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hadaad 09-25-2008 01:33 AM

My tough day was yesterday. Today, I was zombie-like in my lack of energy. Maybe I'll just go to bed now.

strawberryeyes 09-25-2008 02:03 AM

hi everybody keeping track of my exercise really makes me do it but with the cold weather coming i think ill have to join a gym coz i wont be able to go for a walk and the good thing is that hubby alos wants to join with me the gym near us is really nice n also has child care so lets see what happens
wish u all a nice OP day

mj5 09-25-2008 04:52 AM

Hi everyone! I am up way, way too early today....could be a long day! On a positive note, though, I am hoping to hit the farmers market before work today...that always puts me in a good mood!!!

Doragone 09-25-2008 04:55 AM

:flow2:How's my winning Blue team?:flow2:

Well the acupuncture went well, 2 more treatments to go and my knee feels better already, with more ability to stretch my quads than before. She showed me a lot of good stretches too, which I will definitely add to my leg routine. And as for health bars - I eat one Bio-Protein bar every day. I've been eating the chocolate peanut butter, but I tried a double chocolate the other day and it was even better. 21g protein, 35% of almost all your vitamins/nutrients, 2g fiber. Does contain soy, egg and wheat though.:dizzy:

Heather - so sorry you're feeling "crusty". I'm thinking like you, I need a year-round sunny locale. We're looking into investing in some property in Costa Rica - anyone done this or know about it?

Donna - YIPPEEE!!! Onederland - I'm workin' hard to catch up to you by election day - but who knows where you'll be by then!!! Congratulations:carrot:

Kelly - Now stop that!!! :kickbutt: :hug:You know we all love you here, and we want your success. I like Jaime's idea from WW about putting stress relief in a bowl, then pulling one out when you need it. Then of course there's the Jo and Anna dolls for your pocket. Whatever it takes, make a plan for these stressful times - only you know what works for you. Treat yourself - do you ever do this by the way?

Faire - moving to MA . . . I wonder what you're degree will be in . . . maybe you'll become a personal trainer. Well, it works no matter what, since you love change. Enjoy the new digs.

Emily - my DH said that too, "there's nothin' left to grab", but somehow he manages to find . . . something. :D Congrats on the NSV.

Jen - I agree, a Jo doll in our pockets to be our constant cheerleader :cheer3:would be so awesome - well, she's close to that now, I think of her when I don't want to exercise. And you told those guys to "bite me"??? Better watch out, when you start slimming down, they may take you up on that!

Hadaad - your passing by McD:mcd::no: is a milestone - I think the weather is what's got a lot of us flipping over to hibernate mode. It will pass. You still lost this past week, keep up the good work.

Jaime - Thanks for the McD pic - incredible. It IS just product - I just wonder WHAT product. Odwalla bars, eh? You were right about Turbo Jam, I'll have to look into these. Thanks for the tip(s)

Mannick slept.:cloud9:

Kim - moods are up and down? - you and Hadaad need to, uh, work out your problems, uh you know? Running isn't the only way to get hot and sweaty!;)

Still OP, exercise daily, good water intake. Been better at planning meals, still need work on writing them into FD, but I'm on the positive track. Congratulations to all of us sticking it out here together. Here's to a second win. . . Go Bluesers!!!


scarahjs 09-25-2008 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by suitejudyblueeyes (Post 2377776)
As long as nobody's making :carrot: into cake, we're good, right?

A link to share:

Next time you feel like you want a McDonald's hamburger, take a look at that photo. (It's not gruesome or anything, for the squeamish.) I am not saying her methods aren't flawed, I'm not saying there aren't problems with her claims about what this means about McD's hamburgers, but I am saying that 12-year-old food shouldn't look that fresh.

That is soooo crazy that a hamburger can look the same 12 years later. Unbelievable!

scarahjs 09-25-2008 06:24 AM

Well now that I have caught up on most of the posts from yesterday it's time to finish getting ready for work. I have two meetings this morning at work so hopefully it's not tooo boring. I did workout out today and feel ready for the rest of the day. Hopefully everyone stays OP today!! Let's Keep Moving...:dance:

Mrs Snark 09-25-2008 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by KimProbable (Post 2378000)
Where do I sign up?

My head's not in the game this go-around. My eating isn't over the top horrible, but it's not on par with weight loss. I've lost my weight-loss oomph. As the weather has been cooling off I've been outside less and I haven't run since Saturday's race. My moods are up and down and my choices go along with that.

I think you should set some short-term goals. Register for another near-term race or set a 5 pound goal with a reward. Nothing gets your head back in the game like setting -- then achieving -- something tangible. Not some far off goal number, but something you can work towards immediately where every single day RIGHT NOW makes a difference. Apparently it is common to hit a little slump after a big race (and you've had 2 recently) and feel a bit like you're just drifting. Time to refocus on what you want to achieve! You can do it, you've been such an inspiration with your running program, you clearly have commitment and determination to spare! :cheer3: :cheer3:


Originally Posted by chellez (Post 2378380)
Ugh. I spent most of the night planting and shovelling and more planting so I am beat. I'll try to catch up at work tomorrow.


Bet everything looks great and I bet it was good exercise, to boot!

djay 09-25-2008 07:28 AM

I just want to know where I can get my Jo Doll! I agree with Dora. The cooler weather does tend to slow me down and I don't want to let that happen this year! I'm on a roll and I'm on a team that needs me to stay motivated! It felt really good to be on the winning team this week...I want a repeat!!!!

I'm pretty sure I do suffer from SADD. Anyone else? It seems to get really bad around January or February. (hmmm...around my birthday. Maybe I'm just allergic to getting old) Anyway...I thought I might try tanning this year since I heard that the extra dose of light can help. I know it isn't good for the skin...but I just don't want to go into that depressed state again. I turns me into a completly different person that I don't like. I refuse to do anti-depressants again. Anyone had any success with tanning bed lights?

Lovely 09-25-2008 07:53 AM

Jumping in for a moment.

Something in my head clicked yesterday at 2:30 and I was more tired than I've been in a long time.

I went straight home after work and fell asleep around 4:00... and slept until 5:00 this morning! :eek:

Since I was so full of sleep and awake, I decided I might as well get a head start on the day and went to the gym early to work out a bit, shower and then get upstairs to work. So far so good. :)

I guess my body just really needed the sleep!

Since I didn't get to meeting yesterday, I'll be going tonight straight after work.

GirlyGirlSebas 09-25-2008 08:15 AM

Good morning, Bluesers! It's a tad bit cold in 'Jaw-ja" this morning. I didn't want to get out of my nice warm bed. Today is on-plan day 11. I'm doing well with the food, but struggling with my exercise committment. I've not exercised since Sunday and the scales know it. Looks like it's time to write down a formal exercise plan for myself.


Originally Posted by KimProbable (Post 2378000)
My head's not in the game this go-around.

How about some mini-goals? Maybe another race to prep for? Sometimes, our switch flips off, but it will come back on again. Just keep trying.


Originally Posted by Doragone (Post 2378469)
Kim - moods are up and down? - you and Hadaad need to, uh, work out your problems, uh you know? Running isn't the only way to get hot and sweaty!;)

:carrot: Sweat equity, Baby! :D Dora, I love your posts. You're so encouraging and postive.


Originally Posted by djay (Post 2378524)
I'm pretty sure I do suffer from SADD. I thought I might try tanning this year since I heard that the extra dose of light can help. I know it isn't good for the skin...but I just don't want to go into that depressed state again. I turns me into a completly different person that I don't like. I refuse to do anti-depressants again. Anyone had any success with tanning bed lights?

Please re-think the tanning solution. If you are losing weight to be healthy, tanning is counterproductive. Skin cancer won't help with the SADD. Have you talked with your doctor about anti-depressants? I struggle with depression sometimes and the medication helps tremendously.

Today, I'll track all intake on Daily Plate and I will go to the fitness center and workout on the weights again. No more excuses!

Have a great on-plan day!

:cheer3::cheer3::cheer3: GO BLUE! :cheer3::cheer3::cheer3:

djay 09-25-2008 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by GirlyGirlSebas (Post 2378570)
Please re-think the tanning solution. If you are losing weight to be healthy, tanning is counterproductive. Skin cancer won't help with the SADD. Have you talked with your doctor about anti-depressants? I struggle with depression sometimes and the medication helps tremendously.

I have tried anti-depressants. They actually seem to make my mood worse and add anxiety on top of it. Then there is the weight gain. I have tried different ones. I will not be an experament any more. If I keep going at this rate...they wil find one that will kill me! I have been anti-depressant free for 18 months and am finally feeling happy and confident enough to lose weight. I think that tells the story...

I would like to find a drugfree alternative to SADD. that has been the biggest struggle for me. Last year I made it through drug free and it was tough...but no tougher than when I took anti-depressants. Maybe just getting healthy this year will help...I hope so...

Hopefulpinkangel 09-25-2008 08:46 AM

It's dreary and raining here today. Doesn't help my mood at all, but I'm going to pump up my music at work and try not to think about the crumminess outside!

This is my 3rd day OP and I'm really starting to get back into the groove. I just have to make sure that I do well this weekend. Weekends are always tough, but I'm going to plan plan plan so that I'm prepared. :)

Hope everyone has a great OP day!

GirlyGirlSebas 09-25-2008 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by djay (Post 2378610)
I would like to find a drugfree alternative to SADD. that has been the biggest struggle for me. Last year I made it through drug free and it was tough...but no tougher than when I took anti-depressants. Maybe just getting healthy this year will help...I hope so...

I apologize if I came across as too blunt or rude. I've had to watch family members battle skin cancer and I would hate to see you enter the same battle. I have found that removing processed foods and added sugar from my diet has helped quite a bit with the depression issues. Exercise also makes a big difference. I hope you find relief soon.

djay 09-25-2008 09:02 AM

I took no offence to your response :hug: I appreciate your help! I'm just looking for a drug free alternative. I'm hoping you are right. I have been sugar free and have not had processed foods in 3 months. Now I am excersising daily. I have never gone into the "dark" season this healthy before. I hope it is enough...

krjpy 09-25-2008 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by xMeaganx (Post 2377742)
Hello everyone! I have a question for you all, does anyone use Wii fit?
My friend bought me a wii yesterday and I don't play video games! However I was thinking that since I have the wii and I know a little about wii fit that I would buy the wii fit tools and use it in part to my exercise routine. Does anyone have any opinions of the game? I'm not sure if it would be beneficial to buy it, any opinions would be great!

I was actually just reading an article (somewhere) about the hula hooping being a great areobic exercise. Now that being said, I mainly use mine for the yoga. Once I tried everything and managed to earn all my yoga movements, I don't do too much else. I do like the boxing, but somedays it takes more coordination that I have :D If you really want the yoga, and need the strength training, it is great for a beginner, but you will eventually outgrow it, but how long that takes is dependent on how out of shape you are. I still love to do the yoga.


Originally Posted by Doragone (Post 2378469)
Kelly - Now stop that!!! :kickbutt: :hug:You know we all love you here, and we want your success. I like Jaime's idea from WW about putting stress relief in a bowl, then pulling one out when you need it. Then of course there's the Jo and Anna dolls for your pocket. Whatever it takes, make a plan for these stressful times - only you know what works for you. Treat yourself - do you ever do this by the way?

The problem with the bowl is just pulling one out. I need to get one of those halloween bowls with the hand that smacks at you when you reach in:D As for treating myself, I do, I buy new clothes (on sale - my favorite 4 letter word). We are going on a cruise that I have been really having a hard time feeling good about with having to pay for it and my DS testing at the same time (UGH!). I give myself a day off where I allow myself to have something I just don't ever get anymore. I pulled my only can of Boiled Peanuts (if you are from the south you know what I am talking about) out of the pantry the other day and decided that for my 110 lbs lost it would be my treat. Way yoo much sodium, but man they were good. I just have to be careful at this stage not to move into maintenace mode 20 some lbs short of my goal.

NOW - for you Luna Bar lovers ... these are da bomb ... Mojo Dipped Bars - I have found them in 3 flavors and I love them all (Peanut Butter and Jelly - it tastes just like a PB&J Sandwich, bread and all; Chocolate Peanut; yummm; and, Fruit and Nut - which is very sweet when you really need a sweet fix) If you think Luna is your crack, they are 10X better.

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