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Fat Chick B Gone 09-24-2008 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Thin4Good (Post 2376387)
which puts me at

:carrot::woohoo: 20 pounds down!! :woohoo::carrot:

Freaking awesome!!! :dancer:


Originally Posted by Nori71 (Post 2376528)
LOL! I like it...Nortini and Fauxnori!

Ladies - these sound like yummy cocktails :beach:


Originally Posted by djay (Post 2376636)
I have news....
In a word....


Way to go that is such a great thing! :D


Originally Posted by krjpy (Post 2376648)
I just need to suck it up and eat better.

Bingo. Now do it woman! :kickbutt:


Originally Posted by going to lose 200 (Post 2376698)
Hi there
I am leaving for vacation in the morning and just wanted to pop on.

Have fun :)


Originally Posted by Faerie (Post 2376775)
Getting hitched. Moving near Boston, Mass. Going to go back to school to get a degree in <insert degree idea here>.

Big changes - way to go, congrats all around :D


Originally Posted by suitejudyblueeyes (Post 2376952)
So I ran last night 2.2 miles, and I managed to get a TM in front of a mirror - that was a new experience. I've never watched myself run. First thought - I NEED a new sports bra :eek: Those ladies are just flying all around! Second thought - the guy on the bike behind me is totally staring at my butt. :p Third thought - holy thigh muscles, batman! :D

lol i hate looking in the mirror while i run! Good job on the thigh muscles!!

Okay I'm rejoining the living a bit. Not quite ready to run but will take puppies on a long walk tonight and see how I do.
I don't remember who all had butt comments but I have to share one I got this weekend. I was visiting friends I hadn't seen since May and one of the guys whom I've always flirted with said - "you're looking good but man I'm going to miss those hips". I thanked him and said I'd mail him an old picture because they were NOT coming back :D

practiceliving 09-24-2008 02:07 PM

Morning ladies and the hubbies-in-hiding! ;)

Well the bad news is that I had a mini-binge last night. The good news is I stopped, thought, and shut my mouth before it got totally out of hand. My stress levels have been through the roof lately, so I'm pretty proud that I was able to stop and reassess. Today is a new, better day, and I have a plan to try to keep myself in line for the rest of the week.


Originally Posted by krjpy (Post 2376648)
A very small loss of 0.4 lbs. I am still meeting my average for this challenge, so I need some help ladies and hiding husbands of our ladies out there. I need help with my eating. I have been very stressed and using that as an excuse to eat poorly.

Can you make a plan for the next week? Not necessarily a strict plan, but a list of 7 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners to make your way through as the week goes along? I would also take some time one day to prep a ton of fruit and veggies - chop, wash, and throw in the fridge in containers, so that they are prepped for snacking or throwing in the car if you think you'll miss a meal.


Originally Posted by djay (Post 2376636)

:carrot: Congratulations! :carrot:


Originally Posted by chellez (Post 2376700)
Well not really, but I'm having a super hard time getting up and awake in the morning so I end up running a little later than usual. Que the urge to stop at :mcd: Sonic and :o Hardees! Thankfully the farthest I've gotten in that is getting into the right hand lane on the highway, but no turn offs yet!

Here's a thought for those urges... getting off the highway, stopping at the store, and getting back on is probably adding up to a lot of wasted gas! Since gas is soo $$ these days, save the calories AND the cash! :P


Originally Posted by pintobean (Post 2376701)
This is what I paid for my SenseWear version 3:
Total - $ 471.95

:fr: Darn, there goes that idea... that's almost half my rent!


Originally Posted by Thin4Good (Post 2376782)
oh- and a total NSV..... DH told me this morning that my butt felt small. :lol:

:rofl: :rofl: Awesome!


Originally Posted by suitejudyblueeyes (Post 2376952)
I was just talking about this with a coworker - exactly how do you live out those last days, knowing you're leaving? I bet you are SUPER excited to be out of that job. I am excited for you! :D

This is proving to be sooo hard for me right now! I only have a week left at my current job, and finding it very hard to focus and get things wrapped up.

suitejudyblueeyes 09-24-2008 02:24 PM

Man, all of you bar people out there... I tried two kinds of Clif bars and HATED them. Hated! Same with Lara bars (worse than Clif bars). Luna bars are okay, maybe, kind of.

I am all about the Odwalla bars. Odwalla's where it's at, when will you all learn?

Mrs Snark 09-24-2008 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Manick (Post 2377357)
I am not a fan of the Luna bars...they seem like candy bars to me and are rather sweet for my taste. I love Clif bars and am really enjoying the new Maple Nut flavor!

Clif bars I can keep in the house at all times because they aren't quite as tempting as the Lunas. Lunas I buy as a "special treat". But I haven't even seen Maple Nut flavor Clifs at the store, I'll have to look for that, it sounds nommy!

Mrs Snark 09-24-2008 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by suitejudyblueeyes (Post 2377510)
Man, all of you bar people out there... I tried two kinds of Clif bars and HATED them. Hated! Same with Lara bars (worse than Clif bars). Luna bars are okay, maybe, kind of.

I am all about the Odwalla bars. Odwalla's where it's at, when will you all learn?

I remember you saying how good those are but I can't find them at any of the stores I go to! *pouts*

McKenziesmomma 09-24-2008 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by going to lose 200 (Post 2376698)
Hi there
Just a note, I am leaving for vacation in the morning and just wanted to pop on.

Have fun....bring me with you why don't cha? I could use one of those vacation thingys...LOL!


Originally Posted by Faerie (Post 2376775)
Getting hitched. Moving near Boston, Mass. Going to go back to school to get a degree in <insert degree idea here>.

OMG! How exciting....a wedding...a new home...and school for a new career! It's like you are just getting to start from scratch! My wedding anniv. is Oct 16th! So we're just a few days apart! I'm in college right now. Let me tell ya...managing a household while going to school with a full load AND trying to diet and exercise is a feat! I'm strapped for time...I vote we add more hours to the day!!!


Originally Posted by ChristinaGetsFit (Post 2376796)
Ok, and here I was thinking you were super woman lol. Still that's more than I am doing now.

During the summer I was doin 90 min a day...I would do 20 min of 30 day shred...and 60 min walk...if it was too hot I went to th gym and did 30 min treadmill and 30 min elliptical! It was tough...but when you dont' work and school is out for the summer the way I look at it is an hour and 20 min is nothing! NOW....120 min.....that is 30 more min a day...I don't know if I would be up for that...LOL!


Originally Posted by suitejudyblueeyes (Post 2376952)
So I ran last night 2.2 miles, and I managed to get a TM in front of a mirror - that was a new experience. I've never watched myself run. First thought - I NEED a new sports bra :eek: Those ladies are just flying all around! Second thought - the guy on the bike behind me is totally staring at my butt. :p Third thought - holy thigh muscles, batman! :D

First of all OMG! You are sooo funny! I was laughing my booty off while reading this....I can totally relate to the ladies flying around...and another problem I have while jogging...my pants want to fall off...I think it has something to do with the flapping stomach! Gross I know....I am thinking of getting suspenders... ha ha ha :o

McKenziesmomma 09-24-2008 02:48 PM

Had to share this....
Okay, so I'm sure there are some of you who have already figured this little tidbit of information out...but for those of you who haven't or are struggling with food and hunger...here is something I found out today! Thought I would share with my fellow bluesers :hug:

#1. Eat your food slowly! :hungry:

How many times have we all heard this? I know I have heard it about a million times! BUT I still would continue to eat fast...or not pay attention to how fast I eat.....or will eat while watching T.V. or something where I can't pay attention to how fast I'm eating because I'm too busy watching t.v. or doing something else.....well....I have noticed on the days I'm at school I will eat lunch (same thing I eat at home) and fill fuller than normal! So, I have been trying to decifer the difference....and the difference is I eat slower (I eat slower cause I usually eat outside...and whenever someone walks by I won't take a bite cause I don't want them to be thinking..."Oh look at that fat fatty there eating on that bench...looks like it is feeding time at the zoo!"...so anywho...I eat slower)

Since I'm eating slower I'm giving my body time to tell my brain I'm full before I eat wayyyy too much (all my regular plate and then a second plate) not to mention I'm tasting my food more and enjoying it much more!

So how is this helping me?

#2. Stop eating when you are full even if there is some left

Now this doesn't mean stop when you are about to bust at the seams...LOL! Just stop when you are satisfied / full / whatever you want to call it...not hungry anymore!

Then wrap the rest of it up.....IF you get hungry later you can heat and finish up your lunch...this way you haven't gone over any allotted calories or food items.....and again your still full!

So rather than eat too fast and too much...and then get hungry again in a couple hours and eat more....I'm trying to slow down and enjoy the meal and eat until I'm full....then stop....and finish the meal when I get hungry later...if I get hungry later....

So you help yourself by:
Not having seconds and thirds and just over eating in general
AND if you finish your meal later your still not adding any additional calories / points from what you had planned

AND if my some miracle you don't get hungry enough to finish your left overs before your next meal...then that means you are under your calories/ points for the day! and if you do this for each meal....guess what....your looking at a big calorie deficiet!

:grouphug: Hope this helped someone...sorry it is so long!

hadaad 09-24-2008 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Tyler Durden (Post 2374935)
CONGRATULATIONS on your loss! :bravo:

Thank you.

I don't have any current fitness goals, so I need to get on something like that. If I don't have a plan, I'm worried that it's just going to go away.

Right now, I'm trying to think about food choices. I made a good one yesterday. I found myself at the Wal-Mart, hungry, and I walked right by the McDonald's, temptation trying to turn my head (nice alliteration). But I went home and had a chocolate muffin. Sure, I could have chosen something better than that, but that was better than the McD's.

Fat Chick B Gone 09-24-2008 03:51 PM

Clif Bars for the win. The rest of you are nuts.

mountain mama 09-24-2008 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Chick B Gone (Post 2377660)
Clif Bars for the win. The rest of you are nuts.

I heard there's carrot cake cliff bars.. Carrot cake is a MAJOR weakness of mine. I will have to go hunting for one! Although.. I do love the lunas!

suitejudyblueeyes 09-24-2008 04:04 PM

Carrot cake Clif bar was MAJOR FAIL. I had one of those and some kind of blueberry oatmeal something or other. It tasted more like building material than food!

I'm telling you, you all hate Clif bars and you just don't know it yet! :dizzy:

hadaad - you are right, chocolate muffin > mc donald's. Good for you passing up the McDs, it can be an awful temptation when you're hungry and it's right there.

Mrs Snark 09-24-2008 04:12 PM

So, who is having a tough day and needs extra encouragement? Speak up and you shall receive! :cheer3:

Hopefulpinkangel 09-24-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tyler Durden (Post 2377706)
So, who is having a tough day and needs extra encouragement? Speak up and you shall receive! :cheer3:

You know I wish I could shrink you and put you in my pocket so I could always have you around. :hug: You are the best cheerleader ever! :cheer3:

Melissa-Thanks for sharing! Great tips! Oh and I can't wait for Grey's tomorrow! :D

Hopefulpinkangel 09-24-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by practiceliving (Post 2377471)
Well the bad news is that I had a mini-binge last night. The good news is I stopped, thought, and shut my mouth before it got totally out of hand.

Oh my gosh you are my hero! :hug: I struggle with binging too. Being able to stop before it really gets out of hand is a HUGE accomplishment!

So today has been a great OP day so far. We had a birthday party for a co-worker and I did not even have a bite of cake! :carrot: I had brussel sprouts for lunch and a bunch of the guys I work with were giving me crap about the way they smelled. I just told them to bite me! They can all eat their crummy food and watch me get healthier!!

xMeaganx 09-24-2008 04:45 PM

Hello everyone! I have a question for you all, does anyone use Wii fit?
My friend bought me a wii yesterday and I don't play video games! However I was thinking that since I have the wii and I know a little about wii fit that I would buy the wii fit tools and use it in part to my exercise routine. Does anyone have any opinions of the game? I'm not sure if it would be beneficial to buy it, any opinions would be great!

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