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Old 10-28-2004, 12:18 PM   #1  
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Smile Doin' It The Old Fashioned Way #17

Hi everyone!

Since the last thread was getting REALLY long-and there are so many new members of our group-I thought I would have everyone start out once again with a brief roll get the new members up to speed and introduce them to everyone..blah, blah, blah.

This group is dedicated to those of us who lose and maintain weight through simple cutting calories and regular exercise. Most of us are calorie counters, WW points counters, or following another sensible plan where you can eat normally and healthfully-but without completly cutting out food groups (no carbs, no sugar, no fat, etc.) No fad diets (strange food combining or extremely low calorie diets), and no diet pills.

You are welcome to join us!

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Old 10-28-2004, 03:31 PM   #2  
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Hi everyone,

I have been logging on to 3FC for about a year now. I am 47 years old and have 2 grown children and live with my boyfriend. I am an administrative assistant at a plastic recycling plant, (sitting in a chair all day). I love to read everything but sports and politics. I don't know what to do with myself if I don't have something to read. I like to cook and was an aerobic instructor at one time and loved it. I have always tried to keep up with the latest in health and nutrution. I have struggled with my weight since I was 21 years and have never been thin no matter how hard I tried, even when I was teaching 9 advanced aerobic classes per week! OK, I'll stop whining now.

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Old 10-28-2004, 03:32 PM   #3  
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I am consuming between 1400 to 1700 calories and 35 to 50 grams of fat per day. I don't count on Saturdays, this is my day off. I am lifting weights 3 days per week at the gym and using an elliptical trainer for 30 minutes 3 days per week. Before I started counting fat I worked out at the gym 3 days per week, hard, and did not lose a pound. When I started keeping my fat grams below 50, except Saturdays, I lost steadily for about 4 months then stopped losing and have not lost another pound since July. Even when I increased my elliptical work outs from 3 to 5 per week which was very suprising because those things burn lots of calories! My starting weight was 193. I weight 176 now. I had to stop going to the gym for 2 weeks because of my health and I am starting back easy.

Thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate it.

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Old 10-28-2004, 05:15 PM   #4  
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Hi everyone!
I want to address tweaking Deb's plan a little to help her tweak her plan just a little to help her break her plateau-and then I will post again with my bio.

Deb-Okay-there are a couple of things that I want you to try for the next few weeks-and see if there are any changes in your weight, or in your measurements.
I want you to try these changes in your plan-give it some time-and then see if there is any changes over the next 3-4 weeks. Give it a little time.

#1) I am recommending a small change in your 6 days on, 1 day off eating plan. It will still be similar and allow you extra on Saturdays-but I want you to count calories that day as well.

Sunday-Friday:1400-1600 calories (lowering your current limit by 100)
Saturday:1800 calories

You will still have a little more to play with on Saturday-but it is not a totally "free" day. I think a problem here might be consuming a little more than you think you are on your free day-and it could be stalling your losses.
When I was at goal before I had Raiden-I stayed at around 1500-1600 per day and had one free day on the weekend-that is how I maintained my weight. You may have to count on Saturdays until you are at a maintenance phase as well, and then add it back in to keep the weight off.

#2) I am so glad to hear that you are doign strength training 3 days a week! Good for you! What I do recommend is that you vary your cardio. Do the elliptical one day, treadmill the next, etc. Vary it a little. Sometimes that can really help.

Try that for a few weeks and let me know what happens...if it does-great-if not we can try a few other tricks as well.

We're gonna get that weight dropping again for you.

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Old 10-28-2004, 07:38 PM   #5  
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I have been thinking of counting calories on Saturday but I enjoy that day off and have been putting it off. I am going to start counting this Saturday and see what happens. I am at 1175 calories and 33 grams of fat so far today so I will have a snack before bed, maybe some fresh pineapple and lowfat cottage cheese. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes this evening and plan on 15 more minutes before bed. I also need to keep track of what I am going to eat before I eat it instead of after.

Thanks for the help. I really appreciate the time that you devote to this group. You said you are having the same problem as I, lets do it together. I don't know about everyone else but I have done this so many times in my life. Always in the back of my mind I am thinking, "There has to be something wrong with me medically and I am always going to be overweight no matter what I do." I have had people tell me to let it go and be happy with myself the way that I am because they know how hard I have tried. I know myself well enought to know THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! I can never be happy with myself as long as I am overweight. Don't get me wrong. I am never going to be "skinny". I know that. I am an emotional eater. I just want to be normal and look good in my clothes, (and without clothes) instead of trying to hide fat. I am very frustrated right now because I thought I had finally found the plan that would work for me after trying so many, and here I am stuck again. Counting my calories, working my butt off at the gym and still fat. I don't mind doing the work needed to get the job done. I just hate it that the job never gets done.

OK. I will stop whining now. Thanks for listening.


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Old 10-28-2004, 08:55 PM   #6  
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A roll call? OK ... Hello, my name is Susan B. I'm a wife (he's a carpenter), mom (the lad is 22, the princess is almost 21 and the boy is 18), nurse (small rural hospital), country dweller. I walked and counted calories (about 1200 per day) Now I'm tinkering with weights, cardio and maintaining.
I eat right for my blood type (A), prefer whole foods and try to stay 40% of calories protein, 40% carbs and 20% fats. Well ... I try
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Old 10-28-2004, 08:59 PM   #7  
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Hello everyone,
I am a 50 year old woman whom is a mother of 3 grown children and now 4 grandchildren. My husband and I enjoy our family very much and try to be very active with helping out with the kids. My husband has a muscular disease and is disabled from his illness. I went back to school a few years back and got my degree in the human service field. I am a Service Cooridator for the developmental population. I enjoy helping others and for 10 years worked in a school district with special education students. So I followed my interest and now work with adults with special needs. I find the work challenging but rewarding. I help people get the services they need and then ensure the services and supports meet their current and future needs. I enjoy sewing, quilting, knitting, baking and cooking and camping. I like to go on vacations and explore new areas. I just came back from a trip to Seattle to see my son and daughter inlaw.
I battle with my weight and have lost 10lbs over the past year but it comes off slow. I have been able to maintain the loss but need to lose some more. I am 5' 7'' and 170lbs and not small boned by any means. My ideal wt. I think would be 155lbs. please let me know if you have a more accurate calcultation? I have tried to just count fats and fibers in the past, tried low carb, south beach diet etc. Currently I am trying to just cut back and eat healthy and watch the calories, fats and carbs white breads and pastas. I have cut down on junk food and sweets. I do enjoy cooking and having variety in my diet. I take my lunch almost everyday and eat breakfast. I do find it hard to have junk food in the house because its to tempting. But my husband tends to enjoy junk foods and sweets and he can eat them. So it makes it hard. I do enjoy walking and going to the gym. I have gotten out of the routine lately of going to the gym. But this week have exercised 2 x's once walking and then today went to the gym. So I am trying to get the exercise fit into a routine at least 3-4 times a week as I did in the past. In the summer I am very active with the yard work, swimming etc. I gave up the elevator a couple of months ago at work and do the stairs 20. I go up and down appox. 4 times a day and park a ways out. I need to also start to journal again my intake of foods this has helped me in the past beaware of my calories/fats. Well any helpful hints or ideas are always appreciated. Thanks for your support and your time it takes to be active with this site. Your experiences and advice help make others accomplish their goals.
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Old 10-29-2004, 05:24 PM   #8  
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Hello everyone!

I'm Holly, 43 (soon to be 44), married with two boys (21 and 14). During the summer/fall, I am the pastry chef at a private fishing club; from winter/spring, I work in a small country store.

I started my goal of getting in shape in Feb. 2002, by counting calories and exercising regularly. The changes were quite slow at first, then got better. After about 5 months, I had lost about 31 pounds and went to a size 6 or 8. That summer I also learned to ride a motorcycle (which goes equal with exercise as my passions) I am since working on maybe losing a few more pounds, and always working towards more muscle definition and fat loss.

I know I can't allow myself to ever get back to where I was before, which was very unhappy. I now have alot more self-confidence.

The things I love are my family, my motorcycle, Vermont, and my Gilad exercise tapes and I love to bake, of course, but certainly don't do that as often at home as I used to.
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Old 10-31-2004, 03:29 PM   #9  
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Hello All,

Well, What to say about me? I am 46 y/o, married to a great guy (second marriage). I have three step- son's. One is married, and he and his wife have a nine month old son, who is the love of our life. The middle son moved out in August and the youngest will move out the end of the year.( Woo-Hoo, empty nest here we come!)
I have been re-modeling our house on a shoe string budget. Lots of painting, new flooring and tons of elbow grease has done wonders for this old house. I look forward to using the boy's bedrooms when they move out( the middle son still has lots of stuff in his room) I have lots of books in storage so we are converting one of the rooms into an office/library!
I've had some health issues this past year that have contributed to my weight gain. They have since resolved with medication, so I am now working hard to get this weight off. My metabalism seems to be co-operating, as I have lost three pounds this week. (I'm sure some of it is water weight, but I'll take it just the same.) I have been limiting my calorie intake to 1500-1600 cals daily (Whole foods, veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean meats and lite dairy,small amt of good oils)and started walking on the treadmill at home. I need/want to get into an exercise routine. I do better with exercise, if I do it at a certain time ever day. If I leave it to chance, it is just not going to happen.
I am attracted to this group because everyone is caring and supportive of each other. I know that by giving and getting support, my chances of permanent weight loss are good. I look forward to walking this path with you. Irish

Ht 5'5 (medium build)
Highest weight 198
Current weight 185
Goal weight 140-135
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Old 11-01-2004, 09:40 AM   #10  
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Default roll call!

I am Aphil...I just turned 29 this weekend! I am a married mother of two-a 3 year old boy named Raiden, and a 6 year old girl named Jasmine.

My husband is a process engineer in the automobile industry. I am self employed as a costume maker, seamstress, and a vendor of belly dance merchandise. I have been Middle Eastern dancing professionally for 2 years and am the costume director for a local dance troupe. (Yes-I have a "title" in the troupe now. ) I am a member of the costumes and props staff at, and I am a moderator right here at 3FC.

We have two female cats, Clarice and Gollum. (Clarice has markings that look like the "death's head moth" from Silence of the Lambs...and Gollum sneaks up on you in the dark and all you see is glowing eyes-like Gollum from Lord Of The Rings.)

My husband and I are "geeks" and are really into sci-fi and fantasy movies, Seinfeld and X-Files reruns, going to the local coffee shop to hang out and listen to bands, Renaissance Festivals, going to gaming and sci-fi conventions, and meeting up with and "trooping" with the 501st Division. ( We are involved in costume and prop making pretty heavily.

I love to dance and exercise-and I currently belly dance 2-3 days a week, strength train 3 days a week, and also do some walking, Pilates, and light yoga on other days here and there.

I have lost a good deal of weight-although it has been slowly over the last 3 years. My mini goal right now is to get 161-which would put me at the "50 pounds lost" marker. I am hoping to reach 161 by Christmas. My goal weight right now is 140. (I am 5'7")
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Old 11-01-2004, 04:38 PM   #11  
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Hi All

Did every one have a good Halloween? My little girl had a great time. I worked hard all day Saturday into the night on her room . It is painted, soft light yellow at the bottom half and white at the top. Her bed is up and it all looks so nice. She is happy to have a big girls room now and has been sleeping better with the new bed. I have not been doing so good on my eating. Made peanut butter cookies and ate two Well eating is not my biggest concern it is not getting to exercise enouph...... I'm trying not to give up. Reading your advice Aphil has made me want to continue even more. It is finally sunny out and is going to be 80 in November! As for the roll call......

I am 31, married and have a 3 1/2 year old little girl named Taylor and a sweet blonde Golden retriever Jake. "click on my name and see my profile for a picture of Taylor and me last fall, I was at about at the 170's then?". I live in South Carolina but am from Maine. I have lived here for 12 years. I work in Engineering and design power plants for a living. I am very creative, love to draw, sew, cook, walk and make things. I am not a morning person and we all are movie buffs although like to be out side too. I have always been a little on the chubby side growing up but after loosing my job at 25 and going back to college I packed on the pounds, going from like 140 to 212 lbs. I am 5'-3" and at my max at age 29 was 212 and in a size 20. I just walked on my treadmill and did some minor hand weights and floor stuff and ate better foods in small portions 6 times a day and it begain to come off. I have never taken any pills or even counted cals....Just ate fresh foods and walked. The key for me is walking and the 6 small portion of good food like fish, chicken, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, berries, grain breads etc... I would let my self, once a month, have a big meal that I missed like Pizza or Alfrado. I took Sunday off from my workout too. Well a year later I was down to 156 and a comfortable size 12. I then hit a bump in the road. I am working long hours and just sold and bought a new house and since July I have not been walking on my treadmill, only strolls at lunch and have loosend up on my eating habbits. I have gained 10 lbs and am not too happy with my self . I will not give up though and am taking it one day at a time. I am trying to get my mind set back I think that is th key. Wish me luck. I am here alone. I have one close girl friend but all my family is in Maine so I do not have much support. I think I am doing good concidering I have been over weight all my life and am going on a year and a half since I started this. Lets all work together to give new ideas and support. What Aphil says is so true. I begain to stop loosing and only maintain because I was only walking on the treadmill and I got so use to it. You really need to change it up and I have a hard time with that .

Have a great week.......................


Last edited by amoses; 11-01-2004 at 04:47 PM.
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Old 11-02-2004, 02:27 PM   #12  
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Susan B, Have you heard anything on the house appraisal? Hang in there.

I hate daylight savings time all ready. Plus, it has rained every day. If I don't see daylight soon I am going to turn in to a wooly mammoth!

I hope everyone is having a good day. Don't forget to Vote!
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Old 11-03-2004, 08:19 AM   #13  
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How is everyone? Wow I have been busy as of late. My birthday was on Saturday (the 30th) and our anniversary was the weekend before (23rd) we have had a little extra cash coming in the mail here and there for those...and we decided to redo our bathroom.

It sortof started out as me redoing the floor...because the vinyl in there was damaged. Jason had asked me what I wanted for a "gift" and I went in there and showed him the floor. So...we went to Lowe's and I chose some new vinyl. The kids were gone Saturday night (grandma's) so I ended up getting it completely installed by around 2am. Jason had taken up the baseboards and trim so that I could do it. To make a long story short-the project has sort of blown up from there...

We thought-while the trim and baseboards are up-we may as well paint the walls with a fresh coat...and rather than doing a touch up-we completely changed the color. The room is much darker now (just finished the second coat of paint last night) going from white walls and sand colored vinyl-to dark olive walls and vinyl that looks like stone tiles-dark grays/olives/rust.

It is gorgeous-and now I am going to stain the trim and baseboards to freshen/brighten them up before we put them back in later this week. Jason asked me if I wanted to replace them instead-and I said no. I'd rather spend $5 on stain and do the work since there is really nothing wrong with them-they are just "faded out". (I'd rather spend the money on fluffy towels and "pretties" in there instead.

Now we are talking about replacing the little things you don't really think about-like the door stop, the heat register cover in the floor...all the little inexpensive things to make everything new looking. I am pretty excited about it all.

Today is cardio day for me...deciding on whether I want to do regular cardio or dance. Hmmm...

How is everyone else doing?
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Old 11-03-2004, 12:55 PM   #14  
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Hi All ,
Well it's not raining right now and I just finished a nice 20 min brisk lunch walk. It has been overcast for a month! Aphil it sounds like you have been having fun with your bathroom. I just did my little girls room. It went from out dated pinky peach and dark with only one window to bright and pretty with the new light yellow and white furniture. It's fun and I love to see the change and feel like I have something new. I want to put hardwood in my kitchen to warm it up. It is very bright, with light walls, 15 ft ceiling (white), a big window and french door and then sky lights. I love the light but with the white cabinets and floor it is just to washed out. I want honey finished cabinets and black/brown granite.. counter tops but I do not have the money. So I put all stainless steel appliances and then put new stainless handles on the cabinets and I want to put the wood floor? I just don't know how to do it at all! My old kitchen was olive and I loved it but my husband doesn't want it in this house? I think I might do it in a sand color but then I still have no color? I have some stuff in the room with green and red like peppers in oil? I have black cast iron in there too. I just need some color??? I painted my room coffee and it realy looks great with my cherry set which is an ebony stain almost black and my white comforter. Well I feel good that I got my walk in. I lost 2 lbs so instead of gaining 10 back I am down to 8 ? I am trying to keep going with only 34 pounds to go to get my goal and a year and a half in..............I NEED TO DUST OF MY treadmill! Well it is Wednesday, only 2 days to go this week.......


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Old 11-03-2004, 04:46 PM   #15  
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Oh Irish Tart! It's taking forever. I did learn that the house is worth about what we thought and yes we can refinance to cover everything but it's taking sooo long to get everything finalized. I'm not good with uncertainty. It would suit me much better if it was just plain finished! Thanks for thinking of me
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