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Old 03-05-2005, 07:26 PM   #466  
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Originally Posted by rebelridergirl
... He gets grumpy that we aren't eating fast food or junk this week and he tries to tempt me by saying "Doesn't pizza sound better than chicken and salad?" Which is pretty turd-like of him.
you have my sympathies, but that was too d*mn funny, rebelridergirl!!

whoa, welcome to all the new members! Glad to have you here! I've been verr, very missing in action lately...I think I might be getting "back into my groove" now...I don't want to jinx myself by saying that, though

First, I'm EVER so glad that my husband has put himself on the South Beach Diet. He did Atkins about 2 years ago (Over my STRONG disagreement, I'm one of the 'old fashioned way' girls, ya know) and he lost 35 pounds, but they came back, plus alot more. anyway, I've been very worried about his health, and his future, which is also MY future, and (I'll admit it) his appearance; so anything towards healthier eating is GREAT. At least with South Beach, with what I've read, gradually it becomes something that one can follow for life. I admit, if I never had any more refined flour/sugar, that would be great!

So there is something that helps us as a couple, we're having this common bond of trying to eat better. AND he's walking the dog at least once a day, for at least 1.5 miles each time.

At work, I had it OUT with the boss. I mean, I had the opportunity on Thursday to quietly vent at him. At his lack of help, AND that they cut my hours down to 20 a week!!! He listened...then told me how I was lacking in his job expectations (I don't correct 'the help' and I write notes on paper bags - what a loose cannon I am, eh? ) but just being able to TELL him what I've been thinking was so , what's that word, cathartic?

The comment about writing on the paper bags was so absurd, I'm not even letting it get to me - AND I told them, last year, that I SUCK at telling others what to do/what not to do. So they knew that!

And I think I'm feeling better with having sunlight at 6:15 a.m.!! and it stays lighter out so much later. Although it's still 16 degrees in the morning, and the snow is as deep as it was in January...but I think I should be able to be on my Shadow in another 4 weeks...??

aphil, CONGRATS on being on the news!! I also meant to comment (long ago) about the newspaper article. Wonderful!!!

Lori, hi!! that's so great that you can go on a trip to see Amie and...your aunt? yeah, that's it ENJOY the warmer weather!! that will lift your spirits. I have deep sympathy for you on not having stronger support around you, to help...I know you have it in you to do it on your own, plus with us!!

amie, CONGRATS on losing those two pounds!! I'm thrilled for you! Think how psyched you'll be when you see the 140's coming!! and thank you for your support about the job situation. You're right, maybe a good defense for me is to think "i'm not gonna let those rotten people sabotage MY good eating plan!!" I'm glad you were able to interpret my stupid chart, and I must say, (and hope you're not offended) I WISH I could have a few of your chest inches

Hi del! wow, you have precise calorie counts, good for you! hope you and your family are well

binglebug (love that name) so sorry to hear of your recent health problems! Take it easy, take care of what needs to be done first, then renew your good plans.

Welcome Crystal, welcome ChrissyL, and Danielle!

hope I haven't forgotten anyone. Oh! Jacklyn, you pop in sometimes, Hi! and SNOWEY - you're always here in my heart

I have a big work schedule this week, am filling in for the manager, who has TWELVE days off (I've worked there longer than him, jeez, is that fair?) but at least now my hours will be up to like 45 this week, instead of 20. They didn't even THINK about scheduling me extra, at first, to cover for the manager....they just don't THINK

so I'm not sure about popping in this week, but like I said, I think I'm feeling a little better about everything, in general
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Old 03-06-2005, 12:00 PM   #467  
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Hey everyone! Welcome to all the newcomers! I've had a crappy week. I caught the flu and have not worked out in a week. I couldn't even tell you the last time I did that. Anyways, I have gotten some energy back. I was able to spend a couple of hours this morning cleaning the house since I didn't do ANY of that last week. And of course if I don't do doesn't get done But I am planning on hitting the gym tomorrow starting with the weights. My weight is somewhere between 144 and 145 so I have 4 weeks to get to 139 for the trip. I can do it I can do it I can do it...that's what I keep telling myself. Everyone have a great week! We can do this together!
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Old 03-06-2005, 12:39 PM   #468  
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Default Trying the old-fashion way to lose weight

Hey everyone. I have been trying to lose 10 pounds for about two weeks now. No such luck. I lost the weight back in college doing weight watchers, but my family got worried since I was always thinking about how many points each meal was. So I tried South beach diet and lost the weight again only had a hard time without those good carbs. Anyway so here I am trying to lose those 10 pounds and i have decided to watch my calorie intake. I read the book 90/10 weight loss by Joy Bauer and tried that for a week using the 1200 calorie plan. I even exercised everyday and still no luck. What am I doing wrong?
please help me i want to fit back into my clothes
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Old 03-06-2005, 01:43 PM   #469  
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Hey y'all...I read something on here about zig zagging calories during the week. How do you do that? I count my calories everyday(usually about 1200-1400)

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Old 03-07-2005, 09:30 AM   #470  
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You need to give yourself some real time. You aren't going to see that much change in a week or two. For 10 pounds-we are talking more like 2-3 months in most cases. A healthy rate of weight loss is anywhere from 1/4 to 2 pounds per week. You really have to have a change of mindset-to successfully lose weight and keep it off, you must make lifestyle changes-not go on diets. (Diet as in something you do for a certain amount of time and then go off of the plan.)

I have to run ladies-but I want you to know that I have requested a calorie counting subforum and have just moved this thread to it. I have some things I want to do around the General Diet Plans areas.

Deanne-zig zaggin your calories is actually pretty simple. You simply choose a "range" and up and down them through the week. If your range is 1200-1600 for instance, you could do:
All it basically does is keep you at a calorie level for weight loss, but you are changing the exact level a little each day to avoid a plateau. (Caused by your body becoming aware of the fact that maybe you have been eating almost exactly 1500 calories a day for the past 6 months and becoming accustomed to that.)
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Old 03-07-2005, 12:05 PM   #471  
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HI Ladies

Well I had a nice weekend. It was so nice out side and we got out and did some yard work! I have had three birthdays in a row Mine was the 27th my one sister's the 1st and my other sister's was the 6th. Cake, cake and more cake!! I can feel it too. I am OP for the most part but had a few snacks at each birthday and cake...... With this sineus cold and the extra sweet I am feeling a little sluggish.

Holly I am so happy you spoke your mind that your boss! I am also glad you are feeling a little better. Now about the chest inches With my body being so bad off I really need the chest to compensate but my back sure would let you have a few inches if it could.. LOL

Hi to all the newbies.

I need to get out out for a lunch walk, it is going to be so nice today then falling back down into the high 50's this week so I want get a walk in while I can. With this head cold I just feel like laying my head down.

I excited about Lori coming 1 1/2 weeks !

Hi everyone hope we all have an OP week

Oh Sundays weight in went as I thought it would with all the cake! I was up at 154.4 from 153.6 the week before I will not have another b-day till September so I am good to go and will try to beef up my work outs.


Last edited by amoses; 03-07-2005 at 12:08 PM.
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Old 03-07-2005, 12:45 PM   #472  
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Thanks so much for the calorie info. I was so scared that I would hit a plateau. I'm going to start doing the zig zagging tomorrow.

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Old 03-07-2005, 01:14 PM   #473  
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Default motivation

I've been browsing the website and saw your forum today. I didn't read every post, but it's easy to see that I have alot in common with you all. I too, have tried using weight for years. I've read all the books, participated in every fad diet out there, WW, low carb, low fat. I've learned how to lose pounds quickly, but I've never been able to keep them off. I know how to do it best though---by counting calories and exercising regularly. It is a life style change, and for the past month, I've been doing good. I've been keeping a log, via, of what I eat and how much I exercise. My problem is staying motivated, I hope that this website and group will keep me motivated.
You all have come a long way, I hope I can get this weight off and keep it off.
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Old 03-07-2005, 04:37 PM   #474  
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srose Welcome! and I really do believe that this site does help a lot.

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Old 03-07-2005, 04:59 PM   #475  
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Hiya srose welcome! You will find lots of support here, this is an awesome site! Look forward to seeing you around
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Old 03-08-2005, 07:21 AM   #476  
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Thanks Aphil,

I needed the advice. I know the weight will come off eventually. THanks for your support.
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Old 03-08-2005, 08:53 AM   #477  
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Morning everyone! I have some plans for all of the calorie counters, since I have requested that calorie counters get our own subforum.

I am going to start an "About Me" thread for the calorie counters-so this would be a great place for introductions! I'll get started on it now-then the newbies can learn a lot about us, and we don't have to do all that info on this thread.

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Old 03-08-2005, 11:12 AM   #478  
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Good morning everyone!

I hope that you all are doing well and had a good weekend. I have done really good with sticking to my exercise and eating plan for the past week. I even did good over the weekend, which I normally struggle with big time. Does anyone else have major weekend hang ups?

Aphil- How are the costumes coming?

I hope those of you with sinus, allergies or flu are feeling better! It's so miserable.

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 03-09-2005, 09:25 AM   #479  
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Morning All,

Hi to all the newbies This is a great support system here, everyone is so helpfull and here for you!
Holly~ I am so glad to hear that your hubby has taken the step to be healthier. You sound very happy about it and I am happy for you(and him)! He must have to wear his snowshoes when he walks the dog with all this snow we've been getting Glad to hear also that you got to "vent" to the boss, he needed to hear you, and I hope he listened! They just dont seem to realize how hard it hits you when they cut hours like that.
Aphil~ Thanks for sharing that "sticky" with me. It really made me think and it was very informative. How is the costume making coming?
Well I have been trying to stay OP but the excersising isnt going very well. I have been having really bad back and stomach aches as a result of the monthly "friend", so to say the least I sure the H*!#L dont want to get on the elliptical or do floor excersises. I have been eating good and hopefully I havent gained anything. I am hopeing this calms down in the next day or so so then I will just do more to try and catch up.
Amie~ only 1 more week and I will be down there can you tell I am a little bit excited I should be, we just got ANOTHER 12 inches of snow last night and that was after the day of freezing rain!!!!! I know I chose to stay, you was the smart one and moved down there
Hope you all have a good day......

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Old 03-09-2005, 11:14 PM   #480  
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Hello all!
I haven't posted much, just not much to add I guess. Doing okay with the eeating....sticking to 1200-1400 calories a day....I find that I eat something at breakfast, around 10 am, 12, 3 pm, and then dinner and I try for a snack at seems I really do need to eat that often to keep the stomach from grumbling. Usually I grab a fruit or a cup of soup or a sandwich.... but I keep it below a 200 calorie snack. Seems to be working for me, so I will go with it. Working out....wellllllllll....I am trying! Walked 40 minutes Monday and rode the stationary bike 40 minutes is such an effort, but I am really trying to get to the Y. I find that I am very tired after work.....I am not sure what it is, but I remember I went to the Dr. a year ago for the fatigue....she just said to exercise and eat right, checked me out and so on......Did some blood work to rul out diabetes and thyroid and found nothing so she said it could be chronic fatigue and said to come back if it didn't get better, well it did get better, so I wonder if, since I feel so dragged out again, if it is the seasonal stuff, or just plain tired......I work in education, and this is the long stretch without a break and maybe I just need some days off to rest and revitalize. Spreing break is coming up in a few weeks and the weather will get better we shall see!

Later everyone!
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