put our money together to get plane tickets to go to SC to see Amie and her mom My mom and I are so excited, we cant wait to see them (and I get 2 days off work ) And were hoping its warmer down there than it has been up here
Hope everyone has a great day.....

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Old 03-02-2005, 03:09 PM   #449  
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Amie-I personally don't see a big taste difference between brown and white rice-my kids will eat both. If it is served with the meal with other things-I really don't see a problem with the kids eating it.
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Old 03-02-2005, 03:13 PM   #450  
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Aphil, I will buy some this week and try it out!!

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